Suicide : Squad; Kill The Justice League | Review Thread

It goes both ways for me. I can understand wanting the best for gaming and the industry, but I'll never understand berating or shitting on games or folks that enjoyed them. That goes for any hobby or adjacent. If it's something I don't care about, I don't buy it or give it attention. If other people do, that's fine, good for them. No reason to drag them though. A simple. "Nah, it's not for me" or "I don't get it" is more than affective. But maybe I feel this way because I've worked in the industry as long as I have. To say something is "trash", "shit", or similar is pretty harsh when you know how many people worked really hard on it. 🤷‍♂️

All in all it's a really bizarre reaction to me. Hardcore defending a game (or some hobby you love) to the point where it sounds like you'd take a bullet for it. Or being on the opposite end and being hyper aggressive towards things you don't enjoy and its enjoyers. Just feels like a waste of energy and time IMO.
I just feel like this industry is changing to the point it will become virtually unrecognizable to players who got gaming going from nothing. Change is, and always has been, inevitable. Having said that, I hope gaming never stops being for everyone, while only catering to what's popular and only the very young people.

Luckily, we aren't there yet, and maybe it will never go there, but I certainly don't mind seeing people voice their opinions against gaas titles and games like this that nickle and dime the absolute hell out of people. Shit like requiring online multiplayer subscriptions, battle passes, high upfront costs etc.


I just feel like this industry is changing to the point it will become virtually unrecognizable to players who got gaming going from nothing. Change is, and always has been, inevitable. Having said that, I hope gaming never stops being for everyone, while only catering to what's popular and only the very young people.

Luckily, we aren't there yet, and maybe it will never go there, but I certainly don't mind seeing people voice their opinions against gaas titles and games like this that nickle and dime the absolute hell out of people. Shit like requiring online multiplayer subscriptions, battle passes, high upfront costs etc.
I certainly don't mind either, I feel like the echoes are getting louder and ever. That's great or course, as long as studios actually listen. Problem is who knows when and if that will ever happen. Speaking with wallets is the only thing that will get attention in most cases. But even then who knows how many times it needs to happen before it strikes a vein. But at least we're witnessing a change where new studios are forming from veterans that want to break away from the nonsense.

I just feel like it needs to be primarily directed towards the studios as a whole, rather than individual devs, or even enjoyers. Being overly aggressive with random deva (that aren't shot callers) or some random enjoyer online isn't going to change anything. You know?


I just feel like this industry is changing to the point it will become virtually unrecognizable to players who got gaming going from nothing. Change is, and always has been, inevitable. Having said that, I hope gaming never stops being for everyone, while only catering to what's popular and only the very young people.

Luckily, we aren't there yet, and maybe it will never go there, but I certainly don't mind seeing people voice their opinions against gaas titles and games like this that nickle and dime the absolute hell out of people. Shit like requiring online multiplayer subscriptions, battle passes, high upfront costs etc.
Video games are in astonishingly good health.

The industry is unrecognisable to previous years. Incredible choice in AAA, AA and Indie Gaming. Handhelds are amazing and Virtual Reality is establishing itself.

I’m reasonably confident that people mistake games getting worse to simply not being 18 years old anymore. As the saying goes, you can never go home.


I beat the story this morning, took 20.5 hours. I did not pay for the key, but in the long run if I knew the game was going to play and feel this way, I would've. I had fun with the traversal and combat. The story and cutscenes were enjoyable as well. It reminds me of my experience with Diablo IV so far. Played it, had fun, beat the campaign, and put it down expecting to come back later when there's more.

This game was never intended to be a 8-9+ on a review scale for obvious reasons. But it can be fun for some people that have specific itches to scratch. Even if just for a bit.

If you're curious in any way, just wait for a price drop that's bound to happen. Can't go wrong with cheaper and more content. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Not only that, but the same people gushing over the game will be back here whinging when "They released Joker and expect me to do the same shit all over again in a different skin"

New characters and areas wont change the fact its monotonous

This made me laugh when I read it because it accurately describes what I’ve seen on the Diablo 4 subreddit every season. The same people pop up like whack-a-mole complaining that they’re tired of running Helltides and Nightmare Dungeons for slightly different stuff at the start of every season while I’m sitting there thinking “What did you expect, a completely different game to be developed between seasons?”

