The first I cannot agree on, the second you weren't reading what I wrote.none of those are trash.
The first I cannot agree on, the second you weren't reading what I wrote.none of those are trash.
I haven't watched much as I'm pretty new to anime. I can't think of any shows I've watched that have been intensely violent. At least to the point of it being memorable.
Funny you guys brought up Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) with the English release having just gone on sale, because a Blu-ray box for the series was just announced for Japan.
Know what else got a pair of JP BD-box sets announced today? Yes! Precure 5.
Even better: Genocyber. Also comes with a huge dose of nihilism and manages to not even be unintentionally funny at any point.Someone show him Violence Jack: Hell Town.
Even better: Genocyber. Also comes with a huge dose of nihilism and manages to not even be unintentionally funny at any point.
...are you hating on Virtual Star Embriology? The fuck?
You make me feel so welcome.
Oh and you may have noticed I haven't posted impressions that much lately. You force yourself if you're not feeling it.
Ellen Lied's ending made me want to rip the head off something. So bloody stupid.
If only that was actually true....
True true!
RWBY - 04
Ruby and the gang are sent through initiation, where they must find a partner amongst their fellow classmates that they'll be stuck with during their stay at the academy. A bit more eventful than the last, and it looks like things will be picking up come next episode.
the next arc
Green Green
It's not you. My tiredness and over thinking the sentence meant I forgot to type the beginning. -_-;I don't know if it's because I'm really tired but I'm having trouble deciphering that last sentence.
Which reminds me, I haven't felt like posting too many impressions lately.
It's not you. My tiredness and over thinking the sentence meant I forgot to type the beginning. -_-;
Though I should clarify that last bit was aimed at what I saw others were talking about rather than your quote.
Oh I think you do.
For me, it's the atmosphere and beautiful soundtrack. I can really take the tragic things going on seriously thanks to that.
The first I cannot agree on, the second you weren't reading what I wrote.
Oh yes, I forgot about the incest reveal. That show...I believe in HENNEKO one of the girls wanted to move to MA because of Gay Marriage.
Everyone wants a yuri wedding!The Rosy cheeks of happiness.
I love that "Canadian girlfriend" is a thing in Japan. Although of course, the meme probably doesn't exist there. lolHow long till we get a yuri manga about a pair of lesbians trying to collect money to travel to Canada to get married?
If you're talking about the, that was indeeddual-sword skillgranted by Kayaba to the player with the best reaction times (basically sync ratio with the Nerve Gear, lol) out of all players, in order to give him a better chance of defeating him once they reached the endgame.
If you're talking about the fact that in episode 14 Kirito wasable to defeat Kayaba after supposedly dying himself, that was "transcending the rules" bullshit (which, oddly enough, turned out to be something Kayaba was hoping to find all along).
I remember Kawahara saying in one of the Accel World afterwords that he's never able to resist including some kind of "breaking the established rules through sheer force of will" aspect because he has a fetish for it/it's really cool you gais or something. He realises this comes across as a complete asspull to a lot of people, though, which is why in Accel World he turned it into an actual system with its own defined logic (the).Incarnate System / "shin'i"
I don't thinkKirito was a kendo master or anything before starting SAO... If I'm remembering right, I think he learned kendo for a bit as a kid, but ultimately gave it up and only his sister carried on with it. So while I'm sure what few kendo skills he did have were a help when he first started out in SAO, for the most part it's the opposite: the only reason he can hold his own with a sword in real life is due to all his experience swordfighting in SAO.
At any rate, it makes perfect sense for real-life skills to translate into in-game skills and vice-versa (to an extent), since the game functions just like real life for the most part. The game gives players a few key advantages (stat boosts allow players to become much physically stronger than in real life, and Sword Skills allow them to carry out complex/precise attacks with great speed and little effort), but for the most part, using a sword in SAO works just like it would in real life.
Even in the case of Sword Skills, they work by means of a "system assist" which guides the player's body into the correct motion; it's possible for the player to influence their motion to some extent while they're in effect, and after using them for years on end, the player develops a familiarity with their motions so that it's possible to replicate them to an extent even without the system assist.
I think that he was referring tohis beating Sugou, in spite of the guy wielding the best weapon in the game and being, you know, invincible. Of course, receiving help froma mass murdererhis spirit mentor in the Digimon world or whatever probably figured into that, too.
