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Suddenly getting a severe high pitched ringing in my right ear.


As title suggests, high pitched ringing in right ear. I don't wear ear buds or ear phones, I don't shoot guns, I don't listen to super loud music. I recently got over a cold but I feel great now. I'm honestly kind of freaking out, I'm genuinely scared that I have something fucked up and permanently wrong with me. Been having a cold drainy feeling in the back of my throat for whatever that's worth.

Should I be worried? I was reading this could be a sign of syphilis, should I be freaking out about that? I'm really scared right now. Thinking about going to the doctor first thing in the morning.


I do wash it.

As for all the tinnitus stuff, why would I be getting it? I'm super good to my ears, used to go to concerts a lot in my 20's but haven't for years? I've been out of the army for ten plus years, why is this happening now?
Came out of nowhere for me about a year a half ago. No concerts or earbuds or anything like that ever. Got an MRI even to check for a tumor. Just happens and it's shit. Hopefully you just have an ear infection or something simple and it goes away.


Came out of nowhere for me about a year a half ago. No concerts or earbuds or anything like that ever. Got an MRI even to check for a tumor. Just happens and it's shit. Hopefully you just have an ear infection or something simple and it goes away.
Jesus Christ dude. This is bad. Like....is there anything that can be done? Is this all the time? No relief? Because I feel like I genuinely can't deal with this. This is gonna drive me insane dude, seriously. Is there an implant or medication that mitigates symptoms at all?


Congestion from your cold probably messed with your eustachian tubes, triggering tinnitus.

See an ENT if it doesn't resolve on its own.
Thanks man seriously. I'm kind of freaking out, needed someone to tell me it might not be that serious. I really hope it's just a cold complication, because this is straight up insanity stuff. How long do think I should wait to see a doctor about it?


Jesus Christ dude. This is bad. Like....is there anything that can be done? Is this all the time? No relief? Because I feel like I genuinely can't deal with this. This is gonna drive me insane dude, seriously. Is there an implant or medication that mitigates symptoms at all?
There are some things you can try but they aren’t proven. My ENT told me to try Ring Relief but again with the disclaimer that there isn’t any medical proof they work they just sometimes do.

Didn’t work for me. Honestly it has either gotten better or I’m just used to it. I remember reading Shatner and Nimoy both got it on the set of Star Trek due to a bad pyro and were close to suicidal but trained themselves to drown it out.


Thanks man seriously. I'm kind of freaking out, needed someone to tell me it might not be that serious. I really hope it's just a cold complication, because this is straight up insanity stuff. How long do think I should wait to see a doctor about it?
Make an appointment with your general doc asap and get a referral to an ENT if you don’t already have one. It could verily likely be the cold, it’s all connected. Try this for some temp relief.



Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Thanks man seriously. I'm kind of freaking out, needed someone to tell me it might not be that serious. I really hope it's just a cold complication, because this is straight up insanity stuff. How long do think I should wait to see a doctor about it?
Up to you. If it's bothering you a lot then it would seem sensible to check with a medical professional.


There are some things you can try but they aren’t proven. My ENT told me to try Ring Relief but again with the disclaimer that there isn’t any medical proof they work they just sometimes do.

Didn’t work for me. Honestly it has either gotten better or I’m just used to it. I remember reading Shatner and Nimoy both got it on the set of Star Trek due to a bad pyro and were close to suicidal but trained themselves to drown it out.
I tried just now to ignore it and not think about it and I got like a good five seconds in. I suppose I could learn to live with it, but goddammit if this isn't disheartening man.


Thanks man seriously. I'm kind of freaking out, needed someone to tell me it might not be that serious. I really hope it's just a cold complication, because this is straight up insanity stuff. How long do think I should wait to see a doctor about it?
Are doctors free where you live? If so, just go right away, the worst thing is the line-up.


Make an appointment with your general doc asap and get a referral to an ENT if you don’t already have one. It could verily likely be the cold, it’s all connected. Try this for some temp relief.

The sound of that is really relaxing, though I still hear the ringing. Wish I could listen to that all night but I feel like my wife would stab me lol. Thanks man seriously.


The sound of that is really relaxing, though I still hear the ringing. Wish I could listen to that all night but I feel like my wife would stab me lol. Thanks man seriously.
There are some others that are just kind of bleeps and bloops, may mask it better for you but I can’t find the link atm.

Glad to be of some help and I really hope it’s temporary for you, and if it’s from the cold it will likely be temporary. I wasn’t sick at all, just woke up with it.


