Identifies as young
If you buy this game at full price you are an absolute fool. Expect deep discounts nearly immediately after launch.
I'm getting it on Gamefly. Primarily because I heard the cutscenes were really good.
If you buy this game at full price you are an absolute fool. Expect deep discounts nearly immediately after launch.
I don't think it'll go to Game Pass is 6 to 8 think you mean days, not months. If sales dont do well, go for engagement records!!
I know I'm in a small minority, but I don't outright hate what I've seen. The U.I. is absolutely a sore spot, but the idea of doing all that with some buddies does come across as appealing to me. I had a decent time with Gotham Knights myself so..
We'll see, I am in no rush to play this, so if it's bad, it's really no biggie to me.
I give it six months before the close is announced and Rocksteady is shut down.
I didn’t hate it but I didn’t love it. It’s clear there’s some degree of passion here but wrapped heavily in some of the weakest design trends of the last decade - everyone’s seen the giant purple zits but have you seen the giant purple zit tank? The giant purple zit force fields? If AIM in The Avengers got old after a month, I was over the Brainiac army in one weekend. The “weak point“ design could make a Zelda boss blush.
The amalgam of design influences is probably the most jarring aspect. After mucking about in the open-world, where you can actually switch characters freely like Marvel Ultimate Alliance, you might find yourself in a mission and this mechanic is suddenly prohibited. Certain characters can get hype or whatever and it’ll encourage a switch for bonus XP but that’s about all the switching you can do mid-mission, and not nearly as dynamic as it is in the open-world. I suspect it’s due to loot being instanced per character during missions, but this feels really restrictive.
There’s also this mind-boggling Rockstar-esque mission boundary where you can’t leave the proximity of an ongoing mission, which might make sense but given the games verticality and traversal based combat it was VERY easy to find myself triggering game over states by sliding just far enough for Amanda Waller to deem me AWOL.
Combat and traversal are tied heavily together and is a bit disorienting at first - you’ve got your shooting, counter shot, a melee, an airborne “ult” as well as a “Suicide Strike”, your typical superhero game takedown move. This was my first major disappointment in seeing just how tied to shooting everything is - fans of melee action in Avengers won’t find much in common here. When an enemy resists regular shooting, you’ll shoot a counter shot, and when the blue shield harvest prompt pops up you’ll push melee. Personally I found the actual mechanics tedious and visually repulsive - blue shield bubbles litter the ground in combat and yellow sniper glints from all sorts of directions will test your sensory overload for sure. My favorite character to play, Captain Boomerang, became especially egregious upon leveling up skills that introduced even more visual garbage like a literal slot machine hovering over the character’s head.
Lastly, the story and presentation at the very least kept me engaged well enough. A certain fan-favorite Batman mission treats you to the perspective of a goon being preyed on by the Caped Crusader himself. The writing is *very* James Gunn inspired, but I get it. Outside of the more story based missions there are a handful of mission types that retread familiar ground in the live-service space - Hordes, points, king of the hill, etc. if you played Avengers you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s not the most inspiring and I could easily see myself strictly beelining the story if I can help it.
All-in-all as a fan of Marvel’s Avengers what I’d like to have seen more from this kind of game is a fleshed out power fantasy fitting the titular characters - suffice to say I’m unfamiliar with the version of Captain Boomerang that can run like the Flash, and maybe I missed the part in the films where King Shark uses a gun but otherwise it’s a solid attempt at a DC inspired Borderlands game.
"Visually Repulsive" perfectly put.I wrote a lengthy little review I’ll share:
Is it an online-only game tho?Is going to have single player too right? In this case, I'll take it after the closure of servers.
Pretty sure the devs have said they will patch in an offline mode at some point after release.Is it an online-only game tho?
In one video they said it can also played alone. The other members of the squad are "played" by bots in this caseIs going to have single player too right? In this case, I'll take it after the closure of servers.
I;m going to assume the final settings menu will allow HUD options. But maybe not.I wonder if they gonna try to address the UI situation. Im sure they heard about the uproar by now. Game is out in 2 weeks so not enough time before launch, but maybe after release.
There are, if i remember correctly from the alpha, but turning off everything shouldnt be the fix for the awful hud.I;m going to assume the final settings menu will allow HUD options. But maybe not.
Thats the thing. Studio names are like branding and people assume a good studio brand means former great games mean great games forever.I can almost guarantee that most of the talented developers who made the Arkham series are no longer at Rocksteady. Reminds me of Arkane with Redfall. Rocksteady will never be what they used to be. Sad
Suicide Squad was made by a different Rocksteady Studio than the one that made Arkham?Reminds me of Arkane with Redfall.
i hope is a big success just to see some of you cry![]()
He has some good points
I think for many people this will be a one and done experience. The cutscenes and storytelling was great in the alpha and the gameplay was fun, but as a live service, i just cant see how it will work. It doesnt seem to have that kind of depth or replayability as other successful live service games do
We should remember that Skillup also enjoyed Marvel's Avengers and that was a major flop.
So his taste in games can have some serious misses.
SkillUp is honestly one of the very few critics that I appreciate and keep up with. I feel like he's the only one that comes close to my personal opinion on things. That being said, I think he's always had a soft spot for co-op shooters or similar games. So his reaction isn't too surprising. But the take away I got was, the game is pretty fun and has some redeeming qualities, however, the staying power and legs they claim the game has just aren't there whatsoever. Along with there being some mess too.We should remember that Skillup also enjoyed Marvel's Avengers and that was a major flop.
So his taste in games can have some serious misses.
This doesn't sound bad to me though. Avengers had various problems, but if it would have been over earlier and had none of the grindy trophies, I might have enjoyed it overall much more. Everything after the story soured the experience imho.He's basically saying this can't succeed as a persistent GaaS game, but its mindless shooting and story might be fun for 15-20 hours or so and then he likely puts it away forever.