I'm not familiar with any of his other works. All I know is that he's "dark" and edgy.
Have you given Fate/Zero a shot?
I'm not familiar with any of his other works. All I know is that he's "dark" and edgy.
Not yet, definitely will.Have you given Fate/Zero a shot?
I saw screenshots with tentacle rape... yeah.I don't think you'll like Saya no Uta.
It's not just that. Gen Urobuchi is definitely a misogynist and it shows in his work. Not that you'd expect anything more from someone who writes VNs, but still.I saw screenshots with tentacle rape... yeah.
It's not just that. Gen Urobuchi is definitely a misogynist and it shows in his work. Not that you'd expect anything more from someone who writes VNs, but still.
Morbid curiosity rising.It's not just that. Gen Urobuchi is definitely a misogynist and it shows in his work. Not that you'd expect anything more from someone who writes VNs, but still.
Everything is right in the world.So at some point, we all missed the results from SaiMecha round 3:
Gurren Lagann vs Zeta Gundam BY ONE VOTE! (50.47% vs 49.53%)
Nirvash vs VF-25 Messiah (41.35% vs 58.65%)
Turn A Gundam vs Gouf Custom (51.49% vs 48.61%)
Gunbuster vs Kshatriya (64.76% vs 35.24%)
Certainly is.Saki AFin12:
Mahjong (and no pan) is serious business.
Yeah, it was pretty interesting that that happened...Given that they finally have, this episode really felt like an ending. They even had the sameNodoka and friends finally meet, so it even went full circle in that way too!Narrator come back and give his spiel that he gave at the end of the original Saki
That's why it was going to end here, originally, probably, to have it end with Teru... but it would be annoying to not have the remaining four matches get any time, so I think it's great that it'll continue. Will it be dramatic? We'll see, but given that they have only three episodes for four rounds, it certainly can't match this epic four episode match.Certainly if it ended there, there would be so much god damned hype for this show (at least among maniacs like me), so I'm curious to see how they'll tack on the next three episodes. It just feels like there should be something massive at the end anyway.
Yeah, it's definitely a "and now read the LNs to see what happens next" ending. Oh well, what else could they do, make one up? With how awful most of their added stuff (such as the utterly useless Cecily of early in the series) was, I don't know that I'd want that... they'd probably revoke the progress you mention there and send her back to zero because it'd be more moe, or something.The Sacred Blacksmith 12
Having a magic sword that makes things decay seems like cheating, but oh well... An awesome episode, but a poor conclusion to the story. The antagonist doesn't even die. It's very clear that this is just a part of a larger story, it would just be nice to see how it ends. If they ever resume with a season 2 if ever, I would not say no.
Oh and seeing Cecily saving Luke was great.
Great part of the episode indeed.![]()
YY + thread's general reaction.
Huh, that's interesting, I didn't know that they had different origins. That does explain some things, though, "lolita fashion" did seem fairly different from the usual loli/lolita definition.The Loli referred to in fashion is not the same lolita as lolita complex
The Term 'Lolita'
In the context of fashion, the term 'Lolita' does not exclusively relate to sex. The usage of the word can be considered wasei-eigo or deriving from the female given name, 'Lolita' relating back to Japan's relations to Portugal. Early Japanese lolitas thought it meant something cute in Portuguese and therefore adopted the wasei-eigo term "lolita".
The fashion is thought to have been partly created to react against the growing exposure of the body and skin in modern society. Adherents fight this with modesty, presenting themselves as "cute" or "elegant" rather than "sexy"
You could tell the difference, really?Technically the steam isn't really censorship here. They've got soapsud covered bodies underneath so you don't see anything anywho.
1) What motive would there be for BV to censor the movie? Why aren't you thinking logically?
2) SD vs HD. You didn't see out of focus shots in SD.
Later on, the infamous guy who loses his head - the head part is gone entirely. The screen whites out and this is very noticeable.
