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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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Eureka Seven 44

In the space future, besides Dominos Pizza they also use the Citroën D'Super
Well damn. We finally learn exactly what anemone is. I had anticipated something like this but the source is a lot more disturbing.
using depressed kids as test subjects is some EVA shit.
Poor Dominic.
Eureka noooooooooo


Satan is Scottish?

Tartan = Tartarus = hmmm......

You learn some interesting things about the Spiritual World in Brazil. There was not one person there who did not insist to me that God was Brazilian. Which I find hard to believe because in 7 days He only took one off. Brazilian God would've worked for two hours the first day, taken a break for lunch and only gotten back to work in time to take off the seventh day.

Assuming he was a postman. Fuck the Brazilian Postal Service.

Narag, what did you and CorvoSol even write?

When I was here it was just some stuff about hugging it out. Now I don't know.

I can't believe my little sister is the antichrist

No wait: God Art Online.
I don't really see the comparisons to be honest. Most of the time, the Eva vs Angels fights involve oversized traditional firearms.

The whole mind calibration thing seemed eerily close to Eva's method of controlling the mechs except in this case it was between two humans too. Maybe its because I like my Eva.
So I continue to watch some some more hentai OVA's from the early 90's and 80's...if you can even call it hentai


The typical story of a perverted schoolboy as a main character, a molesting teacher, a childhood friend...however it is interresting to see a more sexually explicit take on it. One moment that stood out to me was the MC having sex with a girl in the trees before school starts and them falling down. The Teacher has perverted antics going on with groping them all time, forcing to stop having relationships, and giving students A's for sexually assaulting them. The main character is hopelessly perverted and it's kinda funny seeing him reaching his hands into his pants all the time and watch him getting boners. In the end they all get the molesting teacher to get suspended by catching him by one of his practices.
Overall it was kinda comical and fun

Sexy Folktales from old Japan

Ok this was really really wierd. It's apperently 3 sex tales from Japan in the Edo period. One was a about a couple with a kid beginning to have sex, with the kid nearby just there watching. It happens 3 times. First it happens out in the field, where the woman is trying to breastfeed the baby, however her husband get's horny and tries to grab her breast with the kid being annoyed and them fighting the breast, eventually the kid get's kicked off, and the kid watches perplexed. This happens about 3 times. The last time, the kid even climbs on the dad, and sort of goes with him. This was unsubbed, so I had no Idea how they are justifying this, since they were talking the whole time.
The 2nd one involed prostitutes. Tough it was wierd, how the 3 girls he ended up banging in the room one after the other were bald.
The third one was a about some fat guy who get's horny for a women, and the women just does it with him because of it. He constantly shows of his boner to her, and she's turned on lol.

2 others I watched was something that was 6 minutes long, involving lolis in robots, with one robot violating lolis, wut? yeah exactly.

and then one with some guy that had a penis with a face and talked with him. The Penis would make all sorts of funny reactions and movements based on what sexual things were happening to him. like one time, they was this race on foot going upstairs between a seashell (reprseting the vagina) and the penis, who would come first.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I can't believe that someone would know what Evangelion is but not know that Gundam came long before it (and of course, stuff like Mazinger before that, obviously, but Gundam is the obvious one).
To be fair Gundam is mostly giant robot vs giant robot with a dash of politics. The Evangelion comparisons are common because there aren't that many (any?) recent anime that are strictly about giant robot vs monsters.
The whole mind calibration thing seemed eerily close to Eva's method of controlling the mechs except in this case it was between two humans too. Maybe its because I like my Eva.
You Can (Not) Redo did it last year, actually.


Monogatari SS 3 (Nekomonogatari White 3)

Or as I like to call it, "The continuing saga of the controversial new hairstyles".

So at this point I've settled comfortably into the decision that I prefer Hanekawa's new hairstyle to the old one, and I don't have any strong feelings either way about Senjougahara's. But of course this episode just had to throw a whole host more new hairstyles into the mix so now I'm feeling uncertain all over again.

First of all, Kanbaru's. I wasn't expecting to dislike this one, but my first impression after seeing it in action is...it bugs me. Kanbaru is still awesome, of course, but I can't seem to reconcile her with this long, neatly-tied hairstyle. It could be the way the hair hangs neatly forward over her shoulders. It seems precarious, like it should just fall back behind her shoulders at the slightest movement. And I don't think I've ever seen Kanbaru make any movements that could reasonably qualify as "slight". Yet it always seems to naturally fall back into that neat position, which is...odd. It doesn't look bad, though. Maybe I'll get used to it.

