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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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Fuse - Memoires of the Hunter Girl

I've been trying to watch this movie for a while now, but had a lot of difficulty keeping my interest throughout the entire thing. I finally managed to watch the entire thing in one sitting today. It's unfortunate that I feel this is a poorly made film, because Masayuki Miyaji as a director definitely has talent, and it's clear a lot of effort was put into the production by the people involved. There are a lot of things about the movie which I actually like, but they are parts which are good mostly in isolation, while the film at large suffers from serious structural and thematic issues.

Let's get a few things out of the way - the movie mostly looks fantastic, and those who are fans of the Ghibli-esque look of Miyaji's previous TV series Xam'd will no doubt find the style here very familiar. It sounds pretty good too. Oshima's score might be a little bombastic at times here, but I found the sound direction really solid and key scenes used the score really well to elevate the scenes. There's some solid animation too, with good fight scenes which are fast but interesting if not exciting to watch.

So what's really wrong with the movie? It feels poorly put together, and worse of all it feels like a shallow attempt to piece a narrative together to have more meaning than it does. The movie opens and closes with a line which gives perspective on how stories are written - Inga is the Japanese term for "cause and effect", but it can also symbolize what every story needs a beginning (the cause), and an ending (the effect), one influences the other and creates a complete narrative. But sadly, having an interesting introduction and a conclusive ending is not enough to tell a good story, the most important bits are what happens in between all that, and it is there which I feel everything falls apart.

Fuse is not a very complex story, nor a particularly original one. It's basically a story about a girl from the country (the mountains in this case) who goes to the big city (Edo in this case) and feels like a fish out of water. She also meets a mysterious man in the city, who is obviously more than what he seems. The problem seems to be that the story wants to be a lot more than that, but fails to earn it with proper development or setting the right thematic tone.

The general visual tone of the movie is colorful and positive, yet the story at times wants to attempt to show the dark side of humanity and the tragedy of human society. It doesn't work because it doesn't look convincing and the clash of tone ruins any intended effect. At the same time, the story also ways to have a large canvas of characters each with their own little stories, triumphs, or failures. But it doesn't want to spend time developing most of them, so that too falls flat when they get special moments in the story towards the end which feel out of place or unearned. There are various other problems with the narrative - inconsistent threshold of reality/fantasy, character motivations which feel illogical, and a general difficulty in emphasizing with most of the characters.

I feel that the great tragedy of Fuse is that it is a simple story which could have been fairly good if it didn't try to hard to be everything else it was not. The beginning and the end of the story feel very consistent, and would be a satisfying narrative frame if not for all the confused narrative elements in the middle. It's good to have a philosophy that stories need a good opening and a good ending, but a more important lesson here is that one must not neglect what goes between as a result.

After Xam'd and Fuse, I think it's clear that while Miyaji has a great eye for visual direction, and knows how to get the most out of his animation staff, he still has a lot to learn about what makes a satisfying production - be it a TV series or a movie. If he ever does find the balance of being able to focus on the elements which work best, and not try to throw everything into the pot, I think he'll be able to make something really special.
After watching Eiken.... I must say Shuffle! didn't seem all that bad especially for the type of harem I thought it would be. The first half was incredibly boring where as the second half was much more entertaining especially yandere Kaede. She was glorious.


That being said, I was disappointed it wasn't garbage. I'm looking for trash, not average. Give me suggestions to make me miserable.
Can anyone argue against me calling Titan violence porn? What an atrociously disgusting show. How in the fuck do people enjoy watching this?

I enjoy it for the characters (jean, connie, eren, levi) and their day to day activities to LETS SURVIVE, as well as the products of the fandom. Surprised you hate everything titan...

Dont think there is a problem with the violence after the initial eps. Only extreme ones to me were
erens mom being eaten in front of us and erens arm flying in our face shown constantly, too extreme
Can anyone argue against me calling Titan violence porn? What an atrociously disgusting show. How in the fuck do people enjoy watching this?

First: lol if you think Titan is that violent and "disgusting". There are way worse shows in that regard.

Second: the show has some influences from the horror genre, at least visually. The images of giants eating whole people in a disgusting way... it's a feature of the show, not a problem.


Btw if you guys want to reduce/cull the number of "There are no good anime/Why is all anime lolicon garbage" threads, a big way of doing that would be to redo the Greatest Anime of All Time polling thread.
Btw if you guys want to reduce/cull the number of "There are no good anime/Why is all anime lolicon garbage" threads, a big way of doing that would be to redo the Greatest Anime of All Time polling thread.

By reduce, do you move a critical mass of it into one huge thread?


Maturity, bitches.
Btw if you guys want to reduce/cull the number of "There are no good anime/Why is all anime lolicon garbage" threads, a big way of doing that would be to redo the Greatest Anime of All Time polling thread.
Kill Me Baby

Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou - 06

I finally have the answer to those silly mark on the wall in that store...

And that's all i learned for this episode really.


