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Summer 2010 Anime Thread of I MAED A ANIMU W1TH Z0MB1ES 1N IT!!!1

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Subete no aware
Pachael said:
It's a bit like the threads that shall not be named - after a while it turns into a conversation within the 'in-group' guys as opposed to the out group much like how the keionbu is really focused on 4+1 rather than other things, perhaps more productive things.

We don't really talk about random parts of our lives and have Hayley Fridays though. For the most part, it's all on topic.

I think this thread has been rather insane since there are several threads running within this one. I mean, I had to talk about Endless Eight again and I can't even remember how that came up.

(Although no one who frequents this thread cares about Mai Mai Miracle apparently!)

Back on topic - Seitokai 9 had another strange "meta" ending, with the "staff" apologizing for making a meta ending... so that it was self-aware on two levels. I'm not sure if it was clever or just pandering to people who like things that are clever.
firehawk12 said:
I think this thread has been rather insane since there are several threads running within this one. I mean, I had to talk about Endless Eight again and I can't even remember how that came up.

The manga thread is like that too. We were talking about some guro series for a while and then I wrote a shounen pillow fighting oneshot.

Though I imagine this is worse since it's supposed to be restricted to one season while that can be about anything.


cosmicblizzard said:
Though I imagine this is worse since it's supposed to be restricted to one season while that can be about anything.
I imagine this thread would be about 600 posts long if we were just discussing currently airing shows :lol
Starting watching Big Windup again.

Good God, was this made for fujoshi? :lol :lol :lol

I'm enjoying it though, even if Mihashi makes Shinji Ikari look like Kenshiro!
Tranced Shadow said:
I'm enjoying it though, even if Mihoshi makes Shinji Ikari look like Kenshiro!

The part that is scary to me is that I can actually visualize the progression of manliness from Kenshiro to Shinji and then shudder at what this 'Mihoshi' must be like. :lol
Unknown Soldier said:
The part that is scary to me is that I can actually visualize the progression of manliness from Kenshiro to Shinji and then shudder at what this 'Mihoshi' must be like. :lol

Oh, he's adorable. Poor guy shrinks away every time someone directs attention at him. The dub's really good at showing how meek he is!


Unknown Soldier said:
The part that is scary to me is that I can actually visualize the progression of manliness from Kenshiro to Shinji and then shudder at what this 'Mihoshi' must be like. :lol

Griffith is currently doing good work as a soulful androgyne who can fuck shit up when necessary.

Caska is pretty goddamned tiresome. I even prefer Corkus - at least the slimy motherfucker has some character.


If only Guts were more articulate, instead of just staring when she flings herself at him wailing about stuff.

I realise an articulate Guts would sabotage other - perhaps more crucial - mechanics in the narrative.


Salazar said:
If only Guts were more articulate, instead of just staring when she flings herself at him wailing about stuff.

I realise an articulate Guts would sabotage other - perhaps more crucial - mechanics in the narrative.
Indeed. The thing about Berserk is that is has very...classical character development. Strangely enough there aren't a large amount of shows that actually do that, apart from endless variations of whiny kid->badass hero.

The main characters will start out in one way and slowly move towards else, but it sure feels like it takes forever, even though the show isn't particularly long.


Salazar said:
If only Guts were more articulate, instead of just staring when she flings herself at him wailing about stuff.

I realise an articulate Guts would sabotage other - perhaps more crucial - mechanics in the narrative.
Man you haven't even seen SHIT yet.


Subete no aware
Tranced Shadow said:
Starting watching Big Windup again.

Good God, was this made for fujoshi? :lol :lol :lol

The easy/trite explanation would be that it's written by a woman!

Also, glad to hear that the Manga thread is just as nonsensical. :lol


Dresden said:

Also, spoilers in the comments. And the side videos. Such is the internet.

Big O II 2 : Huh, that's the first time I've seen this show handle a fight badly. For a start, that mecha design looked like something out of Final Fantasy.

But far more problematic was it's agility, ease of movement and speed. Fights in this show are slow, ponderous and deliberate. They aren't zipping around like Gundams.

