Why are you so shocked? She's like the second best girl in the series!
I always knew you were one of the more saner members of this community.
Why are you so shocked? She's like the second best girl in the series!
I guess it's good to know a rough air date
Oh I know. Have no plans to actually watch it.You're better off. Just enjoy Frenda's lower body.
Yes. Seen those.
You seem to have confused Ridget for Melty. Fear not though, I am here to guide you back into the light.Best episode, best bust, best character. Ridget is the best.
Itano's influence far outreaches the anime he's worked on and for what it's worth there are Itano Circuses in so many shows you'd never think all of them were done by Itano.So I just learned something new. Itano never worked on Eureka 7. It's just that his artstyle is so intrinsically linked with the TV series, I always assumed he worked on it.
Hahaha, yeah right. About one year ago, they said the same shit, and promised it would be coming in Summer 2013. I don't even think the show is in production right now.
Gotta wait for Rie Matsumoto to finish Kyousogiga.Hahaha, yeah right. About one year ago, they said the same shit, and promised it would be coming in Summer 2013. I don't even think the show is in production right now.
What if it turns out to be....Sailor Moon Kai >_<
You're right, they probably could have trimmed the pacing if they trimmed some of the dialogue, but considering that the show is basically nothing but dialogue what should you trim? What's non-essential? Some of it is probably/definetenly set up for later events in the series and the rest of it is character building. I don't know if it's SHAFT's fault that the pacing is so wonky when I really feel that Nisio Isin is the one whose getting more indulgent as the series expands. Remember when an arc was two episodes long in Bakemonogatari? That felt about right but the whole thing has become a lot fatter now.I'm somewhat mixed on the whole Tsubasa Tiger arc. The pacing was fucking godawful and needed to be trimmed like a motherfucker. There is also some lazy animation bits along with the soundtrack really being middling. That said, the underlying themes of the arc are actually quite fascinating. I might be taking it too far but it's a rejection of the pure waifu thing going around in otaku circles. Tsubasa is afraid of letting her emotions taint her because she then wouldn't be viewed as pure in the eyes of Araragi but this whole arc is about her coming to terms with that and realizing that a person not only shouldn't but can't live that way. Emotions bottle up and they will vent one way or another. I think there is also something to be said about noting the difference between attraction and love. Loving someone means accepting their whole self even if it doesn't match your preconceived notions of who they should be. A large part of this arc is that Tsubasa didn't have someone like that and so created her persona around being attractive in this shallow sort of way. This was a really great arc with some solid character development and analysis.
Problem is that it took 5 episodes to get here when 3 could have just as easily got the point across. Still, this conclusion was probably the 2nd best or the best episode in the franchise.
All the megane talk puts into perspective how much of this is child's play --you would get fooled with all the Satchiis going around and the mysteries of cyberspace. This episode had a much more relaxed feeling because of that,
Suddenly, old hags.
Wasn't Mitsuishi and Furuya returning one of the first things announced?For once I win the time zone lottery - I got to sleep in AND eat my breakfast while they massacred Moonlight Densetsu.
As ducky says, though, we've known MomoKuro were doing the OP/ED and that it would be a worldwide broadcast for a long time. I guess it's good to know a rough air date, but with so much still up in the air (no seiyuu for Usagi as yet apparently!!!!) I just don't think they have any other information for us at the moment.
are those gatari shows worth watching? Or smut gifs enough?
Monogatari 5-
Absolutely fucking fantastic. When did Ararararararararagi become cool?
Why are you so shocked? She's like the second best girl in the series!
Mayoi >>>>>>> Karen > Tsukihi ≥ Kanbaru ≥ Shinobu = Nadeko > Senjougahara > Hanekawa
All the girls are good, but Mayoi is just on a whole different level of perfection.
You're right, they probably could have trimmed the pacing if they trimmed some of the dialogue, but considering that the show is basically nothing but dialogue what should you trim? What's non-essential?
Neko (White) in three episodes?
I would say the last episode had exactly the right pacing, so it would mean two episodes for all the content of the other four episodes. Well, I can't see how it could work as three episodes arc.
Nekomonogatari (White) is the slowest arc of the Monogatari series with a higher focus on Hanekawa's characterization than on the conflict aka the Tiger.
Wasn't Mitsuishi and Furuya returning one of the first things announced?
Hanekawa's characterization is clear from before, it was already done is past *monogataris, in fact there is nothing new in that regard here (up until the end), so there is no need to use up so many episodes on hers.
Monogatari 5
Nyan/10, Ani-nyan of the Nyear.
