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Summer 2014 Anime |OT| this thread has been outsourced to Toei Phils

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I have to say at least, the protagonist is so stoic, that it'S really funny. She is really like your silent RPG character who most of the time just stares at people that talk.
Why can't I find that mexican stand-off scene nowhere?!

You can make the difference. Free the animefans in the south and found the United States of Animerika!

anime fans are plentiful down here. I dont think thats much of an issue.


When I talk with older anime fans, the biggest complaint I hear is that everything has become nothing but moé, angsty, high school, love-harems. They claim they want exciting action shows with an adult cast and grown-up stories. To those people, I say this: “Blade & Soul is the anime for you.”
No, blade and soul has no soul , the main heroine is a blank state and she stay like this for 80% of the anime , no emotion, nothing ..

Blade & Soul is the story of Alka, the last living assassin of the Clan of the Sword. Her mission? Vengeance against the dark, magic-wielding warrior Jin Varel and her companions—the ones responsible for the death of her master.

Nearly every episode of Blade & Soul has some sort of action climax. As a wandering assassin, Alka finds herself as everything from hired thug to bodyguard as she continues her quest to hunt Jin Varel. Jin Varel and her companions, on the other hand, are also hunting Alka; so when the two forces clash, you’re always guaranteed an awesome—and often brutal—fight.
Did you watch the show ? Alka isn't after jin varell because of vengeance , she is after her because of "THE CODE" of her clan. The heroine motivations are dull , and seeing this so many times makes no incentive to go on.
The action in blade and soul is horrible.
The best scene in the whole serie is some sort of weak 3D slow mo effect in episode 3.
If you see it you'll be disapointed.
SCHOOL RUMBLE Did 3D effect better and that wasn't their main focus.

And just WHERE did you see a brutal clash ?

Where Goddamit ?
Please tell me you have watched another show and you're joking . Each encounter is a one side massacre , for the characters , for the audience eyes. Instead of having a freaking sword fight , all you have is some DBZ aura style attack that are badly animated.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but Blade & Soul is blessedly free of modern anime’s most common clichés. There is no high school setting. No teenage heroes. No endless will-they-won’t-they romance. No moé-invoking characters. No harems. No tsundere, dandere, kuudere, or yandere. If you have been searching for an anime that avoids these common tropes, Blade & Soul is the anime for you
But that's because blade and soul has NOTHING ..It doesn't have any character develloppement aside from the main heroine and even that part is butchered.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
And what's worse , blade and soul is full of anime clichées too , from the inn dancer with big boobs , to the gunslinger with big boobs or the thief leader WITH BIG BOOBS

I like boobs as much as the next guy , but blade and soul has clichés, heck every episode , it's full of clichés

Simply put, each episode in the series is built around exploring an aspect of the series’ major theme: vengeance. Thus this anime looks at the victims of vengeance, causes of vengeance, the cycle of vengeance, the losses caused by vengeance, and brutal ways to attain vengeance—just to name a few sub-themes. And as you’ll learn rather quickly from watching, vengeance never works out for the better—not for anyone involved. Because of this, Blade & Soul is often a quite dark anime.

Finally something i can agree on.
THE SAME THEME Over and over again , AGAIN AND AGAIN , untill you're sick of it.
untill you want to have a revengeance on ths studio that produced this crap.
veangeance and despair , congrats i've never seen such a beautifull crafted anime.
As she is rarely the focus of the episode, Alka often seems like a supporting role in her own story. However, what is important is how these various self-contained stories affect and change Alka. At the start, Alka is an empty, emotionless shell. She knows how to kill and has the assassins’ code to live by. She’s not even after vengeance against her master’s killer for any other reason than the code demands it—she has no emotional stake in the whole endeavor.

Thus, the anime as a whole is Alka’s journey from walking tool of death into a thinking, feeling person—from “blade” to “soul” if you will. The tragedies and rare successes she witnesses change her, prompting her to contemplate and grow. Of course, while opening up to your emotions can be a powerful, wonderful thing, Alka also discovers the crippling emotional pain that comes as the flip side of the emotional coin.
The main heroine freaking has no impact on her own story.
Worse the end absolutly NEGATE the whole journey by doing doing some cliché forgiveness situation to but ALKA with emotion but she is actiing the same as before but hey this time she is smiling!

As Blade & Soul is based on the Korean MMORPG of the same name, it comes packed to the brim with its own history, lore, and detailed setting. It is clear that what we are seeing is only a small part of a much bigger, world-spanning story. Not even Alka or Jin Varel are particularly important in the overall scheme of things. But because the world is so well constructed, there are numerous details in every scene that make the world come to life. All in all, it becomes a living, breathing world.
All this setting was lost in translation with the anime design , ALL THE LORE was lost when they decided to make bland background and lack of details in every scene.The sheer amount of desert scenes or mountain scenes to re-uses backgrounds assets is disguting The Whole soul of the Game was lost from day one.The anime just shat on it.

