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Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League |OT| Sent to Die

The Harley Bats scene is awful, whichever way you cut it.

”What an awful person you are Batman, for trying to save all those people, and be a hero all those years. Here I am to tell you how awful you are and finally kill you off, where none of those men could do before me.”

The self insertion has reached critical mass.
I kept thinking there was some clever twist that awaited us in the final game. That the previews were holding back something of quality hopefully. Or there'd be some classic rocksteady twist to add more context.

But watching the cutscenes on YouTube, it really is just... bad? like no spinning it. The writing and dialogue is just simply the ostensible try hard, aggressively unfunny, juvenile nonsense you'd think it was from the previews the last 3 years. There is no "ah ha!" It's just middle school drivel. It's just empty wannabe Deadpool garbage we've seen through media since 2016. Seeing the new and completely inexperienced diversity hire writers they got it makes sense but I always held out hope rocksteady would have a little more for us than this.
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Gameplay seems fun enough. Feels like a retread of Borderlands 3 class humor though. I'm mildly interested in the story. In a so bad it's good kind of way. Looking forward to seeing where this rabbit hole leads.


That is not the end of the game.

Never said it was. What I said was that it is the
last appearance of Batman
in the main game.

Justice League members are only meant to come back in post launch season additional content (according to Miller Ross, who you've been quoting) - which the game is never getting.

That's Conroy's last ever appearance as Batman.
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The game has gotten so much bad press itś been good for them.

People buying it out of curiosity: Can the game REALLY be as generic and bland as the footage shown/early impressions they wonder 🤔

Btw. Anyone got some free hours to farm with me in Babylons Fall?
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Gold Member
Just took a trip to New Zealand and played through Chapter 1.

Saw a mod on Resetera saying he's liking the writing and that the evil heroes are pitch perfect.
I mean, how delusional can you be? If the JL would be controlled by Brainiac in a realistic and well written way and the heroes became ruthless killers, this game wouldn't even exist.
The Flash/Superman would have killed those amateurs in a split second.
Bro, I'm honestly asking. Since we have no reviews there aren't many opinions on it.
Also want to know.
Writing's trash, that we all know. But how is the gameplay?

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
Based on all the outrage I expected the worse....but the game looks really good. I played it for a bit got into some action and overall was much more impressed with the performance and how the game looks, I was pleasantly surprised.
I am not saying run out and get it, I play on a mega chad pc so everything looks and runs awesome for me.

While I played all the Arkham games and enjoyed them (I even liked Knights), I am not married to "so and so" dying or not dying or whatever so the outrage around some of that stuff...


The open world traversal stuff does remind me of crack down (similar to Knights as well)....so I got at least what I expected out of the package.

I do like the different "feel" you have for each of the members of the squad and the gun play, for what I played, was fun. I don't know if it gets tedious or whatever, but my initial impressions were positive enough to buy the game.

Ultimately I think it comes down to this is not what "the fans" (loosely used term here...those same fans lambasted Arkham Knight and I thought that game owned) wanted RockSteady to make. Well...that's a life lesson folks, grown ups have to make what the boss pays to have made and if you don't like that, well you can use your severance package to make your Alice in Wonder Land puzzle/card game battler centered around the various muffins flavors the Queen wants.


Full disclosure this is strictly off streams I’ve been watching much of the evening but it seems like a short campaign.

Three major boss battles, Flash, GL, and Superman, Batman isn’t a boss battle more of a Scarecrow sequence afaik, and all of this in service of a “13 Brainiacs” multiverse endgame. I still haven’t seen a Braniac boss fight, in fact, there might not be one yet or it’s strictly post-game. The boss fights (the three JL fights) honestly looked like a far cry from Arkham but that’s to be expected, mostly run of the mill spongey raid boss encounters. The actual “Kill the Justice League” story is shockingly abrupt and serves as a 6 hour prologue to the actual game of killing Brainiac goons in the multiverse over and over for loot.
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Saw a mod on Resetera saying he's liking the writing and that the evil heroes are pitch perfect.
I mean, how delusional can you be? If the JL would be controlled by Brainiac in a realistic and well written way and the heroes became ruthless killers, this game wouldn't even exist.
The Flash/Superman would have killed those amateurs in a split second.

Also want to know.
Writing's trash, that we all know. But how is the gameplay?
Go ahead and discard that opinion. Especially with sweet baby Incs finger prints all over this. Of course he or she likes it
Flash and WW aren’t taken over right away.
that doesn't really matter, the reveal trailer showed flash fucking around taunting the suicide squad, in actuality they'd all be dead and never realise what happened.
flash always has to be written in a dumb way for him not to completely speedblitz and assrape everyone in a picosecond, because he's the most overpowered of them all.
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Full disclosure this is strictly off streams I’ve been watching much of the evening but it seems like a short campaign.