But really, and I'm sure most people will spin this as an insult, but Shaft finds a way to do so much with so little. The Tarantino-esque intro montage over a scratchy recording, the actual confrontation, the big catharsis... it just all worked so well. I just enjoy watching this show because of how it all comes together, and even though I can see the potential problems with the show, for me, I'm able to love this franchise as unconditionally as Tamayura.
Fucking bravo, Shaft. Bravo.
It's a joke because he looks and sounds like a girl.
This post reminds me how freacking unsettling Kino was to me. There was something inherently creepy about the show atmosphere/sound I could never shake off.
Huh, you find puke cute but you're gonna draw the line at a good old fashioned golden shower? ಠ_ರೃGolden stuff is really whats ruining anime. Like who the fuck has that fetish? Most stuff is alright but that is wholly unnecessary.
Huh, you find puke cute but you're gonna draw the line at a good old fashioned golden shower? ಠ_ರೃ
Those Monogatari catgirls just do something to me. Oh boy do they.
I dont like puking. Its gross. Just two circumstances I have seen where its depicted cutely. in anime form and one real life situation because it was a girl I liked.
goddamn right
You can nyan-ver have enough of Hanekawa!
This is the one right?
(it better be!)
is that the current duel disk ? What the heck is this design ? this might seem silly but seeing that shape you really think they went out of ideasYu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal 105
A long time ago.Monogatari 5-
Absolutely fucking fantastic. When did Ararararararararagi become cool?
Anime gave me knowledge on aphrodisiacs.lol railgun
Neither Kizumonogatari, Tsubasa Cat or Nekomonogatari (Black) cover Hanekawa's perpective. We only know the fact that her personality is fake.
The entire last part about her decision to grown up would be completly baseless if neither Nisio Isin nor Shaft invested some time into her characterization.
Love Lab 5
So I can't help but notice that the odd numbered episodes seem to always feature better animation than the even numbered ones. Good to know.
Orange > Blue = Red > Green >>>> Brown.
Fate//Illya- 4
Goddamn at that action sakuga. If there was less 3D beam spam, that would have been worthy of the title Mahou Shoujo Itano Circus Style.
servant x service 5
office relationships nope. glad everyone i work with are like as old as my dad and are dudes.
developer life.
I feel bad for the people in the Toonami thread, wishing for any non-Kirito, non-villain male to have any kind of real role in the story.
I was hating SAO early too. Don't understand the people who only hate it later.
Lisbeth is overrated. Soggy bread in a pile of shit.
I feel bad for the people in the Toonami thread, wishing for any non-Kirito, non-villain male to have any kind of real role in the story.
Super Robot Wars OG 3-17
Just started watching this series yesterday. It's a bit goofy, but it's not a bad mecha fix while waiting for a new Majestic Prince episode, or Valvrave to come back in the fall. The mech designs don't really seem to be one of the strengths of the series, though. They seem to run the gamut from average to ridiculous, but there aren't many (or well, any) that are truly memorable or iconic. But it's entertaining for what it is.
That said, after watching so much within the last day, I see robots when I close my eyes.
servant x service 5
office relationships nope. glad everyone i work with are like as old as my dad and are dudes.
developer life.
This is cruel to say but at least shes just soggy bread.
argh the painfully days of using internet on a 56k modem .... waiting 20 sec for a page to load completly ...argh the memories.
Monogatari - 5
A jump up in direction, visual composition and general quality, with a nice climax for the character, which makes this arc redeem itself a bit. Alas, the resolution is the expected,and more importantly, it was due since lots of episodes ago.Araragi helps against the spirit being, and Hanakawa will try to be more human, including feeling love, sadness, envy, etc, stopping with luck spawning more apparitions.
The resolution of her arc, even if it was for us viewers so simple, had been coming from a dozen of episodes ago, so when it finally happens, I was more "It was time already! fuck" and less "oh soo beautiful, sniffff /tear". The pace of the arc definitely could be better, all this could be condensed in three episodes and not in five. And even in three episodes they would have time to make witty lines, long monologues, necks almost breaking in weird posses, etc, it's not like there was a ton to tell in this arc.
The production vales of Monogatari 5 definitely did not match up to that of the action sequences of Nise. There was a lot of very lazy static tweening (moving an object from point A to point B without changing the sprite) and characters mostly just stood around.
They already meet their quota after the opening sequence, I gladly accept it though.
The production vales of Monogatari 5 definitely did not match up to that of the action sequences of Nise. There was a lot of very lazy static tweening (moving an object from point A to point B without changing the sprite) and characters mostly just stood around.
Because it's juvenile shit with absolutely atrocious writing.
Gee... so much hate energy in here. I don't get it... I just don't get it...
Does it really matter what other people watch? Does people need to insult and ridicule those that are watching what entertains them?
Sometimes I wonder why I post here...