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Summer 2013 Anime |OT3| only manly sports allowed

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The only thing I know about Last Exile is that Range Murata draws sexy ladies.

Tatiana Wisla is nice


Stella C3-bu 10

This show is so gooooood at the character drama. I love it. I mean, basically all the drama (arguably the entire show) is based around Yura's one big character flaw, and it's not even a particularly subtle or original flaw, but the execution is just so nice that the show stays really engaging from episode to episode.

I love the way we've seen Yura's character develop, for better and for worse, throughout the series. She's really easy to empathise with, even as you watch her making decisions that the show is clearly presenting as wrong. And it's always such a pleasure watching her in battle, because she's just so deliciously into it the whole time. She clearly does put in so much effort and achieve such satisfying results that it's impossible not to share some of her frustration when all that passion and dedication never manages to earn her the recognition she really wants.

I think it's pretty clear how things are going to go from here on out, though.
The awkward flaw in her character is that she wants more than anything to be valued by others, but in her drive to prove to others that she's worthwhile, she sabotages her own goal by neglecting to actually form relationships with anyone. She just needs to realise that strength isn't what she really wants - what she really wants is to be appreciated, and strength is just a means to that end. Once she realises that - and thanks to Rin's harsh rejection, it looks like she's starting to realise it now - I think she'll understand that the C3-bu are ready to give her that appreciation already, if she'll only let them.

On a side note, there's a huge dissonance between the images of Yura smiling and enjoying herself in the OP and ED, and the tortured, driven Yura we're seeing in the episodes themselves. It really makes me look forward to seeing the day when Yura can smile like that again in the actual show. Hang in there, Yura! You can make it through this!

In non-Yura news, Rento is still wonderful. I think if she gave Yura a giant hug, that would probably solve everything. I don't think anyone could resist a Rento hug. Everyone would just break down and start crying and apologising and smiling and I don't even mean any of this in a yuri way. Though it can totally be in a yuri way.
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 32


Mio attempts to get Usagi to London by setting her up with a gig. Too bad everyone she knows is also a softserved asshole.

People remembering shit and whatnot, Mamoru came back because he ain't the runner anymoe.

Mio go away.


Some of the CGI ain't that bad and can be considered pretty good actually (like the beginning sequence) though its mainly because half the time there are so many beams and explosions you don't quite know whats going on. When the EVA's are just fighting with no fancy particle effects you see truly how embarrassingly bad it is:

For instance this doesn't look bad:


but the bits where its fighting the other eva's looks cringeworthy. I hope they take that scene out and redo it by the time 4.0 comes out because the original was one of the greatest anime fight scenes.

The CGI Cubes when entering Central Dogma are inexcusably bad.
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 33

DORAAAAMA Police done called them parents! Ami might transfer, Rei being forced to meet her dad, and Usagi nearly chokes Mamoru with a poorly knitted muffler.

Mio appeared again, hope she stops existing soon.

Somehow, I was expecting Ami to say something insulting for some reison.

Oh yeah and Rei's father smack the FUCK out of her!


Gurren Lagann 26

You know, I don't always like to buy into the stuff like "I've been with you this whole time" and whatnot. But with this show, it's a bit different. Not that Kamina's "always been there", more like he never really left. And that scene with Simon there really drove that home for me. Like Simon had become the man Kamina was when he was alive, just in his own way. And that Simon was able to face Kamna like that, proud of the man he had become. Just...bros, man.

I wonder how many of the Spiral races of the past have just overcome what Team Dai-Gurren had just overcome. And now to save Nia.

One episode left. What shit will go down? There will be shit going down, it's just a matter of what shit.


C3 Club 10

The pellets are actually shit and the targets are the viewers
It took me 2 hours to actually manage to finish this episode.
This show is just so cringe-worthy to watch and not in the Watamote meaning of cringe-worth.
I just can't. I waited a bit to actually post impressions but really. I'll just go to bed.
Screw this.


Gurren Lagann 26

You know, I don't always like to buy into the stuff like "I've been with you this whole time" and whatnot. But with this show, it's a bit different. Not that Kamina's "always been there", more like he never really left. And that scene with Simon there really drove that home for me. Like Simon had become the man Kamina was when he was alive, just in his own way. And that Simon was able to face Kamna like that, proud of the man he had become. Just...bros, man.

I wonder how many of the Spiral races of the past have just overcome what Team Dai-Gurren had just overcome. And now to save Nia.

One episode left. What shit will go down? There will be shit going down, it's just a matter of what shit.

Always like that scene for finally illustrating how much Kamina inspired these people. That's actually probably my favorite bit from the show despite not being much of a Kamina fan.


Stella C3-bu 10

This show is so gooooood at the character drama. I love it. I mean, basically all the drama (arguably the entire show) is based around Yura's one big character flaw, and it's not even a particularly subtle or original flaw, but the execution is just so nice that the show stays really engaging from episode to episode.