Still without luck
Thanks for the responses everyone. I guess Titan isn't as bad as some, but it's a disgusting show I don't ever want to watch again. I'm still bummed I got 5 episodes deep.


Are we leading up to a Nisemonogatari reference? But no that wasn't me. I was the one wearing (or probably carrying at that point because it was so hot) a jacket if that helps.

I don't really talk much about anime outside of this site since I know it'll just lead to embarrassment. I haven't seen most of the shows everyone has seen (GitS or Evangelion for example) and the shows I have seen no one else has. ┐(-。ー;)┌

Nope, there was a dude whose work was the one I described. but yeah, the guy with the jacket? Too vague man, sorry.

I don't talk about Anime because of the reasons you just stated, but if I meet someone who knows about the medium as much (even more) as I am, then I can initiate decent, non-awkward discussion about. Trust me, we both would have enjoyed it.

Next time dude!


Maturity, bitches.
Nope, there was a dude whose work was the one I described. but yeah, the guy with the jacket? Too vague man, sorry.
Well it was worth a shot since I was the only one wearing one at the time and I can't remember the tshirt I was wearing. And unfortunately I was cut off in the group photo from the latest meet.

I am Kirito
Well I assume you know where the exit is.
Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou - 07

Quite a nice episode ..

Wait wait wait in visual novels the choices are somehow different.

Masochist girl was awesome and the cast was nice overall.

i can't wait but see the reason why all those 3 writters have such powers.


Tragic victim of fan death
Sword Art Online English Dub 1-4

It was pretty good. The dub i mean. The script is sort of funny with the way they explicitly say "noob" and "irl" but whatevs. LOLOLOLOL. The menu sucks in comparison to F/Z's BD set. Wtf is this shit.
Sword Art Online English Dub 1-4

It was pretty good. The dub i mean. The script is sort of funny with the way they explicitly say "noob" and "irl" but whatevs. LOLOLOLOL. The menu sucks in comparison to F/Z's BD set. Wtf is this shit.

That alone probably would've killed me from watching the dub, even if it makes sense in the context.


I don't like how Hideyoshi just accepted the fact that people think of him as girl in the second season. Come on, one of the funniest thing about the first season of Baka no Test is how ambiguous Hidoyoshi's gender was and the subsequent confusion/denial/whatever.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Forgot to post this in my Utena review. I'm kind of really angry that Truth got replaced as the ending theme. It was so fantastic. The new one is really boring and kind of unpleasant sounding. I've gone from sitting through the end credits every time to skipping them. Oh well, at least it still has the great OP.
...are you hating on Virtual Star Embriology? The fuck?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I don't like how Hideyoshi just accepted the fact that people think of him as girl in the second season. Come on, one of the funniest thing about the first season of Baka no Test is how ambiguous Hidoyoshi's gender was and the subsequent confusion/denial/whatever.

It was never ambigious. Hideyoshi's gender was always Hideyoshi.


Still without luck
I am curious, what other [mature] Animes have you watched? Action ones?
Have you watched, say, Hunter x Hunter?
I haven't watched much as I'm pretty new to anime. I can't think of any shows I've watched that have been intensely violent. At least to the point of it being memorable.


I haven't watched much as I'm pretty new to anime. I can't think of any shows I've watched that have been intensely violent. At least to the point of it being memorable.

Yeah, that is understandable.
But yeah, normally Animes are censored and are not as violent as Attack on Titan. You just happen to stumble across one that is thematically dependant on Gore and violence to get its massage across. To be fair, dropping it wouldn't harm you in any way since the quality is below average. Just watch some other billion great animes out there if you feel disgusted by it.

Forgive me if I indulge myself in recommending some shows but Why don't you try Darker than Black, especially now that you are here? Its an action show that doesn't rely on blood and gore yet is impactful in its damage cues


If anything I found Hunter x Hunter's
massacre at the auction by the Phantom Brigade
more violent than everything I've read in Attack on Titan.


Fresh Pretty Cure!: 07

Ah, the old befriend the villain in their civilian form plot. This totally won't result in anything in the future at all. After all, civilian name, personality, its all a ruse, right?
If anything I found Hunter x Hunter's
massacre at the auction by the Phantom Brigade
more violent than everything I've read in Attack on Titan.

That's probably a context thing. Up to that point, pretty much all deaths were given a discretion shot. Then out of nowhere, BOOM, literal pool of blood and explicit decapitations. AoT is upfront about the violence right from the beginning.


That's probably a context thing. Up to that point, pretty much all deaths were given a discretion shot. Then out of nowhere, BOOM, literal pool of blood and explicit decapitations. AoT is upfront about the violence right from the beginning.

Yeah that's what I was thinking too. It was quite unexpected in HxH, while you know that in AoT people will die all the time.


Fresh Pretty Cure!: 08

Oh look, new toy time! I'm starting to feel a little Déjà vu here... A weapon that has a melody lightup before using, a baby.... Just how much did DokiDoki borrow from this season?
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