Where do you live where its winter?
Where do you live where its winter?
The delicious thing here is that you could say this about just about every shonen harem protagonist. Just a few more character flaws here and there and you got a monsterSchool Days 7
Son of a Bitch. You know what would solve all of this? If this dude would just grow a fucking pair and. Yeah, breaking up sucks. You know what sucks more?break one of their heartsBeing stringed along.
Haha, trust me, I only make the comparison on technical grounds to begin with, as in no way is School Days as well written as such points of comparison, but that's obvious and boring.For some reason it really irritates me when you describe School Days as Greek/Shakespearean tragedy. I know you're technically right -- but the banality of the setting and its anime trappings mean I can't bring to class it as such. I am a snob!the audience gains catharsis through the protagonist being laid low by his own hubris etc.
Well, given the reception among those who go in completely cold versus those who know Makoto is going to die somehow, I'm led to believe that people are better off with the latter. That's part of why I make the point in the first place, so people are able to watch it build to that untimely end rather than have it sprung on them. Otherwise there's a lot that's simply too dull to work.I do think it only really works as tragedy now that we know it is one, though. When the show originally aired, no-one was quite sure which of the VN endings they were going to go with, so no-one really knew what to expect from it aside from the fact that the ending used was in the game. Traditionally you KNOW what you're getting when you see a tragedy - particularly Classical, but even Shakespeare's plays are normally known as "The Tragedy of _______" in the folios - whereas with School Days part of what makes it so infamous is its subversion of expectations, rather than playing up to them.
Thank you MikeHattsu for this wonderful experience. I give the series a 10/10 and the highest rating I have ever given an anime. It is something I shall never forget.
No problem! Let me know whenever you want to have another watchbet!
if you ever be free, let me know. I am wet for one since weeks.All this watchbetting makes me want to watchbet, but I already watched GuP and I'm on the verge of starting Ilya thanks to all of you.
rightMakoto is a shining example to all harem MCs on how to handle your harem.
I somehow know what you're going to give me and I fear that it's my own fault. We're just going to be going around in circles forever.
o_o. Will do.if you ever be free, let me know. I am wet for one since weeks.right
Isn't watchbetting about watching terrible things? I don't really know what this is about, bet what. Don't get it, seems dumb
Not neccary was far as I watched MikeHattsu making watchbets with people. Just people exchanging animeshows the other one usually wouldn't watch.Isn't watchbetting about watching terrible things? I don't really know what this is about, bet what. Don't get it, seems dumb
Oh yes, she is. Although I still could enjoy a buddy show with just our favorite kittys.
Eh, both shows are very different kind. School Days is for the the kind of people who enjoy "deep" and "psychological" shows and Code Geass more for the people for are very empathic and sorry for the anorexic CLAMP characters?
Everyone wants to be a kool kid.Whahahaha, yes, yeeeeees.
He dropped upwards.
Don't spoil shit when people are watching it, yo.
southern hemisphere
School Days 12
And a nice boat it was. A final ride into the sunset to end a journey of mistaken lovers.
School Days Series Final Impressions
This is a psychological thriller of a man who has a moral compass that goes beyond the normal limits. Makoto works hard to please every girl he meets and ensures the first time he helps them will be the last. He is a loving, caring person. He always helps those in need be it to replace a fallen companion, do the heavy lifting or taking out the trash. He is always there for you and you can always depend on him. Makoto-sama's teachings should be wide spread and fully available to everyone who wishes to know what a truly moral human being is.
Konotoha was his faithful girlfriend throughout the series. She worked hard for him no matter the circumstances. She was always there for him, constantly phoning and texting to ensure he was okay. She learned to do many things such as cooking, sewing and cleaning just to please him. Kotonoha was a wonderful person and a fantastic girlfriend. Makoto was lucky to have her.
Sekai had many problems throughout the anime but Makoto was almost always there to set her straight. In the end, her emotional baggage was far too much even for Makoto to handle so he rightful abandoned her. Nothing can save you from yourself Sekai.
Overall the series was animated and music was present. The entire cast contributed to Makoto's cause of improving the human condition and created an overwhelming "feels good" moment. If humanity could follow the ways of Makoto we will truly be saved.
The end was not entirely shocking but was appropriate for School Days. A war was brewing from the start and inevitably blood will be shed.It's a shame the child was a conception of lies from the hearts of the misguided.Makoto died for our sins.
Thank you MikeHattsu for this wonderful experience. I give the series a 10/10 and the highest rating I have ever given an anime. It is something I shall never forget.
Sola 07
I wish I was watching Kanon right now...
Matsuri disappears and there's lots of drama. Yorito finds her again and then it suddenly ends with a what the hell moment.
Encouragement of Waiting Forever for SubsWhat's the cute girls doing cute things show of this season?
