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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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It's weird. I feel kind of angry about OreImo even though I've never watched the show and have no attachment to it whatsoever beyond thinking the character designs and general artstyle look kind of interesting.

I'm the exact opposite. Loved season one, grew attached to a few characters then season 2 rolls around and I just stopped caring. It's a show not worth getting mad over and at this point, it feels like the author wants people to hate it. So I don't want to give him that pleasure.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Kiniro Mosaic 7

Anyone else notice they added a "Special Thanks" in the credits to the place in Britain that Alice's house was modeled after?


It's weird. I feel kind of angry about OreImo even though I've never watched the show and have no attachment to it whatsoever beyond thinking the character designs and general artstyle look kind of interesting.

I watched it and don't really get the rage. I just acknowledge it was bad and shrug my shoulders. I've just passed the stage of getting upset over media I don't like.
I watched it and don't really get the rage. I just acknowledge it was bad and shrug my shoulders. I've just passed the stage of getting upset over media I don't like.

The show doesn't make me angry, but it does make me sad for some reason. Usually I can get a kick out of a terrible show by laughing at it, but here I can't even seem do that.

It might make me angry if I had a little sister though.


Kiniro Mosaic 7

Anyone else notice they added a "Special Thanks" in the credits to the place in Britain that Alice's house was modeled after?

That's always been there.


From the credits of the first episode.


I didn't realize until now that people are still translating the Oreimo and Toradora psp games.

You play as Ryouji Takasu of Toradora! in an alternate memory loss story with many different endings then the original.

I guess that's what it takes for the best girl to win.


A thing you might have missed is
Makoto's friend actually rapes Katsura in that scene.
it's less obvious in the anime than in the LN though, which is another product of somewhat dubious directing.

I'm actually glad you cleared that up, because it was very poorly directed and only lightly hinted at that
they had sex at all, let alone rape, especially since she seemed to disregard him altogether.
So yeah, thanks for clearing that up.

School Days 10

So it turns out I was wrong all along about the Dark Lord Sauron. She isn't Sauron at all, so much as
she is the Homura to Sekai's Madoka. At the very least, Makoto fits a wonderful bill of Kyubey, and, alongside the Devil Gundam, joins another wonderful tier of depictions of the Devil in anime, conducting young ladies to their destruction as he grows more and more bold in what he is doing.

This episode has young Setsuna doing everything in her power to set to rights the demonic hellstorm that Makoto's penis has unleashed upon this school. She forces him to break up with Katsura, in no uncertain terms. And, while that seems pretty cruel and hurts Katsura a lot, possibly breaking what little of her there is left, it is also just about the kindest thing anyone has done for Katsura in the entire show.

And let's talk about that, shall we? How fucked up is this show, that the kindest thing someone does for this girl is to force her boyfriend to break up with her after she's been ostracized and raped? That's Casshern Sins level of fucked up, that's how much.

Anyway, Setsuna, for all her smart-girl actions, reaches a point of desperation in her attempts to save her friend from Kyubey, and so she strikes what is perhaps the worst deal any woman has made with the Devil in animation since Megara struck hers with Hades: "If you dump Otome and stay with only Sekai, I will let you do whatever you want with my body." The scene leaves it open, but there cannot be any argument at this point that Makoto is exactly the sort of guy who would take that deal without a second thought. The deal falls apart though, when you consider it for even a moment: Setsuna is leaving, and her aegis, such as it is, cannot shield Sekai for much longer. She's leaving basically NOW, at that, and she's doing it in such a way that Sekai is going to be upset and driven right into Makoto's hands. Meanwhile, what assurance, what insurance, does she have that Makoto would keep his deal? What reason does he have to keep it? With no one on the island and indeed, no one in that region of the world so much as aware of this deal's existence, he has no reason to keep it. He will simply turn and fuck Otome whilst keeping Sekai for as long as both girls keep pleasing him. Hell, he may well turn around, patch shit up with Katsura for a short while, till he gets to fuck her, and then dump her ass to the curb, too. The sky is literally the limit for him, as young women keep jumping one after another to get onto his dick.

