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Summer 2014 Anime |OT| this thread has been outsourced to Toei Phils

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Fair enough. She is certainly part of the goddess trinity though.
Oh yes, she is. Although I still could enjoy a buddy show with just our favorite kittys.

I don't know why we still recommending School Days when we can tell them to watch Code Geass, bigger lol twist and not technically inept like SD..
Eh, both shows are very different kind. School Days is for the the kind of people who enjoy "deep" and "psychological" shows and Code Geass more for the people for are very empathic and sorry for the anorexic CLAMP characters?

Wait... people watching School Days? Whyy?
Everyone wants to be a kool kid.
I am freaking out RIGHT NOW!!!
Whahahaha, yes, yeeeeees.


From Hyouka to School Days. Quite the drop, Pshyco. I'm disappointed >:[

After the end of School Days, you'll either be scarred for life or spread the word of School Days.
Most expensive anime I bought was my Japanese Kanon 2006 BD box :p

Another bonus drawing, since I just scanned it in:

Another good drawing!

It's an ancient thread tradition that's been revived for some unholy reason.

It's an amazing experience and should be shared with all!!!!!


oh man, something like that would probably make me really sad since i'd recommend a show really important to me and they inevitably wouldn't like it :(

I usually trade good shows and have liked most.

This is how I feel. Even around close friends. I recommended Hidamari Sketch to a friend and he eviscerated me.

Hidamari Sketch is great!
School Days 6

OH SHIT!!! AH FUCK!!! Excuse my language but this ENTIRE EPISODE was a trainwreak waiting to happened. I felt super uneasy the whole episode. I knew they would go that route at the very end. FUCK YOU MAKOTO!!!
Poor girl. Gets her confidence up, finally stands up for herself and resolves that she loves you and finds out like that




Must continue to see where all the pieces fall. This is sadistic. I know. I can't stop myself. Someone.... help!!!
School Days makes people angry, and for good reason as well, and at the end of it, I didn't even know what I was feeling, I think many people would feel the same mixed emotions as I did, it's been 5 years since I watched it, it's very impressionable.

So yes, it's fun to watch meltdowns is the reason.

No anger at all from me. It was mostly boring and unintentionally funny.

Blame this man right here.

PshycoNinja watching School Days isn't my fault, blame nintendoman for that :p


Someone should take one for the team, posting .gif that spoil SD's ending so this tradition for good,.. potentially make Hito searching you to the end of world though.


Someone should take one for the team, posting .gif that spoil SD's ending so this tradition for good,.. potentially make Hito searching you to the end of world though.
Yeah, you do it.
You could start with "subtle" hints like stockhptotos of a bag or a boat and then go to spoilers in links until you finish with the gifs. I would never sink so low to make fun of the ending of School Days.
I will say this... I eagerly await the posts after pshyco's all done with School Days lol
At this point we see a post from the show when she is done with him.
Yeah, you do it.
You could start with "subtle" hints like stockhptotos of a bag or a boat and then go to spoilers in links until you finish with the gifs. I would never sink so low to make fun of the ending of School Days.

Please don't. If I'm going to watch this all the way through I'd rather see all the wondrous glory myself. Also, I think I know that boat in your avatar.


I guess I'm hypocritical. I got my friend to read Aku no Hana for some odd reason. It did not go well. lol

Edit: I dunno if people will find out the boat's real meaning until after looking stuff up
From Hyouka to School Days. Quite the drop, Pshyco. I'm disappointed >:[

After the end of School Days, you'll either be scarred for life or spread the word of School Days.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure."

Basically I have to watch this. For the amusement of all.

Hyouka was great but you know it's really hard to follow up an anime like that. So I decided to scrap at the bottom of the barrel so the next anime wouldn't have to follow in Hyouka's big shoes.

He dropped upwards.

I don't know what to think to be honest.

I'm not a fan of Hyouka but this is really pushing it.

Not really.

Hyouka was really good...
I was going to go to bed but screw it, more School Days! PshychoNinja started at a much faster pace than me. I have to finish it before he does at the very least. >_>

School Days 11 120 seconds in...

Seriously... What the fuck?


Toradora 7-8

Well that was was the most entertaining and hilarious swimming race ever. Thorpe and Phelps have nothing on this. Wish I had Taiga leg strength, the untimely demise of my swimming career would have been averted for a time being. -_-

Aldnoah.Zero 03

Was good. Of course I skipped the ED and missed the last part.

I'm not quite sure how Trillram got out from his mech with Inaho standing over him but at least he didn't get far.


I was going to go to bed but screw it, more School Days! PshychoNinja started at a much faster pace than me. I have to finish it before he does at the very least. >_>
lol, it's a race now? :D

Please don't. If I'm going to watch this all the way through I'd rather see all the wondrous glory myself. Also, I think I know that boat in your avatar.
Oh good. It's quite nice, isn't it?

lol I love the change to your avatar.
School Days 7

Son of a Bitch. You know what would solve all of this? If this dude would just grow a fucking pair and
break one of their hearts
. Yeah, breaking up sucks. You know what sucks more?
Being stringed along.
This girl has every right to basically kick everyone's face in. These "friends" are horrible.

