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Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League |OT| Sent to Die


Tears of Nintendo
Why are so many Gaffers cheapskate grumpy boomers hanging onto the past and archaic concepts?
Maybe cuz this game is crap (which it is) and nowhere near as good as Arkham series? Nobody asked this shit from Rocksteady, nobody even though about that this is something they should do, looking back at SP heavy story-driven games they made in the past. This game wasn't made for people who liked and loved previous Rocksteady games, it's not even made for DC fans for that matter and can you really blame people who wanted them to continue making similar games they did in the past? You know, cuz that's what they're passionate about and wanted to make. I bet you $100 that SS wasn't the game they wanted to make and WB made them do it, just like they did with Gotham Knights, Shadow of War, Mortal Kombat games (even though only the last one is really bad, not the previous 3).

Now, I do think that at this point everyone pretty much knows what this game is, so it'll be for the best if we can just move on and forget about it even exists. There's no point in writing pages upon pages of negative posts with hundreds of quotes etc. making the same points over and over. It's a waste of everyone's time, energy and mental health, so...

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I’m going to enjoy this game. It will scratch the Destiny 2 itch, at least for a few weeks.

Best way to describe it is that it’s like one Destiny 2 planet, with four or five public event style missions. You pretty much grind those out continuously. A few solo style pve missions thrown in, but it’s more like an MMO than single player title.

Gunplay and adaptive triggers are great on PS5. Pretty much a solid 60fps. Traversal makes the game.

Loot is average at best. They will have to do a *lot* of work in that regard, to keep players interested. At the moment, it’s only a foundation. Game needs way more, in terms of dungeons, raids, pvp etc.

But it absolutely has the ability to get its hooks into you. And it’s a fuck of a lot more enjoyable than Diablo.
Does it have weapons like Anarchy or Gjallarhorn? Looking for a D2 sub right now too. Any dedicated loot for activities?


Gold Member

#3 on Steam after Persona.

It's higher than Persona on PSN.


Gold Member
The PS5 exclusive Rogue outfits are locked to the platform. So even though the game has full cross progression, they won't show up on PC or Xbox.


Gold Member
What is it with you guys insisting that you're not defending the game... while spending every post defending the game?

The problem you've really got is somebody else doesn't like a type of game you do. And you can't just let that slide, without swearing at them, and getting your knickers in a twist.

I hate GaaS games. For what I feel are very good and valid reasons that I've outlined here. And I've got a right to state that - unless the mods decide otherwise, in which case no problem. But you don't get to do that, junior.
We’re not defending the game. It has obvious problems. We’re simply of the opinion that GaaS can be creatively interesting.

I note that you think paying £45 is too much for Lost Crown; a beautifully crafted, 20-30 hour single player campaign.

That mentality is *exactly* why there’s a push towards GaaS. Gamers aren’t prepared to pay the entry fee anymore.



I, and many others I'm assuming/hoping, aren't necessarily upset about the killing of the JL members (it is in the title as she's implying), but rather the manner in which it was portrayed. Which is to say, with barely any effort. You shoot them a lot thanks to some mcguffin, they fall over. That's it. 2/4 of them shouldn't even be able to be TOUCHED by bullets. And nothing more needs to be said for the Batman scene.


King of Gaslighting
I'm anti any GaaS games. Any of them. The reason this game is getting more attention that Helldivers 2 is because it's a very high profile release from a triple AAA publisher, who used to make excellent single player, complete game experiences.

You say 'no one is defending anything' while at the same time defending the game as hard as you possibly can.

There's been one person, so far, who has beaten the game and gave their lukewarm if not outright negative impression of the endgame lootgrind (that's clearly tied into the GaaS of the game). Guess how much "defense" that got? Zero. Another fella (and we are all fellas here) whose been down on the game (and those who play it) has given their subjective opinion on the quality of the game itself. Zero "defense" on that front. Those folks you're identifying as part of the "Suicide Squad Defense Force" - like myself - who actually enjoy the game and don't mind the GaaS elements have given criticism of the game and have actively dissuaded people with a casual interest from bothering with the game. Such hearty "defending."