However, Porem, da-ka-ra, Makoto's luck is cut short by a force he could never have reckoned with. As it turns out, no one can resist the fact that there is a student-run love hotel during the fair, and so the girl's basketball club has filmed and is now publicly displaying the footage of various young women performing sex acts on men of diverse ages for others to see. This breaks the poor short-haired taller girl I've seen as the only waifu of the show, but most importantly it is proof positive that Makoto Itou has been fucking women other than Sekai, bringing the circle of fury full tilt back onto Sekai.

And it is fucking glorious to behold, ladies and gentlemen. Never before have I been so pleased to see someone get what was coming to them. Never before have I so eagerly awaited and so fully applauded the complete and utter justice of such a scenario. Sekai's bullshit is a full third of the problem in this show, and has caused one woman so much pain, suffering and agony that seeing this miniature, cosmic Count of Monte Cristo delivering the most deliciously karmic of punishments upon her, that the man she cheated with should cheat on her, can only be described as the most apt punishment I've seen a villain receive in some time.

Ain't NO porn like revenge porn, let me tell you.

And speaking of vengeance! Don't think I missed that cutlery, people. Oh God did I see that lingering, caressing shot of those kitchen knives, and did I ever see that bag a rattlin' with metallic weight in the hands of a girl whose soul is so totally broken that a knife seems like the only way out. Although the context is entirely wrong, I cannot help but quote Shakespeare's Scottish play this one time. I recognize that the length of this post already must prove displeasing to some, but it bears citing at least a few lines here:

MacBeth said:
Is this a dagger which I see before me,
The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee.
I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.
Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible
To feeling as to sight? or art thou but
A dagger of the mind, a false creation,
Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?
I see thee yet, in form as palpable
As this which now I draw.

This is it, ladies and gentlemen. We're gearing up for the grand finale, and by God there is going to be a knifing. A knifing such as the world has never before scene. All you waifus better hide under your beds, for the pale maiden rides, and in her hand she bears the Knife of Vengeance, and no door unmarked by imouto's blood will go uncarved by her most furious hand.

Makoto might be Kyubey, and therefore the Devil, the Prince of Darkness and Lord of Hell, but Hell, well, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Don't spoil it. Alcamoth is where the game really clicked with me, so I'm definitely hoping I can get it done this summer.

Nah, I'm just kinda slow. Plus I've spent the bulk of this game laughing about how awesome Dunban is, so I've been distracted from the plot time to time.

There's a joke waiting to be made in this post.

But if you come in here more often, we can talk more FMP!

I actually thought of a possible joke typing it aswell, and you know what, i would be ok with it, i love xenoblade that much


Just watched all of Darker than Black. Surprisingly (or not, since it's me I guess), I come away from this show with my strongest feeling being sadness that there wasn't more Hei x Yin shipping material.


School Days 11

So, with all due respect to Revolutionary Girl Utena and Casshern Sins, I think I just found
a new most depressing moment in anime.
Before I touch on that, though, I suppose I need to do this chronologically, now, don't I? Very well, then.

I legit laughed my ass off and it is almost 3 AM here, when I saw the girl with the hoola-hoop hair crawl out of Makoto's bed. Like I mean, she barely even knew him for most of this show and suddenly she just walks into his bed. There's no two ways about this now, Makoto is using black magic. And not sexomancy, which is a pure and wonderful art I learned about while reading The Name of the Wind. No, no, no. Makoto's using nothing short of witchcraft to get this much pussy. NO ONE in High School, let alone a loser of Makoto's proportions, should be getting this kind of tail this fast. He legitimately has sex with three women at once because so many women had fucked him already. As the credits for this episode rolled, I said "No way will those three have time to have sex with him too." Well boy was I wrong there!