This is it. This is the game. Seasons will just be more of the same.


This is it. This is the game. Seasons will just be more of the same.

They're adding a new area with Joker. Basically like adding a new section of the map in D4. Each season adds a new area.

S2 is an Elsworld's version of Mr. Freeze where it is his wife as Freeze (like the Flashpoint Joker was Martha Wayne). S3 is an Elseworlds version of Deadshot's daughter in an original character made by Rocksteady, S4 is Deathstroke.
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Steam reviews are mostly positive. Did I let you idiots talk me out of a good game again?
It’s an enjoyable looter that has some fundamental structural problems that may or may not get ironed out. No more, no less. Some of the reviews are pure clickbait. Some are justifiably frustrated at what could have been.

I’ve already put ten hours into it and will happily play it for a month or so.

I will also say that Boomerang has, for me, the best traversal mechanics of any comic book character in video games, including Spiderman.


4-Time GIF/Meme God
It's better than the Guardians of the Galaxy game I say that, but worse than the Arkham games (except maybe Origins)
Steam reviews are mostly positive. Did I let you idiots talk me out of a good game again?
People really want to talk themselves into a mediocre at best game.
I’m sure it's a 6-7 out of ten game with boring missions, a boring upgrade tree, and a short campaign with dc heroes. If that sounds worth your 70 bucks, go for it.
People are mostly disappointed and mocking it because 1) GaaS, and 2) Rocksteady has made three all timers and then they drop a lukewarm DC Destiny clone.
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Steam reviews are mostly positive. Did I let you idiots talk me out of a good game again?
So were Starfield’s at launch. Then the honeymoon period wore off. The people leaving positive reviews at launch are ones who are generally already predisposed to liking the game no matter what.

Since it’s not going anywhere, why not wait, see what happens as people have more time with the game and review it accordingly, then buy it later if the user reviews remain positive?
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Steam reviews are mostly positive. Did I let you idiots talk me out of a good game again?

It only has under two thousand reviews. Maybe wait until more people have reviewed it before making a decision. Its low number count on Steam suggests it’s not being played that much. Its global sales are slumping on Steam too. Granblue has thousands more reviews and only came out a day before. Like Starfield, SSKTJL is bound to be weighted by people who rushed to buy it… meaning they were sold on it however it played.

If it’s still positive in the tens of thousands of reviews, then it’ll probably be worth your time… but just wait!
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Newd Member
The guy from Skill Up literally spits facts and more importantly, spitting on the faces of hundreds of insecure people from the OT that feel like it has to justify their 6/10 purchase game by hard defend and call everyone a part of hate train. They really need to watch this video, I strongly recommend.
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Gold Member
The guy from Skill literally spits facts and more importantly, spitting on the faces of hundreds of insecure people from the OT that feel like it has to justify their 6/10 purchase game. They really need to watch this video, I strongly recommend.
Any game rated a 6/10 by critics is most likely more like a 2 or 3/10 assuming someone has a normal 1-10 scale where 5 is avg.

I don’t watch Skill Up videos aside from the occasional vid someone posts here but I do remember he is not your typical bland and predictable gamer or reviewer. He is detailed and picks apart games like he did for one of those D&D or Lotr games a couple years ago where he’d even show AI is dumb by showing the exact pixel lines they’d react or stand there doing nothing. I forget which game that was.
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They say love is an abused word, I’d argue hate , particularly in the world of social media , is too.

You give yourself away if you have to throw the hate tactic to deflect criticism.
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This game has better production quality than Avengers when it comes to animations and cutscenes, but Avengers is a better game.


Newd Member
Any game rated a 6/10 by critics is most likely more like a 2 or 3/10 assuming someone has a normal 1-10 scale where 5 is avg.

The score I put is actually what people who like this game says, something like this game is a solid 6 or 7.

Skill Up puts this point extremelly clear and well explained on his review. It's like he has being dealing with this attitude himself.
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Gold Member
This game has better production quality than Avengers when it comes to animations and cutscenes, but Avengers is a better game.
Game looked like shit from the first trailers showing crazy action, HUD everywhere and shoot the purple weak points. But watching the leaks, the game does have tons of high quality cut scenes. Even I watched a tons of them and I hate cut scenes and try to skip as many as possible in games.


