And lolis, right? Can't forget them!
Well, it's anime so goes without saying. At this point they're implied unless said otherwise.
And lolis, right? Can't forget them!
Girls und Panzer 7
Poor Italians can't catch a break can they ? Named after not their operation and lost in 2 seconds..
Its surprisingly really good for 4 minute show, especially the story.I can only remember Pupipo being derided for its length, hence my confusion
Gyo: Tokyo Fish Attack
What the hell were they thinking? This was really fucking bad save for the animation. Also incredibly tasteless (read: sexist) at times.
Edit: The director of this did Magical Sisters Yoyo & Nene? Welp, there goes my interest in that. The writer also worked on Fate/Zero, now I know the questionable depiction of women in that isn't all on Urobuchi or Ei Aoki.
You forgotWell that goes without saying. In a world where only females exist, how else can there be true love?!
I do like Durarara! for how ambitious to tries to be with so many of the interconnecting lives and storylines, and I really enjoyed the character interaction between Shizou and Izaya, as well as Dota-chin haha. I just wish they tried to resolve more of the plotlines or given the show more episodes to truly tie everything together. I really really enjoy the first half alot.
That one seems interesting. I'm not actually interested in Robot Girls Z, just curious why they like it.Just watch Pupipo between those two.
Eh? That's the not case from some of the reviews I have read. The two friends are not present in the manga for one.All the stupid decisions stem from the manga it adapts as it's virtually the same aside from swapping the male lead from the manga with the his partner in the OVA.
whoops, see I was beaten.
Eh? That's the not case from the some of the reviews I have read.
No, it is absolutely not equally offensive in how it treats men and women.I don't think Gyo is sexist at all. I think it's fairly offensive in general, but that makes it a deliberate and effective adaptation of the spirit and tone of a Junji Ito story. It's not meant to be an empowering or enjoyable sort of story, and that's the entire point. My experience with his manga is that usually after reading it you feel kinda sick and fucked up, wondering why anyone would want to write something like that. Regardless of whether the characters are male or female, the intent is to shock, disgust, and have this dis-empowering effect on the audience where you just feel that maybe there's no hope and everything just sucks. In that sense Gyo was a good adaptation of the spirit of the work, even if the material has changed significantly. Not that I would recommend anyone to watch it or ever want to watch it again myself!
Sakuga, the absurd premise, and the fact it's actually kinda funny for a gag show.Both you and Wonzo like that. Is there more to it than fanservice and :SDBurton?
Yeah, I'll check that out.e: also watch pupipo
Just saw the Tokyo Ghoul OP and it made me want to watch the show.
Holy shit this season's OPs and EDs are godlike
The use of colour in particular in the Tokyo Ghoul OP is excellent. It may not be massively bombastic - in fact, it's very "slow" moving, in a sense - but it's fluid and dramatic, and the song is just the "right" side of scream Linkin Park-esque metal. It's very well put together in general and creates exactly the right tone - it's dark, it explores the duality of the human/Ghoul life the protagonist now leads (and how it is hidden beneath the surface of the lives of the other characters), and presents the usual cavalcade of characters.
I prefer the digital effects wizardry and music in the Terror in Resonance OP as my "favourite" thus far, but that's going for a very different tone. The Nozaki OP is okay but I haven't watched the show yet so I can't really judge how it fits the show it's attached to!
I was a bit disappointed by the Aldnoah Zero OP (which is, to be fair, pretty much the only part of the series I've watched so far). Musically it's Kajiura/Kalafina just doing the same old thing they always do, and there's little synergy between the music and the animation. Pretty much the only shot I really liked is one of the ones of th princess character lying on the ocean of clouds, but I've seen that before in something so it doesn't have that much of an effect.
Still working my way through most of the others (I might even get around to watching some of the episodes that follow them, as well...).
(potentially my favourite OP of the year, though, is that for Halt and Catch Fire. Another series I haven't watched yet, although apparently it's dreadful so maybe I shouldn't be rushing?)
No, it is absolutely not equally offensive in how it treats men and women.
Edit: I don't mean to say that a work trying to offend has to have a 50/50 split, but there is a clear difference in how women are used and treated in the film.