As has been said numerous times, through "memes" or direct replies: no one cares if you don't like the game itself. It is the general, nonspecific and straight up overexaggerated "the GaaS in this game is predatory"-comments that is being "attacked." And I use the word "attack" because you keep using the word "defend" but it's not even that - I'm just stating it is boring. As boring as any hacky, generic read on a topic is; and made even more so that you aren't consistent with it. You brush off Ogbert's counter because it works against your point ("Oh Massive isn't as well known as Rocksteady, so that doesn't really count") and you don't respond to criticism of your argument that "GaaS is a cancer/live-service will be the death of gaming" when it is pointed out that the past year (and hell this year) is full of successful games (in fact dominated by) that didn't bother to GaaS-up their games. But most hilariously, you say your anti-GaaS crusade is only reserved for "high profile" games, and not smaller games like Helldiver 2 from that plucky little publisher SONY, who almost surely is counting on this being a successful rollout for its longterm GaaS ambitions. Like, we all know SS has a giant target and your non-specific and cliche anti-GaaS arguments can't miss with the anti-GaaS crowd, but at least make them interesting and consistent comments.

. . .because so far they aren't. Especially when you pull the "You're too invested in this game/You don't know good gaming" horseshit that you're doing with Killjoy and SCB3.

At least have the courage of your convictions to just plain say you like GaaS games, and don't have a problem with the way they are ruining excellent developers and creating a toxic environment in the games industry.

Your argument that 'shitty GaaS games that destroy developers are fine, because there are other games out' is some weak ass shit, don't you think?

Cheese and crackers. "Courage of. . .convictions"? We're talking about video games, not "Support for [Insert Complex Global Conflict Here]!" My god, get some perspective. And many of us have been saying since jump we like GaaS-games. This isn't some dirty secret folks are trying to hide. The bolded I'm not going to respond to because we're not playing that game.

And why do you keep saying funk and not fuck? Do you have problems? Or is it some reference to my name?

Don't flatter yourself. I typically use funking as a surrogate for "an expression of annoyance, contempt or impatience" because it amuses me and "fuck" is overused.


Gold Member
I, and many others I'm assuming/hoping, aren't necessarily upset about the killing of the JL members (it is in the title as she's implying), but rather the manner in which it was portrayed. Which is to say, with barely any effort. You shoot them a lot thanks to some mcguffin, they fall over. That's it. 2/4 of them shouldn't even be able to be TOUCHED by bullets. And nothing more needs to be said for the Batman scene.

Please never, ever, make a video game. That's like saying bosses in MMOs would immediately target and nuke the healers in every group to win instantly. Sure, that's realistic, but it's not fun (they tried that AI in EQ Next and it sucked).
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I know it's getting dunked on by a lot, but I'm genuinely looking forward to picking it up on a good sale and playing it with some buddies. I don't expect it to wow me like Rocksteady's Batman games, but I do think I'll have a good time with it with some friends and at the right price. I actually wish it was on Gamepass or Ubi+ type thing(like Avatar) so that I could have rented it for the month and had my fun with it for a few days.


Please never, ever, make a video game. That's like saying bosses in MMOs would immediately target and nuke the healers in every group to win instantly. Sure, that's realistic, but it's not fun (they tried that AI in EQ Next and it sucked).
Bullet sponges aren't fun either. They could have come up with inventive ways to tackle these characters, but they didn't.


Gold Member
Bullet sponges aren't fun either. They could have come up with inventive ways to tackle these characters, but they didn't.

I've only killed Flash and GL so far, but they're not bullet sponges. Each fight was different. I liked the GL fight more though.


I note that you think paying £45 is too much for Lost Crown; a beautifully crafted, 20-30 hour single player campaign.