Then we have Tsukihi, whose hair has never been particularly consistent anyway (for reasons we discovered in her Nise arc), but her new style in this episode is...a little more out there than anything she's had previously. She has a braid so long she can (and does) use it as a freaking scarf. It's a little offputting. But I guess it suits her character.

And finally, Karen. I think her new hairstyle seems the most natural out of the new ones that appear in this episode. Karen's always been a massive tomboy, after all, so it makes sense for her to have short hair to match. I kind of miss the ponytail, because it did look really good on her, but this new look suits her too, so I'm sure I'll get used to it pretty quickly. Besides, Karen's charm has never been about the hair. It's all about her attitude and her amazing body.

Oh, did somebody say bath scene?! Yes please. Though I do have a complaint - I didn't think most of the shots in the bath were very flattering for Karen. Just judging from the bath shots we saw in this episode, Tsukihi clearly had the best body. Also, was Karen's :chet always that big? It seemed a little excessive there. But it's Karen, so I can forgive that. Besides which, the camisole-and-pantsu look she was rocking afterwards more than made up for it. GodDAMN that's hot.

...Oh, uh, there may also have been plot in this episode somewhere. Probably. Maybe. Uh-huh.


I can't believe that someone would know what Evangelion is but not know that Gundam came long before it (and of course, stuff like Mazinger before that, obviously, but Gundam is the obvious one).

NGE is super formative for many anime fans, I think, and they erroneously assume their first exposure to elements therein are the first time those elements are executed in a show.


NGE is super formative for many anime fans, I think, and they erroneously assume their first exposure to elements therein are the first time those elements are executed in a show.

Some shows do rip-off Eva, though. I mean, there's "Kids in Robots Fighting Space Monsters" and then there's things that cross that line. For example, Godannar has people fighting unexplained space monsters in giant robots and there are hidden secrets beneath HQ, but I wouldn't really call it ripping off EVA since it is trying to have standard SR tropes as the backdrop for its more specific tale.

I'm really tempted to say E7AO is doing it, though. Not as completely as some things, since AO has its own other stuff going off, but there are times. Mostly related to Truth.
The idea of ripping of Eva is stupid anyways, since Eva just throws unrelated elements from different things together to make something, which isn't all that cohesive anyway


Dog & Scissors 4

They still don't explain how his sister knows he is a dog. Other than that episode seems fine.
I hope their is going to be a fight but looks like it's going to be a snatch and run situation going off the previews.


I can't believe people knowing Eva but not Gundam as well.. sure probably they not ever watching it, but the word "Gundam" seem synonymous with anime robot. Not so much with Eva.. crowd know it must watch it first from toonami or something.
I can't believe people knowing Eva but not Gundam as well.. sure probably they not ever watching it, but the word "Gundam" seem synonymous with anime robot. Not so much with Eva.. crowd know it must watch it first from toonami or something.

Eva has transcended anime.



Home internet is back!

But I might not watch anime tonight, just so I can say I went a full week without any animus. Just, you know, reassurance that I can still escape if I really wanted to. But it pretty much has been a full week...we'll see.


Some shows do rip-off Eva, though. I mean, there's "Kids in Robots Fighting Space Monsters" and then there's things that cross that line. For example, Godannar has people fighting unexplained space monsters in giant robots and there are hidden secrets beneath HQ, but I wouldn't really call it ripping off EVA since it is trying to have standard SR tropes as the backdrop for its more specific tale.

I'm really tempted to say E7AO is doing it, though. Not as completely as some things, since AO has its own other stuff going off, but there are times. Mostly related to Truth.

One familiar with older shows can probably point out stuff NGE borrowed or repurposed. Ramiel in particular springs to mind.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Monogatari Second Season 03
all of your favorite corpses are dragged on to the stage. please clap. please laugh. please massage your genitals.


Dog & Scissors 3

They still don't explain how his sister knows he is a dog. Other than that episode seems fine.
I hope their is going to be a fight but looks like it's going to be a snatch and run situation going off the previews.

I think you mean 4, not 3?

And I initially thought the same about there still being no explanation for how his sister knows it's him, but on reflection, I think she might just have assumed the dog was her brother because he fell for the book trap >.> I doubt there are any other dogs out there that would be lured in by an Akiyama Shinobu book, and in the mental state Madoka's in, I don't think it's too big a leap for her to make that kind of crazy assumption <.<


One familiar with older shows can probably point out stuff NGE borrowed or repurposed. Ramiel in particular springs to mind.

