He is the man after all, no fucking with oniisama.
kirito wishes he was as good as onii-sama
He is the man after all, no fucking with oniisama.
"I can see the ending."
No, Yu! Stop Social Linking everyone!
Zankyou no Terror 01
The positive notions here on GAF did certainly not disappoint. A very strong first episode with nothing I could complain about.
I just have a question, what was the content of the messages of Lisa's mum? They were visible on screen, but sadly not translated. Did she worry about Lisa? Did she tell her what to do with her life?
Thank you, this is very helpful.[Posted by BeholdMyGlory on Reddit
10:21 http://i.imgur.com/9V3igWc.jpg
How is class?
How is class?
Soon time for lunch, right?
Are you getting along well with your friends?
Does the lunch taste good?
10:24 http://i.imgur.com/5zZDCgo.jpg (last message is the first message from the previous screenshot)
Why did you leave so early today?
It's important to eat your breakfast, you know.
Are you at school yet?
Are you at school yet?
13:13 http://i.imgur.com/0Bl49YG.jpg
Take care.
Be careful out there.
Did you eat your lunch?
Did it taste good?
Were you headed to the Tokyo Government Office today? (NB: Unsure about this one, not clear on what exactly a 都庁 is)
When will you be finished there?
13:15 http://i.imgur.com/59y0HSr.jpg (only the two bottom messages are new)
When are you coming home?
Will you be able to come home soon?
Zankyou no Terror 01
The positive notions here on GAF did certainly not disappoint. A very strong first episode with nothing I could complain about.
I just have a question, what was the content of the messages of Lisa's mum? They were visible on screen, but sadly not translated. Did she worry about Lisa? Did she tell her what to do with her life?
Eh, I don't really use the 3 episode rule.
That's because I'm crazy and always finish every anime I start, regardless of how long it is.
Not noticing any Ef: A tale of memories in those lists by the way. I can understand it not being a top 5 though. I think it could work on a top 10 for SHAFT though. I thought it was cute.
How many people here actually watched Ef anyway?
I don't think there is any way Momo Kyun Sword or Rail Wars have any chance to redeem themselves after those awful first episodes. The rest of the lewd stuff I watched was pretty meh but may get better. (probably not) But I committed to the three episode rule when I said I was watching everything this season so I'll just have to endure.
But NGNL is awesome and fun. Animegaf loves it.
Kanon 2
It's also interesting to see some comic timing being played out as well, specifically with the whole "jam" scene. It feels like a proto K-On or Nichijou scene.
Hm... I would have at least expected a "Cowboy Bebop" or "Steins;Gate" mention. Those are pretty universally liked.
Hm... How does the 3 episode rule work with Steins;Gate? Isn't there people who like the second half, but don't like the first half? I liked it all though.
An intriguing anime. Not much to say other than it has an interesting premise and could show promise in future episodes.
Tis a cruel fate of losing ones humanity and trying to retain it.
Wait, you're watching the TV series? Why?Mobile Suit Gundam-san 1
I feel dirty.
Summer Anime 2014 Part 1
Summer Anime 2014 Part 2
I'll finish the day with some of the more interesting anime of this season.
Terror in Tokyo 01
An intriguing anime. Not much to say other than it has an interesting premise and could show promise in future episodes.
I fell asleep halfway through but I think that has more to do with me being dead tired than it being uninteresting.
Tokyo Ghoul 01
Tis a cruel fate of losing ones humanity and trying to retain it.
I have many questions that have yet to be answered.
Wait, you're watching the TV series? Why?
Nah, the 3 minute gag anime.
Damn you finished 16 different anime's episode 1 in one day? I don't think I'd be able to do that for all 3 week ahha. I'm sure you can already narrow a few off the watch list though.
I may have gone a little overboard today. My brain feels like pudding. (especially after my second post) I think I still have 10 or so more anime to go through before I finish ep1 of everything this season has to offer. Hopefully my stamina will have regenerated by then.
Damn you finished 16 different anime's episode 1 in one day? I don't think I'd be able to do that for all 3 week ahha. I'm sure you can already narrow a few off the watch list though.
mods plz use this image when locking this thread at 20k posts
I'm currently on episode 42 of something I kind of started 1 day ago.
And it's just glorious.
Wow. You're not wrong too call elements of the story derivative and that the story features coincidences, but the same is true of just about everything ever. Calling the writer a "fucking hack" is going completely overboard, if I applied those some complaints to everything I watched I'd be unable to enjoy anything ever again.
Stories are built on confidences (these ones weren't even that egregious in the grand scheme of things) and we recycle ideas for stories all the time. It's not the recycling of concepts that the problem, but how they are used by the writer in the particular story that's being told.
The rest of your complaints centre around "they haven't explained this yet!" which is quite common in stories that don't want to be tied down by exposition in the middle of action sequences. You can't expect that stuff to be explained immediately, I imagine it will be covered next week.