That mentality is *exactly* why there’s a push towards GaaS. Gamers aren’t prepared to pay the entry fee anymore.

It’s a 2D relatively low budget metroidvania from a fucking company nobody trusts anymore. Why would anyone pay that much for it?

You‘re not making a strong argument, especially when last year was full of massively successful full price single player games like ToTK, BG3, RE4, etc.

We all still want single player games that aren’t GaaS, but maybe not from greed fuelled shitbag companies like Ubisoft.

The people who keep buying GaaS games are the reason GaaS games are pushed. Anything else is weird gaslighting. Stop it.
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Bullet sponges aren't fun either. They could have come up with inventive ways to tackle these characters, but they didn't.
Almost done with the game and I personally thought they were going to be a lot worse. They certainly could've been.

I wouldn't equate health bars to bullet sponges personally, but to each their own. But at least each fight is varied enough. The similarities revolve around key times to attack to make them weak/vulnerable, but that's about it. Other than them attacking in patterns, etc. Standard gaming trope stuff, basically. They were entertaining enough I thought. But again, I feel like a lot of the fun factor lies in the traversal, and some in the combat/gameplay as a whole. At least for me.
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Please, show me where anything other than "activate mcguffin, shoot flash" occurs in this fight. 'Cause I'm not seeing it.
Lorewise it makes sense though. The characters you play as are very low on the Villain totem pole. And they know they realistically have no chance without these "cheap tactics". And besides either by mistake or when you go further in the story the way you defeat them is the same way Batman tells you to in his contingency plans. So really technically Batman is still the one that defeats the JL in hindsight.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I have not and will not play, so I'm just discussing the aesthetics from viewing some cutscenes. It's so ugly and the vibes are just off the charts bad. There's no resemblance to the spirit of Ostrander's Suicide Squad run from the late 80s. Just unremittingly ugly and bleak.

What is the audience for this?


Genuinely surprised how many people on this site are defenders of the GaaS formula.

I thought that a majority of gamers could see how predatory, cynical and anti-consumer they are, but seems like many are okay with it.

People of a certain age don't remember a time where this kind of business model wasn't around. Now, it's the norm. And while on some level they do acknowledge that it's cynical and predatory bullshit, it's simply how things are and is a mandated part of today's gaming experience. It's probably quite difficult to put your foot down and say 'no more' when it's all you know, and you and your friends have already sunk literally thousands of hours into Destiny/Warframe/Fortnite apiece.


ok, a major criticism so far of mine, its mainly regarding the lore, it ruins the future of the Arkham-verse so far, I would've loved a Superman game by Rocksteady with the Evil but nice politician Lex Luthor, that story hasn't been told in games yet, but this throws all that out and honestly makes Arkham Knight's ending even worse

And then we have the likes of Green Lantern, who is straight to Jon Stewart, Wonder Woman is there I guess, The Flash up until his end is pretty cool though,

The Suicide Squad themselves are decent and Debra Wilson is exactly my dream pick for Amanda Waller, so there is that, the VA is really good for the most part on these Characters (Samoa Joe as King Shark is brilliant) aside from Rick Flag who is fucking awful and robotic
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Gold Member
ok, a major criticism so far of mine, its mainly regarding the lore, it ruins the future of the Arkham-verse so far, I would've loved a Superman game by Rocksteady with the Evil but nice politician Lex Luthor, that story hasn't been told in games yet, but this throws all that out and honestly makes Arkham Knight's ending even worse

And then we have the likes of Green Lantern, who is straight to Jon Stewart, Wonder Woman is there I guess, The Flash up until his end is pretty cool though,

This is not the end of the characters. There's dialog from the upcoming seasons already recorded and in the client.


Gold Member
It’s a 2D relatively low budget metroidvania from a fucking company nobody trusts anymore. Why would anyone pay that much for it?