There are some others that are just kind of bleeps and bloops, may mask it better for you but I can’t find the link atm.

Glad to be of some help and I really hope it’s temporary for you, and if it’s from the cold it will likely be temporary. I wasn’t sick at all, just woke up with it.
I'm sorry you're dealing with that brother. I knew tons of guys in the Army with tinnitus but never thought much of it. It seemed so common and I just chalked it up to combat arms stuff ya know? Seemed to mostly affect infantrymen, so figured it'd never happen to me as I was a pencil pusher.

Now I realize what they were going through. Poor guys man. Perspective is worth a lot. Wish I knew then what I know now


I'm sorry you're dealing with that brother. I knew tons of guys in the Army with tinnitus but never thought much of it. It seemed so common and I just chalked it up to combat arms stuff ya know? Seemed to mostly affect infantrymen, so figured it'd never happen to me as I was a pencil pusher.

Now I realize what they were going through. Poor guys man. Perspective is worth a lot. Wish I knew then what I know now
Yeah that really sucks especially when the ear protection they relied on was faulty and doing nothing.


Perpetually Offended
I had really bad ringing in my ears and I convinced myself it was just tinnitus... Turned out it was an infection. I was too late in going to see a doctor about it. I ended up profoundly deaf in both ears. I now have a cochlear implant to hear again (from my EARLY 20s to my 33rd year... I learned ASL and love being part of the community) ...

Don't wait... Get it checked out NOW!


I had really bad ringing in my ears and I convinced myself it was just tinnitus... Turned out it was an infection. I was too late in going to see a doctor about it. I ended up profoundly deaf in both ears. I now have a cochlear implant to hear again (from my EARLY 20s to my 33rd year... I learned ASL and love being part of the community) ...

Don't wait... Get it checked out NOW!
Jesus Christ man. Going to the doc tomorrow. Thanks for the advice. Sorry about your ears brother, but I love your positive attitude about it. I could stand to have some of that.


Gold Member
Worst thing you can do is listen to nerds on the internet (no offence nerds) who are diagnosing you with limited info. Ringing in your ear could be a number of things tinnitus only being one of them.

Watch The Sound of Metal (think its on Amazon) if you really want to be freaked out about ringing in your ears.

My diagnosis is probably Chlamydia, going off the info.

Seriously though get your self checked out by a professional, the longer you leave it, the worse it could get.
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All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Sounds like tinnitus. Minor hearing damage. The ringing will either fade or be permanent.


I got it about six months ago. I went to an ENT, had an audiogram to rule out a tumor, and it ended up being TMJ. I only get it in my right ear. It has either lessened or I am used to the hum. In my search for answers, I do recall reading that if it is one and not both ears, it is likely caused by something like infections, benign nodes, or in rare cases cancer. Get it checked soon!
I truly feel for those that have it in both ears. I am also grateful mine is a dull hum and not screeching or banging as some have. Good luck!!


bad news prolly tinnitus.

good news you'll get used to it, people get used to much much worse like blindness or having your dick rot off like Harvey Weinstein.


I do wash it.

As for all the tinnitus stuff, why would I be getting it? I'm super good to my ears, used to go to concerts a lot in my 20's but haven't for years? I've been out of the army for ten plus years, why is this happening now?

I was always super good to my ears, until the moment i started to ride on a motorbike and the wind sound in my helmet wrecked my ears in striaght up a single day. Found this out 10 years later that this probably was the cause.

My journey has been, waking up at some point with constant noise, not being able to sleep anymore, going nuts. Visited every doctor on the planet. Every doctor on the planet couldn't do shit. Just zoned out for a few weeks, after that i realized it reduced if i would stand under a shower as the shower hitting my neck and head kinda covered it up. Showered a lot. At some point i got used towards it or it reduced a bit and with constant noise in my room ( movie / music ) i could fall asleep decent.

Still in complete silenced areas = complete cancer to your ears tho. U need sound at all times in some form.

Hope yours goes away tho.
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The Cockatrice

Gold Member
Its tinnitus but that doesnt just popup out of nowhere especially if you never wore headphones/earphones, or work in a loud environment and never had it. It's an infection and you need to go to a dr asap. They'll prolly just give you either ear drops or some nazal spray, maybe an antibiotic as well. Take care.

Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
why is this happening now?
The cruelty of old age, embrace it. Hearing loss sucks, hope you get some relief OP.

Matt Damon Grandpa GIF


Just see a doctor and get your ears checked. Best to eliminate any other potential causes than tinnitus.

