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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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Since when is Kirbyguy farther in Ojamajo Doremi than I am? By a whole ten episodes even.

If I was actually keeping up well with it, I would've been way more ahead, but it suffered from Hiatus and whatnot. I've always been ahead of you since I started much sooner, and I'm hoping I can increase my pacing as well since I'm behind, even though Dokkaan is still incomplete.
You don't have to watch anything, just post about your anime life...have you been destroying any white Cresta recently?

Sadly I don't have much in the way of anime life hijinks going on right now.

Or... maybe I do?

You see, in late July/all of August I go to work at the Board of Education at City Hall. Summer vacation and all that jazz. It's me and 6 other foreign teachers (American) in a conference room for 8 hours everyday. Fortunately we're all buddies and we're allowed to do whatever we want in the room, so Starcraft II parties, anime watching, gaming; none of it is off limits.

Sadly, one of the guys who came last year sucks balls. He brings so much drama to everything we do that I have to actively resist punching him in the face.

Nah. That's not anime at all. ='(


Shingeki no Kyojin Picture Drama 1


better animated than the real thing


Wait, do the Oreimo S2 OVAs cover the end of the LN? These impressions sound very........final.

If so I might finally have to watch.
Yeah, that was the intent from the start with the second season and OVAs. To fully animate everything through the series ending.

Can't tell you how accurate of an adaptation it was though, as I didn't read the LNs myself.


I don't. But it. The thing.

I give up.

Anyhow, my main reason for being scarce lately is that I haven't been watching much of anything due to time and/or being a lazy ass. Hopefully I can fix that soon.

And here I thought it was because you had a life!

If CorvoSol jumps on the Sailor Moon/Ojamajo Doremi bandwagon, is he triumphing over AnimeGAF or is AnimeGAF triumphing over him?

I actually intend to watch through Sailor Moon someday. I also intend to go sky diving someday, though. I'm afraid of heights and also not big on Magical Girl shows, so it's even odds.

Well he shoves a lot of different things down his throat, but has he ever shoved one big log down his throat continuously?

Don't know if I sound like a toddler or a whore in this situation.

All these posts here are a bit hard to swallow...

A true gentleman never does?

Sadly I don't have much in the way of anime life hijinks going on right now.

Or... maybe I do?

You see, in late July/all of August I go to work at the Board of Education at City Hall. Summer vacation and all that jazz. It's me and 6 other foreign teachers (American) in a conference room for 8 hours everyday. Fortunately we're all buddies and we're allowed to do whatever we want in the room, so Starcraft II parties, anime watching, gaming; none of it is off limits.

Sadly, one of the guys who came last year sucks balls. He brings so much drama to everything we do that I have to actively resist punching him in the face.

Nah. That's not anime at all. ='(

Not enough imouto.
Oreimo S2 14-16

I was cringing more through these episodes than I've been through the entirety of Watamote so far. Only good part was the
Kirino vs Manami fight which was surprisingly brutal.
At least we can finally put this long international nightmare behind us.
Oreimo S2 14-16

I was cringing more through these episodes than I've been through the entirety of Watamote so far. Only good part was the
Kirino vs Manami fight which was surprisingly brutal.
At least we can finally put this long international nightmare behind us.

which one had
the fight. Don't feel like watching the rest of this bullshit.


The Light of El Cantare
All of the western series that Hummingbird now considers "anime-influenced":

Some questionable inclusions and a couple of omissions (where's Totally Spies?!?!?) but it's mostly what I expected to see.
Very last ep.

Ugh, it also has that.... stuff.

Ojamajo Doremi 33

If you were in my family, it's something that wouldn't be forgotten. AND CURSE ITEMS!

We have a track meat today, which was primarily conflicted by the curse item, along with Doremi not knowing how to grab someone else's stick, so she had to be taught how to grab it. Also Pop did something magical.

Next episode seems to be Aiko focused.


