They're directly responsible for someone's death as a result of choices they've made. How is that not murder?
This would be a case of criminally negligent manslaughter.
They're directly responsible for someone's death as a result of choices they've made. How is that not murder?
Thanks and good for you.. Good for you.I had asthma as a kid, the Doctor told me that some cases of Asthma are gone forever after the kid develops, and that happened to me, never again got it after I turned 13 or 14.
They don't need to for it to be intentional. They intentionally harmed him as a result of choices they made.
You should feel bad for your shit opinion and thinking that a kid should be dead because of "natural selection."
The family should also sue the shit out of the piece of shit school and the principle should go to jail for allowing a child to die.
This is a good point, and I would feel sympathy for the family in this case. I came off really callous, as the kid probably wouldn't have died if he'd had the inhaler. That is tragic, and tragedy shouldn't be necessary to create reasonable policies.
I had asthma as a kid, the Doctor told me that some cases of Asthma are gone forever after the kid develops, and that happened to me, never got it again after I turned 13 or 14.
Absolutely. By withholding his inhaler they intentionally harmed him.
At best. No one is going to be charged and no one should be charged because it'd be impossible to single out any one person as culpable.
What was the rationale? I don't get it.
At best. No one is going to be charged and no one should be charged because it'd be impossible to single out any one person as culpable.
At best. No one is going to be charged and no one should be charged because it'd be impossible to single out any one person as culpable.
If they wanted to make a point, which I doubt they do, the principle is probably the one liable since, while it may not have been his rule to make, it was his rule to enforce.
But yeah, the family will probably get a MASSIVE payout, and we'll never hear about this again. I doubt the school will even change it's policy.
It's easy to only allow kids with asthma to have inhalers. There is no such thing as a gotcha where every kid in the school could now have an inhaler if they wanted toI imagine keeping kids from finding ways to do drugs, only one I can think of. You can't let one person keep it on hand and not enforce if for others so it's an all or nothing policy I imagine. Still so messed up.
I would legit kill the responsible. I don't care.
This is just natural selection at work.
The school board are not doctors. The principal isn't a doctor. I don't see how, legally, these unqualified entities have the right to dictate the medical needs of a student. I don't see how what they did wasn't illegal before anything bad happened.What morons. Kid has asthma. I'm sure has doctor notes to have these inhalers. I have mild asthma myself, its not fun to have an attack. He should have been allowed to use and carry whatever he needed.
Joey's only sane words were his last.
A small collection of inhalers.What would you gain from that?
What would you gain from that?
I would legit kill the responsible. I don't care.
Yeah, but an inhaler isn't there for fun. It's not aspirin. I mean really wtf were they thinking. Strike that, they weren't thinking at all. Call it murder. Put the one responsible in prison. And go up the whole chain.
That's ridiculous. If you don't like government policy, try to get it changed and pull your kid out of school. Don't sue after the fact or expect someone doing their job to go down for murder.
This is just natural selection at work. I feel horrible for the dead kid, and not anyone else.
They didn't know this was going to happen, hence negligence at best.
Shocked he was banned here. He isn't wrong about this being natural selection, as crass and unfeeling as it may be. I'm a type 1 diabetic myself and natural selection clearly wants to ween me out of the gene pool, and only through artificial means am I able to survive. This is the same for this situation.
It's sad and unfortunate, but it is also natural selection at work by survival of the fittest, is it not?
My insulin had to be kept in the nurses office. I always found that a bit absurd.
Wow do they do this in the US? I have never heard of a school locking away someone's inhaler before. It is kind of completely asinine that a non doctor makes a medical decision. This is Bureaucracy at its absolutely most evil.
Yeah, I don't understand it either. I guess you can't be that uncaring on neogaf. I better shape up.
Yeah, I don't understand it either. I guess you can't be that uncaring on neogaf. I better shape up.
How would that happen?
Shocked he was banned here. He isn't wrong about this being natural selection, as crass and unfeeling as it may be. I'm a type 1 diabetic myself and natural selection clearly wants to ween me out of the gene pool, and only through artificial means am I able to survive. This is the same for this situation.
It's sad and unfortunate, but it is also natural selection at work by survival of the fittest, is it not?
My insulin had to be kept in the nurses office. I always found that a bit absurd.
Natural selection gave us brains that gave us civilization that gave us science and other means of circumventing disease, early death and other such hardships. Just because it's no longer limited to our bodies doesn't mean it's not a part of the same process.
Yeah. stuff like that bothers me. Nobody should be punished for approaching things from a logical standpoint vs. an emotional one.
It's very unfortunate this was allowed to happen regardless.