In the world of modern anime, Blade & Soul is a welcome palate cleanser, free from all the common tropes that permeate the medium. It is a series for adults, by adults and is interested in exciting action and deep explorations of the concept of vengeance and the themes surrounding it. If this sounds like your cup of tea, then you should definitely give Blade & Soul a watch.

This anime is a MESS and you should be ashamed for promoting it.


Speaking of Gintama, I'm 38 episodes through it so far. I'm really enjoying it! It slowed down for a bit I felt, but the last few episodes have been great. The snow sculpture episode and the one with Santa had me laughing so much. I can't wait to watch more of it!
Speaking of Gintama, I'm 38 episodes through it so far. I'm really enjoying it! It slowed down for a bit I felt, but the last few episodes have been great. The snow sculpture episode and the one with Santa had me laughing so much. I can't wait to watch more of it!
You're already past worst Gintama which is the first 20+ episodes where they are introducing characters. Once episodes are about expanding the personalities of the cast it turns godly. Madao 4 life son.


Nozaki-kun episode 2


Damn, this episode was even better than the first. Great pacing. They cram a lot of stuff into 20 minutes without feeling even a little bit rushed. Comedy is on point with its presentation/delivery as usual.

So far it's keeping up with the quality they set with Love Lab, which stands as my favorite comedy anime in years.

Good shit!
You're already past worst Gintama which is the first 20+ episodes where they are introducing characters. Once episodes are about expanding the personalities of the cast it turns godly. Madao 4 life son.

true, and just wait till you hit shogun..., which will be a while.


to be honest, I check out the anime because of kotaku and I agree with you as I thought it was rather bland.
I'm having trouble believing this. My friend said it was something akin to Queens Blade...

The only common point between queen blade and blade and soul is that they both have many characters with big breasts and a fantasy setting .

And this end here.

Queen blade actually has animated scenes, queen blade has scene direction. QB actually has fanservice. QB has several fights that one could consider animated.
QB doesn't try to be serious since the cast actually is simple to follow and everyone has his favorites. heck if you can stomach QB , you'll probably have your favorite.

Blade and soul has nothing like that
, it's the lowest you can imagine , it doesn't even do fanservice properly , it doesn't DO story properley , it doesn't bother to give you a proper fight, they don't even CARE to give you a satisfying outcome , a conclusion. Heck they don't bother explaining even half of the stuff that is going on.>It's masterfull in how they don't care.

You don't mind heavy fanservice, watch QB
You don't mind losing your time and some braincells ? Watch blade and soul ( carefull several scenes will be badly animated )


I have absolutely no interest in Gintama (I don't find it funny. Paging AquaWateria!) but more importantly it has taken me about half an hour to realise that the visual is inspired by James Bond. I'm getting slow in my old age.

that's cool, moe fans are people too


The only common point between queen blade and blade and soul is that they both have many characters with big breasts and a fantasy setting .

And this end here.

Queen blade actually has animated scenes, queen blade has scene direction. QB actually has fanservice. QB has several fights that one could consider animated.
QB doesn't try to be serious since the cast actually is simple to follow and everyone has his favorites. heck if you can stomach QB , you'll probably have your favorite.

Blade and soul has nothing like that
, it's the lowest you can imagine , it doesn't even do fanservice properly , it doesn't DO story properley , it doesn't bother to give you a proper fight, they don't even CARE to give you a satisfying outcome , a conclusion. Heck they don't bother explaining even half of the stuff that is going on.>It's masterfull in how they don't care.

You don't mind heavy fanservice, watch QB
You don't mind losing your time and some braincells ? Watch blade and soul ( carefull several scenes will be badly animated )

Blade and soul just felt like the most generic fantasy game story shoehorned into an anime that tried to do absolutely nothing creative or outside the numbers. I struggled to get through the first episode.


Blade and soul just felt like the most generic fantasy game story shoehorned into an anime that tried to do absolutely nothing creative or outside the numbers. I struggled to get through the first episode.
I dunno, episode 2 had a hillarious mexican stand-off with three people screaming and raising their weapons while the protagonist just stood in the middle and stared at everybody.
I dunno, episode 2 had a hillarious mexican stand-off with three people screaming and raising their weapons while the protagonist just stood in the middle and stared at everybody.

Protagonist standing and staring at everybody as if she doesn't care ? Lol I hope you don't mind seeing this an number of times.


