You should have lowered your expectations because it was Silver Link.
Silver Link does great adaptations.
You should have lowered your expectations because it was Silver Link.
Invaders in the Rokujouma episode 2
Give your characters EYES ANIMATORS. It's really creepy when all the girls in the class have no eyes. Silver Link, I expect better of you.
You should have lowered your expectations because it was Silver Link.
D-frag. Yes or no?
D-frag. Yes or no?
D-frag. Yes or no?
Silver Link made Baka & Test. They are given immunity forever just for that.
Silver Link does great adaptations.
D-frag. Yes or no?
Also wished Kokoro Connect had a better budget. It was good enough though.
Would have loved a S2. That behind the scenes bullshit killed any chance of that though.
Best girl
Best Wife
Silver Link made Baka & Test. They are given immunity forever just for that.
Silver Link made Baka & Test. They are given immunity forever just for that.
Wow, this is the least amount of shows I've watched in a while. Precious time.
Alright Cajun
Here's your first reason to watch D-Frag!
And your second.
After that is between either Darkness, imouto, and Water.
Alright Cajun
Here's your first reason to watch D-Frag!
And your second.
After that is between either Darkness, imouto, and Water.
These are good reasons!
ok folks, gonna start SAO for the first time. I know gaf hates it a bunch..... but what popular anime does animeGAF not completely despise.
ok folks, gonna start SAO for the first time. I know gaf hates it a bunch..... but what popular anime does animeGAF not completely despise.
ok folks, gonna start SAO for the first time. I know gaf hates it a bunch..... but what popular anime does animeGAF not completely despise.
ok folks, gonna start SAO for the first time. I know gaf hates it a bunch..... but what popular anime does animeGAF not completely despise.
ok folks, gonna start SAO for the first time. I know gaf hates it a bunch..... but what popular anime does animeGAF not completely despise.
ok folks, gonna start SAO for the first time. I know gaf hates it a bunch..... but what popular anime does animeGAF not completely despise.
ok folks, gonna start SAO for the first time. I know gaf hates it a bunch..... but what popular anime does animeGAF not completely despise.
What, who are the two by her feet. lolYes
DokiDoki Precure
There's a lot!
Soul Eater
I think everyone likes FMA.I'm pretty sure AnimeGAF hates those :[
Oh yeah, has anyone watched the Senran Kagura anime?
Is it even mildly entertaining?
I think everyone likes FMA.
It's just that the people who are wrong like the original, while the cool people like Brotherhood.
It is very mildly entertaining, as most ecchi/action whatever shows tends to be. Like everything Senran Kagura you should enjoy it for the life and hometown.Oh yeah, has anyone watched the Senran Kagura anime?
Is it even mildly entertaining?
I found it very entertaining.Oh yeah, has anyone watched the Senran Kagura anime?
Is it even mildly entertaining?
Oh yeah, has anyone watched the Senran Kagura anime?
Is it even mildly entertaining?
What, who are the two by her feet. lol