Suicide : Squad; Kill The Justice League | Review Thread


So, I've put about 25 hours into the game, most of which I thoroughly enjoyed. I don't actually have too big an issue with the mission repetition. Rather, it's the missions themselves, especially those with irritating modifiers. The 'crit-only' one is especially poor.

I'm not going to wade into the review debacle, but as someone who is a miserable bugger most of the time, this game has *without doubt* been singled out for special treatment. It's being reviewed for what it's not, rather than what it is.

At the very least, King Shark and Boomerang have the most enjoyable gameplay mechanics of any superhero game to date, including Spiderman. I would expect far more recognition of that.

Anyway, it is what it is. An odd game. Undercooked and clearly the result of development hell, but with some very enjoyable and visceral gameplay mechanics. The Adaptive Trigger implementation is immense.


Gold Member
The next Warner Brothers Discovery earnings call is February 23rd so maybe at that time we can have an understanding of how much this game underperformed. Unfortunately, I know lots of innocent people will be caught in the crossfire and lose their jobs because of the brain dead executives running the shit. Seeing this hitting less than 1k active players at times means this is dead.
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I'm going to be totally honest, I don't think it's a great game (6/10 probably) but I had way more fun than I ever expected playing through it.

Like almost everything about the game isn't good, the story is meh, open world crap, bad repetitive mission design, very rushed ending and so on but...

... the gameplay is so addicting and awesome. I honestly can't tell you how much fun I had playing and switching between all the characters, the combat is sublime.

But yeah, shame such good combat was wasted on the rest of the game.
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