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Summer 2012 Anime |OT3| Where All the Waifus Are Made Up and the Points Don't Matter

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So that .gif of Accel World sold me on watching a few eps.

Is there a no bullshit ep guide for it, or should I just skip around each ep for action?
So will someone compile the Accel World Best Bits list as proposed earlier in the season?
No-one has done a 'best of' Accel World guide although it shouldn't be too hard to compile on. I've watched fewer episodes than Duckroll and Dresden so I can't really say. Skipping around is your best bet at the moment.


So will someone compile the Accel World Best Bits list as proposed earlier in the season?

You can watch all of it. If you see any kind of human just skip till you see robot-looking dudes in a not normal world. Basically a little over half the show.


dont forget to witness the shows obsession with eating and tears



Wolf Children - Fucking amazing.

Hosoda best film yet easily. It's the kind of film that reminds me why I watch anime in the first place.:eek:


So just read the interview of Makoto Shinkai.

I found this quote rather interesting.

Shinkai uses CGI, too, but you might never notice it.

"Animation is created from two elements, the characters and the background," he begins. "Since the intrinsic feel of 3DCG is different from either of those elements, if it’s just used as-is it introduces an unwanted third element to the animation. In other words, it prevents the animation from feeling like a unified whole. To prevent this, when using 3DCG, I try as much as possible to make it look like either part of the cel or the background.

It's something that it seems many studios don't grasp and really creates an immersion break.


So just read the interview of Makoto Shinkai.

I found this quote rather interesting.

It's something that it seems many studios don't grasp and really creates an immersion break.
I'm reminded of what Braid Baird did with The Iron Giant

Bird had to blend the Giant's CG (computer-generated) animation with the hand-drawn animation of Hogarth, the boy who befriends him. "The common rap of CG and traditional animation blends, is that you could always tell where one ends and the other begins," the director says. "If we did that in a film where the whole film is based on a relationship between a CG character and a traditionally-animated character, we were doomed to fail."

Bird's solution?

"Well, we just tried to remove all the things that separate hand-drawn stuff from CGI. Rather than trying to make the hand-drawn stuff have the look of CGI, we thought we should try to make the CGI look hand-drawn.

"We even created a software program to wobble the lines of the Giant just a little bit. Not enough to make them look like they're badly-drawn, but to make them a little less perfect than they would normally be.
It's a very subtle effect. You can't see it a lot. A lot of people don't know that the Giant is computer-animated, and that, to me, says that we did our job. If we did our job, you won't feel that there's any difference."
Of course, this is exactly the kind of thing that most anime featuring CG totally fails to do and so all the CG animation is generally far too smooth and perfect.


I don't understand what direction GAiNAX is heading right now. Another round of staff profiles from their website swept, with very young animators probably gone; Hisao Dendo, also Shota Iwasaki (tarou2) & part of his 'dōjin circle' gang... many of the most promising people still there. Sigh...

At least Mr. Yamaga knows what he can do next, directing his very own staging for the Ring's The Rhine Gold (http://gainax.co.jp/opera/), canalizing there his already shown passion for Richard Wagner, because... anyone remembers the pilot of Wings of Honnêamise featuring a The Mastersingers of Nuremberg musical fragment? Meanwhile, Mr. Akai is more worried about promoting Yonago City... priorities galore...


Ai Mai! Moe Can Change! OVA


"The OVA adaptation Moe Can Change! is created by Frontier Works, based on a free-to-play game developed by Ambition for mobile phones. The original "playful bishoujo Miroid-raising / clothes-changing moe game" has the player joining a beta test program for androids, who the player must raise and dress up as girls.

(Source: Animekon)"

"In a near future, Kiyan Chie and Anna Moeki have just been hired by the AMB Company as "navi girls" to promote a new service called Moe Can Change. They get to know each other as they test this wacky new service that allows people to change their outfits instantly simply by using a smartphone."

(Source: ANN)

well, um... i think this was about costume changing "experiments", vague lesbian undertones and this thing called "MOE THERAPY" but i'm not so sure what the hell that actually entails as this shit still made hardly any sense even after looking up the summaries above. if you like cute things for the sake of how cute they are or have a fetish for a certain type of costume then you probably won't be disappointed with this... maybe.