Hohohoh.Tokyo Ghoul 2
My favourite part was whenand then██████████████​███████████████████​███████████████████​███████████████████​███████████████████​███████████████████​█████. However, this is my most likely show to drop this season because when█████████████████████████████████it makes you just think███████████​███████████████████████████████.████
I suppose expectation play a role. I didn't know anything about the story, but I didn't expect it to be about super-criminals.
I suppose expectation play a role. I didn't know anything about the story, but I didn't expect it to be about super-criminals.
Basically sums up my thoughts perfectly!
Hyouka 19
I think it's quite a feat for a show to have an entire episode take place in one room and still be enjoyable to watch the entire time.
This mystery was actually really fun. The outcome at the end was hilarious. This episode really showed how this anime really centers around Oreki and Chitanda's relationship and their playfulness. Once again Chitanda was cute with the way she handled herself and it was fun to see Oreki be playful and have fun for once. This episode had a lot of good moments in it. I can tell this is going to leave The Void when I am done with it.
No "I'm curious" this episode. :,(
Other way around; Sentai is a subsidiary of Section23. The same company also owns the labels Maiden Japan (they also release anime, but less often than Sentai), Aesir Holdings (they re-released Princess Tutu with this label, I think) and ADV Films (which is barely used anymore. They did an Elfen Lied Blu-Ray using the ADV name, though).
I wouldn't want RightStuf to touch it anyway; Wandering Son is a fantastic series that deserves a Blu-Ray. Knowing RightStuf, it would be stuck on DVD forever. I don't think I could deal with that.
Posted by BeholdMyGlory on Reddit
10:21 http://i.imgur.com/9V3igWc.jpg
How is class?
How is class?
Soon time for lunch, right?
Are you getting along well with your friends?
Does the lunch taste good?
10:24 http://i.imgur.com/5zZDCgo.jpg (last message is the first message from the previous screenshot)
Why did you leave so early today?
It's important to eat your breakfast, you know.
Are you at school yet?
Are you at school yet?
13:13 http://i.imgur.com/0Bl49YG.jpg
Take care.
Be careful out there.
Did you eat your lunch?
Did it taste good?
Were you headed to the Tokyo Government Office today? (NB: Unsure about this one, not clear on what exactly a 都庁 is)
When will you be finished there?
13:15 http://i.imgur.com/59y0HSr.jpg (only the two bottom messages are new)
When are you coming home?
Will you be able to come home soon?
Dat overprotection.
I may have gone a little overboard today. My brain feels like pudding. (especially after my second post) I think I still have 10 or so more anime to go through before I finish ep1 of everything this season has to offer. Hopefully my stamina will have regenerated by then.
#18 is adorable :3
Watanabe cites 24 and Sherlock as some of the inspirations for the approach in the show. The assistant director Tachikawa previously helped Death Billiards for Anime Mirai. The show is about domestic terrorism in Japan. Sounds like you only have yourself to blame!
This is terrible.My parents used to be like that. Now if I dont answer my phone for a few days they will drive to my house and knock on my window. I told them to quit THAT at least.
This is terrible.
I could stop my parents by being super aggressive when they even starting to get annoying. Sure, parents worry about their kids, but there are limits.
Chari dafuq is going on with your avatar everyday ?xDD
Meh they have turned World Martial Art Tournament into boring piece, i was waiting Vegeta's and Goku's match TT
You're a pretty cool guy, who would not be clingy?My parents are clingy lol.
Eska is starring at everything!Chari dafuq is going on with your avatar everyday ?xDD
You're a pretty cool guy, who would not be clingy?
Eska is starring at everything!
Am just watching the first Psycho-Pass 'extended edition' episode and man... the fucking exposition is so ridiculous.
Akane, who has obviously been trained well about her fricking job I'd imagine, arrives at the crime scene and Ginoza tells her what Enforcers are and then a bit afterwards Ginoza's father even explains the Dominator again:
"You know how to use a Dominator, right?"
"I-I did receive training on it, more or less..."
Then an explanation follows. Seriously? "More or less?" Apparently so little that one of the Enforcers has to explain the entire concept again? Right...
Oh have I noticed noticed this?Chari dafuq is going on with your avatar everyday ?xDD
You're a pretty cool guy, who would not be clingy?
Eska is starring at everything!
Oh have I noticed noticed this?
Quite frankly, I don't even think the concept of those Dominators is complicated enough to even require any on-the-nose exposition. Since there's a voice feedback on those things giving information about everything anyways, that would've been enough.
Quite frankly, I don't even think the concept of those Dominators is complicated enough to even require any on-the-nose exposition. Since there's a voice feedback on those things giving information about everything anyways, that would've been enough.
Ai Mai Mi: Mousou Catastrophe 1
Welp, this is like way more mentally deranged than I remember it being.
Well that was like watching two different shows which I guess was the intent to drive home the tragedy of it all.