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Summer 2010 Anime Thread of I MAED A ANIMU W1TH Z0MB1ES 1N IT!!!1

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Kagami said:
Assuming we're only talking about stuff that started in summer, the answer's got to be--

Oh...uh...hmm...Strike Witches 2, then?
so basically its crap all around?

Branduil said:
Wait, so you hate moe, except for one of the worst examples ever?
Just because it involves an Otaku who talks about Ero-games nad viVideo games in genral. You could call it my guilty pleasure.

I am still rooted in my philosophy of ''kill Moe with fire''

BluWacky said:
From an anime snob point of view, probably Shiki (wacky character designs disguise interesting plot). Otherwise there's not much going on out there - it's the summer, after all.
Yeah, I knew Shiki is going to be mildly good as it is from the doods who made Ghost Hunt which was fantastic. I am actully surprised no one is talking about it as it is one of th few Anime who looks decent this season.

Dresden said:
Sengoku Basara 2. Unless you hate MANLY ACTION or MANLY TEARS or FUCK AWESOME.
I Can't watch that as the first one is licensed in here in Europe (shocked to be licensed to be frank!) and I am waiting to buy that. But yeah, it looks MANLY enough to be great.

even thuogh me and many Anime fans have different definition of MANLINESS


he's Virgin Tight™
faridmon said:
so basically its crap all around?

Just because it involves an Otaku who talks about Ero-games nad viVideo games in genral. You could call it my guilty pleasure.

I am still rooted in my philosophy of ''kill Moe with fire''

So you've fallen once! Do not worry! Your passionate hate is still ongoing! You are welcomed to the ranks of the ANTI MOE Defense Force.


Subete no aware
Relix said:
So you've fallen once! Do not worry! Your passionate hate is still ongoing! You are welcomed to the ranks of the ANTI MOE Defense Force.


Also, best show of the season is clearly Occult Academy.


Relix said:
So you've fallen once! Do not worry! Your passionate hate is still ongoing! You are welcomed to the ranks of the ANTI MOE Defense Force.
umfourtantly that seems to be the case :(

MCD said:
wait, you are saying that turned out to be good?



Contains Sucralose
I'm not sure about that other shirt, but this shirt is pretty cool:

Still waiting for a Yui moe pillow.


faridmon said:
Yeah, I knew Shiki is going to be mildly good as it is from the doods who made Ghost Hunt which was fantastic. I am actully surprised no one is talking about it as it is one of th few Anime who looks decent this season.

We can't talk about it until something happens in it.


I forgot about Loups=Garous. A reminder to whoever else was interested.

faridmon said:
so which show is the show of the season? (please no K-On or HOTD)
If it counts, Broken Blade gets my nomination, but my joy from it largely stems from how well I think the manga-to-anime adaptation transition was done. Plus, I really love how the character and mech designs came out in the 2nd OVA.
Unknown Soldier said:
HSotD 9:

That statement can be interpreted in multiple ways, Saeko-san. But you knew that, didn't you?

For those familiar with the manga, you know 'The Sword and DEAD' is a later chapter in the manga which actually occurs after they leave Saya's parents' estate and before they reach
George A. Romero's Mall of the Dead
. It has been moved up here to before Takashi and Saeko arrive at Saya's house because it fits better in the narrative here in the anime shortened, hopefully first and not only, season of HsotD. The other change made is that Madhouse has apparently determined there is indeed going to be a canonical pairing insofar as the anime is concerned, there is no real pairing of Takashi and anybody yet as of the 26 existing chapters of manga. If you ask me, Madhouse picked the right girl.

Also, Takashi has nice strong man hands which are suitable for firm assertive authoritative boob-grabbing. See the animated GIF above for further information. The most awesome part of this chapter in the manga, where Saeko kills a bunch of zombies and gets turned on and screams that's
is properly preserved in the manga to anime adaptation. I'm glad that Madhouse is keeping all the important parts exactly as they were in the manga.

