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Stupid Xbox Tricks


I'm a recent owner of a new Xbox, so I've been poking around with things lately. I was made aware of a USB>Memory Card adapter that Microsoft gives away (well, $7 shipping) for keyboard support in Phantasy Star. I don't have PSO, but I believe some homebew apps support it, and I heard that it will let you use USB mass storage as a mem card.

I got it today, and I almost ruined my buddies USB keychain drive. The Xbox formatted it (as FATx I assume), and it worked fine. But I had some troubles getting Windows to reformat it back to FAT32. Eventually it worked itself out.

Anyways: I have an Action Replay that I used to soft-mod the Xbox. I wondered, what would happen if I plugged in the USB dock for the AR into the memory card slot?


And it worked! It even read the name of the memory card properly. I guess it shouldn't be suprising, since the whole controller/memory card port on the Xbox is USB to begin with. But it amused me.

Theoretically it would've worked with my digital camera too, but it was taking too long to format.

Of course it was only today that I realized that I don't even have a USB keyboard...
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