Anyway, it was absolutely wondrous seeing Sekai stew in this episode, and also a little unnerving that discovering that she is pregnant with the child of a guy who hasn't seen her in weeks/days and has already moved on to fucking other women is the magical charm that snaps her out of her funk. If just realizing she was pregnant had done it, that would've been fine, but the fact that it isn't that, but the realization that the child is Makoto's that reassures her is sad. Not as sad as other things in this episode, but we're not there, not yet.

Oh no, before that, we see the collapse of the Ass Empire of Makoto I, and let me tell you, never has the Fall of Babylon been so beautiful. One by one every last woman in his life rejects him. Each and every one of them calls him out on his bullshit and blocks his calls, shutting him out and leaving him ostracized and labeled shameless and slutty. Does this sound familiar? It should. But Makoto, he's a sociopath champ! He takes it all in stride! It isn't his fault he came inside a woman! Nope! It isn't his fault that all the women he knows hate him now, and moreover, he does not know what he did to deserve such scorn. No, sir, Makoto can't think of a single thing! And when he finally does get down in the dumps, it isn't over the sheer volume of bullshit he's done in the last semester! He doesn't acknowledge that, and instead pines for a simpler time, in which he was still fucking multiple women without getting caught by any of them.

Broken, depressed, and a social outcast on Christmas Eve, Makoto is spared from further agony by the appearance of an angel. Before him appears a Katsura whose skin is white as a corpse's the driven snow. She tells him she believes in him, and she loves him, and at long, long last True Love Conquers All. Right?


Now we come to the part of this that is beyond tragic. Makoto's left this girl less than a shell. To say that she's empty is to underplay the harrowed state in which she is found. Throughout the episode she is seen haunting the places they used to go together, talking to the blocked voice message on her cellphone as if it were him, and caressing what I am most definitely certain is the Knife of Monte Cristo. By the end of the episode, even the voice in her phone is gone, its batteries have died. We're not told how much time has elapsed between these two episodes, but I'm assuming this is at least a full week, and in that time, no one has noticed the dead look in her eyes, the soulless, gaunt appearance of her face, or the fact that she is carrying on a loving conversation with someone who is not there.

At one point in the episode, Makoto, ecstatic for a chance to see Otome again, declares he has too much free time. As he says this, we are shown a pregnant and unconscious Sekai, the undead body of Katsura, stroking the Blade of Catharsis in her lap on the bench she and Makoto used to sit at, and upon which Sekai and Makoto first made out. These things continue to happen throughout the episode, driving home that Katsura is very much so a member of the walking dead as she stumbles about aimlessly, living a life that never happened.

But the thing that really makes this whole affair the most depressing moment I've ever seen in any anime ever, is that when the insane and erratic Katsura reunites with the monstrous, lascivious and predatory Makoto after goodness knows how long, the bastard tells her he loves her. And, in the most heart-breaking instant I've ever seen, this blatantly false and entirely selfish confession of love heals the girl, restoring light and motion to a body which has for several episodes been utterly devoid of any spark of life whatsoever. That the fleeting affection of this guy, who has been nothing but unfaithful, manipulative, and cruel to this poor girl almost from the moment he met her, is the thing which brings her out of the mires of agony, out of that dark place beyond the point where she had blamed herself for all things (as victims of abusive relationships often do), out of that Hell to which he himself had thrust her, is depressing in a way that seeing Wakaba with Saionji and seeing Casshern conclude that Death is Life never, ever was.

I'm not saying School Days is better than Revolutionary Girl Utena or Casshern Sins, mind you, only that this one moment is more depressing than any of the numerous fucked up and depressing moments in either of those shows.


I'm curious, was it just naivety on the part who those who watched Oreimo, or does the ending come out of nowhere? It'd just seems odd there would be those who watched an entire two seasons, only to now get really angry over what is, lets be fair, something that seemed extremely obvious to onlookers.
Monogatari Series Second Season - 7

Not really sure what to think of this arc so far. I think I might need to rewatch this later today, since I'm so sleepy that I hardly remember what Araragi's and that one girl's (can't even remember her name; I just remember her being in Nisemonogatari) conversation was about.