You‘re not making a strong argument, especially when last year was full of massively successful full price single player games like ToTK, BG3, RE4, etc.

We all still want single player games that aren’t GaaS, but maybe not from greed fuelled shitbag companies like Ubisoft.

The people who keep buying GaaS games are the reason GaaS games are pushed. Anything else is weird gaslighting. Stop it.

We’re discussing video games, not life or death politics. Relax.

We’re arguing at cross purposes. I disagree with the idea that single player games are the reserve of creativity. The titles you mentioned are decades long established IPs that (Nintendo aside) are as worn as a comfortable pair of slippers. The next Sony AAA titles will be equally predictable. Those games are just as committee made as the most cynical GaaS.

And you’re wrong about Ubisoft. They *do* try different things - Battle for Atlus, Rabbids, Phoenix on PS5 and Lost Crown.

People don’t buy them. Fair enough, but don’t whinge when Far Cry 7 comes out with a battlepass.
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Green Lantern down, that was a kinda fun fight all told, Deadshot is becoming very OP for me here, I need to play with King Shark a bit more, bit so far its Deadshot, Harley and then Boomerang for my fav to play as so far


Gold Member
Green Lantern down, that was a kinda fun fight all told, Deadshot is becoming very OP for me here, I need to play with King Shark a bit more, bit so far its Deadshot, Harley and then Boomerang for my fav to play as so far

Really liked the GL fight.


Beat the story at 20.5 hours. I don't understand how anyone could beat it faster than that. I enjoyed my time with it, much like I did Diablo IV. But just like that, I'll most likely put it down and pick it back up when new content arrives down the road. I feel I got my times worth out of it (and will continue to in the future) and I have no regrets. Even if I didn't pay for the key, lol.

If I knew the game was going to play like this in the first place I would've probably preordered TBH.


Gold Member
Just fought flash, it was a simple boss fight where at least i had to move all the time to avoid the attacks and flash moved around all the time so it was pretty hectic, it wasn't hard but it wasn't worse than a lot of boss fights in the arkham games, free flow is decent with groups but it shat the bed with single target bosses, mr freezer was more of a puzzle type of boss fight and that's why is a standout in the series, most of the others where mechanically ultra simple like flash, you must not play many action games if you think otherwise.

Plot wise, maybe the fact that i don't really give a fuck about batman, comics, justice league etc. doens't make me cringe like other people when the protagonists kill these people, i'm actually enjoying how mean this game is, i enjoyed
boomerang pissing on flash cadaver
:lollipop_squinting: it was perfectly in character and flash was a prick.

People buying a game with literal psycho-villains that are not even one bit heroes and then cry because they act like unrespectful cunt against their enemies, kinda hilarious if you ask me, the game is literally called KILL THE JUSTICE LEAGUE:lollipop_grinning_sweat:

What was the alternative? boomerang or fucking harley quinn crying after they kill someone they hate? is that considered the good writing alternative? the justice league smack their assess multiple times and they get saved a lot, it's not like they dominate without a problem, they get a gizmo to stop flash, i bet that comic readers are not mad every time a villain has a gadget or something to deal with powerful heroes, it's just how it goes when power levels are so fucked up.

Many youtubers liked the first half of the story and i can see why.

Green Moron is next, i hope they disrespect him even more 🕺
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Just fought flash, it was a simple boss fight where at least i had to move all the time to avoid the attacks and flash moved around all the time so it was pretty hectic, it wasn't hard but it wasn't worse than a lot of boss fights in the arkham games, free flow is decent with groups but it shat the bed with single target bosses, mr freezer was more of a puzzle type of boss fight and that's why is a standout in the series, most of the others where mechanically ultra simple like flash, you must not play many action games if you think otherwise.

Plot wise, maybe the fact that i don't really give a fuck about batman, comics, justice league etc. doens't make me cringe like other people when the protagonists kill these people, i'm actually enjoying how mean this game is, i enjoyed
boomerang pissing on flash cadaver
:lollipop_squinting: it was perfectly in character and flash was a prick.