Three major boss battles, Flash, GL, and Superman, Batman isn’t a boss battle, and all of this in service of a “13 Brainiacs” multiverse endgame. I still haven’t seen a Braniac boss fight, in fact, there might not be one yet. The boss fights (the three JL fights) honestly looked like a far cry from Arkham but that’s to be expected, mostly run of the mill spongey raid boss encounters. The actual “Kill the Justice League” story is shockingly abrupt and serves as a 6 hour prologue to the actual game of killing Brainiac goons in the multiverse over and over for loot.
An all time creative endeavor fumble


I ordered the Deluxe Edition via Gamestop since I had so much credit to use but it's not showing up until after tomorrow so I grabbed the digital deluxe so I can play tonight. I'll just return that shit when it eventually comes. I do have the Steam version preordered too but 1pm EST tomorrow is so dumb.

Anyway I'll be jumping in at Midnight on PS5. ADD ME if you wanna play eventually. OBlastSRT4 on PSN.
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One thing I’m not seeing discussed anywhere really, and I don’t expect to given the gaming industry’s weird elementary school level, “everyone is awesome” toxic positivity, is just how goddamn unfunny this fuckin thing is.

I’ve watched basically the whole game in both gameplay and cinematics on YouTube and seriously how is this not a bigger negative? Yeah on top of the live service always online element, the dis respect to DC’s most iconic characters, the generic gameplay, it’s a comedy game where the comedy would not even be amusing or chuckle worthy to anyone over the age of 12/13. It’s genuinely cringe worthy because it’s trying SO hard to be humorous and it’s flat out terrible. It’s a like a comedian bombing on open mic night
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Saw a mod on Resetera saying he's liking the writing and that the evil heroes are pitch perfect.
I mean, how delusional can you be? If the JL would be controlled by Brainiac in a realistic and well written way and the heroes became ruthless killers, this game wouldn't even exist.
The Flash/Superman would have killed those amateurs in a split second.

Also want to know.
Writing's trash, that we all know. But how is the gameplay?
He's clearly under NDA apparently.
Go ahead and discard that opinion. Especially with sweet baby Incs finger prints all over this. Of course he or she likes it
Yeah, the writers really fucked this game in the ass story-wise. One can at least hope for fun gameplay.
I think I will also get a used copy sometime in the future when the rogues gallery has expanded. Leaks were saying that Deathstroke will also be among the planned characters and around the time he's released the game will probably be pretty cheap to get as a used copy.

that doesn't really matter, the reveal trailer showed flash fucking around taunting the suicide squad, in actuality they'd all be dead and never realise what happened.
flash always has to be written in a dumb way for him not to completely speedblitz and assrape everyone in a picosecond, because he's the most overpowered of them all.
I also saw a cutscene where the Flash
rips Luthor's heart out. No reason why he shouldn't be doing it to the other four in a matter of milliseconds.
One thing I’m not seeing discussed anywhere really, and I don’t expect to given the gaming industry’s weird elementary school level, “everyone is awesome” toxic positivity, is just how goddamn unfunny this fuckin thing is.

I’ve watched basically the whole game in both gameplay and cinematics on YouTube and seriously how is this not a bigger negative? Yeah on top of the live service always online element, the dis respect to DC’s most iconic characters, the generic gameplay, it’s a comedy game where the comedy would not even be amusing or chuckle worthy to anyone over the age of 12/13. It’s genuinely cringe worthy because it’s trying SO hard to be humorous and it’s flat out terrible. It’s a like a comedian bombing on open mic night
Same reason why the story is utter shit -> incredibly bad writing.
To add onto that, the writers and devs probably did not want to offend anyone while trying to implement comedic bits in the game and I think if you're going that path, (good) comedy is a lot harder to do. Sure, there's also good inoffensive comedy to be found in other movies/shows/games but that is a bit too much to expect from those incompetent dimwits who could't even deliver on a mediocre plot.
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Remember the good ol days when people could just hate a game for sucking without drudging up images of diverse devs and their online posts in an effort to feed into the anti-woke confirmation bias jamboree?

Just like to drop a friendly reminder that games made by racially homogenous groups of cis gendered men can also suck.

Resetera is -----> that way. People will stop being anti woke when devs stop being woke and ruining games in the process. Most people cant stand the obvious agendas being shoved down our throats. It doesn't 100% ruin every aspect of a game but it puts stain on them, it's anger-inducing, and gaming would be a hell of a lot better without it.

You obviously are in support of it which is fine, but your passive aggressive attempt at gaslighting, as if we're some irrational group of "anti woke" people is so transparent. That's why I say you'll have a better time at Resetera with other like minded people.

Mister Wolf

Gold Member
Harley is a massive downgrade from her version in Arkham Knight. I mean if you own Arkham Knight, fire up the game and look at the model viewer. Not only was her model super realistic and detailed but she was super hot too (as were the other women). But I guess you can’t have that anymore.