I'm not even entirely sure why I'm posting my impressions when my mind's not running on all cylinders.


sealed with a kiss
I'm curious, was it just naivety on the part who those who watched Oreimo, or does the ending come out of nowhere? It'd just seems odd that would be those who watched an entire two seasons, only to now get really angry over what is, lets be fair, something that seemed extremely obvious to onlookers.

Oreimo is and always has been an incest anime

Just people trying to delude themselves think otherwise
I'm curious, was it just naivety on the part who those who watched Oreimo, or does this whole ending come out of nowhere? It'd just seems odd that would be those who watched an entire two seasons, only to now get really angry over what is, lets be fair, something that seemed extremely obvious to those on the outside.

I think people expected it to make a u-turn right at the end and say in big red letters "incest is wrong". I was pretty surprised to see them actually go for it myself, but of course it was all just pretend in the end. Or some kind of weird "lets let everyone believe it but only we will know its pretend" thing, which is REALLY fucking stupid but I guess that's what they wanted....
A big part of it for me was that so many of my female students were into Oreimo that it lulled me into a false sense of security.

"Oh, if my 13/14/15 year old girls think it's cute and great, it can't possibly be that awful right?"

I was naive when I first got here. I thought I had a grasp on the tastes of my students.

I was wrong.

Granted, I stopped after the first season and getting spoiled on some book stuff like
breaking up with Kuroneko for no reason.
All this stuff just confirms what I had figured out.

These are the same kids who love Sugu from SAO, so hey, lesson learned. Hahaha.
I'm curious, was it just naivety on the part who those who watched Oreimo, or does the ending come out of nowhere? It'd just seems odd that would be those who watched an entire two seasons, only to now get really angry over what is, lets be fair, something that seemed extremely obvious to onlookers.

I'll be less cynical than Envelope and say that it could just be naivety, rather than people actively trying to delude themselves. It seemed pretty obvious that it was headed in that direction to me though.


Monogatari S2 7

What a great start to the new arc! Arararagi's finally back as the POV character with the lovely Shinobu in tow. New character Ougi was entertaining and her design is quite unsettling.
With the time travel development we probably won't see more of her in this arc but with her being a Oshino she must come into play later on.
Was fun to see Ononoki again too and the conversation gave some depth to her character,
The loss of her speech tic was great, though I didn't remember she even had it until it was mentioned, been awhile since I last watched nisemono.

The last few minutes of the episode really sealed the deal for me,
with Shinobu seeming so uncertain (and cute!) about time traveling it was clear something would go wrong, but going back eleven years was unexpected. Knowing Araragi he will now try to stop Mayoi's death which could result in some interesting paradoxes if he succeeds.

tl;dr: Based Shaft, can't wait for next episode.


School Days 12- School is Over


The boat. And the justice. And the camera angles.

OH MY GOD. I can't stop laughing. Who was it that said it? Jarmel? That this was one of the most cathartic moments in all of anime? Boy was he right! I'm just basking in this. Oh my GOD. It is 3:30 AM and I don't know what to say about this episode at all.

Where do I even begin? I mean, HOLY FUCK. Yeah, Katsura delivers the mother of all verbal smackdowns to Sekai, and she's like "you know what though? Since I've lost my sanity, I've become a much more forgiving person. Back the fuck off bitch and we'll all be fine here. BTWs, your best friend ever was also cheating on you." Seeing Sekai just fucking BREAK DOWN at that was something worthy of Phoenix Wright.

And then the revelation and SCATHING commentary that Sekai had done what she did to Katsura to Setsuna as well, that all of what she had done she did to get to Makoto. That is some God tier twisting, there, foreshadowed to hell and back by the Staring Girl's stare. God DAMN.