Right. The screening last night, however, was quite different. The BGM was ENTIRELY silent for that scene until the DYRL intro. It may be subtle, but it takes away a WHOLE LOT for me. I am very sensitive to the usage of BGM in movies/TV (remember our podcast on Sayonara no Tsubasa and how the Brera/Ozma battle kind of was dragged down by the stock BGM usage IMO) and DYRL is perfect as it was -- I don't know if this omission is on purpose or a mistake, but it is much, much more detrimental to the work overall than the violence being cut.
The director, Yano Yuichiro, isn't someone who has directed many works that I have seen so I don't know if this is a recurring issue for him or not but that's exactly the problem that the first episode of Moyashimon Returns has. There's no flow or structure to the episode, it felt janky, like something Tomino had worked on.Moyashimon 9-11
My biggest complaint would be that there were a stretch of episodes in the middle which felt rather disjointed - both scene-by-scene and episode-by-episode. I wish the show had dedicated more time to establishing Sawaki's transition into college life - as it is, I didn't feel there was enough context to the microbe antics in the lab.
Princess Carry? Sure looks like it to me!
I'm sorry, Mr. Generic Main Character-ish Guy, but this is the 20th century now, and swords are a bit outdated. Nobody outside of Japan cares about those things anymore. What, this is anime? But it's set in Europe, in what looks like the 1920s most likely...
Probably true, but they're all really, really generic.Arcana Famiglia
Screw the guys, Felicita is by far the best character in this show.
Their art has gotten better over time, and obviously people who like Key are also going to be more likely to like their art well enough than people who despise them like you do are.KEY's made a lot of money, right? I wonder what they blow it on because it certainly isn't art.
Why would it be worse if it was about a real sport? Do you mean that it's because you don't like any real sports, so you wouldn't care? I guess so, but I didn't care about mahjong before I started watching Saki, so you don't have to come in liking the sport to like the franchise.You guys know me all too well. :lol
It's definitely a guilty pleasure show because of the MJ. If it was about a real sport, (like RKB and basketball or Taishou Baseball Girls and... baseball) I wouldn't enjoy it it as much.
And there's :firehawk, but not really!
In the same way that Tsuritama could be a :cosmic shounen, except for the fact that the powering up is through fishing and not through fists.
Ah, alright. Were there really only three, though?Don't get me wrong - remember, I'm one of the three or so gaffots who actually watched the first season of Saki.
Yup, the OVAs really are just extra episodes. Isn't that exactly what they should be, though? And yes, it's a new school year, so of course there are some new people to introduce.Seitokai Yakuindomo 14
I don't think most robotic clubs are like this.
So they just don't stop introducing new characters do they. Same old, same old, even the same jokes from the first episode just different reaction.
Yes, I'm certainly hoping that there will be more episodes. I'm sure the manga has plenty more good stuff in it to animate...Seitokai Yakuindomo 16
Nothing's more important.
You know, I'm now sad this is the last episode. I do want more of this show. It's not always hilarious, but the lewd jokes are amusing, I like the characters and it's pretty fun all around. That and I really do like the ED. Though, I do expect more episodes mostly cause they are not stopping the new character train one bit.
Chinatsu's hair was indeed terrifying.Yuru Yuri S2 1
Akari-sama is the bestest. It was a fun reentry into the series. Everything felt quite spot on. The jokes were funny and the pace was smooth. The yuri quota was met and then some (even if it was mostly a sad delusion). The OP from the first season was catchier but this one is fine too.
Chinatsu's hair is a demon.
Gah! That could give some people nightmares...
Arcana Famiglia 1
Hey, look, it's more sexist, mediocre anime!
The director, Yano Yuichiro, isn't someone who has directed many works that I have seen so I don't know if this is a recurring issue for him or not but that's exactly the problem that the first episode of Moyashimon Returns has. There's no flow or structure to the episode, it felt janky, like something Tomino had worked on.
Sexist to women? Because... it is an otome game adaptation.
ararararagi-esque said:
It would probably be more enjoyable if you could understand what they were saying. I know Northern English can be a bit tricky on non domestic ears. Also it was surprising what they managed to get away with in these sketches.
Why are you pissed that 4Kids is dead? Weren't they the ones holding anime back?Seeing how Pokemon (and by extention 4Kids) was back in the day just makes me so god damn pissed their dead.
Ash just looks so out of place now. They should have scrapped him with the reboot.
