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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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Yamato 2199 doesn't seem like it needs a sequel though. It ended on a strong note and we can assume where things go from there. An interquel doesn't seem like a bad plan.
Well there's apparently a sequel to the older series where
the lead acts as the commanding officer of the yamato
. I guess it'd depend on whether they feel like making that sequel series ever.


Well there's apparently a sequel to the older series where
the lead acts as the commanding officer of the yamato
. I guess it'd depend on whether they feel like making that sequel series ever.

That could be interesting but I can see it easily becoming a rehash. We don't want another Eureka AO on our hands.


That could be interesting but I can see it easily becoming a rehash. We don't want another Eureka AO on our hands.

That will only occur if the show retconns the other one out of existence while aggravating anyone who isnt a fan of Chiaki Omigawa (everybody except me and BEAR)


I was holding off Utena because I took for granted he would always be here to discuss the fine points with us.
That makes two of us. Utena posts were somehow always intriguing to read. Even though I don't really post here anymore, because of life and priorities and all, I try to open this thread and read through pages whenever I have some free time. Wish I spent time in the IRC in the past to talk about frivolous stuff with you guys, but for now I'll lurk from time to time.


Seeing the documented progression of tsubura (from Rabbit MACHINE) is quite nice judging by each passing project:

自主制作アニメ【鬼斬娘 再戦】 ᵗˢᵘᵇᵘʳᵃ - YouTube

Comparing this latest animated short with the old demo it is based in really proves the how much good we can expect from future endeavours... like the collaboration that it is in the works with Kōsuke Sugimoto (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=117698627&postcount=134).


Rail WARS ep 6
This is still about trains right? Right!!?! Sorry Koumi, the moment you had your childhood flashback you're already doom yourself as childhood 'friend' status and never win.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
everyone in nflgaf is wearing the anime avatars Hito gave them when they lost bets ;_;

Did he ever actually lose one of those bets? I seriously can't remember him being stuck with a dumb avatar, but then again the Seahawks didn't exactly lose many games lately.

I remember the time he put this avatar on me because I was too lazy to watch SM (and my laziness meant I never got around to watching anything past the first series) and then Evilore shut down all avatars during E3 silliness a few years ago. Nobodies avatar showed up except for mine and like one other dude who must have also lost a silly bet with Hito in the past.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I can't believe it. Totally unexpected.

I didn't really interact with him these days, but back in the old days of gaf when I was on IRC a lot we interacted quite a bit, played tons of Kohan together with him, evil and the OG crew, among other things. So I've known him for 10+ years now. Crazy to think he's gone just like that.


I remember back in the early days of Kohan we pretty much had to put Hito and Evil on opposite teams or it just wasn't a fair match, LOL. Hitokage was really good at the game, and I learned a lot about playing Kohan from him. Good times man, good times. :)

Brett was an awesome dude and though I've never met him in person I'm glad I got to know him over the years. I have so many screenshots of those Kohan matches, I might even watch a few replays of Kohan games we had while I drink a glass of Jack in his honor tonight.

DAMN, one of the original GAF Kohan group is gone, hard to accept that. :(



So yea, I'm not sure I'm overly fond of Yoshida's designs in this. I think it looks much better on the females in the series but the males really aren't working for me. The males seem too exuberant. The designs as a whole have this 'gooey' aspect to them in that elements are stretched/distorted in minute ways. There also isn't much motion in many scenes/and areas where you would expect it. It's like the only thing animated are the things that need to be animated. It sort of feels cheap but I think it's a directorial design decision on Tomino's part(possibly both). The first 10 minutes are pretty slow but it does seem to pick up near the end.


Bloody hell, was reading the last page and I thought he just deleted his account or something... got a cold shower when I started reading the older pages.

I didn't know him very well, but... honestly I don't even know what to say.


Well, this is really, really,really unfortunate. The worse things I suppose were that it was so sudden and that now we refer to Hitokage in the past tense. My last PM is from him on the Tues. before when I had a quick tech. question.

Hitokage seemed to post his Sailor Moon Crystal comments not long after the episode aired and I was going to see what he thought of the third episode and thought it odd he didn't post. It was the weekend so I figured he was just doing something else. Then I wondered if maybe he was just busy. Then I see that he passed away. :(

I first started reading the AnimeGaf thread around the end of Winter 2011 into the start of Spring 2011. I thought about joining that summer but ultimately didn't sign up until Spring of 2012 and was approved that following summer in July. I started noticing everyone's likes and dislikes and Hitokage and I seemed to share a lot of interests in Anime and somewhat in gaming. The first avatar I thought about using was actually of Reika/Cure Beauty from Smile PreCure!. I changed it to Sailor Venus instead and even commented that I knew Hitokage liked her character, so he would probably take notice of a new poster with her as an avatar,haha. We really seemed to hit it off by talking about Sailor Moon and I just had fun talking to him these past couple years. Seeing what he thought of new shows like Hyouka or discussing more about older ones and becoming aware of shows like Pretty Sammy. He was one of my favorite posters and it was just nice and fun to talk to him and joke around a little bit here.