And then that cellphone message. Holy SHIT at that. "FAREWELL." Then SLASHER MOVIE. And Makoto, right to the very fucking end he was unrepentant. Seeing him go down like a poorly butchered pig was the most rewarding part of the experience by far, but let me tell you, what comes next. WHAT COMES NEXT. What comes next is something I won't forget for a good, long time.

Sekai has taken fucking EVERYTHING from Katsura. It wasn't enough to rob her of Makoto's love and of her own sanity, no, she had to go and kill the boy, too. And Katsura, not one to be fucked with anymore, has had enough. So she arranges for one last lunch atop the school roof. She packs the boxed lunch, just like the old days, and she brings Makoto along for the ride.

And then she proceeds to tear down the very notion that Sekai was ever pregnant to begin with. We've been lead to think it for episodes, now, that Sekai was, but even in the middle of her insane rage, Katsura has produced a very plausible situation in which that isn't true. They say that's what she's good at, after all, denying things. So she paints an intensely believable portrait of a scenario in which Sekai has been lying all along.

AND THEN SHE CHECKS TO MAKE SURE. THAT FUCKING KNIFE FIGHT, GUYS. SHE TAKES A FUCKING HACKSAW AND RIPS THE GIRL OPEN DOWN THE MIDDLE AND CHECKS TO MAKE SURE SHE WASN'T PREGNANT. And, in a bitter remark upon the emptiness to which she has been consigned for so long by Sekai, Katsura, staring down at her grisled remains, remarks only "Just as I thought. There's no one inside." HOLY SHIT.

But the best of all is that she finally gets that yacht ride with Makoto. Oh does she ever. Cradling his severed head, with the rest of his parts still neatly packed in the bag, she snuggles in the world's most romantic sunset and rides off with him into the happiest of days.

This is how a super villainess gets her origin story right here. You know what's really scary about it, though? Kyubey couldn't turn this girl into a witch if he tried, because in the end she is truly happy. Her mind, broken, fragmented, twisted and shattered has found the most perverse sense of joy possible out of this scenario. Carrying his rotting skull from place to place, the nameless female assassin will become feared throughout the underground for the way she carves up her victims with knives.

I got nothing left. Just. Holy shit.


Attack on Titan 19

still pretty good but the plot is progressing very slowly. Flashback was alright but it took most of the episode. Liked the lighting in the jungle overall. Next week should be good.


I was naive when I first got here. I thought I had a grasp on the tastes of my students.

I was wrong.

I quickly discovered that a lot my students liking certain things and characters basically boiled down to "they're cool."

Which was kind of funny when a high school student told me she disliked AKB48 because they "weren't good looking." So, if it usually seems shallow, it probably is!

Had another girl recommend to me (at length) Attack on Titan. I don't know...


We should get Corvo to marathon Oreimo next and compare with School Days.

As the Corvo Flies.

One Flew Over the Corvo's Nest.

A big part of it for me was that so many of my female students were into Oreimo that it lulled me into a false sense of security.

"Oh, if my 13/14/15 year old girls think it's cute and great, it can't possibly be that awful right?"

I was naive when I first got here. I thought I had a grasp on the tastes of my students.

I was wrong.

Granted, I stopped after the first season and getting spoiled on some book stuff like
breaking up with Kuroneko for no reason.
All this stuff just confirms what I had figured out.

These are the same kids who love Sugu from SAO, so hey, lesson learned. Hahaha.

Knowing that you hate Sugu, too, completes me.

Oh boy that's some good second-hand catharsis.

I know, right? I'm not even taking a shower today because this is the cleanest I've felt in weeks.


Setec Astronomer
CorvoSol, what say you: greek tragedy or no?

Also, I wouldn't put Utena among the most depressing anime. Shows like Vampire Princess Miyu TV or Violinist of Hameln fit there much more.

Also also,
it is not clear if Kotonoha should be taken at her word. Sekai's pregnancy was early and Kotonoha is no doctor.


School Days Ending:
Sekai was totes pregnant imo.