This is the worst thing about Ash always having to lose each regional tournament.
Hey, I was about 10 when it came on the air. It was good back then.Pokemon has never been a good show.
Have you not seen Azumanga?Yurumates 3D 13I never thought penguins could rival cats in adorableness, but Penguindrum, Minori Scramble, and this have put up a persuasive case.
You just need to tilt the laptop screen back. Which I of course did completely accidentally.You could tell the difference, really?
Is this the first time they've heard a new 5.1 mix? Pretty much all of them have issues with things changing. I think you're giving them too much credit.Let's go and read the article I originally linked to:
Furthermore, in case you weren't already convinced that these guys have seen this movie too many times to make basic mistakes there's this discussion about another (extremely subtle) alteration which is in the comments:http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=37131&st=0&p=982656&#entry982656
It's too bad that I'm no longer interested in watching the current sequel, as the redesigns are rather unfortunate and it sounds like it exacerbates the worst aspects of the educational nature of the show, but hopefully I hear more positive impressions on it down the line.
So this was the beginning of your dark path.I was broken by fandeath. Then by Xillia. I have no idea what's wrong with me anymore. Also, I realized how much more outgoing Eureka is in the movie. Hm... I really want tocompare the movie Eureka to the one that's in AO. Hm....
You mean "it seemed good when you were ten", yes?Hey, I was about 10 when it came on the air. It was good back then.
Sure, sure... we believe you...You just need to tilt the laptop screen back. Which I of course did completely accidentally.
What, the massive amounts of Cosmic hype didn't make you at least a little bit cautious? I mean, unless you share his tastes of course.Binbougami ga 1
Momiji is an awful character. Otherwise an okay show. Definitely not worth the hype, would rather watch Nyaruko-san to be honest. Will wait to see if it gets better later on before I continue.
Seriously, you should watch the original series, soon. Sure, it may not have much in the way of yuri, but it's a far, far better anime series than its sequel is. Last Exile is a great series.Well, even though I never watched the original Last Exile and I thought at times the
new Last Exile: Silver Wing was just stupid, it never really hinged on the fanservice. They brought back the old characters at various points throughout the series, but as someone who had no knowledge of the original, I was still invested enough in some of the new characters that it didn't matter if the fanservice moments were completely lost on me.
Sengoku Collection vs. Battle Girls: Time Paradox, which is better/worse?Sengoku Collection 11:
The historical Matsunaga Hisahide committed suicide upon his defeat by Oda Nobunaga, but first spited Oda by destroying a tea kettle that Oda desired.
Sengoku Collection Matsunaga Hisahide is a con artist who specializes in faking her own death.
It took patience to make it through this episode. Beyond the general lack of anything going, the multiple fake poker matches took the episode into anti-entertainment territory. Hisahide isn't as great a con artist as she is talented at finding the stupidest yakuza in Japan, somehow happening on a mob-run casino whose proprietors are actually willing to risk losing ownership of the establishment in a single high-stakes poker match against a patron who is a known cheater. In the real world, one would get dragged out into a dark alley and beaten mostly to death by goons for even proposing such an absurdity. The whole episode was just a series of stupid people doing stupid things.
Sengoku Collection 12:
The historical Maeda Keiji once broke an entire enemy formation with only eight horsemen.
Sengoku Collection Maeda Keiji chases down delinquents on a motorcycle and punishes them with BDSM and lectures on panties.
Seriously, two episodes in a row featuring yakuza? Shake things up a little. Apparently Brains Base was desperately trying to huff the last fumes of their own past success this episode by making one of the Sengoku girls a vaguely knockoff Celty except, y'know, with an actual head (and thank goodness, because Maeda Keiji is a meganekko.) This was an unbearably dull story about vigilantism and, uhh.........meaningful underwear.
and what the heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell at the last couple of minutes
Certainly the first, maybe both, it seems to me...He seems more like a misanthrope than a straight up misogynist.