. . .

oh! i almost forgot about the security "tans" that orgasm when doing the secret pose to unlock the door to the secret moe technology laboratory...

. . .

you know what, fuck ann for writing this goddamn article and bringing this garbage to my attention for the nth time


That's alright, but what exactly don't you like about the story, direction, or character development? I probably also have a slightly skewed perspective because the majority of the other summer shows I'm watching at the moment are comparative trash, so I might be a bit more lenient on this one.

For instance, the character development isn't nearly as skilfully woven into the story such as that found in Hyouka, but it, for the most part, has been more than satisfying, rarely failing to deliver moments of growth and subtle development for the main characters.
Aoki and Yui
were the most woefully under-developed characters until now, but that's changed a bit.
Iori and Inaba
have grown considerably as characters, particularly Inaba, and I see
development as more of a slow, gradual evolution, as there have been numerous moments littered throughout the story that have touched upon the
uncertain, fixed mask she creates for herself, and how vague and unsettling the dichotomy might be between her true self and the emotional facade she wears for others.
Also, it seems like the next episode and possibly the next arc will focus quite a bit more on her.
has had excellent characterization, but, admittedly, not much actual character development, since he hasn't really been forced to reconcile the rather large part of his personality that is inclined to
selfishly help others, basically fulfilling this "white knight" persona
. Perhaps nuanced was the wrong word to use, because at times the character development can be awfully straightforward, but it's certainly been strongly present up to this point.

I don't know if there's much I can elaborate on regarding the story, since that's more a matter of taste and particular interest, but, as for me, the story has been quite intriguing and refreshing, due mostly to the manner in which it swiftly moves between events, never really dragging too long on one point or emotion. Occasionally, the phenomenons and resulting developments can feel a bit contrived, but, overall, I think it handles the plethora of disparate elements at play really well, rarely faltering or degrading into an uneven mess of cliched emotions and contrived plot points. The direction is quite good and consistent, actually. It's certainly not on the same level as Natsuyuki Rendezvous, Hyouka, or even Jinrui, but it does a good job of balancing the drama and slight humor, seldom ever derailing into forced emotions and unconvincing character actions, and said direction has rather delicately handled the complex pacing, save for small portions of the second arc that, from time to time, needlessly focused on the dramatic side of the equation a bit too much.

Of course, I'll be able to dissect these points far more once the show is complete, since these small hints towards larger story and character developments might very well be left unanswered. It's certainly not a perfect show, but it's well above average for me, and far more enjoyable and consistently impressive than most others have been this season, and year, for that matter.

Dude, first of all, you really do have a way with words. I wish I were able to put my thoughts into words in as lovely a fashion. I'm kinda jealous.

Secondly, I think it simply boils down to the fact we're watching this show for entirely different reasons. You seem to be really invested into the characters and story whereas I'm just interested in seeing some creative ways to troll some dumb teens in the zaniest ways possible and don't actually care about any of them in the slightest. I don't like how
we're told Iori behaves differently depending on the people around her even though we never really see this actually happening in any meaningful or convincing way and I don't like how we're initially told Taichi has trouble expressing himself and stuff when everything we've seen about him over the course of the show speaks otherwise and that we're just supossed to take their word for it because they say it's so
. I also don't like how
it seems to have become a stealth harem with the majority of the girls falling for the generic white knight character
for what I consider to be dubious, if not unintelligible, reasons.

I pretty much had to drop the show right then and there in the middle of episode 8 because it felt like the hamfisted and contrived drama was being shoved down my throat and I didn't care for it at all. I only picked it back up once I was told the arc was over. I also believe the direction of the show is merely adequate at best and think it is certainly not a looker in terms of animation even if the character designs are agreeable. There's just too much static people just standing around talking about stuff for my liking. Most of all I think I'm just fed up with the standard teen romance high school drama setting and this show does nothing to change that feeling even though it does try to spice things up a bit.

I honestly believe it's great that you're getting so much out of the show but so far it's been somewhat of a disappointment for me so what say you we just agree to disagree on this one?
well, um... i think this was about costume changing "experiments", vague lesbian undertones and this thing called "MOE THERAPY" but i'm not so sure what the hell that actually entails as this shit still made hardly any sense even after looking up the summaries above. if you like cute things for the sake of how cute they are or have a fetish for a certain type of costume then you probably won't be disappointed with this... maybe.