I love what madhouse did with this one. Right girl, right choice, fuck rei! If I was in Komuro's position I would have done the same thing (not titty grabbing though :lol ). But im thinking this is only to create sexual tension between Rei-Komuro-Saeko, and somewhere in the story Komuro will ditch Saeko, or she will die, going with the idiotic choice at the end. :(

The thing that she said at the end, after killing all those zombies resulted me strange and somehow, even if im one of the people who dont mind all this fanservice, stupid.
As you said it was exactly the same as the manga, and I didnt remember that stupid, in my opinion, quote. So I went thorugh my manga volumes to see if I just didnt remembered.
Well, the scene was the same, but instead of saying the innapropiate and out of character
im wet, or worse as the one im watching has south amercian subs, it says "estoy mojada" wich is the literal translation of im wet but it sounds even dumber
she says
"this is... EXCITING!", "esto es... EXCITANTE!", 'excitante' is a much subtell word here for saying, well, that she is wet.
, that sounds much better and not out of character at all.
Im talking about the official spanish from Spain transalation of the manga, that you can buy here right now, and because the publisher that does here the translation is pretty, pretty good, Im more in the vain that this quote could have been translated in mutiple forms, and the anime subbers tried the most literal one. I know the subbers try to do the work as fast as they can, but I like much better the official work done for the manga translation, and not only because of this, there are much more quotes that are better done in the manga.

But yeah, apart form that, I really liked this episode. Thought it was going to be difficult to explain somethings becuase they were altering the timeline
(the water vehicle, and the real sword)
but the changes worked as charm.

Lyonaz said:
HotD is just Awesome! :lol

<3 Saeko Busujima.
<3 indeed.

JKTrix said:
The way I understood it was that since Saeko was initially 'turned on' to violence by being sexually assaulted in the past, Takashi was reminding her of that when she was wussing out. He was telling her it's okay for her to be a violent psychopath.

She needed to be for them to survive, anyway.

Also, fanservice. Duh.

You know, thanks to this explanation I understand the titty grab. I always thought it was only fanservice but I always asked me, why grab the tit when he could have grabbed her torso.


faridmon said:

I see, so its one of those Anime. Too bad they went the opposite direction of Ghost Hunt.

It's wierd watching Shiki because just when you think shits about to go down, it's the end of the episode, and then the start of the new episode starts days/hours earlier or focuses on another perspective. It's definately one of those building up animes you're better off marathoning the whole thing when the season is over.


Steroyd said:
It's wierd watching Shiki because just when you think shits about to go down, it's the end of the episode, and then the start of the new episode starts days/hours earlier or focuses on another perspective. It's definately one of those building up animes you're better off marathoning the whole thing when the season is over.
oh, intresting, thanks for the info. Will marathon it then.

would just watch just for Suga Shikao and Buck-Tick.

Love bothe of them <3


slaughterking said:
I don't know. I thought grabbing the boob and screaming at her was the obvious thing to do to unravel her inscrutable self doubts. :lol

That scene was ridiculous IMO. I really suggest (to everyone) reading the manga in tandem cos the anime is too over the top at times. I just don't understand why the manga fanservice wasn't enough for them. The anime is almost a parody at this point.

I still like it though
Cloudy said:
That scene was ridiculous IMO. I really suggest (to everyone) reading the manga in tandem cos the anime is too over the top at times. I just don't understand why the manga fanservice wasn't enough for them. The anime is almost a parody at this point.

I still like it though

And they, like only add a little second here an there, because its REALLY similar to the manga, but only that extra seconds of footage they add is over the top action scenes, something i really like, the action scenes are really, over the top, greatness.
The over the top fanservice scenes are more due to the animation, a fanservice shot that in the manga is only a panel or two, and doesnt seem so over the top, like for example the Saeko tit grab, seems much more over the top that in the manga, only becuase the SAME scene is animated and doesnt impact that much in still shots, but they are really the same.

Another total different thing is the boob matrix footage, now thats over the top :lol


Contains Sucralose
Anime “K-on!!” will broadcast the finale episode on September 14!! So it means “K-on!!” doesn’t consist of 26 episodes, and the remaining episodes of “K-on!!” are episode 22, 23 and the final episode.

According to a TV program magazine, there are 2 extra episodes after the final episode. But it has not been disclosed yet what episode will be broadcast in the extra episodes.

August 31, episode 22
September 7, episode 23
September 14, the final episode
September 21, extra episode 1
September 28, extra episode 2


So 24 normal episodes for Season two and 2 extra episodes will air after season two ends. 26 episodes in all, not 28. :'( It's weird they decided to stop on episode 24. I wonder if they have a plan in store? Or maybe it has something to do with the K-On! manga ending this September.