Fuck. This is going to end so badly. I just know it.


Seems with the cold, wet and windy winter weekend I have time to spare and with that I started a rewatch of the 2013 edition of Yozakura Quartet.

Forgot how much I enjoyed and missed this show. And Kotoha especially. What a fun start, with the crew having to capture a bunch of gianted goldfish running amok. And a pretty nice way to introduce folks to the setting with a foreign kid lost in the towns festival.


Nice boat?

Just before watching the last episode of school days, google nice boat on youtube and watch it.

Then watch the last episode.

Then read the news article on the reasoning for nice boat, preferably on sankakucomplex

Then play the Sekai vs Kotonoha flash game

Then watch all the HD bad end videos from the game
School Days 11


He is a very good person.

Everyone's Makoto indeed. It seems every girl in the school feels the need to get some love advice from Makoto. Not to worry though, he showed them the correct path to take. Makoto does right by everyone and continues to spread the gospel of Makoto-sama and his righteous moral justice. Best main character in any work of fiction ever? I think so!

Kotonoha continues to love and support her boyfriend in the best ways she thinks possible. Through rain, sleet and snow she'll be watching your back, always there for you. It's amazing how faithful and caring she is.

Sekai has made a huge, blunderous error. It's so bad in fact not even Makoto can't save her from it. She must now handle this problem on her own for it's her own fault that she could do something so incredibly stupid. I don't blame you for disappearing from her life Makoto, this issue is too much even for you.


Watch Macbeth sometime.

For some reason it really irritates me when you describe School Days as Greek/Shakespearean tragedy. I know you're technically right -
the audience gains catharsis through the protagonist being laid low by his own hubris etc.
- but the banality of the setting and its anime trappings mean I can't bring to class it as such. I am a snob!

I do think it only really works as tragedy now that we know it is one, though. When the show originally aired, no-one was quite sure which of the VN endings they were going to go with, so no-one really knew what to expect from it aside from the fact that the ending used was in the game. Traditionally you KNOW what you're getting when you see a tragedy - particularly Classical, but even Shakespeare's plays are normally known as "The Tragedy of _______" in the folios - whereas with School Days part of what makes it so infamous is its subversion of expectations, rather than playing up to them.
Aldnoah Zero 3

This is having a decent pace. For example, at the end of episode 2 the protagonist, the princess and the "rat" are already in the same group. In other series they could have gone doing circles alone for a few more episodes until they all meet together.

And in the end of the third episode the princess reveals herself and Slaine learns the truth. So yeah, a brisky pace.

This has been a better episode than the previous two, but you know, it wasn't that hard :p. It shows a tiny more heart of the main character, but mostly he is still the calm, calculating archetype. The resolution is a bit like an speculation I read the past week; throw the alien mech to the ocean and just wait until the shield runs out of energy or overloads (supposing it doesn't have magical infinite energy, of course).
Here, waster was used to see the weak points where the shield doesn't work.

Well armed-moe!


Aldnoah Zero - 3
Yeaaah, that might be all I have in me. Blue Sub 6 quality CG and one dimensional characters I can do without. May revisit it later if it's still getting good impressions, but for now I can just spend more time watching Urusei Yatsura.
Aldnoah Zero - 3
Yeaaah, that might be all I have in me. Blue Sub 6 quality CG and one dimensional characters I can do without. May revisit it later if it's still getting good impressions, but for now I can just spend more time watching Urusei Yatsura.
School Days 8

God damn it. God fucking damn it. Who do you think you are? Kirito? This ain't Sword Art Online. YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO BE THIS DUMB AND HAVE THIS MANY GIRLS IN YOUR HAREM!! You can't make super sweet and thoughtful decisions and the next moment make a thoughtless dumb one. YOU'RE THINKING WITH THE WRONG HEAD PAL!!!

None of this can end well. None of it.

You can't really blame him at the end there. He was clearly
unconscious while she stuck her tongue down his throat, which would wake up any normal person


Seems with the cold, wet and windy winter weekend I have time to spare and with that I started a rewatch of the 2013 edition of Yozakura Quartet.

Forgot how much I enjoyed and missed this show. And Kotoha especially. What a fun start, with the crew having to capture a bunch of gianted goldfish running amok. And a pretty nice way to introduce folks to the setting with a foreign kid lost in the towns festival.

Where do you live where its winter?


Haikyu - Episode 16

A pretty decent in-between sort of episode. The pacing was really effective, and it almost felt like two episodes in one. The first half did a good job of finishing off the match and showing how different teams approach competitiveness differently, and the results. The second half was much funnier and had some good comedy moments while setting up the next match really effectively.

It was pretty satisfying to see the team win their first official match, even though it was kind of an easy victory. They didn't really have to try that hard either, so there wasn't any outstanding animation. The next match is probably going to be much more interesting. :D
Barakamon 3

This episode has cemented Barakamon as the AOTS. No even better. This has to be one of the best animes I have seen in a long time. Wonderful characters, great comedy, and an endearing plot. The great music, voice acting and animation just elevate it even further.

Truly a wonderful watch.
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