Love Lab 7


The production values might've taken a hit but this episode was still pretty entertaining to watch, though I did get tired of Ren getting hit all the time. It was also good to see the return of the boys at the end so I look forward to them playing a bigger role in the future!

ren x suzu otp


CorvoSol, what say you: greek tragedy or no?

Also, I wouldn't put Utena among the most depressing anime. Shows like Vampire Princess Miyu TV or Violinist of Hameln fit there much more.

Also also,
it is not clear if Kotonoha should be taken at her word. Sekai's pregnancy was early and Kotonoha is no doctor.

Oh, it was certainly a tragedy, however, and this is speaking as someone who only has a passing interest in them, I don't know that I would call this a Greek tragedy. Largely because in my experience with Greek Literature, and Greek Tragedies in particular, the element of the Divine is always present. That is, tragic Greek stories always involve someone pissing the Gods off and getting cursed. Arachne beats Athena at sewing, Odysseus ticks off Poseidon, Prometheus steals fire from the Gods, Oedipus is born a clubfoot and so on. Like, normally the crux of a Greek Tragedy for me is that the Gods didn't like something and cursed a human.

That said, it's definitely akin to a tragic play. Especially in the second half of the show, where dramatic irony abounds. I would, and I realize this is cliche, more soon compare this to a Shakespearean Tragedy than a Greek one, because in Shakespeare's tragedies, its more often misunderstandings and unfortunate circumstances that cause the tragedy, than a curse from God. And in School Days, the closest element to a divine force being set at odds with the cast is that
Sekai ruins the Cell Phone Charm at the beginning.
I suppose if we want to argue that that is the stand-in for a pissed off God or capricious Fate in a Greek Tragedy set in modern day Japanese High School, I could accept that easily enough.

And it isn't that I think that the entirety of Revolutionary Girl Utena is depressing, and I should have been more specific about what I was referencing. Namely, that
Wakaba and Saionji relationship was messed up as Hell
and of course
the revelation that the "Eternal" thing that Dios showed Utena was Anthy's Eternal Torment.
Both of those were pretty dark moments in that show, I thought. On the whole, I wouldn't say it was depressing, but I thought those two moments certainly were.

And obviously
I don't trust that Kotonoha was sane enough to say whether or not Sekai was pregnant and it wouldn't matter given the early stage of pregnancy and the fact that Kotonoha might have ripped open her stomach and not her womb anyway, and her remark I thought was more directed at the fact that Sekai was an empty person inside, and as empty as she herself had felt, than anything to do with the pregnancy., I just thought that the scenario she painted prior to that, in which Sekai was unwilling to go to a doctor about the pregnancy because she had faked it to nail down Makoto's attention was a compelling, if deranged, point. Especially since Sekai's elation was not over her pregnancy, but over Makoto being the father. The revelation that Sekai DID use Setsuna's feelings and then Kotonoha's to get closer to Makoto, or rather the implication in the final episodes, though, certainly adds an air of plausibility to the claim. The other frightening part about Kotonoha's insanity was that she was very lucid at points during that. When she turned the entire situation of Makoto cheating on Sekai with her on its head by pointing out that it was Sekai who had cheated with Makoto first, for instance.

Katsura was definitely insane, but she had some pretty good control over her words at that stage of the game.
i admire the level of detail on the backpack. Kudos if it's motorised !

School Days 12- School is Over
This is how a super villainess gets her origin story right here. You know what's really scary about it, though? Kyubey couldn't turn this girl into a witch if he tried, because in the end she is truly happy. Her mind, broken, fragmented, twisted and shattered has found the most perverse sense of joy possible out of this scenario. Carrying his rotting skull from place to place, the nameless female assassin will become feared throughout the underground for the way she carves up her victims with knives.

I got nothing left. Just. Holy shit.

