Jinrui is a comedy?Binbougami ga 1
Okay, I might have found my second comedy (it's the only other comedy series worth mentioning besides Jinrui this season anyways).
Jinrui is a comedy?Binbougami ga 1
Okay, I might have found my second comedy (it's the only other comedy series worth mentioning besides Jinrui this season anyways).
Extra notes: The OP is not good, I will skip it from now on.
Binbougami ga 1
Extra notes: The OP is not good, I will skip it from now on.
Jinrui is a comedy?
I don't see how any of those are pluses.
I was quick to clarify because misunderstandings are how rumors get started.
Jinrui is a comedy?
Jinrui is a comedy?
See, I took that as the ending of the series,Wellthat scene was going nicely up until the part where we are pulled out of the fantasy and realize we were just viewing another of his fantasizations. Then the episode goes to repeat the same time travelling spice gag as the first episode, making some sort of statement about time travelling and repetitive cycles or another.
The thing is the story still had a lot to resolve, and that is why the series felt lacking. But dropping series at incomplete endings is nothing new for Shaft...
One can always dream though >_<
So, without the benefit of reading the manga,I watch virtually no romance anime so I'm terrible at discerning whenSince this is anime, it's probably best to automatically assume the latter unless explicitly indicated otherwise.this kind of fickle behavior is just supposed to be confused and irrational adolescent passion and when it's just bad writing.
Yurika and Jun's storyline was pretty unnecessary on the whole, but I have to admit that I liked how it resolved. Seeing Kaoru not reach out to Ritsuko on the train and then flashing forward eight years to him seeing Yurika happy while he's miserable kind of speaks volumes, no?
Not to imply that Ritsuko would have been impulsive enough to actually elope with Kaoru or anything, of course.
So many good ships in Tsuritama.yuki natsuki, yamada haru, yuki urura
Now that's one I can get behind.It's all about Captain getting his lady.
It feels more like satire in that respect.A dark comedy, sure. This doesn't preclude it from having serious content mixed in.
I am going to back Ultima on this one. I can't make it through the Binbougami OP.I'm glad you like the show, but this is an unfortunate breach of taste.
Its so catchy even if the visuals are lacking, though.
I am going to back Ultima on this one. I can't make it through the Binbougami OP.
Too bad for you guys. I've probably watched it 20 times by now.
I dig Binbougami's OP but I think I enjoy the ED more. :|
If a war is about to start, then put my on the side that likes Binbougami's OP.
Other than on the surface, it really doesn't compare that much to Gintama. (*shakes fist at cosmic*).Binbougami ga! 01
Everyone's been comparing this show to Gintama, but since I've never seen it I'll say instead that it reminds me of a more sedate Excel Saga.
EDs > OPs
Unless we are talking about Ladies vs Butlers.
I would say Binbougami is what Sorachi would do if he wrote Ah my Goddess. I believe the comparisons hold water, but it's still different and fresh compared to Gintama.
Not for Spring anime, like Zetman, Tsuritama, Kimi to Boku 2, Hyouka
Did the manga actually end by the time Shaft finished the series? If not, I can see how they could have ended the show they way they did anyway. That said, I still liked how it all ended up regardless.
So, without the benefit of reading the manga,I'm assuming it's just bad writing. The author needed some contrivances, so they introduced them. That said, couples falling in love with each other at different times isn't any thing new either - it's just a matter of how it was presented in the anime that made it seem weird to me.
That's the funny thing, I feel like the complications all ended up with better arcs. Rock and Roll guy actually grew by the end, the two points of the love polygon ended up splintering into having their own exciting tryst... their characters went somewhere. What happened to the main characters was something that I just wasn't at all invested in.
After the Persona 4 Golden OP and this, I'm starting to get a feeling you don't like catchy happy songs![]()
The Binbougami OP owns but I don't see what the bad P4G OP has to do with it.
hyouka ed is worst than OP?
hyouka ed is worst than OP?
Binbougami ga! 01
How is Vegeta unfortunate? They should stayed consistent with Gintama's DBZ referenceolgy and used Yamcha!
hyouka ed is worst than OP?
They havent even used the ED enough to grow on me. Visually it kind of pales far in comparison to the OP, and the OP feels more full of life. The only thing the ed has given is a good fanart of satoshi and houtarou.
It was a nice cap to that relationship, but weren't the other plotlines still unresolved?See, I took that as the ending of the series
The manga ended 9 months or so after the series, so that could be possible. But my interpretation was always that they left it slightly open so they could put another season in once more material was out.Did the manga actually end by the time Shaft finished the series? If not, I can see how they could have ended the show they way they did anyway. That said, I still liked how it all ended up regardless.
They havent even used the ED enough to grow on me. Visually it kind of pales far in comparison to the OP, and the OP feels more full of life. The only thing the ed has given is a good fanart of satoshi and houtarou.
So we got something awesome instead! Especially since they had to wrap it up with with they had to work with.The manga was mostly finished by the time that the series aired, but not entirely.
You only need toSounds like the safer assumption.It's not like vacillating between friendzone and love is something that doesn't exist in real life; I just would have liked to have seen Kaoru actively work to redeem himself in Ritsuko's eyes rather than a spontaneous change of heart on her part.
Maybe this can serve as an important life lesson. Always strive to be a problem in the life of someone more complex and important than you, and you'll ultimately find happiness.
Same.I like the song for the OP more than the ED. :/
I'm sure there is far worse he could have posted, but then he probably didn't want to go hang out with cajunator.Why did I click this link
its DTL
why did I click this link
its DTL
Yeah, it's been a while myself, but I feel like it was the central relationship that was really the heart of the series anyway. And the fact thatIt was a nice cap to that relationship, but weren't the other plotlines still unresolved?Like Kaja's finally finding out the truth about the teacher? Or the whole meaning behind why they can travel? It's been so long, so not really sure...
That may be possible, but I get the impression that they didn't expect to do more. They wrapped up Arakawa decently as well, even though there was no real resolution there either.The manga ended 9 months or so after the series, so that could be possible. But my interpretation was always that they left it slightly open so they could put another season in once more material was out.
That may be possible, but I get the impression that they didn't expect to do more. They wrapped up Arakawa decently as well, even though there was no real resolution there either.
I think Negima and Bakemono are the only shows they've done that have had proper, honest to god, not-split cour sequels?
I like the song for the OP more than the ED. :/
oh we talking about the songs!
I honestly don't even remember if the ED has music -.-"
Ah right, how could I forget YuriSketch!SZS and Hidamari.
Also, hopefully someone stitches together that ending sequence picture soon. Very beautiful.
The final announcement of the Sword of the Stranger 5th Anniversary Project is:HOLY SHIT THAT IS SO EXCITING! OMG!!!a fan event at Loft/Plus One on the 25th of July featuring Masahiko Minami, Masahiro Ando, Hidetsugu Ito, and Shiho Takeuchi! They'll stand around and talk about boring shit about a 5 year old movie!!!!
Ooh, that's really awesome! Thanks a bunch.
well one outta two aint badUltimabro doesn't like it either.
You know, the weirdest thing about the romance in the show is thathow Ritsuko goes from rejecting Kaoru to falling in love with him is just strange. I just find it odd that the two side characters probably got the better deal when it comes to their romance... even their train moment was better.