Also, I'm reminded once again how damn impressive the art style of season one was, especially as one tiny little bit off from that and the effect is lost.

I still really liked the episode though.


Unknown Soldier said:
edit: I kind of want to play the Another Century's Episode series of games now. Apparently they feature mecha from a variety of TV series and you can fly them and fight other mecha from those series. Or something. It also has it's own continuing story.

E7 is in ACE3, and ACE3 is probably the easiest to get into if you can play Japanese PS2 games. ACE R (PS3) leaves a bad first impression, but I'm really digging that one now too. E7 does have its own games that you can buy properly in English, but ACE's controls for its E7 characters are way better than they are in E7's own game.

I'd pass on the idea of playing ACE for the story though, unless you're good at Japanese.
I finished Big Windup. It was a pretty decent series, but I think the games went on for far too long. One took up pretty much the entire second half of the series.

The games were pretty tense at times, but I preferred to see the characters practice and develop.

Is the second series as "match-heavy"? I dunno if I want to watch it, seeing as though we're getting no dub :(


The 2nd series focuses on a tournament and is only 13 episode, so I think the game-to-episode ratio is quite a bit higher.

I think my favourite thing about the 2nd season were the mothers of the players. They made me "d'aww" many times.

I just watched all of Sengoku Basara #7 and felt like I missed a lot of stuff from episode 6. Like, episode 6 ends with one guy about to start fighting, and the start of episode 7 has another guy telling his master that that guy died. Wth. So I Went back to episode 6 and noticed that there was like 4 minutes of important stuff after the end credits that I didn't watch the first time. Oh well.

Episode 7 has Miyamoto Musashi and a new ending animation.
That was one effective boob grab if I've ever seen one.



Subete no aware
Tranced Shadow said:
I finished Big Windup. It was a pretty decent series, but I think the games went on for far too long. One took up pretty much the entire second half of the series.

The games were pretty tense at times, but I preferred to see the characters practice and develop.

Is the second series as "match-heavy"? I dunno if I want to watch it, seeing as though we're getting no dub :(

The author is a baseball nerd (she played softball and is a sports psychologist) so it's no surprise that there's a heavy focus on the games. Unfortunately the second series ends before all the training camp/recovery stuff happens, so there's not that much character development.

The second series also has two games though, so it's not as "slow" as the first series.

Occult Academy seems to be going at a pace of 2 episodes per arc, so I wonder if the series will end up being a 24 episode/2 cour dealie. I wouldn't mind it though, since I'm not sure if I have anything to watch in the Fall.


Broken Blade OVA 2
The small changes from the manga were nice. *manga*
I'm glad they skipped Rygart's mopping around the castle entirely along with the stupid provocation. Even if he is a fairly typical lead, I thought it detracted from his character.
Overall, I wasn't really impressed with anything, but none of it was terrible either. I guess my only disappointments were the actual fights yet the mech designs were as incredible as I thought they would be if drawn nicely. Still, the OVA treatment in general makes watching so pleasant to the eyes. Maybe my expectations are too low (probably), but the 4th OVA release date and its cover makes me wonder how they'll conclude the OVA.


Rahxephon 12 - Episode 11. (the episode where ayato goes into the dream world) was good shit. Still not so sure what to think of this series. It's interesting, but not exactly exciting.
(for me).

I'm already seeing the evangelion comparisons. This one scene where ayako was carrying quon, felt like it was ripped straight from evangelion.:lol


So, I rewatched all of Paranoia Agent recently. I'm not sure if I should post my thoughts here (where I can talk about each ep without spoiler tags) or if I should bump the Kon tribute thread (which is kinda dead... like him). Thoughts? :(


I say post it here.