Setec Astronomer
I actually intend to watch through Sailor Moon someday. I also intend to go sky diving someday, though. I'm afraid of heights and also not big on Magical Girl shows, so it's even odds.
You've already seen Utena, and you should get to Princess Tutu at some point, which means by then you've already done Ikuhara and Satou.
Completely forgot Tutu was on my list, which was probably the only good thing to spawn from the Oreimo topic. Buuuut.... that'll just be on hold for like a while.


I like to pretend sometimes.

Don't we all?

How about watching Sailor Moon while skydiving?

Sounds expensive and slightly dangerous.

You've already seen Utena, and you should get to Princess Tutu at some point, which means by then you've already done Ikuhara and Satou.

It's like quicksand, the more I try to struggle, the less I am able to break free of the Magical Girl clutches.

people thinking in the toonami posters itt defended ep 4 of sao. da fuck

Is that the first Asuna episode? I don't remember.


Is that the first Asuna episode? I don't remember.

The episode where Kirito lures a group of player killers out with Silicia, and threatens to murder them all as he could happily wear off his red status as a soloer.

Which given the context of the series I could only accept as pure bluff. Which I guess does not make sense given they all believed the threat.
Oreimo 16

This was painful as fuck.

Less painful since I said fuck the other 2 episodes, but good god, the dialogue makes me want to hurt myself.
Incest for the win! Not for this series

This series is behind me now, and sadly because of it, I can't really look at it again. Not even at Kuroneko figures. It just brings up terrible memories, along with the notion that Light Novels are generally shit. Stay creatively bankrupt.

Manami's voice is rather... soft for this episode.


The episode where Kirito lures a group of player killers out with Silicia, and threatens to murder them all as he could happily wear off his red status as a soloer.

Which given the context of the series I could only accept as pure bluff. Which I guess does not make sense given they all believed the threat.

Oh. Was that already in the 4th episode? Wow.

School Days 7


I'm not saying that Sekai ought to think about what'll happen if she doesn't pilot the Gundam, but maybe, just maybe
there'll be some consequences for letting the wrong pilot into her, ahem, cockpit.

Hallelujah! I have seen and praised some well-deserved slaps to the face in my time, but never, oh never has one felt quite so cathartic as this.

Makoto continues to be a despicable sleaze bag, deciding to spend time with Katsura this episode only because Katsura's cleavage is showing quite nicely. Poor little Katsura is coming up with some really bad ideas on how to get Makoto back, including putting out for him more (it's not gonna help at this point, girl), and at this point, I appreciate that part of her is drawing this entire relationship out for the sake of making Makoto and Sekai squirm. The girl deserves a confrontation and closure, especially since Sekai's hijinks have effectively ostracized the poor girl and given her the unfortunate position of slut shaming. It's telling, and tragic, that everyone instantly takes to shaming the girl, but no one seems to think that maybe there's something wrong with Sekai or the other guy, especially after the latter is seen looking up Katsura's skirt while she's none the wiser.

Meanwhile, Makoto's grasp of this entire situation, and his power to control it, is rapidly slipping from his hands, symbolized by the loosened neck-tie hanging haphazardly from his neck. Indeed, the entire scene, with Katsura coming to his house to talk to him, spying the extra pair of shoes, and Sekai hiding and indeed, cowering before both Makoto and Katsura just reeks of a jilted wife tracking down her unfaithful husband while his lover is still in the apartment.

And really, that's what this entire story is, just set to the backdrop of a group of highschool lovers. At least, the way everyone views Makoto and Katsura's relationship as ironclad certainly seems that way.

Also, with the revelation that Nanami-wannabe wants to be with Makoto, I wouldn't be surprised to discover that staring slasher eyed girl would be interested in Makoto, too. And all of this blows my mind, because I cannot fathom why any of these women would still be into Makoto. I mean, Katsura, sure, because she was an innocent dope, and now because she wants some goddamn vengeance or something, but the rest? Nope. He's a shapeless loser who can barely conceal his poorly restrained desire to rape anything that moves, one tragically placed knife away from being on the run for the rest of his life. He can hide the fact that he's also a manipulative son of a bitch, but at the point is, there isn't anything immediately apparent as to why someone, let alone so many, would want to date the guy.


