Makoto continues to be a despicable sleaze bag, deciding to spend time with Katsura this episode only because Katsura's cleavage is showing quite nicely. Poor little Katsura is coming up with some really bad ideas on how to get Makoto back, including putting out for him more (it's not gonna help at this point, girl), and at this point, I appreciate that part of her is drawing this entire relationship out for the sake of making Makoto and Sekai squirm. The girl deserves a confrontation and closure, especially since Sekai's hijinks have effectively ostracized the poor girl and given her the unfortunate position of slut shaming. It's telling, and tragic, that everyone instantly takes to shaming the girl, but no one seems to think that maybe there's something wrong with Sekai or the other guy, especially after the latter is seen looking up Katsura's skirt while she's none the wiser.
Meanwhile, Makoto's grasp of this entire situation, and his power to control it, is rapidly slipping from his hands, symbolized by the loosened neck-tie hanging haphazardly from his neck. Indeed, the entire scene, with Katsura coming to his house to talk to him, spying the extra pair of shoes, and Sekai hiding and indeed, cowering before both Makoto and Katsura just reeks of a jilted wife tracking down her unfaithful husband while his lover is still in the apartment.
And really, that's what this entire story is, just set to the backdrop of a group of highschool lovers. At least, the way everyone views Makoto and Katsura's relationship as ironclad certainly seems that way.
Also, with the revelation that Nanami-wannabe wants to be with Makoto, I wouldn't be surprised to discover that staring slasher eyed girl would be interested in Makoto, too. And all of this blows my mind, because I cannot fathom why any of these women would still be into Makoto. I mean, Katsura, sure, because she was an innocent dope, and now because she wants some goddamn vengeance or something, but the rest? Nope. He's a shapeless loser who can barely conceal his poorly restrained desire to rape anything that moves, one tragically placed knife away from being on the run for the rest of his life. He can hide the fact that he's also a manipulative son of a bitch, but at the point is, there isn't anything immediately apparent as to why someone, let alone so many, would want to date the guy.