The end times.
That doesn't good.
I bet OreImo and Sword Art Online have brough a new evolution to an already Otaku winged market. You all better be ready for it.
I know I am
The end times.
devil fruits in a nutshell.
who the fuck cares, haki > all devil fruits because oda just makes new systems on the fly.
you know... dbz might be the only endless shounen that i can think of off the top of my head that kept combat pretty consistent since day 1 for better or worse.
Devil Fruit was never meant to be the intrinsic power to decide a fight. Thank god there is actually something skill related power that deliver the goods.
iii don't want to look for clues ..and i haven't paid attention to either of them !It's like you guys don't even watch the show.
The prologue and ED are full of spoilers.
devil fruits in a nutshell.
who the fuck cares, haki > all devil fruits because oda just makes new systems on the fly.
you know... dbz might be the only endless shounen that i can think of off the top of my head that kept combat pretty consistent since day 1 for better or worse.
cnet and Sephiroth only need 3 more members for their Incest Appreciation Club to be officially recognised. You guys can have the old Literary Club room.
Correct. I do not like the little sister. At all. I find her to be a horrible character and not even cute.
I don't know about the books or the games or whatever, I've only watched the anime, but the whole thing came off very innocently to me. The Oreimo anime didn't feel like it was really about a sister wanting to fuck her brother, it seemed more like a innoncent child looking up to her big brother, and being so innocent that she would want to marry him WITHOUT understanding the consequences of what that actually means in life.
To me it seemed like a little girl wanting to place house with her brother, maybe she was into it a little too much, but the thought of sex wasent even something she could grasp in those early years.
Even in the scene wherethey are in the hotel playing that Christmas eroge, when the sex scene comes up she becomes very uncomfortable and distraught.
I understand why people are so terrified of this anime, but I don't really think it's about a sexual relationship at all. It's just about a girl wanting a childhood fantasy to come true, and a brother who cares about his sister enough to play along.
I guess that's why I enjoyed it, it's a very non-traditional story with very unique characters, I've certainly never seen anything like it before. And while I can see why people think it's about sex, and maybe it even jokes around with the idea, i don't think it's really about that.
Not to mention. If you are doinglast second backtrackEnding was one huge troll.incest ending at least go to end with it then. Now it had fucking no ending.
Yet another reason , why the psp storylines are better ( and you can tell those were the writter idea, he probably felt too much pressure to do it all the way )
Oh he wanted to do it that way, thelast backtrack was probably something that he was forced to do.
In-bu needs to be an actual anime. I have the draft made in my head and everything.
Monogatari 7-
I don't mind a lot of dialogue but this was too much.
Premise should be interesting and I wonder if the outcome is going to be an older Snail in the present. I would love to see what an 18 year old Snail looks like.
All the In-bu club members are single children... until our protagonist discovers he has a long-lost sister.
With the help of his club, can he make his dreams come true?
but then you have assholes like that admiral that got the light fruit... the fuck you do against that?
I like the sound of this, in a completely-shameless-wish-fulfilment-fantasy kind of way. Especially since judging from the way this bizarre discussion has been going, it sounds like I *am* the protagonist.
Hang on, though. I'm not an only child. I have two brothers. THIS IS A CLEAR CONTRADICTION, YOUR HONOR!
I don't know if you can say that it was made on the fly, Shanks used it in the first chapter (although we didn't know it was called haki).devil fruits in a nutshell.
who the fuck cares, haki > all devil fruits because oda just makes new systems on the fly.
you know... dbz might be the only endless shounen that i can think of off the top of my head that kept combat pretty consistent since day 1 for better or worse.
if you have girls, then bunny girls , if you have males, then host costume !Hang on, I'll see if I can find any "adorable" animal costumes so that we can parade ourselves around handing out badly-drawn flyers and campaigning for new members. That always works.
Obviously I'm no psychic, so I don't know for sure what the author was thinking, but the way the novels ended didn't come across to me as something that he was forced into doing, and it didn't feel very "last-minute" to me either. Much of the endgame was definitely setting up for and/or foreshadowing this decision.
If anything, the Kirino route in the PSP games was the one that felt like a cop-out, since it took the easy way out ofThough the anime skipped over it (like so much else), there was a good deal of discussion in the final novel whererevealing that Kirino and Kyousuke weren't actually blood related, so that they could have a happy ending with no real issues or consequences.I feel like this was partly the author trying to convey his own preference for the novels' more realistic approach, bittersweet though it may end up being.Kirino and Kyousuke criticized this trope in games, and kind of hung the lampshade on the fact that there wasn't going to be any such easy way out for them in real life - the problem wasn't just going to disappear, they would have to face up to it and find their own solution.