And if it is tinnitus? Well, tough, but there are ways to learn to live with it. Staying focused helps me. I listen to music or podcasts while doing hobbies and at those times I don't hear it at all. Tinnitus is just a sound, and like any sound it can be ignored. It's like if you're having a conversation with someone, those are the sounds you hear. You don't notice the sounds from other things so much, like cars, birds, footsteps etc.

It's hard as hell at first, but it gets better. And if you end up with permanent tinnitus, your wife is just gonna have to learn to deal with listening to some rain or something at night. It's that, or your health deteriorating. There are pillows with sound and such you can get, but really expensive compared to just playing a 10 hour rain sound on spotify.

Also, I'd like to recommend you an app. Resound Relief. It's made by tinnitus experts and it allows you to put together your own sound. Add in rain, cicadas, some relaxing ambient music, white noise, brown noise, and just find what works best for you. It might mask your tinnitus completely.

However, it's important to turn it down a little. If the background noise is louder than the tinnitus then you can end up getting louder tinnitus. You wanna still hear it, but have something else to focus on to help you ignore it.

One more thing. Relax. Very important. You sound very stressed, and I don't know if you deal with a lot of stress generally or it's just this, but stress is not good for tinnitus. Stressful days make it worse. And it's faster to build up tinnitus than to decrease it.

So do enjoyable things, make sure to have time to yourself. Listen to some music you like. Have a glass of wine. Even meditate. Whatever works for you.

And go see the doctor.


As title suggests, high pitched ringing in right ear. I don't wear ear buds or ear phones, I don't shoot guns, I don't listen to super loud music. I recently got over a cold but I feel great now. I'm honestly kind of freaking out, I'm genuinely scared that I have something fucked up and permanently wrong with me. Been having a cold drainy feeling in the back of my throat for whatever that's worth.

Should I be worried? I was reading this could be a sign of syphilis, should I be freaking out about that? I'm really scared right now. Thinking about going to the doctor first thing in the morning.

Probably this sadly, my dad got Tinnitus after covid and it made him absolutely miserable, as the high pitch ringing got worst and worst, he couldn't sleep and would get drunk to just try and escape it, sadly that doesn't really get you high quality sleep.

It took months and months for him to be seen by the NHS with numerous cancelled appointments by them.

Anyway he has a hearing aid in his ear now, what does something with the frequencies he is missing that helps drown out the ringing noise.

Whilst he isn't getting the best sleep now, he is getting a good 5+ hours now, where as before he would struggle to get 2 hours or so.

Definitely did a number on my dad stress wise.

I hope you get it sorted and resolved asap.


I had this once was my left ear was blocked with ear wax nurse used what looked like a miniature pressure washer and out came a SHIT TON of wax felt so good afterwards like i had super hearing !
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Little Mac

Gold Member
I suddenly got tinnitus in my right ear and then later started getting terrible vertigo spells. After some testing, an ENT also noticed I had substantial hearing loss in my right ear. Countless doctor examinations later, I was eventually diagnosed with something called a Unilateral Vestibular Hypofunction. Had to do roughly 4 months of physical therapy to rewire my brain to use sight and movement as a way to maintain balance (basically I'm a fucking T-Rex), instead of the little sensors in the ears. Don't know how I got it, but all the symptoms would seem to just come and go which made me believe the doctors didn't know what the fuck they were doing. It's honestly wrecked havoc on my life, career, finances and I'm still recovering. Having said all that, after trying fucking everything, I notice that eating a Paleo type diet seems to keep my tinnitus, vertigo, and hearing loss issues at bay. Because it restricts certain foods like gluten, dairy and legumes, I think I possibly developed a food allergy(s) well into my adulthood and that was causing me these issues. I'm not a doctor, but I'd suggest getting an extensive allergy and/or food sensitivity test done to see if that might be causing your issue.

"Let food be thy medicine." - Hippocrates

GIF by Vidiots
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Even if you had it forever, which is very very unlikely, you will adapt and your brain will learn to filter it.

I also have my own hearin gissues that put my life upside down. I know you took care of your hearing, so I know how getting any issue sucks twice, but belive, if anything, be grateful it's only tinnitus.
sounds like you got the tinnitus!

being exposed to loud noises can bring it on either gradually over time or a single loud exposure but if not then it could just be age (if you're like over 50 or something). if you've just got over a cold it might be that...maybe you feel fine but your body might still be recovering. could be a build up of ear wax. you might not notice any hearing changes but could still be wax.

if it doesn't go away in the next week or two then go see a doctor. if it is tinnitus then not much you can do about it. you just gotta deal with it. i have it and thankfully it's not too bad and only in one ear. it's only when i'm in a quiet room i can hear it (i can hear it right now!). it makes sleeping difficult at times. turn a fan on or listen to some white noise. that should drown it out.