Right, but that's neither here nor there. Knowing that Eva borrowed things from other shows doesn't really absolve later shows from doing the same. And repurposing things is rather different from theft. One of Eva's strong points is that it takes turns the Super Robot genre on its head by using specific old conventions in different ways. Even if Shinji having a missing father who has spent all this time building a super robot for him to pilot is as basic a set up as it gets for Super Robot stories, it comes across entirely differently because the relationship between Shinji and Gendo is different from how one normally witnessed it prior to that point.

If another show borrows these things for the sake of setting things up differently, then whatever, but when they're just taking them to take them, that would be when I draw the line. Likewise just referencing things isn't necessarily the same as stealing them. When in Astral Seven, Elena strikes the Lillith Pose as she explains that something is in the basement of Generation Blue's HQ, she's referencing Eva, but not really stealing from it.

You can do things and have them come across as the same idea, but executed differently as well. For instance, one might say that
Kaworu Nagisa, Eureka, and Terra Branford from NGE, E7 and FF6 are all related. Kaworu and Eureka explore the whole "the aliens take human form to communicate with humans" and Eureka and Terra do the whole "alien in human form learning about human emotion/life". However Kaworu and Eureka and Terra are all rather different from one another. They're distinct enough that the audience doesn't mind. Kaworu and Astral Ocean's Truth, on the other hand, I'm not so sure.


For a second I had to check the name of the thread to be sure I was not in gaming.

Everyone knows Mitsuru is the best. Très bien.

I remember first time playing P3, not knowing much about Social Links and all, I started hanging out with Chihiro, and just after going with her to a festival it was my "girlfriend". Had to load an early save and never, ever, see her again or accepting their requests, I just wanted to be a friend! The only reason I met her was because I went to to the Student Council hoping to spend more time with Mitsuru. (sorry duckroll, don't hate me).

I'll accept Elizabeth as second.
I'm watching Dangan Ronpa and

oh lawd

I'm not sure if I should be taking this seriously or not. It even has those cheesy objection effects from Phoenix Wright.

Well, Danganronpa is very, very, very blatant in it's adaption that it came from a video game. I'm actually in the middle of playing Super Danganronpa 2 right now myself. It's definitely fun, if not a bit different from the first one.


Yes! Precure 5 - 08

Oh hey, it's kind of like those episodes in previous series where the Cures get in a fight early on in their relationship and fall out with each other. Except since we have five Cures now instead of two, they had to pick two in particular to have the big falling-out. And who better than the two polar opposites of the team, Rin and Karen?!

Turns out the two of them just can't agree on anything. They both bring completely different flowers to decorate Nuts' new shop, they recommend different kinds of tea to go with the group's snacks, they can't even agree on who should put their captured Pinky into the Dream Collet first. Heck, even talking about the weather turns into an argument with these two. It's almost impressive.

So what exactly needs to happen to help this mismatched duo find something in common? All the other Cures being conveniently kidnapped, of course! Because no matter how different their tastes may be, they're both equally devoted to helping their friends in need (and defeating the enemy Nightmare forces. Poor Arachnia, her boss isn't going to be happy about this. And neither is his boss, for that matter.) Turns out when it comes to battling, the two of them make the perfect team, and their rivalry only spurs them on to new heights!

And so all's well that ends well, as Rin and Karen end the episode with a newfound respect and appreciation for each other. Insert yuri goggles here. Or they could just start fighting again, that also works!


Okay, I finally want to get around to making that third AnimeGAF survey, on the topic of anime buying and watching habits. For now all I've got is some basic stuff similar to all those Funimation/Viz/etc. surveys you've all done in the past; anyone have any recommendations for additional sorts of questions?
Okay, I finally want to get around to making that third AnimeGAF survey, on the topic of anime buying and watching habits. For now all I've got is some basic stuff similar to all those Funimation/Viz/etc. surveys you've all done in the past; anyone have any recommendations for additional sorts of questions?

Preferred boob size, so I can find out how crazy you all are.
Blood Lad Episode 3 You Had It All Along

The part I was waiting for the most and it delivered. One thing about Wolf, cant even tell he is voiced by Ittoki. Though I guess I should pay attention next to see if he sounds like Dantalion.

The anime largely still feels like its doing nothing more than being a truly faithful adaptation. I wish there was more they were doing to make it feel really special and such. At least it looks nice.


well not really...yet
Eureka Seven Forty-seven

Pretty great episode. I'll have to finish this tonight now.
That Family re-union!
Too good.
Books. Libraries. Space elevata.
Renton meets adrock. No dialog necessary, great moment. And Eurêka telling him about her life so far...
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