They turned Poison Ivy a classic Femme Fatale character into Greta Thunberg.
Crowbcat and about a million and one critical drinker emulating spin off YouTube channels are rubbing their hands foaming at the mouth right now. They’re probably scripting and editing videos as we speak


Harley is a massive downgrade from her version in Arkham Knight. I mean if you own Arkham Knight, fire up the game and look at the model viewer. Not only was her model super realistic and detailed but she was super hot too (as were the other women). But I guess you can’t have that anymore.
You're somehow racist and transphoic, etc. if you like hot women.

Do better in the future.


Moderated wildly
I'm torn on wanting to root for this but also dissapointment.

I imagine it will be swimming in 7s but will proba gwt like 5 out of tens from the likes of ign. No one would admit it was half decent after the Internet discourse about this game.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
So time for 3 hours in impressions :

Gameplay is aces here. I spent most of my time with boomerang. He can zip around, chain combat with teleports, and the guns feel meaty to pop things with, but also arcadey depending on the weapon. Overall it is fast and fun without being too quick.

The game introduces more enemy types as time goes on, a combo system, counter shots, shield recharging, and more. I’m playing on hard mode and a few moments needed me to slow my roll to not die. If you do go down AI can revive you twice before it’s a mission failed.

Music score has been solid without any over the top dumb tunes which I appreciate.

Graphics on PS5 are of the best in the business. Out of cut scene can look less detailed in aspects but the game has insane draw distance, puffy AF clouds, great texture work, and superb animations.

The story got some laughs out of me which I didn’t expect. Writing has highs and lows. But overall the delivery from the cast is well done. The pacing is commendable because it doesn’t bury you in cut scenes too much before going back to the combat and now it’s starting to do more gameplay I can focus on of my choosing.

To my surprise so far 3 hours in I haven’t been flooded with a map full of shit to be overwhelmed by but that can obviously change as I progress. That said the onboarding is well done to teach mechanics and have a good time. Focused in its opening hours so far and a more guided experience. Love that.

Customization is here with different skin items, colors, load outs for characters, and skill trees with choice for playstyles. I also got two legendary guns which have unique gameplay changes to them and one of them was a “gain this but at a loss to taking more damage” which makes choices in gear seem to matter.

I have 0 negative things to say here so far. Plays, looks, and sounds amazing.

Can’t wait to wake up and play more!!!
Well I hated that title and premise from day 1. Don't act like it's a justification for a stupid idea.

It is such a weird design idea. It would be like if Uncharted 5 had you playing a gang of thugs tracking down and murdering Nathan Drake. I can imagine there was an element of ‘kill the rich old white saviour’ in it - so very on trend - but it just seems incredible to me that they thought that fans of the Batman Arkham franchise would not be turned off by this.

Scotty W

Saw a mod on Resetera saying he's liking the writing and that the evil heroes are pitch perfect.
I mean, how delusional can you be? If the JL would be controlled by Brainiac in a realistic and well written way and the heroes became ruthless killers, this game wouldn't even exist.
The Flash/Superman would have killed those amateurs in a split second.

Also want to know.
Writing's trash, that we all know. But how is the gameplay?
When anti hero films started coming out, it seemed fun at first. But I realize now that antifa has essentially taken over every writers room in the country.
Anti hero films work when you break the bad guys from jail a la Dirty Dozen or Suicide Squad to fight someone even worse. I really enjoyed the last Suicide Squad movie and the Peacemaker series, but then the writing was strong on those and the enemy made sense.

I was hoping that this would be in that vein - with the Always Sunny style title a bit of a joke. Of course - I still can’t tell because there are zero reviews up even though it is out.
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Anti hero films work when you break the bad guys from jail a la Dirty Dozen or Suicide Squad to fight someone even worse. I really enjoyed the last Suicide Squad movie and the Peacemaker series, but then the writing was strong on those and the enemy made sense.

I was hoping that this would be in that vein - with the Always Sunny style title a bit of a joke. Of course - I still can’t tell because there are zero reviews up even though it is out.
Good point. You are taking the "bad guys" and making them as not bad compared to a much bigger villian.

It would appear some opinions in the thread have been about a Harley and a certain character - but if you are going to name your game "kill the justice league" anything short than doing that would irk people the wrong way.


Gold Member
Watching some footage and the gunplay/hit feeling looks atrocious holy shit.

Enemies all die with the same 2 horrible looking and ultra accelerated death animations, how the fuck do you make a gaas shooter when the shooting looks so shit? Shooting here looks even worse than anthem i swear.

(Not talking about shooting mechanics and traversal, just hitting enemies)
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I find something deeply creepy about reconstituting a character that's always been at least partially defined by her overt sexuality into a small child. The thought process that makes this alteration isn't a very healthy one, IMO.

Little children...that's the definition of sexy for them.
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