Does any dj or musician or whoever stay close to loud music get tinnitus?
musicians are at high risk of tinnitus. they should always wear hearing protection. i used to play in a lot of bands and go to a shit load of concerts and i have it.

one time i did fire a gun by accident and without hearing protection and that fucking hurt. it felt like my ear drums were getting hammered in. i think that might have done some damage lol.
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Probably this sadly, my dad got Tinnitus after covid and it made him absolutely miserable, as the high pitch ringing got worst and worst, he couldn't sleep and would get drunk to just try and escape it, sadly that doesn't really get you high quality sleep.

It took months and months for him to be seen by the NHS with numerous cancelled appointments by them.

Anyway he has a hearing aid in his ear now, what does something with the frequencies he is missing that helps drown out the ringing noise.

Whilst he isn't getting the best sleep now, he is getting a good 5+ hours now, where as before he would struggle to get 2 hours or so.

Definitely did a number on my dad stress wise.

I hope you get it sorted and resolved asap.

It gets better.

I was bordering on suicidal for the first six months of having it. Mine is in both ears, though worse in right. Constant, high pitched ringing, like cicadas with sharpness turned right up.

These days I cope with it not too bad. But it never really ever goes away. The key thing is to not let it distress you. The sound isn't the problem, it's the way you let it affect you that is.

Really hard thing to get on top of.


Gold Member
sounds like you got the tinnitus!

being exposed to loud noises can bring it on either gradually over time or a single loud exposure but if not then it could just be age (if you're like over 50 or something). if you've just got over a cold it might be that...maybe you feel fine but your body might still be recovering. could be a build up of ear wax. you might not notice any hearing changes but could still be wax.

if it doesn't go away in the next week or two then go see a doctor. if it is tinnitus then not much you can do about it. you just gotta deal with it. i have it and thankfully it's not too bad and only in one ear. it's only when i'm in a quiet room i can hear it (i can hear it right now!). it makes sleeping difficult at times. turn a fan on or listen to some white noise. that should drown it out.

musicians are at high risk of tinnitus. they should always wear hearing protection.

i just to play in a lot of bands and go to a shit load of concerts and i have it.

one time i did fire a gun by accident and without hearing protection and that fucking hurt. it felt like my ear drums were getting hammered in. i think that might have done some damage lol.
Lol i already suffer from insomnia so i only sleep like 4 hours every night, tinnitus would be my fucking end...
Lol i already suffer from insomnia so i only sleep like 4 hours every night, tinnitus would be my fucking end...
luckily i would say i don't have severe tinnitus. maybe i have got used to it but it doesn't bother me as much now. there was a time i felt miserable, depressed, and angry because of it. i can sleep fine now but i remember many nights where i'd spend hours trying to get to sleep and then the lack of sleep made me feel even worse. i was getting agitated and very bitchy lol. i had to leave a fan on or play white noise.

it's not fun so take good care of your ears! :)


It gets better.

I was bordering on suicidal for the first six months of having it. Mine is in both ears, though worse in right. Constant, high pitched ringing, like cicadas with sharpness turned right up.

These days I cope with it not too bad. But it never really ever goes away. The key thing is to not let it distress you. The sound isn't the problem, it's the way you let it affect you that is.

Really hard thing to get on top of.
Yeah it was really taking a toll on my dad, since getting the ear piece it has definitely uplifted him, I was genuinely worried if my dad would make it till the end of the year prior.

Sounds absolutely awful to deal with.
Try some eustachian tube tests just to see if that part of your inner ear is clogged or not.

the one I remember better is you hold your nose and then try to blow the air in your lungs to the nose increasing ear pressure. basically you should feel the same on both years.

If one of them does nothing or does something different (in the spectrum of less) then the tube isn't working as it should.

It's really important for listening, I had like one year and a half where I couldn't listen to music with headphones due to it.
Lol i already suffer from insomnia so i only sleep like 4 hours every night, tinnitus would be my fucking end...
There's have been big improvements on non invasive tinnitus treatments in the last few years although I don't know if they're mass available yet. Plenty old musicians and actors have been using a thing to reprogram their brains to ignore the tinnitus, the way it works is basically how you learn to disregard an alarm clock, a train passing by when you live closeby and many other things.

Here it is:

-> https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-tinnitus-idUSKBN1F82MG
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