Just wanted to point out :
I'm pretty sure she turned ( or was forced to ? ) into a witch by sheer force of will. Anyway , just so you know the game have various different endings just as fucked up


Ojamajo Doremi 28
This episode was very predictable.
Frankly I'd have chosen Aiko over Doremi as well.
Bad caado getto.
Lala is brutal at tennis. Would give Oka Hiromi a run for her money.


Setec Astronomer
Oh, it was certainly a tragedy, however, and this is speaking as someone who only has a passing interest in them, I don't know that I would call this a Greek tragedy. Largely because in my experience with Greek Literature, and Greek Tragedies in particular, the element of the Divine is always present. That is, tragic Greek stories always involve someone pissing the Gods off and getting cursed. Arachne beats Athena at sewing, Odysseus ticks off Poseidon, Prometheus steals fire from the Gods, Oedipus is born a clubfoot and so on. Like, normally the crux of a Greek Tragedy for me is that the Gods didn't like something and cursed a human.

That said, it's definitely akin to a tragic play. Especially in the second half of the show, where dramatic irony abounds. I would, and I realize this is cliche, more soon compare this to a Shakespearean Tragedy than a Greek one, because in Shakespeare's tragedies, its more often misunderstandings and unfortunate circumstances that cause the tragedy, than a curse from God. And in School Days, the closest element to a divine force being set at odds with the cast is that
Sekai ruins the Cell Phone Charm at the beginning.
I suppose if we want to argue that that is the stand-in for a pissed off God or capricious Fate in a Greek Tragedy set in modern day Japanese High School, I could accept that easily enough.
The presence of the divine is not nearly as important as the presence of a fatal flaw in the protagonist leading to an inevitable downfall, and this is true for all tragedies. That dynamic is abundantly clear in School Days. Of course, Greek tragedies tend to get messier than Shakespearean tragedies, so while some things don't fit the comparison feels better, especially because Shakespeare liked to have somebody around to tie things up into a noble eulogy.

And it isn't that I think that the entirety of Revolutionary Girl Utena is depressing, and I should have been more specific about what I was referencing. Namely, that
Wakaba and Saionji relationship was messed up as Hell
and of course
the revelation that the "Eternal" thing that Dios showed Utena was Anthy's Eternal Torment.
Both of those were pretty dark moments in that show, I thought. On the whole, I wouldn't say it was depressing, but I thought those two moments certainly were.
I didn't respond to those scenes the way you did. With Wakaba, I kind of felt that she was strong enough to go on regardless, and with the true revelation of how Utena got her ring, it wasn't despairing as much as made clear what Utena's purpose was in the context of everything going on in the show.

And obviously
I don't trust that Kotonoha was sane enough to say whether or not Sekai was pregnant and it wouldn't matter given the early stage of pregnancy and the fact that Kotonoha might have ripped open her stomach and not her womb anyway, and her remark I thought was more directed at the fact that Sekai was an empty person inside, and as empty as she herself had felt, than anything to do with the pregnancy., I just thought that the scenario she painted prior to that, in which Sekai was unwilling to go to a doctor about the pregnancy because she had faked it to nail down Makoto's attention was a compelling, if deranged, point. Especially since Sekai's elation was not over her pregnancy, but over Makoto being the father. The revelation that Sekai DID use Setsuna's feelings and then Kotonoha's to get closer to Makoto, or rather the implication in the final episodes, though, certainly adds an air of plausibility to the claim. The other frightening part about Kotonoha's insanity was that she was very lucid at points during that. When she turned the entire situation of Makoto cheating on Sekai with her on its head by pointing out that it was Sekai who had cheated with Makoto first, for instance.

Katsura was definitely insane, but she had some pretty good control over her words at that stage of the game.
Haha, you make some good points here.


Completely forgot Tutu was on my list, which was probably the only good thing to spawn from the Oreimo topic. Buuuut.... that'll just be on hold for like a while.

Watch Princess Tutu! Even the dub is good!

Oreimo 16

This was painful as fuck.