Uh, yes there were. You should not be shocked.

duckroll said:
Sword Art Online - Episode 4

This series is really not what I expected from ep1, but I also think the direction they're going is kinda interesting. It suits me a lot better than what I initially expected. Instead of a typical story where the main character learns about the game as he plays and levels up and forms a permanent group of friends and allies to grow stronger with, they're approaching this from a very different point of view.

Kirito seems to be more of a superhero/legend/god character, and the show only introduces him in the first two episodes in a way so people know who he is and how the rules and circumstances of the MMO world originated. After that, it seems to have abandoned all linear progression, instead trying to tell stories within the world which happen to involve Kirito. It's a pretty unique approach.

I don't know how long the anime will keep up with this sort of narrative, but I don't really mind it at all. Having episodic stories like this feels more like a western comic, which makes it pretty different imo. What I *do* mind though, is how much pandering is going on. All these damsels in distress are anime waifu archetypes, and this week's imouto crap is really infuriating. I can't believe they kept doing the "omg panties" joke too. Argh! But the plot "twist" at the end with Kirito's actual plan was pretty good though.

I wonder what next week's episode will be about...

Well at least he complained about the pandering...


That's not really ducky hyping it, he just found the direction of Kirito as... uh... Sandman, I guess... to be interesting. I agree that it's interesting, but in comparison to everything else that episode does, it's not interesting enough.


To be fair, if the show HAD gone the route of focusing on other people's stories and kept Kirito as a creature they met in the background, that could've made things a lot better.


That's not really ducky hyping it, he just found the direction of Kirito as... uh... Sandman, I guess... to be interesting. I agree that it's interesting, but in comparison to everything else that episode does, it's not interesting enough.

There is a lot more wrong with the show than just the pandering. Anime GAF didn't really hate the show as it was airing. Even episode 4 was viewed as being decent or at least better than the preceding episodes. If Toonami GAF wants to complain about it then they have reason to.


School Days 8

It never rains, but it pours.

So poor Katsura, driven to the brink of desperation, has decided to put out for Makoto, and of course, the prospect of finally tapping that ass has completely put any thoughts of breaking up with her from his mind. After all, what are a few ruined lives if he can fuck two girls at the same time? Right? No?

Anyway, school festival hijinks, so not a huge deal, other than it looks to me like Class-4 has a, um, love hotel, stashed in the back of their Haunted House. Meanwhile I guess Class 2 did a Haunted House Cafe, which is an idea so bad that I can only assume Class 2 is actually Ms. Yukari's class in an alternate dimension where people go along with Osaka's plans.

As the episode progresses we get to see why at least one of the girls is so into Makoto. He did one nice thing one time before he evolved into supreme douchelord of the universe. Anyway, little Setsuna kisses him as he's sleeping and Katsura saw. The number of dirty secrets this one girl is becoming privy to has me betting she winds up as a murder victim before long. So many people wanting her silenced. All we need is the drunken closet-gay politician instead of the robotic moe french girl and Katsura'd be wearing cement slippers right now.
Tokyo Mew Mew 4

Last episode, Ichigo was kiss raped by a Quiche. And now she's having terrible memories of her innocence being stolen. On top of that, she can't face the boy she loves, often avoiding him if she can. Shits deep. It used the most kid friendly version of being defiled unwillingly by someone else, and she's too scared to even tell anyone about it. Although she does eventually get over it to go on a date (because she ended up going there when an alien was sensed anyway). But like a "predator" Quiche came back, and more hungry than before. These VIBES.

And her husbando got angry at her for the stunt she pulled to fight. But they made up and pinky swore. This episode was creepier than expected. AND OF COURSE THE FUCKING DOLPHIN CAN'T RUN AS WELL!


Sword Art Online Episode 4 Dubbed: I need a shower, I need so many showers to wash away the sin and tears, that is all.


Since I'm more or less marathoning the rest of School Days tonight, do I need to see the two OVAs to get the full experience? If yes, at what point in the series do I need to stop and watch them?
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