*sigh* When I say I think being against incest on principle is silly, I obviously don't mean that people should start treating it as a TOTALLY NORMAL THING that EVERYONE SHOULD BE DOING YOU GAIS. On account of not being an oblivious idiot, I'm perfectly aware that there are biological issues with the offspring of such relationships, and I think inherent biological tendencies (as well as social norms on top of that) are more than enough to ensure that such relationships are always going to be an incredibly rare occurrence.
I just think that in the unlikely event that they do occur, it's silly to treat such relationships as horrible and offensive on a personal level. Unless the couple in question are planning to have children (and I'd like to think most people are sane enough to not go down that route), there's really nothing fundamentally wrong with it if that's what both parties want.
To bring up an awkward analogy (because doesn't everybody just love those), you could even say that hating on incest is essentially the same as homophobia. Both are a case of dismissing the validity of a relationship because it's a) not in line with most people's inherent sexual preferences (most people aren't attracted to the same sex/close relatives), and b) biologically illogical because it's not going to produce viable offspring.
Thanks a lot for sharing your perpective. It helped me become slightly more happy about the ending too. And yeah, this really should've been two seasons...
We allow people who are retarded and have genetic diseases to have kids, so why not siblings? Their kids have way better odds.
Then post that list, please. I'll be waiting.
I don't know if you can say that it was made on the fly, Shanks used it in the first chapter (although we didn't know it was called haki).
shanks also lost an arm to a shark or something.
i think that was before oda decided that he was gonna be like one of the strongest guy around.
if you have girls, then bunny girls , if you have males, then host costume !
who cares about adorable costumes ? ( aside from maybe cajun ? )
Who doesn't want that!
As for shanks , he was strong from the start, no way that wasn't planned too.
I'm fucking ashamed to know that is from K-On.
One Piece discussion? I miss the incest debate already.
One Piece discussion? I miss the incest debate already.
I'm fucking ashamed to know that is from K-On.
Nowhere near as offensively bad as something like Infinite Stratos.
Hey. Hey. K-On is wholesome.
K-On left a bad taste in my mouth. It was a whole lot of nothing and just... boring.
Hey. Hey. K-On is wholesome.
Well,why not just bridge both discussions by detailing the intricacies with AceLuwhile analyzing each episodes for facts towards Oda's support of it.
Wow. There's an Infinite Stratos dub? I must hear it!
Just wanted an excuse to post this gif
They did change some things a little , but that was to remind the viewers of some things around and speed things up a bit ..i welcome the change ... Also this was LEWD in so many ways i can't even process it , we'renot TO-LOVE RU lewd , but we're close , very close even.![]()
There is no better way than to make an impression in a harem anime.
If you can find a way to do so without getting the BD's, then go for it. Not really sure why I bought it at this point but that was definitely not one of the reasons.
Hm. I'll just youtube a clip. I don't need to watch it all in dubs >_<
Do the blurays have subs? I wouldn't mind picking it up if it does. I enjoyed IS and I'm ready for season two.
Definitely more wholesome than SAO.
Yeah the bluray has subs. It also has the soundtrack, commentary, Radio IS and the OVA. Pretty good package done by Sentai.
At least SAO went somewhere. Even if it's bad, it gave me laughs and I had fun watching it. No fun was had watching girls do nothing but dumb things that rubbed off as pointless and everything but cute.
Never read the later parts of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure then, it can get confusing as hell :lolThis is mostly the reason I understand One Piece and like it's fighting, especially compared to other shounen shows. I always hate watching shounen anime's where I have to look up a wiki just to understand the fighting or look it up on google.
Highschool dxd New - 07
Ah this episode ...Was as good as i expected.
New opening is MUCH MUCH better.
New ending is great ... nice music , nice lewdness ( still not as great as the first season but still pretty much awesome ).
Now pool part was superb:
They did change some things a little , but that was to remind the viewers of some things around and speed things up a bit ..i welcome the change ... Also this was LEWD in so many ways i can't even process it , we'renot TO-LOVE RU lewd , but we're close , very close even.
Next week should be the first apperance of gasper ..i hope they don't mess this up , but they shouldn't since they got everything else right.
Oh and there was also , lucifer & vali in this episode , ah this arc will deliver i have no doubts.
Hm. I'll just youtube a clip. I don't need to watch it all in dubs >_<
Do the blurays have subs? I wouldn't mind picking it up if it does. I enjoyed IS and I'm ready for season two.
Nice. Soundtrack was pretty good. Now i just need a region free player and to import those Rays~
Oreimo S2 16
All I have to say is poor Manami.
I thought for ecchi anime on air in Japan they weren't allowed to show nipples or something? I see High School DXD do it a lot but I see shows like Hyakka Ryouran and Manyuu Hikenchou cover them up.
Does Highschool DXD come on at a special time in Japan to do this, is it the studios that do this, when it's put on the internet, or am I just lost here?