. . .

oh! i almost forgot about the security "tans" that orgasm when doing the secret pose to unlock the door to the secret moe technology laboratory...
Alright, I'm with you so far...
you know what, fuck ann for writing this goddamn article and bringing this garbage to my attention for the nth time
You lost me.


Maturity, bitches.
I really don't know why you guys dumped the old system of simply bolding an episode title/number and then posting plain text spoilers for it.

With the new system I have no way of telling for sure whether someone is posting spoilers for that episode or spoilers for future parts of the series. Some people explicitly mention it, some I can guess at and others are just who knows?
I don't know if this was a dig at me since my posts were the last with spoilers but I think I was pretty clear with them. First post did what you asked, second post had the episodes in question in the title. Look at the top of this post to see one!

No one did answer my SAO question though. ;__;

Sword Art Online Episode 12

I felt myself invoking suspension of disbelief for the first time I could remember when Kirito understood
how to copy the AI out of the system
. Up till now, I was able to dismiss all the skilled feats he's executed because he was in the beta so I just understood him as someone who knew a lot about the game systems. This could still be seen as working though since if you accept that he's able to do that to the system then it follows he has skills that makes it possible for him to do the extraordinary things he's been doing in the system thus far. How he has these skills beyond whatever he's picked up in the beta is beyond me and may never be answered but is not in direct conflict with any other rules they've established in the universe. I'll have to go by faith.
I can't believe I never mentioned this part in my write up. It was late however and the silliness of that scene probably fried my brain momentarily.

I can understand having access to admin functions because Yui was left logged in. I can even accept the terminal using a rainbow display. However being able to craft you own item which would 1. require you to study the code before hand 2. Probably write new code because I doubt that method was even added. Even if you include concepts like polymorphism he did that far to quickly.

But more importantly. If he had lets assume root level access (and being able to rewrite code is pretty much as rooty as you can get) he should have re-enabled the log off button.

Hacking code and turning a class into an item? Time it should take - ages
Changing the logout button variable from 0 to 1? Time it should take - milliseconds.

It's stupid full stop. So stupid that I've decided to make my own tribute to this scene:

A boo hoo hoo I wiped a file oh how ever am I going to live with myself now?

I had to put on my cynical adult hat every time Asuna and Kirito
referred to Yui as their child because it felt like to me the kids were playing house
I agree.
Doesn't help the ending was basically a slap in the face with this concept. I'm now imaging them trying to explain to a real child, assuming they get together and have kids many years in the future, that there older long lost sibling was in fact an executable.

Who was executed.

and he does have computers skills IRL.. ( as this ep proves )

If you want to know about the army ,
the faction who laid the trap lost the power struggle and the army went back to helping the Floor 1 and above residents.They obviously didn't have the time to explain this
There's a big difference between having computer skills and being able to hack up complex code in seconds. I don't many graduates from computer science background could do that.

Oh and good to see the plot holes continue because they can't be bothered to lay down the soil.

I don't believe it -- they're making a Puchimasu! anime.


One step closer to Nonowa having her own cartoon show!

You can watch all of it. If you see any kind of human just skip till you see robot-looking dudes in a not normal world. Basically a little over half the show.
But that risks me seeing the human parts. What one needs is timings for each episode.


Eureka Seven AO 21 has the most epic wonzo crowd scene maybe ever. How far BONES has fallen. :(

Holy fuckin derp.

This show traumatized me. I do not go near bunnies anymore.
Especially since my friend used to have a particularly mean motherfucking pet rabbit and that thing tried to bite me a lot.

I don't believe it -- they're making a Puchimasu! anime.



All of my hnngs!!!


That doesn't count. You said "fully enjoyed"! There's no way you can fully enjoy something where you skip a bunch of stuff.

it does when you cheat.

No-one has done a 'best of' Accel World guide although it shouldn't be too hard to compile on. I've watched fewer episodes than Duckroll and Dresden so I can't really say. Skipping around is your best bet at the moment.

Official Duckroll Sanctioned Accel World Episode Guide™:
duckroll> ep1-2, 5, 8, 11-12, 15, 17, 19, 23-24 are basically all that anyone really needs to watch
duckroll> ever

Everyone knows rabbits are douchebags. They deserve all they get.
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