The few episodes of Mushibugyo I've watched the last several days are actually decent, i was expecting the worst.
You need to get some good taste first.Can I skip to it and get whats going on or do have to endure 209 more boring errands and poor sob storys?
SKET Dance kind of turned me off of the Gintama formula, i probably should have tried Gintama before i tried that.
Ehh there are new characters in it but it revolves aroundCan I skip to it and get whats going on or do have to endure 209 more episode that all probably put me to sleep 209 times
Boring errands and throw away poor sob story's aren't my thing.
Can I skip to it and get whats going on or do have to endure 209 more boring errands and poor sob storys?
SKET Dance kind of turned me off of the Gintama formula, i probably should have tried Gintama before i tried that.
Can I skip to it and get whats going on or do have to endure 209 more episode that all probably put me to sleep 209 times
Boring errands and throw away poor sob story's aren't my thing.
Sket Dance is a lot weaker than Gintama, especially in its comedic writing and character chemistry. Their concept is vaguely similar, but Gintama's execution is just better (and its mashup setting allows for more creative scenarios), so don't let dislike of Sket Dance turn you off from Gintama.
I'm pretty sure episode 239 of gintama is the greatest episode of an anime ever.
Gintama is one of those series I've been meaning to start for years, but am simply intimidated by the length of now.
It's true- I've heard you're a huge fan of Diebuster!
Smile Precure 42
I think, more than anything, this episode leaves me with disappointment. Not because the episode was bad: quite the opposite, in fact; it was one of the best episodes in the series imo. Rather, my disappointment stems from the fact that they established Nao's large family all the way back in her introduction in episode 4, and then proceeded to do fuck all with that for 38 whole episodes. And when they finally do dedicate some iota of time to Nao's role as the big sister and her family bonds, they go out and make one of the best episodes in the series. Had they done an episode like this way earlier, they could have done so much more with this setup.
Also this would have been better as the first of the "give each Precure one last episode to shine before shit starts to go down" episodes, as the others set up that the opponent would launch one final attack at them only to have the other Precure stop it at the last second. This would have been pretty predictable anyway, but that split second of just thinking that maybe they would go "there" would have made this episode even better. Or worse, as it could have just resulted in "Of course her friends are there to save the day. Of fucking course!" But I'll never know.
That one ep gets a pass!It's true- I've heard you're a huge fan of Diebuster!
I guess I'm the only one who prefers SKET Dance over Gintama.
Gintama is in majority an episodic anime. So you could just watch it every now and then and be okay. However if you watch all the episodes in a row like me its great as well. There are a few arcs but their 5 episodes at the most.Gintama is one of those series I've been meaning to start for years, but am simply intimidated by the length of now.
I guess I'm the only one who prefers SKET Dance over Gintama.
That's a good point actually. This would've been better as the first one of their final spotlight episode. That and not utilizing its tools well... yep. Total victim there.
Speaking of which, next episode is the crowning jewel of failure of making poor use of tools you have on you. You probably won't like it since it'll be the worst of the bunch, considering it's the number 1 episode that gets ragged on in Smile Precure.
Can I skip to it and get whats going on or do have to endure 209 more episode that all probably put me to sleep 209 times
Boring errands and throw away poor sob story's aren't my thing.
I'm done for tonight anyway. I imagine this one is about Reika (no I didn't watch the episode preview)?
Reika is Cure Beauty right?
Fucking graduation ceremonies. ;____;
There was a nice shot here where they are going out of the school in the direction the statue of the founder is pointing.
Aren't you the guy who's crazy about One Piece
Gintama 239
*Sigh* gintoki gets a harem the episode, I hate the harem genre even if this didn't take it self seriously it wasn't the least bit pleasant to watch, it was pretty unentertaining like the rest of genre, I shuddered at the mention of strawberry 100% I don't want to be reminded that stuff like that exist.
This wasn't the best episode ever of anything, even I've seen better gintama episodes, episode 25 was at least a 100 folds better then this.
dakkumauji was right should listen the man.
You know you like it. Just accept you're love for gintama.
The Legend of Legendary Heroes - Episode 1
The protagonist is really great and I love his description of "he's very talented but too lazy to do anything about it."
I would keep watching this anime but I can't stand his partner. She has got to be the most annoying character I've ever encountered. She won't stop hitting the protagonist, relentlessly! Also she's one of those no personalities characters anyways so she doesn't sound interesting to follow.
I heard this was adapted from a game though, so I guess i shouldn't have expected much really. Too bad... I really liked the main character in this show and the action was decent.
I want to like it, this episode didn't help me in anyway in accomplishing that task.
Cheap melodrama is a One Piece stapleGintama 239
Aren't you sherlock holmes.
Gintama 239
*Sigh* gintoki gets a harem the episode, I hate the harem genre even if this didn't take it self seriously it wasn't the least bit pleasant to watch, it was pretty unentertaining like the rest of genre, I shuddered at the mention of strawberry 100% I don't want to be reminded that stuff like that exist.
This wasn't the best episode ever of anything, even I've seen better gintama episodes, episode 25 was at least a 100 folds better then this.
dakkumauji was right, should listen the man his a true pal.
Aren't you sherlock holmes.
Sket Dance is a lot weaker than Gintama, especially in its comedic writing and character chemistry. Their concept is vaguely similar, but Gintama's execution is just better (and its mashup setting allows for more creative scenarios), so don't let dislike of Sket Dance turn you off from Gintama.
I have to disagree with a couple of those elements, and I'm as big a Gintama fan as they come. SD isn't as funny, but it's funny, and its character relations may even be a bit better than Gintama's. Gintama's formula of reducing everything back to status quo after every major arc, while working, makes things seem a little less pivotal than were they to stand after all was said and done.
SD follows the same comedy/serious arc formula too, but what's done in the serious arcs stays for the series, and in turn makes not only the relationships outside of the arcs seem tighter, but subsequent events in later arcs seem that much more consequential.
watching Devilman Lady.
uuuh, I think I saw 3 lesbian scenes in a row.
No no This is from a huge HUGE novel series
Novel as plenty of phases and some of them were adapted in a game (on psp ) but the core story comes from novels and the anime follow the novels as well
As for the partner , you'll see more of them as you watch the anime and they aren't typical characters with no personalities... All will be explained in time but you shouldn't dismiss them because of your first impression.
i personnaly consider this story as one of the best coming from Light Novels.
LoLH is really good
Sket Dance is better, better and more lovable cast, and the setting is one of my favorite in series. Plus it gets started and stays funny and emotionally intense at times. I miss it. (best character songs even)
I guess I'm the only one who prefers SKET Dance over Gintama.
*wipes tears*That was pretty nice and as I'm not suited for long posts or long analysis(and my laptop ate the one I made before ¬¬), I will just say Ojamajo Doremi was great and start reading the ligth novels now.
Kokoro ni ha afureteru "Arigatou", Hitokage "Arigatou".