I still think they're lying about the visual changes
There's a lot of anime that's far worse than Arcana Famiglia's first episode, though... and there were a few things about it that were amusing, if not many.Arcana Famiglia being merely mediocre is an insult to mediocrity. That shit sucked. I couldn't finish the first episode of that crap, I mean, the first action scene was bad enough with the lame way of introducing everyone, kinda like that shit that was Horizon and its shitty method of character introductions but I soldiered through it to make it to the birthday party to the big announcement and finally gave up. This shit is terrible. It's not merely generic or mediocre it is offensively bad.
Well there's two things to address here:There's a lot of anime that's far worse than Arcana Famiglia's first episode, though... and there were a few things about it that were amusing, if not many.
You mean "it seemed good when you were ten", yes?
Arcana Famiglia being merely mediocre is an insult to mediocrity. That shit sucked. I couldn't finish the first episode of that crap, I mean, the first action scene was bad enough with the lame way of introducing everyone, kinda like that shit that was Horizon and its shitty method of character introductions but I soldiered through it to make it to the birthday party to the big announcement and finally gave up. This shit is terrible. It's not merely generic or mediocre it is offensively bad.
Natsuyuki Rendezvous - Episode 1
Wow. Kou Matsuo is really back. It's been a while since he's done a new TV series, but he definitely nails it again here. I'm not familiar with the source material at all, so some of the story and developments took me by surprise. The story is a lot more mature and rather grim on the surface, but handled in a very laid back and casual manner, which is an interesting contrast. There's a solid dynamic between the characters which promises for some really interesting drama too.
One thing that I really like in Matsuo works is how natural the conversations and dialogue always feel. It is the same here, with great dramatic flow between characters and it always feels natural and sharp. Another aspect which really elevates it from most shows is the great color deisgn and art direction. Everything on screen feels like it pops right out and has really nice color contrast.
The direction and layout in the first episode is really strong, which really helps to sell many of the scenes. This is definitely a series worthy of the noitaminA slot, with an intriguing romantic plot, unorthodox characters, and a solid mix of audio and visual elements. Really excited to see where this goes next. Hosanna says the manga is 4 volumes and complete too, so this shouldn't run into the pacing issue which Kids on the Slope had either.![]()
Accel World ep 13
gah! This means no more Unfinished ED![]()
I was in the same position as you. I had no idea what the source material was about, so the premise ofsurprised me in a positive way.a dead husband sticking around the main character's love interest
My biggest fear regarding this show is that,they might go off on a tangent and start focusing onwith the confession already out of the way,shenanigans instead of actually advancing the main plot consistently.ghost
It's a relatively short manga, so there's not too much room for random shenanigans. Based on the translated chapters I've read, (slight spoilers?)you shouldn't have room for concern, at least in the near future. It's an intimate, focused story.
But Arcana Famiglia is leading the way this season in the most compelling characters department, and character development. It actually looks good visually and feels good too. I was pretty excited for it all throughout those 24 or so minutes.I thought it was really bad, and reading the impressions in the IRC, I had never felt more out of touch with the rest of AnimeGAF.
Definitely in the Momiji camp. Kanazawa and tits aren't everything.
But Arcana Famiglia is leading the way this season in the most compelling characters department, and character development. It actually looks good visually and feels good too. I was pretty excited for it all throughout those 24 or so minutes.
deep philosophical and culturally marxist pondering on breasts equality comparable only to the great ninja tits
But it was sufficient, the ceremony to attain the Arcana, its grandeur,its brilliance, its magnificence. Luca, Nova, Liberta were developed.Dat first episode amazing character development led by random power explanations!
Would that be a first for Bandai Visual? Any antecedents? I've always seen them as pretty respectful of the original material for this kind of releases.What motive would there be for BV to censor the movie? Why aren't you thinking logically?
I dunno, lol
I just really liked this little cut to the store
Exactly. It kind of defeats the purpose, no?
But it was sufficient, the ceremony to attain the Arcana, its grandeur,its brilliance, its magnificence. Luca, Nova, Liberta were developed.
Never heard of a Privateer then?Exactly. It kind of defeats the purpose, no?
this is known but still doesn't undermine or lessen the depth of the world Kawamori has created. these things must be explored to the fullestOr
it's a promotional campaign for the idol group and possibly a gateway to the untapped market known as comiket.