I love the way we've seen Yura's character develop, for better and for worse, throughout the series. She's really easy to empathise with, even as you watch her making decisions that the show is clearly presenting as wrong. And it's always such a pleasure watching her in battle, because she's just so deliciously into it the whole time. She clearly does put in so much effort and achieve such satisfying results that it's impossible not to share some of her frustration when all that passion and dedication never manages to earn her the recognition she really wants.

I think it's pretty clear how things are going to go from here on out, though.
The awkward flaw in her character is that she wants more than anything to be valued by others, but in her drive to prove to others that she's worthwhile, she sabotages her own goal by neglecting to actually form relationships with anyone. She just needs to realise that strength isn't what she really wants - what she really wants is to be appreciated, and strength is just a means to that end. Once she realises that - and thanks to Rin's harsh rejection, it looks like she's starting to realise it now - I think she'll understand that the C3-bu are ready to give her that appreciation already, if she'll only let them.

On a side note, there's a huge dissonance between the images of Yura smiling and enjoying herself in the OP and ED, and the tortured, driven Yura we're seeing in the episodes themselves. It really makes me look forward to seeing the day when Yura can smile like that again in the actual show. Hang in there, Yura! You can make it through this!

In non-Yura news, Rento is still wonderful. I think if she gave Yura a giant hug, that would probably solve everything. I don't think anyone could resist a Rento hug. Everyone would just break down and start crying and apologising and smiling and I don't even mean any of this in a yuri way. Though it can totally be in a yuri way.

Good to see somebody else is seeing what I am seeing Stella, it took awhile, but this really did turn into the hidden gem of the season. Next episode seems to be building towards
some sort of meeting between Yura and Sonora, probably to finally have that deep talk they have not really had yet. Also they need to sort out their personal feelings for each other because they have been brandishing about the yuri stick around these two the whole show. Also really concerned about the reality warping powers, been waiting the other shoe to drop, and we know they will drop because the people working on this show told us so.
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 34



The true source of Ami and Rei, in the power of pajama parties.

I mean holy shit, that was the highlight of the episode maaan drama ain't draggin us down yo


Servant x Service 10

I wonder, will Touko ever realise that Chihaya is dating her brother? The dynamic between the two of them is so sweet that it seems a shame to have that persistent "secret" always making it that little bit awkward. Was pretty awwwwwwwww-worthy when
the two of them fell asleep together
. also touko has gorgeous legs

At least the saga of Touko being kept in the dark managed to make some progress on a different front this episode.
Now she knows that the bunny is the office boss! ...Though I don't think she knows he's also her best friend's dad yet...
Gurren Lagann 26

You know, I don't always like to buy into the stuff like "I've been with you this whole time" and whatnot. But with this show, it's a bit different. Not that Kamina's "always been there", more like he never really left. And that scene with Simon there really drove that home for me. Like Simon had become the man Kamina was when he was alive, just in his own way. And that Simon was able to face Kamna like that, proud of the man he had become. Just...bros, man.

I wonder how many of the Spiral races of the past have just overcome what Team Dai-Gurren had just overcome. And now to save Nia.

One episode left. What shit will go down? There will be shit going down, it's just a matter of what shit.

The highlight of that episode for me was the scene with
Viral and his fake wife and child. I mean that really pulls at the heartstrings. This badass dude just wanted to have a family but can't with his beastman body.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
So you guys asked for a write up of Sunday without God.

It is one of those shows where you know it can be greater than it could be, but still it is decent to good to watch still.

The story is that one day inexplicably people stop dying. People "Die", the bodies of the dead can still decompose, but they can still keep moving. Nothing is notably wrong with the dead except over time they do decompose and unfortunately the brain eventually also starts giving way. Children also stopped being born.

Several years past and a group of beings known as gravekeepers appeared that could give the dead rest if they bury them. These beings don't really have any emotions and just go to their task. The main character Ai is the inexplicable daughter of a gravekeeper that dies several years ago. Ai lives in the town and performs her duties as the gravekeeper in her mom's place.

One day a young man enters the town named Humphrey Humbert and slaughters all of the villagers but Ai. Why did he do this? For what purpose? He is apparently going to kill Ai when a man named Yuri appears with a rifle. Yuri has been hunting Humphrey for killing his already dead wife. Apparently Humphrey was good friends with Yuri growing up. Yuri's wife died, but he continued to let her live with him and their daughter like nothing was wrong. Humphrey then "killed" his wife leaving Yuri saddened and distraught. Oh did I forget to mention that apparently Ai's mother said the name of her father was Humphrey Humbert?

There is some interesting plot lines in the show. An arc takes place in a city of the dead. A city nation of dead people that congregated after being prejudiced against in other cities. Only dead people may live there, with living visitors only being able to visit briefly in the commerce section of town. The city people wear masks containing the faces of animals when going outside at night and there are always festivities and entertainment going on in the city. I thought it was a cop out that
they learned out to stop decomposition.