I have been meaning to watch that (it is on my long list of stuff) and would love to see your opinions.


duckroll said:
So, I rewatched all of Paranoia Agent recently. I'm not sure if I should post my thoughts here (where I can talk about each ep without spoiler tags) or if I should bump the Kon tribute thread (which is kinda dead... like him). Thoughts? :(

I think we've had cross-posts from one specific type of anime thread into the general anime thread before, though I'm not sure if you would want to encourage that kind of behaviour. The Kon thread deserves it, but this one is more active. It could just get lost here.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Well considering no one really actually discusses the season shows then it should be here.


I say revitalize the Kon tribute thread. It never really took off.

The discussion would be lost within this thread by comparison, and only a small number of people would even know about its existence here.
firehawk12 said:
That's the Sega PSP game announced a while ago, I guess?

Yeah, it's been in the works for awhile now. Most people agree that it's basically the Hatsune Miku game adapted with the HTT girls instead of Miku. Nobody knows if it's going to be good or not. I certainly wouldn't gamble my $120 on finding out.

Bebpo said:
I'd buy a K-on themed Elite Beat Agents/Ouendan.

I would buy a K-ON version of Rock Band and rock the SHIT out of K-ON/HTT songs. If it supported the Pro Guitar mode which was added to RB3 I could even play Gitaa's parts using my own Gitaa!

HSotD 9:


That statement can be interpreted in multiple ways, Saeko-san. But you knew that, didn't you?

For those familiar with the manga, you know 'The Sword and DEAD' is a later chapter in the manga which actually occurs after they leave Saya's parents' estate and before they reach
George A. Romero's Mall of the Dead
. It has been moved up here to before Takashi and Saeko arrive at Saya's house because it fits better in the narrative here in the anime shortened, hopefully first and not only, season of HsotD. The other change made is that Madhouse has apparently determined there is indeed going to be a canonical pairing insofar as the anime is concerned, there is no real pairing of Takashi and anybody yet as of the 26 existing chapters of manga. If you ask me, Madhouse picked the right girl.

Also, Takashi has nice strong man hands which are suitable for firm assertive authoritative boob-grabbing. See the animated GIF above for further information. The most awesome part of this chapter in the manga, where Saeko kills a bunch of zombies and gets turned on and screams that's
is properly preserved in the manga to anime adaptation. I'm glad that Madhouse is keeping all the important parts exactly as they were in the manga. :lol


Saeko always was the best girl. Would've been the best character if Hirano didn't exist, too.

I just want my Sengoku Basara.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
So I'm looking into the type of turtle that the K-on girls got from that one supermarket, the fly river turtle (also known as the pig nosed turtle). The species is listed as CITESII with a ban on exportation from their countries of origin. It's next to impossible to get the turtles to mate in captivity. Pretty much the turtle was acquired illegally by the girls. :lol



See, I told you there's a dark subtext to K-on that the show refused to explore. The story of an autistic girl who imagines most of her friends and smuggles illegal turtles could be quite interesting in the right hands.
Branduil said:
See, I told you there's a dark subtext to K-on that the show refused to explore. The story of an autistic girl who imagines most of her friends and smuggles illegal turtles could be quite interesting in the right hands.

I thought we figured out the dark subtext like 40 pages ago when we realized that cake is a metaphor for drugs and tea is a metaphor for alcohol.


Unknown Soldier said:
I thought we figured out the dark subtext like 40 pages ago when we realized that cake is a metaphor for drugs and tea is a metaphor for alcohol.

Somewhere on the internet some people are having a serious conversation on the 'dark' undertones of K-on.

I am glad that I will never meet these people.


Unknown Soldier said:
I thought we figured out the dark subtext like 40 pages ago when we realized that cake is a metaphor for drugs and tea is a metaphor for alcohol.
I don't know if that extrapolation is warranted. But Yui's autistic behaviors are well documented, and now we have proof of illegal pet smuggling as well.


watervengeance said:
That show I hate ep 9 - So, can someone tell me what that boob grab was all about?

The way I understood it was that since Saeko was initially 'turned on' to violence by being sexually assaulted in the past, Takashi was reminding her of that when she was wussing out. He was telling her it's okay for her to be a violent psychopath.

She needed to be for them to survive, anyway.

Also, fanservice. Duh.
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