Attack on Titan 16
I hate this OP so much. Attack on Titan drinking game: every time the camera pans slowly over something doing nothing, take a shot.
Still, things happened in this episode, so I can't complain too much. Jean's come a fair distance in the short amount of time he's been on the show, and frankly, he's had better character development than Screamin' Armin. Really not sure what I want from Potato girl anymore. Like, I can't choose if I want her to die so I can stop caring that she's never going back to the quirky girl she was, or if I want her to go back to that so I can really care again. Either way, meh. Pretty sure Mikasa wants Eren's Titan dick, though.
Really what I want is to see more people jumping and flying and slicing the backs of Titan necks open because dammit that is why I wanted to see this show and not for other reasons.
I still don't consider this show Mecha. It's more Zombie genre to me.
Mecha and moe girls, two terrible things combined together. This is gonna be awful.
I think I'm just used to it from all the Gundam Girls I've seen. Speaking of it kinda blows my mind that they don't seem to have a Gundam Girl in this. I mean, I dunno, Gundam Girls is big enough a thing that they have their own models.
Aside Anew sub-arc.. I think he fine, like the moment when he kissing feldt and giving love advice to Alle lol.. I think, I'm more fond to CB cast more than S1..
Thanks to Z2 I guess, the innovator thing also didn't bothering me anymore, there's still a lot to bitch though.
I hated him for not being Lockon and behaving simultaneously like and unlike Lockon and also for being one of many characters to die and be revived or replaced with an identical substitute. Not as much as I hated Nena Trinity, though. Especially not Nena Trinity in the movie.
Been meaning to ask, though: I've heard that SRW improved Shinn Asuka considerably, I was wondering if the same could be said of the terrrrrrrrrible cast of 00.