Just curious, but would Chaika's bread be ban-worthy nowadays?
NeoNeoGAFRIP digger of chicks.
Soon AnimeGAF will have to set up there own exile forum like other banned GAFers do.
*EviLore sharpens his blade*RIP digger of chicks.
Soon AnimeGAF will have to set up there own exile forum like other banned GAFers do.
RIP digger of chicks.
Soon AnimeGAF will have to set up there own exile forum like other banned GAFers do.
Why does every PreCure have dead eyes.
They just get deader and deader.
First (?) Episode of Hitsugi no Chaika, she tries to make bread, it explodes everywhere, the scene is designed to look vaguely like bukkake for smutty humour purposes.
I never saw it like that. From my experience with Chaika ( first 6 episodes) I don't remember it being like that either (having lewd scenes). Maybe my memory is hazy.
theonik is perm'd too? rip
theonik is perm'd too? rip
Unless it somehow changed post ban, it's still temporary.
We mean this scene:Really?
I never saw it like that. From my experience with Chaika ( first 6 episodes) I don't remember it being like that either (having lewd scenes). Maybe my memory is hazy.
If you need to talk about anime and be super lewd about it, I mean you do have options out there.
And there's a certain amount of tact you can even use here when speaking of something lewd.
Anime tends to assume the viewer is a pervert. Anime generally does not deserve the benefit of the doubt when it comes to such matters.In order for that scene to be lewd the person viewing it would have to have a lewd mind.
Maybe you missed the Criminal Girls discussion but stuff with childlike characters is judged harsher.I don't recall chickdig's posting history that well apart from general lewdity so I guess it must've been a cumulative thing because I do think you see more smut in OT than that image
oh well. rip
Anime tends to assume the viewer is a pervert. Anime generally does not deserve the benefit of the doubt when it comes to such matters.
All I know is that I don't see many women wearing shrouds in anime. How indecent.
What do you mean? I thought of Magi as reletively tame. Aside from the few scenes with Alladin and boobs, but I actualyl found them very funny because it's weird to see this nice, and determined kid to be such a pervert. I think the women in Magi actually got more clothes than a lot of the men.Magi's art direction was so disappointing to me, if anything they used the setting to make it more revealing and lewd :\
Yeah, ok, but that still says not much about Magi.here is Nippon animation's classic, Adventures of Sinbad. I can't really find shots of this online now, all there is is wikipedia cover but it was good if I recall 20 years ago correctly right now lol.
What do you mean? I thought of Magi as reletively tame. Aside from the few scenes with Alladin and boobs, but I actualyl found them very funny because it's weird to see this nice, and determined kid to be such a pervert. I think the women in Magi actually got more clothes than a lot of the men.
Jojo just jumped up my watchlist.Jojo and Gundam 00 has women in shrouds. Clearly shining examples of the Right and Proper way.
I don't think Morg is that bad. Myers is pretty weird, but she is a joke side character and does not appear so much. As I say I recognize all these titty scenes with Aladdin, but outside of that I don't see much fanservice. In contrast to other anime, especially fantasy anime this is pretty tame. Imo.There are plenty indecent scenes in there, not every body is dressed like Sahara dancers ,sure but there is a lot still. And then there is Mor's questionable 'outfit'.
I would say the TOS is/was less enforced here in general.There's generally been a vague line of terms of content that shouldn't be posted and most people manage to safely avoid crossing it. Some of the stuff that was posted in anime threads in the past would have garnered a ban had it been posted in e.g. gaming.
In order for that scene to be lewd the person viewing it would have to have a lewd mind.
What does naval mean? I don't think it means what google translate tell me it means.The constant naval gazing about the rule changes (or enforcement of already existing rules) is worse than anything else about the change.
I think stuff like this is clearly safe:
What does naval mean? I don't think it means what google translate tell me it means.
A typo. I meant navel gazing, as in excessive introspection or contemplation.What does naval mean? I don't think it means what google translate tell me it means.
See you in a little while.Exactly.
Speaking about the SFW line:
I think stuff like this is clearly safe:
Now if outfits are skimpy, poses are suggestive or even worse actions are blatantly lewd then your in trouble.
thats my understanding.
Better than waifu wars shit, I say.The constant navel gazing about the rule changes (or enforcement of already existing rules) is worse than anything else about the change.
He's saying post more pictures of belly buttons.
Ah, ok that makes more sense. I thought it would maybe be slang or an insider.A typo. I meant navel gazing, as in excessive introspection or contemplation.
See you in a little while.
famous last words
Better than waifu wars shit, I say.