The final of the five post-PV spoiler images: Okay, for real this time, it's all about NEXT WEEK.
All of the
power-up forms
Super Sonic Reika
The final of the five post-PV spoiler images: Okay, for real this time, it's all about NEXT WEEK.
All of theare pretty ugly, butpower-up formsis by far the worst. What the fuck where they thinking?Super Sonic Reika
I foresee some very bad edits coming out of those Precure screenshots.
After having seen MidoriI feel like I can handle anything!twice
Gotta cure fast.
I'm not a big fan of the Princess Forms myself; the costumes being reduced to formless glowing flowy things with huge garish crowns is a total downgrade. I hope they just appear as part of the attack sequence involving the unicorn things and that they're not permanent.
Ween. Nein, Wien. Wein? Wien!
So did SaintSeiyaYuna Omega not air this week or something?
So did SaintSeiyaYuna Omega not air this week or something?
Shining Hearts - Shiawase no Pan 01
I'm not even sure I'd say it was terrible. In fact, I didn't walk away feeling anything.
Shining Hearts - Shiawase no Pan 01
Everybody is sexy, happy, and baking bread.
My thought process: "What is this about?" -> "Why is everyone baking bread?" -> *look at title* -> "Oh shit it's actually about bread."
Also god damn that was a lot of "Everyone's happy and having fun" montages.
I'm not even sure I'd say it was terrible. In fact, I didn't walk away feeling anything.
You can probably count on that.That's how the power-up forms worked in Fresh, Heartcatch and Smile: the girls just use them to spam the new finisher.
Shining Hearts - Shiawase no Pan 01
I'm not even sure I'd say it was terrible. In fact, I didn't walk away feeling anything.
The Power of Rick's Bread.
Hyouka 12
The dancing was cool, but what we really need is a gif of Houtarou leaning out the window and clapping. I bet it could supplant citizenkaneclapping.gif as a go-to sarcastic response, at least one AnimeGAF.
Joshiraku 1
I have no idea what I just watched but I THINK it was awesome.
This scratches my SZS itch quite well.
The OP is catchy and the ED is ED of the season, easily.
As far as I'm concerned, KyoAni picked another winner to adapt - even if everyone else hates Nichijou and Hyouka and K-On. lol
Not a bad episode, but I wanted this series to come back to deliver on the unfulfilled promise underlying the original run. Instead the characters seem to be losing their charm and individuality while the show treads in familiar waters. Right now the show doesn't offer very much outside of the above average robot battles that had limited screen time in this episode. The show is at its best when you have vivid streaks of color running across the sky as the fights play out, but the music was seriously downgraded on this episode, and it was one of the last things breathing any life into the series. Pulsating techno finds itself muted by a mess of strings that attempt to add gravitas to scenes. The cut off ending was really jarring, and I don't see things shifting quickly enough to move Declaration out of its comfort zone.
I like Hakase Hakase Hakase (Nano Nano Nano).I love Hyouga (my show of the year so far) and K-ON!(!), but I think I've already made it known that I only really like around 50% of Nichijou. Fucking slowass Professor gags ruining a perfectly good cartoon. Either way, we don't know how much is source material and how much is KyoAni. I mean, K-ON!(!)'s greatness was 90% KyoAni.
After seeing Flameheart kiss loser boy, Tomomi gets jealous, so she asks him out on a date. Flameheart, though she wouldn't admit it, is angered by this and spies on them the whole day. Basically the whole show was repetitive with Akiharu asking Tomomi why she asked him out on a date, with her just brushing it off as just because, and with Flameheart embarrassing herself in front of the other school mates she runs into during her spying. Wasn't the best episode by long shot, but it was nice to see that Tomomi is human and isn't just there to pick on Akiharu all the time.![]()
Are there actually any other teachers in this school or are they it?
Are you sure about that?
Its on break this week, I think the last episode said it and the schedule site.
that's a shame.U.S. Women's Open aired during its timeslot; I only got to watch Kamen Rider and Precure yesterday.
I like Hakase Hakase Hakase (Nano Nano Nano).
KyoAni definitely saved K-On!! from itself, but I'm more willing to believe in the Hyouka novels if only because the writing is so strong. The person adapting the novels to make it work for television has done a great job as well (ignoring whatever the fuck happened to episode 11.5), but I have to imagine that the core of Oreki comes from the books. But who knows, maybe the books are shit and KyoAni saves the day again.
It's definitely the richest of the anime that aired last season and, at least so far, that have aired this season.
But you're not supposed to like the first episode.Tasogare Otome x AmnesiaDusk Maiden of Amnesia 1:
Well, okay. That was definitely something. Repeating most of the first half of the episode in the second half was either quite clever, since you actually see our eponymous amnesiac dusk maiden in the repeated parts, or just a method of saving money on animation. I wouldn't call the animation good or anything, but it doesn't look like it had much of a budget behind it. I'm not sure why it feels like the character designs are off, and I don't know if that is intentional or not. Faces seem a bit grotesque.
It seems sufficiently interesting at least. And it's pretty funny.
Oh yes, it looks more "real" than school festivals that you see in jdramas. lolThe writing in Hyouka definitely feels stronger than the writing of K-ON!(!), but I don't think the story would feel as polished or seamless if it wasn't for GodAni quality direction and animation. The Culture Festival in episode 12 is by far the best, most lively Culture Festival I've seen in TV anime. Everything felt so... alive. GodAni delivering the goods and all that.
The first episode is fine!But you're not supposed to like the first episode.
Hopefully that's the only reset button they needed to push.Rinne no Lagrange s2 1
Am I really going to watch another whole season of this going nowhere?
so nothing happening in lagrange? Don't see pages of maru and wan gifs.
Maybe i should not watch s2 until its a few eps deep...
so nothing happening in lagrange? Don't see pages of maru and wan gifs.
Maybe i should not watch s2 until its a few eps deep...
So yeah, that fake Niconico video in Tari Tari episode 2? Not so fake anymore.
you should have at least announced your intent to watch first so that I could tell you the secret to getting through the early episodes:.every time someone says "Rick's bread", take it to mean "Rick's penis"
Rinne no Lagrange s2 1
Am I really going to watch another whole season of this going nowhere?
I think the chances are high for intergalactic warfare and more stunning laser light shows.
But you're not supposed to like the first episode.