Also there is another supernatural happening in the world that started to appear. If people wish for something greatly, their wish will be granted. This wish will often times be fulfilled not how they wanted or envisioned it to be. A youth that really likes playing basketball wishes that he had perfect aim, so that he can sink the baskets and become the all star high school basketball player. He gets perfect aim, he always makes it in the hoop no matter what, but the game has become boring to him because of this.


Gurren Lagann 27-End

I usually hate to write impressions for final episodes of shows, because there's no speculation and whatnot to be done. So I'll say the following things:

-Fuck yeah.
-Nia nooooooooooooooooooo. Why'd they gotta do that. Yeah I get it, but come on. But they both accept it, makes it more palatable. Plus Yoko in a suit and tie. Awesome.
-It was actually cool to see an epilogue of the characters twenty years down the line. And Simon's got that deep, powerful, manly voice, going around teaching kids how to use their drills and inspire them. And Viral's a representative for Earth for the Spiral Coalition or whatever. Man, he's certainly come a long way.
-Fuck yeah.
Gurren Lagann 27-End

I usually hate to write impressions for final episodes of shows, because there's no speculation and whatnot to be done. So I'll say the following things:

-Fuck yeah.
-Nia nooooooooooooooooooo. Why'd they gotta do that. Yeah I get it, but come on. But they both accept it, makes it more palatable. Plus Yoko in a suit and tie. Awesome.
-It was actually cool to see an epilogue of the characters twenty years down the line. And Simon's got that deep, powerful, manly voice, going around teaching kids how to use their drills and inspire them. And Viral's a representative for Earth for the Spiral Coalition or whatever. Man, he's certainly come a long way.
-Fuck yeah.

You have now triumphed. Now watch the movies. Seriously, go watch them. If you haven't seen the final battle in the second movie, you have no idea what you are missing.


Servant x Service 10

I wonder, will Touko ever realise that Chihaya is dating her brother? The dynamic between the two of them is so sweet that it seems a shame to have that persistent "secret" always making it that little bit awkward. Was pretty awwwwwwwww-worthy when
the two of them fell asleep together
. also touko has gorgeous legs

I wonder...

I guess she doesn't remember being told given how sleepy she was. Unless I'm mis-remembering that she was already asleep


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 34



The true source of Ami and Rei, in the power of pajama parties.

I mean holy shit, that was the highlight of the episode maaan drama ain't draggin us down yo

Ami x Rei is the OTP of the franchise.
Servant x Service 10


I rather liked all the stories in this episode. I guess the only progress was the Section Manager but still great fun.


teaching kids how to use their drills

Well that doesn't sound lewd at all.

Gatchaman Crowds 9

Ahhhhhhh one episode is never enough with this show. It always leaves me wanting more.

Hajime's line of attack this episode was deceptively simple and surprisingly effective.
By reaching out to the public with the plain truth (with the help of her natural charisma to ensure the world actually listens), she's able to undo a lot of the damage Katze is causing. Katze's forte, after all, is spreading confusion, misinformation and chaos, making people do the wrong thing by manipulating them to lose sight of what's wrong and what's right. By explaining to the world in clear terms exactly what he's doing and to what end, the Gatchamen can help to undo a lot of that confusion, and get the public mind back on the right track. (And since Katze dislikes getting his own hands dirty, the public mind could easily be considered the real battleground here.)

I don't doubt that even a fair proportion of the people Katze chose to wield the Crowds for his purposes will think twice about following his instructions now that they have a better idea of where those instructions are coming from. Though of course, since Katze chose so many people, and the most unstable he could find at that, this certainly won't be enough to stop the chaos outright. I'd be interested to see if some of Katze's new Crowds users actually started using their power to fight against Katze thanks to Hajime's campaign.

Also, you know,
seeing Hajime and the other Gatchas broadcasting live is just hugely entertaining in general, the public's inevitable reactions included. It's interesting how the kind of things Katze says all the time fit in perfectly when he posts them as inflammatory comments on the internet. It's kind of like he himself is the very embodiment of the negative aspects of internet culture - the trolls, the irresponsible attitudes, the tendency to treat everything and everyone as a joke with little respect or restraint.

Who is that? What show? Hnnng

That's Ai from Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi / Sunday Without God. You'd definitely like her.

I want to pet him. I want to hug him.

Naruto Shippuden 329

Great episode. Would place it just behind the Madara EP as the second best one since coming back from fillers.

It was a little jarring when he transformed for the first time but that's only a minor complaint compared to the good animation and music.


Love Lab ep 10

Sugita as a masochistic siscon NEET brother of Eno?Awesome.

Kinda strange, this episode went by segments instead of a overarch. At least something is happening next week.
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