Did you watch ef A Tale of Melodies? That's has a massive part of the story as well.I've started watching through what Anime Mirai had to offer over the years, figured that I'd start with 2013's selection considering that I watched LWA months ago, anyways the quality disparity was pretty high between the greats (Harmonie & LWA) and the not-so-greats (Arve Rezzle & Ryo).
Haromie > Little Witch Academia > Arve Rezzle > Ryo
Now gotta watch through the other years offerings so I can get on with depraved romcom haremshit.
Also finished ef A Tale of Memories, I seriously felt as if I was missing out on a sizable amount of character exploration but in the end I still really liked it, also still couldn't believe the director wasn't Shinbou, stuff looked as if the big S himself was runnin' the adaption.
It's too early to tell how good it will be, but it certainly looks better than Spring, but that was the worst season in years.
I've started watching through what Anime Mirai had to offer over the years, figured that I'd start with 2013's selection considering that I watched LWA months ago, anyways the quality disparity was pretty high between the greats (Harmonie & LWA) and the not-so-greats (Arve Rezzle & Ryo).
Haromie > Little Witch Academia > Arve Rezzle > Ryo
Now gotta watch through the other years offerings so I can get on with depraved romcom haremshit.
With Chaika, NGNL, and Gochiusa? Uhhh not even close.
Errrrrr. Harmonie is Anime Mirai 2014. Sounds like you're missing Death Billards from 2013, which is one of my favorites! Harmonie is part of this year's offerings, along with Parol's Island, Chronos, and The Big First Year Student & The Small Second Year Student.
Seriously third high , i know you both are geniuses but you're both arrogant to the extreme.
Anime is in good shape if a season with JoJo and Ping Pong rates as one of the worst in recent memory.
Girls und Panzer - 09 through 12 (end)
That was a fantastic, feel-good series. I'm glad you guys talked so much about it yesterday that I got off my ass and tried it out. Would love more. I ended up liking pretty much every team by the last episode. That tactic to take out the Maus was so ridiculous I couldn't stop laughing.
Still wish we'd gotten a short series based around the Death Billiards concept. rip anime twilight zone
Not yet, I'm gonna watch something a bit more light-hearted beforehand so I don't get ef'd out, was gonna check out Oretsuba's adaption.Did you watch ef A Tale of Melodies? That's has a massive part of the story as well.
Errrrrr. Harmonie is Anime Mirai 2014. Sounds like you're missing Death Billards from 2013, which is one of my favorites! Harmonie is part of this year's offerings, along with Parol's Island, Chronos, and The Big First Year Student & The Small Second Year Student.
Kino no Tabi 08-END
Motherlovin' five stars yo. I have lowed every second of this journey evenWhat a great series. So glad I decided to finish it.right down to the gut punch at the end and Kino sees that country turned to ash and realizes the little girl knew she was going to die the entire time even when she says she doesn't want to be a travelers. Oh that broke my heart and it was great they showed Kino's reactions as well to show that "Hey some shit even gets to Kino as well."
Figured I'd eventually start working through Yuasa's stuff after Ping Pong
You woke up to a flooded house? lolAria 02
Heh. That's just like me 2 1/2 weeks ago.
There's a scene that reminded me of one in Chobits, just with splish, splash instead of pantsu, Himeya seems like a big company and then a small rebellion, a little rivalry and lots of ara ara.
Really liking the mood, the soundtrack and the funny reaction faces.
I would like to see Tachikawa direct something original on his own one day. Maybe such a concept would even work for noitaminA. I'm holding out hope because Kotomi Deai was the assistant director for Kids on the Slope and later Silver Spoon S1, and then she got promoted to full director for Silver Spoon S2. One day after Terror in Resonance, Tachikawa might be able to direct a noitaminA series too!
Also, I noticed that Aria The Origination is now behind a paywall on youtube now. Seems like Starz is starting to charge for access to some shows?
Anime is in good shape if a season with JoJo and Ping Pong rates as one of the worst in recent memory.
Stardust Crusaders hasn't been very good though.
You woke up to a flooded house? lol
Also, I noticed that Aria The Origination is now behind a paywall on youtube now. Seems like Starz is starting to charge for access to some shows?