I was amused, but I assumed it was referencing stuff I have no idea about. With most of the other gags so far I've gotten the references I think.
Barakamon 03: Oh my lord, the megane is genderbent Urobuchi!
does anyone wanna do a watchbet with me? i wanna force someone to experience the glory that is yuyushiki
Hmmm, I might take you up on that.
Have you seen Nanoha, TTGL, Baccano! or Madoka?
Oda Nobuna no Yabou.what anime is this from?
what anime is this from?
The Ambition of Oda Nobunaga, it's genderswap galore.
does anyone wanna do a watchbet with me? i wanna force someone to experience the glory that is yuyushiki
Its a Golgo 13 reference.
only seen Madoka out of those
Looking forward to your impressions.
Date a Live
Fate/Stay + Fate/Zero
Angel Beats
Escha & Logy no Atelier: Tasogare no Sora no Renkinjutsushi
Magical Suite Prism Nana
Shakugan no Shana
zetsuen no tempest
Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
from the new world
tsuritama, mushishi s2
non non biyori
Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA
love live!
ano natsu de matteru
sengoku collection
kokoro connect
recently, my sister is unusual
white album s2
samurai flamenco
love chunbiyo&other delusions
idol master
log horizon
Kanon 2006
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
Usagi Drop
E7 eurika seven
The Ambition of Oda Nobunaga
Only one mouse wheel scroll? Some backlog.hope you can wait until 2017
hope you can wait until 2017
After a weekend full of Destiny, The Wire, and Avatar the Last Airbender time to start the anime I missed this weekend.
Only one mouse wheel scroll? Some backlog.
I am not pleased with Usagi Drop being so low. Don't you want your heart warmed?!
hope you can wait until 2017
from the new world
tsuritama, mushishi s2
Usagi Drop
E7 eurika seven
hope you can wait until 2017
i still havent figured out if i want to buy destiny yet
fixed it for you
now it'll be 2015
I hope that Fate/Stay Night I see listed there is the upcoming one this Fall and not the DEEN spewage!
it's made so much better when you have a fireteam you're good with. Out of say 10 games we play we tend to win 8 or 9. It really is a co-op game and multi game, I don't see playing it solo carrying it too far.
i saw slow-mo sword fighting and it looked cool at least
Oda nobuna is a good show.
If your list has "recently my sister is unusual" , then you CAN CERTAINLY put a good show in his place !
Only one mouse wheel scroll? Some backlog.
TUSR, if you're gonna get any of those outta' the way in the near future I'd suggest watching Fate/Zero first just because I imagine Ufo is going to craft Stay Night's adaption to be a successor to Zero, so you'll probably get more out of your future viewing of SN by watching Zero beforehand.
SN is a prequel to Zero right?
Well...the more people I can get to watch TTGL the better, but Yuyushiki is like, 13 episodes right?
To make it fair, you'd have to add another show.
SN is a prequel to Zero right?
Is full OP for Gekkan Shoujo releasing tomorrow?
That fucking sick guitar riff! Holy shit. And then dose trumpets
hope you can wait until 2017
you seen Gargantia?
Nah, Zero's the prequel to Stay Night.
Zero is the prequel.
That is an incredible list of squee things. Im jelly kinda.
Someone a while back told me it was the other way, and that was the only reason I wanted to watch SN before Zero.
Now I can really put off SN.
Everyday it's like someone keeps realizing their friends are bad people.Whoever that person was isn't your friend.
Everyday it's like someone keeps realizing their friends are bad people.
Everyday it's like someone keeps realizing their friends are bad people.
I still think my moral is way easier!The moral is to not have friends that watch bad anime!!