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Suddenly getting a severe high pitched ringing in my right ear.


To all those suffering from this condition I humbly ask this question. Would you choose to permanently damage/remove your ears, or would you live the rest of your life managing the symptoms?

I've had temporary tinnitus in the past from extended sessions of using earphones at higher volumes and it was absolutely unbearable. It was like somebody was drilling inside my head and no matter what I did to outrun the damn thing, it was always there.
lol no i could never give up my hearing even in just one ear. plus, even if i done a van gogh on myself it wouldn't go away. i believe it's an issue with the cells in your cochlea (inner ear) and the nerve connecting to that and your brain. so you'd need to get real deep into your head and mess with your brain. if you done it yourself you could easily kill yourself. if there was a surgery you could get to do it relatively safe then i wouldn't blame people if they got it done but nah not me.

mines isn't too bad. it's only one ear. i used to struggle to sleep because of it but i have learned to live with it. i can sleep no problem now and most of the day i don't notice it. it's only when i'm sitting in a quiet room but if it starts to bother me i just go keep myself busy to take my mind off it. also i don't know if i'm imagining it but i feel like it "flares up" at times. the last couple days i've noticed a lot more than usual.
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The Cockatrice

Gold Member

To all those suffering from this condition I humbly ask this question. Would you choose to permanently damage/remove your ears, or would you live the rest of your life managing the symptoms?

I've had temporary tinnitus in the past from extended sessions of using earphones at higher volumes and it was absolutely unbearable. It was like somebody was drilling inside my head and no matter what I did to outrun the damn thing, it was always there.

I been wearing headphones all my life work/gaming, etc. I have tinnitus but its not constant, at night sometimes I cna hear it, sometimes it goes away but I would never ever pick loosing my hearing over it. Thats just insane.


Crazy how many there are with tinnitus.

It's definitely one of the major illnesses/complaints that goes under the radar in society. And yet it can cripple people emotionally and mentally.

Whoever comes up with an effective remedy for it is going to be a billionaire, and I have to wonder why there doesn't appear to be more research and development.
Worst thing you can do is listen to nerds on the internet (no offence nerds) who are diagnosing you with limited info. Ringing in your ear could be a number of things tinnitus only being one of them.

Watch The Sound of Metal (think its on Amazon) if you really want to be freaked out about ringing in your ears.

My diagnosis is probably Chlamydia, going off the info.

Seriously though get your self checked out by a professional, the longer you leave it, the worse it could get.

How did you get a Chlamydia diagnosis from ear ringing? Sex in the ear?!

Anyway I'm sure it's fine bro. I get it sometimes too. Nothing bad ever happened.


I get it, too. Comes and goes. I just chalk it up to decades of drumming and loud music.

Sucks at night, tho. I've been sleeping to rain and ocean sounds for years because of it. Even installed speakers in my bed headboard for that purpose.

Can't sleep when it's dead quiet.
And no I never had ear sex.
To add to my earlier reply, you should definitely see a doctor and get a referral to a specialist. Ringing in the ears is one of the three symptoms necessary to be diagnosed with Ménière's disease. It’s fairly rare, but should get it checked out anyway just to be safe.
Its tinnitus but that doesnt just popup out of nowhere especially if you never wore headphones/earphones,
It's really important for listening, I had like one year and a half where I couldn't listen to music with headphones due to it.
What about using those earphones that works like little dildos for your ears?
This is something I've always worried about. I use earphones on a daily basis, though I have the volume at around the 30 to 40 percentage on my phone. I have had temporary bouts with tinnitus immediately after long sessions which fortunately goes away.


Gold Member
This is something I've always worried about. I use earphones on a daily basis, though I have the volume at around the 30 to 40 percentage on my phone. I have had temporary bouts with tinnitus immediately after long sessions which fortunately goes away.
I was talking about this stuff


I heard they are pretty shit as headphones but probably the only type the doesn't cause tinnitus.
I heard they are pretty shit as headphones but probably the only type the doesn't cause tinnitus.
Well that's the discussion though, do earphones cause tinnitus? Many people say that at lower volumes they don't, it's only at the other end of the spectrum do problems occur.
Well many people use earphones at high volume...
But I don't though, I'm always keeping them at around 10 on Microsoft Windows and maybe 5 blocks on iPhone. I've had some occasional tinnitus after long sessions, but that hasn't happened in a while.