People buying a game with literal psycho-villains that are not even one bit heroes and then cry because they act like unrespectful cunt against their enemies, kinda hilarious if you ask me, the game is literally called KILL THE JUSTICE LEAGUE:lollipop_grinning_sweat:

What was the alternative? boomerang or fucking harley quinn crying after they kill someone they hate? the justice league smack their assess multiple times and they get saved a lot, it's not like they dominate without a problem.

Many youtubers liked the first half of the story and i can see why.

Green Moron is next, i hope they disrespect him even more 🕺
Man, the whole "BUT MY SUPERHERO" thing that was going on online was so odd to me, lmao.


Gold Member
Man, the whole "BUT MY SUPERHERO" thing that was going on online was so odd to me, lmao.
I guess that after 3 (but really 4) games, the fans didn't expected for batman to be treated badly, i can see where they come from but they should have lost their hope when they discovered that the next game was about SS and not batman.

Also, his villain murderous version is a cool spin, his introduction was great :lollipop_squinting:


Gold Member
It is noteworthy that the Steam rating is sat at ‘very positive’ when it’s usually the most vicious metric.
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Games total shit, written by Baby Inc.

C'mon people, You're smarter than this :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Don't make me pull up the Baby In Bingo card..

Shits just ridiculous now. These folks seems all too eager to come into well established I.P's and piss all over them for some weird gain. The only go to thing now is, sadly, let them burn. They're too ingrained.


King of Gaslighting
Games total shit, written by Baby Inc.

C'mon people, You're smarter than this :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Don't make me pull up the Baby In Bingo card..

Shits just ridiculous now. These folks seems all too eager to come into well established I.P's and piss all over them for some weird gain. The only go to thing now is, sadly, let them burn. They're too ingrained.

. . .over a pride-flag. Cheese and crackers.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Haven’t been in the thread for like 3 pages. Just caught up.

I wish even one mod on this site would police just a fraction of this thread. The amount of drive by shit posts, or repeat shit post, on a game you haven’t even played yet discuss like you made it yourself, is bat shit insane.

There has to be another thread you can go post in to actually contribute thoughtful posts worth reading.

To waste your time repeatedly to shit on a game you never intend to play is straight degenerate lunatic behavior, seek help, get friends, touch grass.

If your massive hate boner for this game is that large make a separate thread or focus your vitriol into the review thread. 50+ posts easy without actual discussion of the game in the OT is Starfield thread levels of derailing.


End game could have potential if RS adds more variety, and injects more bosses in the end or raid like activities to push builds and give a reason to get the sick loot.
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So Batman and Superman down, I hated the Superman fight as it was some unfair shit in there and the Batman fight was far too long but interesting

Looks like I'm at the actual Live service part now, I cannot decide if I'd come back to this or not for the seasonal stuff, its been fun as a SP playthrough though, a solid 8/10 but I'm kinda ready to move on once Brainiac is down
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Stopping for a day or two at CH.6 for now. I think this is where the repetition comes into play. Story is interesting to me.

I think with each season we might get new mission types to spice things up so the game might be more fun or engaging in later seasons.

Guess we will find out in March with the Joker season.

I liked the Lantern and Batman fights even if Batman was mostly spectacle. Lantern probably had the most mechanics.

Flash and Superman were more like "shoot the thing that darts around with counter shot then unload". Pretty lame IMO.


Games total shit, written by Baby Inc.

C'mon people, You're smarter than this :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Don't make me pull up the Baby In Bingo card..

Shits just ridiculous now. These folks seems all too eager to come into well established I.P's and piss all over them for some weird gain. The only go to thing now is, sadly, let them burn. They're too ingrained.
Well, Sweet Baby isn't just barging into studios and taking over. They're being hired to consult and do narrative work. The reality is, if they continue to get work, they're not going anywhere. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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