Captain Jack Sparrow.You have a POTC figure? Which one?! Post pics!
Captain Jack Sparrow.You have a POTC figure? Which one?! Post pics!
What I've heard in the past few minutes:
"I just want you to know that these are not realistic depictions of women. I know that you watch a lot of this stuff and I don't want you to develop a warped sexual attraction to characters who look like children."
"If I was a young lady that you wanted to date and I saw those, I'd probably say "maybe not..."
I wonder what her GAF username is.
You have a POTC figure? Which one?! Post pics!
How old is she?What I've heard in the past few minutes:
"I just want you to know that these are not realistic depictions of women. I know that you watch a lot of this stuff and I don't want you to develop a warped sexual attraction to characters who look like children."
"If I was a young lady that you wanted to date and I saw those, I'd probably say "maybe not..."
I wonder what her GAF username is.
Just the Figma. Nothing special.
Kimi No Iru Machi 2
Also it's pretty poorly animated.
Ojamajo Doremi # 46
Well that's another show blindly on my viewlist. Kininarimasu.You should watch Yosuga no Sora with her.
Noted. Though I wasn't planning on looking at any E7 stuff besides the series and maybe the movie if I was really drunk.Oh, Anemone. Her arc with Dominic is one of the best in the show, I think. Which is probably part of the reason I hated PFoR. NEVER watch PFoR. EVER.
As I said. Too pure.One of the things I liked most about E7 was that Eureka isn't really sexualised in the way that a lot of mecha heroines are.
This is one occasion where my curiosity is not stronger than my turd sense.The less said about Astral Ocean the better. Can't believe how bad this show is.
How old is she?
Sounds like an unhealthy resolution.When I told her about my ticket to see the Madoka movies back in January, she said the same thing and I ended up not going just to keep the peace :|
There were a few instances of characters gliding across the ground when they're supposed to be running that made me go "rrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeally??????" Also mouths moving weirdly.It's Gonzo. If the animation isn't making you want to claw your own eyes out, you should consider it a positive.
Too old.How old is she?
That forehead is distracting.
My Little Pierrot: Self-loathing is MagicMid 30s. Used to be a nerd herself but started looking down on nerd things when she began dating a millionaire.
Also MadP why do you worry so much about what people think of your hobbies? Like my dad hates my hobbies but its none of his business what I spend my money on.
This isn't the first time that she's called me a pedophile, either. When I told her about my ticket to see the Madoka movies back in January, she said the same thing and I ended up not going just to keep the peace :|
What I've heard in the past few minutes:
"I just want you to know that these are not realistic depictions of women. I know that you watch a lot of this stuff and I don't want you to develop a warped sexual attraction to characters who look like children."
"If I was a young lady that you wanted to date and I saw those, I'd probably say "maybe not..."
I wonder what her GAF username is.
Mid 30s. Used to be a nerd herself but started looking down on nerd things when she began dating a millionaire.
This isn't the first time that she's called me a pedophile, either. When I told her about my ticket to see the Madoka movies back in January, she said the same thing and I ended up not going just to keep the peace :|
so watched 3 episodes of turn a gundam.
SOOO BORING. z z z z z z.
i guess ill watch the first series i guess.
It sounds like you should take the husband for yourself. That will teach her.Mid 30s. Used to be a nerd herself but started looking down on nerd things when she began dating a millionaire.
This isn't the first time that she's called me a pedophile, either. When I told her about my ticket to see the Madoka movies back in January, she said the same thing and I ended up not going just to keep the peace :|
It sounds like you should take the husband for yourself. That will teach her.
My sister just saw my Yayoi and Princess of the Crystal figurines and called me a pedophile. fml
This is why I hide everything.
Massive downgrade ?Guys guys guys, no need to argue. Dominic x Anemone and Renton x Eureka are both great pairings.The doujins told me so, it must be true.
Yes! Precure 5 - 06
Fifth Precure get! Full team assembled!YeahhhhYES!
Man, I'm such a sucker for opening themes used as BGM. Even though this season's OP is a massive downgrade from the previous seasons, when I hear the instrumental version in the background during climactic action scenes, I can feel myself starting to like it. METAMORPHOOOOOOOOSE~!
I'm financially dependent on her until I can find a job.
K-On!! 15
Marathon episode was pretty fun, nothing really major happened but as a side adventure it was alright. What's more important is how awesome the new ED is, especially the first few seconds of it. Love how Mio is always the most stylish out of the group in the EDs.
The one funny thing about all of this is that whenever I put a new figurine on display and my character is called into question over it, I still get asked what the character is from. I always answer "One Piece" and she believes me every time.
I told her that PotC ate the Penguin Penguin Fruit.
What I've heard in the past few minutes:
"I just want you to know that these are not realistic depictions of women. I know that you watch a lot of this stuff and I don't want you to develop a warped sexual attraction to characters who look like children."
"If I was a young lady that you wanted to date and I saw those, I'd probably say "maybe not..."
I wonder what her GAF username is.
"They are called anime and you baka-gajins wouldn't understand" is my standard reply
Does madp live in the Bible Belt or something??Watanabe: His parents forbade him from watching Sailor Moon lest he catch the gay. Basically the same level as people burning Harry Potter books.
Does madp live in the Bible Belt or something??
[Uchōten Kazoku] - 3
This show is embarrassing every other title this season. There's not even a hint of competition for best show Summer 2013.
There's a number of things I could praise about this episode but one thing that really stuck out to me was the colour design. Just superb stuff.
My brother disapproves of me watching anime featuring high school girls. I would try to convince him that I watch more than that, but well I can't looking at the stuff I'm currently following.