Game looked like shit from the first trailers showing crazy action, HUD everywhere and shoot the purple weak points. But watching the leaks, the game does have tons of high quality cut scenes. Even I watched a tons of them and I hate cut scenes and try to skip as many as possible in games.
Yeah, AAA need to tune down on those cutscenes budget, spent millions so your game can be watched on Youtube, there is no need to play it.


The guy from Skill Up literally spits facts and more importantly, spitting on the faces of hundreds of insecure people from the OT that feel like it has to justify their 6/10 purchase game by hard defend and call everyone a part of hate train. They really need to watch this video, I strongly recommend.
Resetera are wetting their knickers gushing over this game, tells you all you need to know. Avoid like the fucking plague
Resetera are wetting their knickers gushing over this game, tells you all you need to know. Avoid like the fucking plague

There's a fair bit of them down on the game there as well.

I also don't know if it's the algorithm, but I've seen a strange amount of "damage control"-esque positive posts showing up on X in an effort to quell the immense amount of(imo justified) disdain this game is getting..

Also, you're now seeing the actual developers squaring off and angrily calling out reviews of the game.

Reviewers didn't like it. The public doesn't like it by and large and didn't a year ago when it was finally shown. It is what it is.
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The guy from Skill Up literally spits facts and more importantly, spitting on the faces of hundreds of insecure people from the OT that feel like it has to justify their 6/10 purchase game by hard defend and call everyone a part of hate train. They really need to watch this video, I strongly recommend.
I mean, are they facts or his opinion? I haven't watched his review, but I typically enjoy SkillUp's content. I just watch reviews in general because I'm curious about other's opinions without it affecting my own.

Lmao, why are they "insecure"? I mean, if they're enjoying something I don't see why they need to watch a review about someone else's opinion. I don't think it's going to "save" them. No one is right or wrong if they find enjoyment in something. If they do, cool, if they don't, cool.
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Gold Member
There's a fair bit of them down on the game there as well.

I also don't know if it's the algorithm, but I've seen a strange amount of "damage control"-esque positive posts showing up on X in an effort to quell the immense amount of(imo justified) disdain this game is getting..

Also, you're now seeing the actual developers squaring off and angrily calling out reviews of the game.

Reviewers didn't like it. The public doesn't like it by and large and didn't a year ago when it was finally shown. It is what it is.
I'm not so sure it's damage control as much as it is some people aren't on board with toeing the Metacritic line on this one.

I got the game for free, so I'm not invested in justifying the purchase. I think this game is fun. Reminds me of the original Crackdown in a lot of ways. You don't really need get any of the microtransaction stuff to go through it. It's not the best game ever, but I think it's better than most of the critics are saying it is.

As for the public "not liking it by and large" I don't think that's accurate either. It's running at 83% positive on Steam right now and it's at 4.52 out of 5 stars on the PlayStation store. People who have actually played it seem to like it. People who went seeking someone else's opinion seem to be having an issue with people enjoying it. A lot of people seem to be letting the critics think for them these days. It's weird.
I'm not so sure it's damage control as much as it is some people aren't on board with toeing the Metacritic line on this one.

I got the game for free, so I'm not invested in justifying the purchase. I think this game is fun. Reminds me of the original Crackdown in a lot of ways. You don't really need get any of the microtransaction stuff to go through it. It's not the best game ever, but I think it's better than most of the critics are saying it is.

As for the public "not liking it by and large" I don't think that's accurate either. It's running at 83% positive on Steam right now and it's at 4.52 out of 5 stars on the PlayStation store. People who have actually played it seem to like it. People who went seeking someone else's opinion seem to be having an issue with people enjoying it. A lot of people seem to be letting the critics think for them these days. It's weird.

The question becomes *why* were the critics so hard on it? Angry at GAAS? Not a fan of Suicide Squad?

What gives, because it seems the vitriol was strong enough to have the devs themselves start to fire off at reviews, something I've very rarely seen from developers.


Newd Member
I mean, are they facts or his opinion? I haven't watched his review, but I typically enjoy SkillUp's content. I just watch reviews in general because I'm curious about other's opinions without it affecting my own.