Come to think of it, the number of times Kirito won fights without winning them kind of bugged me. Not as much as Flit Asuno and Setsuna F. Seiei never having to actually win anything, but it was still annoying.
I haven't watched much as I'm pretty new to anime. I can't think of any shows I've watched that have been intensely violent. At least to the point of it being memorable.
Mad Bull 34. Akira.
Free was particularlyTL this week. It's fun to watch. lol
Kino's Journey - 6-7
You know a country is in bad shape when its law is basically a merging between the Hunger Games and Elysium. And when the ruler is Assgardian Joker Loki.
So we have a two-parter episode. Probably so they could fit in the action scenes and that bit with the play.
I gotta say, I love how Kino and Hermes are never shocked throughout this whole show. Even in episode four whereshe just stood there and watched what happened.she saw a man get killed by her own parents who then tried to kill her,
Not once in this entire series does the duo go "OMG WTF HOW COULD U DO DIS?" But given the nature of these countries that she goes to, it's probably common to her by now.
But getting back to this episode there are some things that confuse me.Like what the point of that blonde woman was in the flashbacks. Was she the king's daughter or something? The play (this is assuming that the play is the King's backstory, which it probably is) didn't use the singular when mentioning children.
I'm also surprised at the law Kino set in. Have all the first-class citizens to fight to the death to decide the new King. She could have easily scrapped the tournament thing, but she went with the way of the country and let its citizens decide things. Just because Kino is simple traveller.
This is a damn awesome series so far. It nails the drama without being too depressing or dramatic.
Yeah, but this week they basically took your standard moe 4-girl thing and just straight up genderswapped the characters. The only thing missing was a pillow fight.When was Free not :dtl anyway?
When was Free not :dtl anyway?
Yeah, but this week they basically took your standard moe 4-girl thing and just straight up genderswapped the characters. The only thing missing was a pillow fight.
But she is DTL in a female shell.I guess when Gou is doing her fangirl thing.
Incoming rush of 4 boys doing standard moe things anime now.
But she is DTL in a female shell.
Yes Kino just keeps hitting the mark every time. Its amazing. Will always be one of my all time favorite animes for that reason.
As for the blondeif you remember it was implied that her husband was killed in the tournament and she pretty much led Kino astray for whatever reason
But why would she lead Kino to the country that was responsible for the death of her husband? Maybe it mentally scarred her and now she points everyone in the direction of that country out of sheer spite for all other to suffer the same terrible fate.
Incoming rush of 4 boys doing standard moe things anime now.
Not particularly. I mean, there are 5 all school girl shows this season and Free.Arent there already several shows of this type?
Incoming rush of 4 boys doing standard moe things anime now.
Not particularly. I mean, there are 5 all school girl shows this season and Free.
But Sunrise has already been pimping man on man action for years now!
Yeah, but fluff like robots always got in the way. It's time for something purer.
I haven't watched much as I'm pretty new to anime. I can't think of any shows I've watched that have been intensely violent. At least to the point of it being memorable.
Know what else got a pair of JP BD-box sets announced today? Yes! Precure 5.
Great news; now everyone can finally appreciate the finest details of the art not visible at lower resolutions.
Isnt Apocalypse Zero pretty short? how bad can it be?
Yeah, but fluff like robots always got in the way. It's time for something purer.
Can't I cut the fluff of men in general and just have robot on robot action instead?
Cuz I'd be okay with that.
A mere two episodes. Feel free to confirm my claims for yourself!
Yeah, but this week they basically took your standard moe 4-girl thing and just straight up genderswapped the characters. The only thing missing was a pillow fight.
But Sunrise has already been pimping man on man action for years now!
if only fans had embraced 2nd arc of gAge, hopefully Gundam Build Fighters can deliver
Ah, mai waifu, etc. lolThis weeks episode was written by Yoshida.
if only fans had embraced 2nd arc of gAge, hopefully Gundam Build Fighters can deliver
lol, just because it was less worse than the rest doesn't mean it can do miracles.
They've shown a bunch if you're including Adult Swim Action, but the prominent one on Toonami was Gundam Wing.Which Gundam was the one shown on Cartoon network?
if only fans had embraced 2nd arc of gAge, hopefully Gundam Build Fighters can deliver
Is this shot not zoomed in or cropped? Jeez.Great news; now everyone can finally appreciate the finest details of the art not visible at lower resolutions.
They've shown a bunch if you're including Adult Swim Action, but the prominent one on Toonami was Gundam Wing.