I surprised that haven't announced a K-On! movie yet. It's made money.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Vox-Pop said:

So 24 normal episodes for Season two and 2 extra episodes will air after season two ends. 26 episodes in all, not 28. :'( It's weird they decided to stop on episode 24. I wonder if they have a plan in store? Or maybe it has something to do with the K-On! manga ending this September.

I surprised that haven't announced a K-On! movie yet. It's made money.

aka Kyo-ani: "Every K-on fan must buy the last blu-ray volume to see the additional episodes"


Ends on cliffhanger. Nodoka-chan can be seen from the clubroom window. She is crying, waving her arms, and screaming something, but we can't hear what. Fade to black.
Oh no, I don't like those "tacked on" episodes after the true final episode. It's weird when a show concludes but goes on and eventually ends with one or two "unrelated" stand-alone episodes. I don't like that. :(


slaughterking said:
Oh no, I don't like those "tacked on" episodes after the true final episode. It's weird when a show concludes but goes on and eventually ends with one or two "unrelated" stand-alone episodes. I don't like that. :(

But it doesn't "go on" after it ends. As a TV series, it concludes the run. The extra episodes do not have to take place after the final episode, since they're bonus episodes for fans included with the DVDs. Think of them as bonus tracks on a limited release of a music album, or extra shorts included with a movie on DVD (like Pixar's shorts).


Can I create the fall season thread already, mods of AnimuGAF?

duckroll said:
But it doesn't "go on" after it ends. As a TV series, it concludes the run. The extra episodes do not have to take place after the final episode, since they're bonus episodes for fans included with the DVDs. Think of them as bonus tracks on a limited release of a music album, or extra shorts included with a movie on DVD (like Pixar's shorts).

Actually, the two "extra episodes" are being aired on TV.


Contains Sucralose
The girls are seniors and most plan to go to the same college so I'm sure they end the current story line this season. I'm not really sure how the Japanese school system works, but I take it they are in their fall semester. So they will be Graduating very soon. The show has definitely changed from dealing with trying to serious band to the girls just having fun. I don't remember if season 3 had been announced or not since it leaves the girls in different places in their lives. Yui, Ritsu, Mio are going (trying) to a Women's college, Mugi is going to another college, and Azusa is still in high school. In addition, the K-On! manga is going to end this September so a Season 3 would have to be created without a source material. I want them to continue the story line instead of just releasing OVA style episodes if that's the plan, however, last seasons extra episode is probably my favorite of the series. We will see. :)


Just marathoned Giant killing (the Ep. I misted) Man what an awsome Anime. I am sad that not many people aren't watching it but for me its the Anime of the year, very tense and shows a great charcter all around.

can't wait for next Ep.
will they come back from 2 - nil down? I haven't seen much of Tsubaki or Sera, hopefully they will be the ones that score the goals

Now, on to Marathon mitsudomoe...
Vox-Pop said:
Yui, Ritsu, Mio are going (trying) to a Women's college, Mugi is going to another college, and Azusa is still in high school.

Actually the girls all decided to try for the Women's University Mugi was going to, so everyone but Azusa will be in the same college.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
So wait.... K-On is actually good? I really thought this was all a part of some elaborate group troll. :lol


Contains Sucralose
rainking187 said:
Actually the girls all decided to try for the Women's University Mugi was going to, so everyone but Azusa will be in the same college.
Ok, that makes more sense. I thought Mugi was going to some nursing college or something because she didn't submit her application. But Azusa is one year behind them so she would have to tagalong with them which might be awkward. The way the series seems to be going is that the band is just a friendship thing. Or maybe they could kick Azusa out....sorry soldier. :p


Has anyone seen the shoujo series Oniisama e (Brother, Dear Brother)?

I haven't seen much shoujo. Actually, it's an extremely short list: Utena, which I liked, but felt had problems, and Paradise Kiss, which I watched for the beautiful Nobuteru Yuuki designs, and stayed for the story. Well, I loved Oniisama e (Brother, Dear Brother) so much that I marathon-ed all 39 episodes in three days last week -- totally engrossed and mesmerized the entire time -- then I spent another day and a half feeling decimated and inconsolably depressed for having parted.