Lmao, why are they "insecure"? I mean, if they're enjoying something I don't see why they need to watch a review about someone else's opinion. I don't think it's going to "save" them. No one is right or wrong if they find enjoyment in something. If they do, cool, if they don't, cool.

Watch the video, not kidding or shitting. Whatever you like this game or not, doesn't matter really. He clearly say that if you find fun in this game then good for you, just go play it(basically my sentiment). But theres a clear reason for why he is not ok with all this sentiment.

And yes insecure. I'm sorry, but getting work up and ultra defensive because of the massive overall negativity, to the point of trying to shove off people who didn't play it and saying everyone is part of a hate train? Dunno about you but that totally feel insecurity to me.


Gold Member
The question becomes *why* were the critics so hard on it? Angry at GAAS? Not a fan of Suicide Squad?

What gives, because it seems the vitriol was strong enough to have the devs themselves start to fire off at reviews, something I've very rarely seen from developers.
I think when it comes to the critics the "why" is becoming more and more irrelevant. The job of professional critic is useless with the access people have to everything now. These are just people who have opinions just like everyone else and are trying to stay relevant by being lightning rods.

In my opinion this is not a game anyone should spend $70 on if they are expecting new and different. I think that's the biggest problem with it. It is just too expensive for what they delivered and should have launched at a lower price. It's more derivative than most games out there and I don't think it does anything new or unique on its own. Once the price is down to $40 I think it's something people who like Crackdown-style mechanics and tons of mindless sandbox shooting will enjoy, but by then people will have moved on.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
I mean, are they facts or his opinion? I haven't watched his review, but I typically enjoy SkillUp's content. I just watch reviews in general because I'm curious about other's opinions without it affecting my own.
It's his opinion, the review is trash (whenever a reviewer leans into the "I've got the answers, they should've done [...]!" they can fuck off), but he even says that how he feels about the gameplay is entirely subjective, and if you like it that's cool too.


Watch the video, not kidding or shitting. Whatever you like this game or not, doesn't matter really. He clearly say that if you find fun in this game then good for you, just go play it(basically my sentiment). But theres a clear reason for why he is not ok with all this sentiment.

And yes insecure. I'm sorry, but getting work up and ultra defensive because of the massive overall negativity, to the point of trying to shove off people who didn't play it and saying everyone is part of a hate train? Dunno about you but that totally feel insecurity to me.
There's a reason he's one of the few I keep up with, ACG too.

No reason to apologize! Just unsure if I agree. If I were to, I feel like the "attackers" are just as insecure as the "defenders". People have just been oddly aggressive on all opinions and sides. It's been pretty bizarre to me, lol.


As Skill Up said. 9 years just for a mediocre combat that IDK how can people praise.

There is nothing particulary different in that gameplay that can justify the 9 years. They literary copy/paste Fortnite. Even the city is color saturated.

Is insane spending 9 years for a game without content, repetitive activity, repetitive gameplay and terrible story...
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As Skill Up said. 9 years just for a mediocre combat that IDK how can people praise.

There is nothing particulary different in that gameplay that can justify the 9 years. They literary copy/paste Fortnite. Even the city is color saturated.

Is insane spending 9 years for a game without content, repetitive activity, repetitive gameplay and terrible story...
To be fair, I don't think I've seen many "praise" it. Majority saying they actually found it fun or we're surprised they did.

It's really sad about what happened to Rocksteady. But I'm putting all blame on the blame on WB Games before anything else.
As Skill Up said. 9 years just for a mediocre combat that IDK how can people praise.

There is nothing particulary different in that gameplay that can justify the 9 years. They literary copy/paste Fortnite. Even the city is color saturated.

Is insane spending 9 years for a game without content, repetitive activity, repetitive gameplay and terrible story...
9 years to make the cutscenes? This is the classic western developer error. Trying to make a clever movie while doing a game.


9 years to make the cutscenes? This is the classic western developer error. Trying to make a clever movie while doing a game.

Even if you remove the DC characters, the shit story, what is left is also a terrible GaaS.

I saw GaaS with more content than this shit. No way took 9 years for this. This is probably some dev hell sittuation.
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