Protagonist standing and staring at everybody as if she doesn't care ? Lol I hope you don't mind seeing this an number of times.
I watched the show until episode 8. And her being stoic at EVERYTHING was the only thing that kept me going so long, because it was hilarious.

I regretfully have not made it that far nor do I plan to attempt it.
Maybe this is of assistance. Subs are not important, these three guys basically complain about their shitty lives.


Revolutionary Girl Utena - 08

A gag filler episode I guess? It was pretty funny. Highlight was
Utenanthy slapping back
. Was literally like "fuck yeah!"

Nanami-centric gag episodes seem to be quite fun.
Surfing elephants = the real enemy

Saionchu is best Chu-Chu



Blade and soul has nothing like that
, it's the lowest you can imagine , it doesn't even do fanservice properly , it doesn't DO story properley , it doesn't bother to give you a proper fight, they don't even CARE to give you a satisfying outcome , a conclusion. Heck they don't bother explaining even half of the stuff that is going on.>It's masterfull in how they don't care.

If it can't even do that right, there is no point in watching, and that's the last thing I care about.
The Tatami Galaxy

WTF is wrong with the narrator? I haven't been this annoyed at watching entertainment in years. The fast talking just gets too much in episode 10 especially because this whole episode is dedicated to him and he doesn't waste a second talking like that. I was this close quit watching, which is an accomplishment as I always finish watching no matter how terrible something is. I like the story, the art style, but the producers managed to fuck it all up with the narrative. What a terrible gimmick.

Luckily only 1 episode to go, pls don't be another 22 minutes of pain.


Revolutionary Girl Utena - 08

A gag filler episode I guess? It was pretty funny. Highlight was
Utenanthy slapping back
. Was literally like "fuck yeah!"

Nanami-centric gag episodes seem to be quite fun.
Surfing elephants = the real enemy

Saionchu is best Chu-Chu

It's generally recommended that people revisit this episode after finishing the series. It is absolutely not "filler".


I watched the show until episode 8. And her being stoic at EVERYTHING was the only thing that kept me going so long, because it was hilarious.

Maybe this is of assistance. Subs are not important, these three guys basically complain about their shitty lives.

Ok that was quite something..


I watched the show until episode 8. And her being stoic at EVERYTHING was the only thing that kept me going so long, because it was hilarious.

Maybe this is of assistance. Subs are not important, these three guys basically complain about their shitty lives.

lol this seems like a comedy show. Also your LL videos got flagged/removed right?


"even the creator agrees" based on speculation

obv gintoki x zenzou is canon right

Yoshiwara arc, Jiraiya Arc, Courtesian of a nation was some of the best arcs ever that personally involved Tsukuyo and there's that
Love potion arc.
Sorachi knows alright. Those Fujoshis ain't making a fuss for nothing.

Meanwhile Sa-chan gets a boot in the face from gintoki and continues being irrelevant like she is intended to by Sorachi.


Gaf getting upset with an opinion different to theirs again?

Not that I agree either. I found it so boring I failed to make it through even one episode.
I'm not upset as much as I'm tired. The guy gives bottom-to-mid tier shows tons of unwarranted praise with such consistency that any gaffer whose opinion on something specific is complete opposite of mine still has more weight to me than these anime reviews.

At this rate we'll be rolling our eyes every time Eisenbeis posts an anime review, and I'd rather just skip the process


lol is this seems like a comedy show. Also your LL videos got flagged/removed right?
Yeah, it feels like that sometimes - which are actually the best times.

And yes, Love Live Songs were removed, as were some of the OPs and EDs, but it's still looks better than it would on YouTube, I think. Luckily Dailymotion is not YouTube, they just "decline" the videos without further actions.
Ok that was quite something..
The whole show is like this. The protagonist is just kinda there while stuff happens around her.


Yeah, it feels like that sometimes - which are actually the best times.

And yes, Love Live Songs were removed, as were some of the OPs and EDs, but it's still looks better than it would on YouTube, I think. Luckily Dailymotion is not YouTube, they just "decline" the videos without further actions.The whole show is like this. The protagonist is just kinda there while stuff happens around her.

That seems pretty amazing really. But not very entertaining.
Is HapCha better or worse than Smile? Really miss having a fun group dynamic around.
(Well, really, I miss Sanny and Happy really...)
Smile: two tomboys
HapCha: zero tomboys

Not better.
They are semi-alive and still seem to provide production assistance to some shows by ex-AIC staff. They helped with the final episode of Inari Konkon Koi Iroha, and they also worked on some CG assistance on Aldnoah.Zero recently. I think they're also working on the upcoming Strike Witches OVA.
If I'm remembering correctly the upcoming Strike Witches stuff is being done by Silver Link so they're dead to me as far as I'm concerned!
Miki is the worst.
Makoto is best Idol.
Also correct.
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