Honestly it just kind of annoys me. When watching Crystal, every episode I'm going to think "I wonder what Hitokage would have thought of this episode?". The same goes for Happiness Charge PreCure! and possibly the followup PreCure! People finally got to watching Doremi and now he won't see their posts or get to comment. The same goes for other shows like Urusei Yatsura or favorites more people have seen like Utena or Sailor Moon.

Last summer we actually just got to conversing a little bit through PM's. He commented that even though it was a community it was nice to chat like that from time to time more one on one. That's where I recommended he watch Hyouka. I asked him for help with making the Minako Visor avatar. He talked about his love for Tetris and I was casually into watching fighting game tournaments and he was interested in that stuff, so we talked a bit about that too. Those sorts of things. I finally asked him how the IRC works and even duckroll commented something like "Wow, Nafe is visiting IRC! What did you have to do to make that happen Hito?" Haha.

Now we can't chat through PM's. We can't talk on IRC. We won't get to see his comments on any old shows and new. Even just the forum itself we won't see his posts regarding fighting games or anything. We won't get to joke around anymore or just talk period. AnimeGaf and the forum in general will be so much different and really not the same, or as good for me, without him.

He seemed the type of guy though that would appreciate all the warm thoughts and wouldn't want people to be all sad and depressed. Everyone should just carry on and have fun doing things like watching Doremi in his place instead. That why even after all I said I'll send him off with a smile using one of his favorite characters that somewhat introduced us in the first place.

It was great to meet you and I had lots of fun talking with you these past two years. Thanks for everything Hitokage. :)



Subete no aware
He talked about his love for Tetris and I was casually into watching fighting game tournaments and he was interested in that stuff, so we talked a bit about that too. Those sorts of things.
That just reminds me of when I talked to him about Ecstasy of Order and the then unknown to me competitive Tetris scene. Although strangely the most FGC memory I have of him was when they did a special SF2 tourney that one year and he was talking about how wonderfully technical that game is after all these years.

Link Man

Did he ever actually lose one of those bets? I seriously can't remember him being stuck with a dumb avatar, but then again the Seahawks didn't exactly lose many games lately.

I remember the time he put this avatar on me because I was too lazy to watch SM (and my laziness meant I never got around to watching anything past the first series) and then Evilore shut down all avatars during E3 silliness a few years ago. Nobodies avatar showed up except for mine and like one other dude who must have also lost a silly bet with Hito in the past.

Oh god, I remember that. People were freaking out because they thought the ponies had won.
You only need to watch the latest Space Battleship Yamato 2199 series, as this is a re-imagined version of the original one. Nothing more is needed to be prepared for that upcoming movie.
Oh ok, thanks! That'll save a bunch of time when I get around to watching.

Seeing the documented progression of tsubura (from Rabbit MACHINE) is quite nice judging by each passing project:

自主制作アニメ【鬼斬娘 再戦】 ᵗˢᵘᵇᵘʳᵃ - YouTube

Comparing this latest animated short with the old demo it is based in really proves the how much good we can expect from future endeavours... like the collaboration that it is in the works with Kōsuke Sugimoto (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=117698627&postcount=134).
This looks amazing.


G-Reco looks pretty good. Yoshida's designs are fantastic, and the character animation is actually pretty lively and bouncy. Tomino's camera work and direction is super conservative and there were many scenes which felt like a motion comic or straight visual adaptation of a graphic novel, except with animation that's a more active than expected which creates a really odd clash. The mechs also move in a clumsy and less conventional way compared to new mech anime so that comes off as odd too. Loving the tone of the series though. It looks like a ton of fun, and the music is very whimsical. Almost like a Disney soundtrack.

Tomino really has an obsession with mecha moving in goofy, unconventional ways and generally falling all over the place. He seems to find it hilarious.
I posted in the Hito thread, but I guess I'll say something here too.

I didn't know the guy at all, but it really sucks to see someone go, especially at such an early age. The way some of you guys are talking about him makes it even worse, as he seems like a really, really good person, and someone I'll unfortunately never get a chance to know, on any level.

The guy has clearly made some kind of impact on the lives of many of you here, so I send my thoughts and prayers to his family and friends, including all of you here.

Rest in piece, Hitokage.


I just now read the news. It feels like some kind of bad joke and I'm having a hard time processing it.

It feels unreal that I'll never get the chance to chat with him ever again. Here, on IRC or otherwise.



Third PV for Hanamonogatari.


I hope they will announce a date for Kizu or the last Monogatari season at the end of Hanamonogatari.
Now that I finally caught up with and finished Second Season, I'm ready for this.
If they don't end up finally giving more Kizu news, I figure it'll just be a teaser for Final Season, with them announcing the airing season a bit later, like they did after Neko Black.


Hachikuji's the best because she has the funniest dialogue. Second best is Yotsugi, because of her amazing hat.
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