You aren't going to a theatre for a new release for under $30 unless it's by yourself.
how much is a fucking movie where you live
non matinee prices near me are like 7 bucks a ticket
You aren't going to a theatre for a new release for under $30 unless it's by yourself.
What a rip. Needs to be $5-$10 max.
Well, that's not an official and legal way to watch them.In my country people can watch new movies with simple google search.
Facebook live are also popular.
Yes you did not read it wrong......many people here watch movies,tv shows and live sports through Facebook live.
how much is a fucking movie where you live
non matinee prices near me are like 7 bucks a ticket
They're charging that much for 4K digital copies months after release.
That's like saying "How dare they charge $25 for a Blu-ray?" just because it will be $7.99 five or six months later.
Yeah you purchase that 4K for $30 not rent it for $30 for the difference of what 10 weeks? If you're going to throw that much at a one time viewing you might as well enjoy the theater.
I agree with the vast majority of movies. But there are some that are worth seeing on the big screen the rest I have the patience to wait for a home release.I enjoy watching movies at home with just family and friends so much more than watching it in a theater.
Yeah you purchase that 4K for $30 not rent it for $30 for the difference of what 10 weeks? If you're going to throw that much at a one time viewing you might as well enjoy the theater.
What a rip. Needs to be $5-$10 max.
I agree with the vast majority of movies. But there are some that are worth seeing on the big screen the rest I have the patience to wait for a home release.
Holy Shit, from the way some Gaffers are talking in here, I've actually got it good only having to pay $9.00 for Matinee here in Georgia - and I thought that was expensive!
how much is a fucking movie where you live
non matinee prices near me are like 7 bucks a ticket
Unless its the same bitrate as blu ray ill probably end up passing. I don't want dolby pro logic. I didnt spend good of money on a home theater to get a sub par experience. Now if it allows preloading (so it doesnt have to pause to buffer) 1080p and lossless audio I would actually watch way more new releases than i do now.
If not ill watch in the theater and then wait for the home release on disc.
There in lies the difference between us.
It has been quite a while since I have enjoyed the theater experience.
I still try for movies I want to support, but whether it is loud kids, giggling idiots, crying babies, fucktards who happened to read something online before they came and consider themselves an expert and can't shut up, the idiot trying to play off that they are at a sci fi or horror movie to their date so they shit on it through the entire thing, people with adolescent bladders who constantly get up back and forth...
Vs home, 55" HDR 4k with decent sound system, my comfy couch, something just cooked and my comfy pants.
That Simpson's pic could be a peek into the future. This could spawn some unique entrepreneur viewing experiences to fix what's wrong with the big box theaters.I am so setting up an illegal cinema in my backyard when this launches.
Damn, I picked the wrong thread.
I don't know about you guys, but at least 50% of the reason I watch a movie in the theater is because I want that theater experience. I don't care how good your home system is, unless you live in a theater, I'm always going to prefer that giant screen and ridiculous sound.
Where do you guys live? Matinee here costs 6.50 per ticket (Houston, TX) .... 30$ is way too much. BTW I don't buy any concessions so yeah.. Then again I never go opening night to any movie as it is crowded and I do not care for the crowds and noise.
how much is a fucking movie where you live
non matinee prices near me are like 7 bucks a ticket
Thirty American dollars?!?!?! fuck outta here
What a rip. Needs to be $5-$10 max.
$30-50 for a rental is insane. At those prices, the only incentive is to keep waiting.
GAF is a strange place when discussing the value of money.
This is considered poor value for $30
yet $30 to watch a not so new release in your own home is good value.