For those who wish to know, Oniisama e (Brother, Dear Brother) is another of the many accomplished Osamu Dezaki / Akio Sugino collaborations -- this one aired in 1991 or thereabouts -- based on a shoujo manga by Riyoko Ikeda; and it's absolutely masterful.
The show is set in an elite all girls high school and follows the tender and pure, 14 year old, Misoono Nanako, as she battles rivals for (and of) an ultra prestigious sorority, gains friendship, falls in love, and unravels the mystery behind an exceedingly weird sibling relationship. So yeah, there's ample helpings of teen angst, soap opera, histrionics, and melodrama, not to mention two bishounen ..um.. women that all the female characters (98% of the cast) go "STEKIII" over. Despite all of that, Dezaki manages to transform the hysterical on-the-face-of-it subject matter into captivating drama through a unfailingly serious tone and his usual penchant for melodrama. It helps that the artwork is exceedingly gorgeous, too, perfectly captured in Dezaki's trademark directorial quirk, the flash in the pan, moments captured in time stills (quite at ease here I might add; i.e. they've never seemed more appropriate) and boundless supply of double, triple and even quadruple camera takes!

I can't imagine another director for this show. It would have been a disaster and preposterously silly (maybe, some will still think so), instead, quite the opposite, amazingly gripping! By the end of the show I had gone beyond empathy for the characters on-screen to being nearly possessed by their emotions myself. Yes, I cried during not one, not two, but three episodes! I strongly suspect, as a 28 year-old, heterosexual, male, this was as close as I'll ever get to feeling like a 14 year old girl :lol

More people should see Oniisama e (Brother, Dear Brother), because despite being kinda..erm..very weird, it's really Dezaki at his best and pretty much a masterpiece. Also, I have no idea how the writers turned three volumes of 70s shoujo manga into a 39 episode series quite so spectacularly. Dezaki stated in an interview for Animerica magazine that Riyoko Ikeda after seeing his work on Oniisama e told him that he knew about women better than most women (read here: http://aceonerae.dreamers.com/english/ace_ar01.htm).

I've been looking, without success, for Ace o Nerae fansubs. Do they exist? What's better TV series or Movie? Can't find Ashita no Joe fansubs either, for that matter.

If you feel i should turn in my man card and start reading Jane Austen novels, let me know.


K-ON!(!) is genuinely good in the sense that the staff is rather talented and it really shows in the elaborate scene composition and the very fun and surprisingly loose naturalistic animation. You sure could say it is essentially "content-less", but I don't think that make it any less enjoyable or well-made.

AfroLuffy said:
Has anyone seen the shoujo series Oniisama e (Brother, Dear Brother)?

I'm currently watching, and enjoying, this show. This is way too big of a coincidence. :lol


AfroLuffy said:
Has anyone seen the shoujo series Oniisama e (Brother, Dear Brother)?

Oniisama e sounds interesting, I will definitely check it out. I just finished watching The Rose of Versailles and reading Claudine recently so more Riyoko Ikeda is welcome.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Just finished watching K-On!! 22. Not as good animation as some of the previous episodes, but the end made me smile with glee (even though it was 100% predictable). Just what I needed after 3 hours overtime today! :D


DY_nasty said:
So wait.... K-On is actually good? I really thought this was all a part of some elaborate group troll. :lol
It's well-animated, but it's not good. It's the moe equivalent of soft-core pornography.


Oneesama, is it the Anime where its about a girl that writes to her brother about everything that happens to her and every one look like they have anorixia or Anemia (or both for that matter). and ehere the girl comes from good offspring and became a friend with a bad girl who is rich and bichy. and there is an older Women who faints all the time and the main girl fall in love her and it become apparant lateer that she takes drugs, to make her look anorexic?

if that is the one, then i hated it, because i was like 10 years old and hated all those shojo crap that they started showing on TV at that time.

By the way, about the Fall season, can anyone confirm if Kaji S2 will be shown this season? PLEASE :(


Branduil said:
It's well-animated, but it's not good. It's the moe equivalent of soft-core pornography.

The animation isn't the only thing good about K-ON!(!); the cinematography is excellent, the naturalistic lighting is way above the typical overly shiny KyoAni fluff, and the direction and scene composition are fun and very detailed. I personally think something as thoughtfully executed deserves to called "good", but that's just me.


Salazar said:
It's funny and cute.


7Th said:
The animation isn't the only thing good about K-ON!(!); the cinematography is excellent, the naturalistic lighting is way above the typical overly shiny KyoAni fluff, and the direction and scene composition are fun and very detailed. I personally think something as thoughtfully executed deserves to called "good", but that's just me.

Dang graphics whores...
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