What about Fate/Tongue in Tongue?Encouragement of Waiting Forever for Subs
Eh, it's all cute and all, but I feel bored. The characters are not very engaging, I think I just look at cute gifs on tumblr or something like that.
Encouragement of Waiting Forever for Subs
That's cute girls fighting things, totally different. :3What about Fate/Tongue in Tongue?
I can only go by what I've seen.What about Fate/Tongue in Tongue?
Fighting can be plenty of cute.That's cute girls fighting things, totally different. :3
Ah.I can only go by what I've seen.
The pacing is alright. I think it's about two chapters per episode.Anyone watched the Kingdom anime series? How is the pacing compared to the manga? Does it go the way of adapting 1 chapter into 1 episode?
You should ask AnimeGAF's number one Kingdom fan Wonzo when he comes back from digging up clams on the beach.Anyone watched the Kingdom anime series? How is the pacing compared to the manga? Does it go the way of adapting 1 chapter into 1 episode?
What the fuck, why is he number one? Looks like I need to get some men together and slay him.You should ask AnimeGAF's number one Kingdom fan Wonzo when he comes back from digging up clams on the beach.
ah ah .So I watched SAO II ep 3. As expected, pacing issues. I assure you the LN suffers from the same bullshit, though to a lesser extent.
Its finally gotten to a point where the LN is actually better than the anime.
Wait, there's more of this shit?
When does it just merge with Accel World? lol
What the fuck, why is he number one? Looks like I need to get some men together and slay him.
Captain Earth - 16
This fucking subplot is fucking ridiculous.
School Days 8
God damn it. God fucking damn it. Who do you think you are? Kirito? This ain't Sword Art Online. YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO BE THIS DUMB AND HAVE THIS MANY GIRLS IN YOUR HAREM!! You can't make super sweet and thoughtful decisions and the next moment make a thoughtless dumb one. YOU'RE THINKING WITH THE WRONG HEAD PAL!!!
None of this can end well. None of it.
You can't really blame him at the end there. He was clearly.unconscious while she stuck her tongue down his throat, which would wake up any normal person
Aldnoah Zero ep2
I'm not really liking the vast amount of, ultimately correct, assumptions that our smart MC figures out in little time.
There's actually one big contradiction. The MC goes into detail how nothing can pass through that Mech's shield, not even light, particles etc. Yet the thing has external camera drones which... uhm send their data to the Mech how exactly?
Through the weak points we see later on? I'd imagine the reception would be quite awful then, considering how well hidden and small those spots are.
I mean meh, I can see how that can work out I just don't like how they go all "no information can enter the mech... so there must be camera drones that send information to the mech!"
ah ah .
I disagree . The anime never was even remotely on the same level as the books.At least for part 1 & 2 ( since i haven't seen part 3 yet ,because i have read the book more times than necessary )
Never ? the Accel world technology is barely in alpha stages at this point in SAO
Got real Eva all of a sudden.
That was nice if only for everything feeling like it's all finally in motion.![]()
Haven't went through the franchise yet so really can't feel as certain but what little I've picked up through cultural osmosis makes me think of Patlabor with the above.
School Days 12
And a nice boat it was. A final ride into the sunset to end a journey of mistaken lovers.
School Days Series Final Impressions
This is a psychological thriller of a man who has a moral compass that goes beyond the normal limits. Makoto works hard to please every girl he meets and ensures the first time he helps them will be the last. He is a loving, caring person. He always helps those in need be it to replace a fallen companion, do the heavy lifting or taking out the trash. He is always there for you and you can always depend on him. Makoto-sama's teachings should be wide spread and fully available to everyone who wishes to know what a truly moral human being is.
Konotoha was his faithful girlfriend throughout the series. She worked hard for him no matter the circumstances. She was always there for him, constantly phoning and texting to ensure he was okay. She learned to do many things such as cooking, sewing and cleaning just to please him. Kotonoha was a wonderful person and a fantastic girlfriend. Makoto was lucky to have her.
Sekai had many problems throughout the anime but Makoto was almost always there to set her straight. In the end, her emotional baggage was far too much even for Makoto to handle so he rightful abandoned her. Nothing can save you from yourself Sekai.
Overall the series was animated and music was present. The entire cast contributed to Makoto's cause of improving the human condition and created an overwhelming "feels good" moment. If humanity could follow the ways of Makoto we will truly be saved.
The end was not entirely shocking but was appropriate for School Days. A war was brewing from the start and inevitably blood will be shed.It's a shame the child was a conception of lies from the hearts of the misguided.Makoto died for our sins.
Thank you MikeHattsu for this wonderful experience. I give the series a 10/10 and the highest rating I have ever given an anime. It is something I shall never forget.