Golden Boy
What is it with people these days that they rather ask a bunch of radoms on the net than a doctor?

The few times i simply googled a condition it always told me i had cancer or something.
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I developed tinnitus about 2 years ago, probably due to stress. It drove me mad for the first few months and I wondered how I'd cope with it long term. However, I learned to block it out most of the time and even when it's bad I've got to a point where it rarely bothers me.

It has come along with some minor hearing loss which is a bit depressing. However, most people just talk bollocks most of the time so not being able to hear them can be a blessing.

I know what triggers it (stress, colds, caffeine, hangovers mainly) but also certain video games set it off. Dark Souls = instant tinnitus for some reason. I think it's because it's such a stressful game to play. Anyone else find this?
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Neo Member
I have had noise induced tinnitus for over 20 years and also experienced exactly the same symptoms as op which made it far worse for a period of time but figured out how to make it better. First, go to the doctor and check you don't have an ear infection, even if they can't see anything it might be worth taking a course of antibiotics to be sure.

Also, don't panic. Although inner ear issues can take a LONG time to heal, they do get better and tinnitus reduces.

This is what really helped me:

1.Drink lots of water every day.

2. Use a steroid nasal spray like a Avamis daily (get from doctor) to reduce inflammation in the middle ear.

3. Sit and stand up as streight as possible (don't slouch) to allow eustatian tubes to drain better. Try not to spend too much time lying down on your side.

4. Be patient and try not to focus on it.
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Perpetually Offended
Jesus Christ man. Going to the doc tomorrow. Thanks for the advice. Sorry about your ears brother, but I love your positive attitude about it. I could stand to have some of that.

Even if you lose your hearing, technology has come a long arse way! I can hear everything! Which can be a problem, sometimes. LoL! But also some advantages!

Did you get checked out?



To all those suffering from this condition I humbly ask this question. Would you choose to permanently damage/remove your ears, or would you live the rest of your life managing the symptoms?

I've had temporary tinnitus in the past from extended sessions of using earphones at higher volumes and it was absolutely unbearable. It was like somebody was drilling inside my head and no matter what I did to outrun the damn thing, it was always there.

The worst part about tinnitus is when u first get it and u need to get used towards it. This can take a long time.

For example, when i got it. I would go insane i couldn't sleep. I felt absolutely dog shit. Only thing i heard was the god dam sound in my head, terrible. After weeks of exams and months of research i realized it was futile it is what it is. At this point i just started to keep myself busy non stop until i was so tired i would just fall asleep. The key is keep yourself busy and u will not notice it.

For example, i would go to fitness, then i would work, come back walk in the park with music on. Come home eat fast, then socialize a bit and sit behind my PC watching a movie + reading a forum + gaming, then when i get tired and i got to go sleep, i put on a movie and go in my bed and watch it while i zone out in 3 minutes.

Before that i would always sit in a silenced room, always do only 1 thing, and just chill and sleep in a room that is dead quiet. I would get annoyed by the smallest sound i would hear at that point.

This really helps me, and basically while the sound is god awful i can hear it pretty good, i by far prefer it then not hearing at all. I have my ears sometimes clogged and got dam its shit to not hear.

I would love to have some "turn off sound button on my skull tho at times" but that's about it.


I sometimes get a few second high pitched sound in my ear, which fades away quickly. Tried to read about it and I always get refered to tinnitus. But I doubt its tinnitus. These occurances are very irregular and months can pass without it reoccuring. And thankfully it doesn't get worse either.


I sometimes get a few second high pitched sound in my ear, which fades away quickly. Tried to read about it and I always get refered to tinnitus. But I doubt its tinnitus. These occurances are very irregular and months can pass without it reoccuring. And thankfully it doesn't get worse either.

mah that's just normal, you can get that from bad posture at times or if you're stressed. I know multiple people that reported the same, which is why I assume and always have that this just happens from time to time.

I also had that my whole life, I usually get it when I have my neck in a weird position for too long


Don’t read articles on the internet about ailments. They are designed around worse case conclusions, for some reason. Just see a trusted doc.

Extremely good advice... especially for something like tinnitus, which is a condition exacerbated by anxiety and stress... which are what you are going to feel by going online and reading the stories from other people who are stressed and anxious about their tinnitus!

It's one massive self fulfilling prophecy.
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