Less painful since I said fuck the other 2 episodes, but good god, the dialogue makes me want to hurt myself.
Incest for the win! Not for this series

This series is behind me now, and sadly because of it, I can't really look at it again. Not even at Kuroneko figures. It just brings up terrible memories, along with the notion that Light Novels are generally shit. Stay creatively bankrupt.

Manami's voice is rather... soft for this episode.

I dunno. I could look at kuroneko figures forever.

Oh. Was that already in the 4th episode? Wow.

School Days 7

Hallelujah! I have seen and praised some well-deserved slaps to the face in my time, but never, oh never has one felt quite so cathartic as this.

Makoto continues to be a despicable sleaze bag, deciding to spend time with Katsura this episode only because Katsura's cleavage is showing quite nicely. Poor little Katsura is coming up with some really bad ideas on how to get Makoto back, including putting out for him more (it's not gonna help at this point, girl), and at this point, I appreciate that part of her is drawing this entire relationship out for the sake of making Makoto and Sekai squirm. The girl deserves a confrontation and closure, especially since Sekai's hijinks have effectively ostracized the poor girl and given her the unfortunate position of slut shaming. It's telling, and tragic, that everyone instantly takes to shaming the girl, but no one seems to think that maybe there's something wrong with Sekai or the other guy, especially after the latter is seen looking up Katsura's skirt while she's none the wiser.

Meanwhile, Makoto's grasp of this entire situation, and his power to control it, is rapidly slipping from his hands, symbolized by the loosened neck-tie hanging haphazardly from his neck. Indeed, the entire scene, with Katsura coming to his house to talk to him, spying the extra pair of shoes, and Sekai hiding and indeed, cowering before both Makoto and Katsura just reeks of a jilted wife tracking down her unfaithful husband while his lover is still in the apartment.

And really, that's what this entire story is, just set to the backdrop of a group of highschool lovers. At least, the way everyone views Makoto and Katsura's relationship as ironclad certainly seems that way.

Also, with the revelation that Nanami-wannabe wants to be with Makoto, I wouldn't be surprised to discover that staring slasher eyed girl would be interested in Makoto, too. And all of this blows my mind, because I cannot fathom why any of these women would still be into Makoto. I mean, Katsura, sure, because she was an innocent dope, and now because she wants some goddamn vengeance or something, but the rest? Nope. He's a shapeless loser who can barely conceal his poorly restrained desire to rape anything that moves, one tragically placed knife away from being on the run for the rest of his life. He can hide the fact that he's also a manipulative son of a bitch, but at the point is, there isn't anything immediately apparent as to why someone, let alone so many, would want to date the guy.

School Days 8

It never rains, but it pours.

So poor Katsura, driven to the brink of desperation, has decided to put out for Makoto, and of course, the prospect of finally tapping that ass has completely put any thoughts of breaking up with her from his mind. After all, what are a few ruined lives if he can fuck two girls at the same time? Right? No?

Anyway, school festival hijinks, so not a huge deal, other than it looks to me like Class-4 has a, um, love hotel, stashed in the back of their Haunted House. Meanwhile I guess Class 2 did a Haunted House Cafe, which is an idea so bad that I can only assume Class 2 is actually Ms. Yukari's class in an alternate dimension where people go along with Osaka's plans.

As the episode progresses we get to see why at least one of the girls is so into Makoto. He did one nice thing one time before he evolved into supreme douchelord of the universe. Anyway, little Setsuna kisses him as he's sleeping and Katsura saw. The number of dirty secrets this one girl is becoming privy to has me betting she winds up as a murder victim before long. So many people wanting her silenced. All we need is the drunken closet-gay politician instead of the robotic moe french girl and Katsura'd be wearing cement slippers right now.

Wow Corvy kun. you really went all out.


Although it's not in the same league as the endings of School Days (and from the looks of it, Oreimo), I wonder how Corvo would react to something like Rumbling Hearts?

I, for one, found the carnival of stupid in that show unbearable. At least School Days
turns out to be hilarious
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