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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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Terror in Tokyo - 06

Still somewhat meh about this but it's trucking along I guess.

That Engrish though...holy shit is that an immersion killer.

I mean I suppose the anime studios really just don't care about this stuff but it still blows my mind that seemingly not one of these voice actors who do usually do such a great job and appear to be quite dedicated to their job just can't speak English anywhere near decent.

Of course it's not an easy thing to learn, rather hard probably. But still, these people work a lot with their language and train their voices, I would think there would be some interest there?


Two more aspects I didn't really like about this episode: Chess. Yikes, we can never get enough of chess, right? The other thing is Twelve and Nine actually wanting to go to the airport. Yes, the specifically say why they don't make a response video, saying that no one would believe them but... I think that argument is complete bullshit. I mean, they make a YouTube video (s.th. that Five did not btw.) and tell everyone it's not them doing it. Well and then what does Five/the police or FBI do? Uh blow up people and blame them? Well, if Nine and Twelve would feel morally responsible for that then...you could blackmail them with ez anyways. It just doesn't add up to me.


Why would you do this to me. Don't bring up a fourth season of FMP, people. It hurts me.
I'm hurting as much as you, brother. Part of my stigma of cute girl club shows is because K-On popularized it. While I enjoyed it to a degree, I'd trade it and all of KyoAni's shows in the past decade for a fourth season of FMP.
Majimoji Rurumo - 06

I'm not crying I just have dust in my eyes. Very touching episode. Quite the departure from the comedy of the previous ones. Got some nice backstory as well.


Most of them aren't nearly as good!

Kokoro Library.

Thats true. Love Lab is a pretty good series and I dont think it squarely fits into simple moe cliche because it has some real character and wit to it. It doesnt have that sort of lethargic feel that a lot of really cute shows of that type tend to have.

Chihayafuru - 25 [Finished]

Well, I enjoyed this quite a bit. Didn't even feel like fast-forwarding or anything really. In my book, there was a good balance between character development and time spent on Karuta. I mean, both were pretty closely intertwined anyways.

Most surprising to me is how I never really got bored of that sport; there seems to be quite a lot of depth and the mindgames are funy to follow. Now, despite not actually knowing Karuta in real life at all (gonna search for some YouTube videos though), I have to assume that a lot of the aspect surrounding that sport are exaggerated in this anime. While mindgames and thinking about strategy are one thing, these characters, analyze their opponents and make huge changes to their playstyle while often succeeding at doing so. It's just a bit hard to believe that they could do it to such a degree when the game is constantly going on and they mustn't forget the card placements as well as being very focused.

One small issue I could point out though, is that it's kinda hard to follow the game at times, especially when you can't speak Japanese and have to rely on subtitles. That makes e.g. some of the 'same syllable' explanations somewhat confusing to follow in English. The show also doesn't really give the audience any more information about the state of the game than is available to the actual players. So you can simply never know what the right next move is supposed to be. Still, I actually prefer this as that has its own advantages, especially when tension is concerned.

That said, nothing appears to be comically over.exaggerated in a way where I'd just start rolling my eyes. Also for the sake of presentation (and being an anime) you want to go a bit over the top to make it more interesting.

The characterization is pretty strong overall. Our core trio Chihaya, Taichi and Arata get most of the focus (well Arata when he actually appears in an episode ;P) but the other 3 school club members also get their own fair share. So do side characters, especially most opponents we encounter. Those aren't just that, they're actual human beings with their own reasonings etc.

I think I enjoyed following Taichi's character development the most so far. While I was looking forward to Arata the most and he doesn't make that many appearances, I actually ended up being somewhat fine with that because the rest of the cast was good enough.

I wasn't expecting this season to end just in the middle of...nothing special though. It makes sense though if the second season is just continuing right where this one ends. It also would've been pretty unbelievable if Chihaya and co. actually made it to the national grand finals this quickly.

I think with this being my first 'sports anime' is a bit advantageous as I'm not tired of going through the same formula (that probably being a bunch of diverse characters, their sport, and slow climb to success). After all the "plot" is of course rather predictable with these kind of stories.

Now, I guess I would have to dive into the second season. However earlier comments made it seem like that one isn't very good? edit: The premise of getting another whole 5 new members for the schools club doesn't sound very appealing btw. Would rather like 1-2 more and continue focusing on everyone already established.

I'd btw. rate this show a 7 or 8/10, can't quite decide just yet.

This show ranks pretty high on my personal list as well. It got me to enjoy learning about a card game I would otherwise not have really discovered at all and the music and atmosphere of the show was done well enough to keep me interested throughout without it seeming to drag much. S2 I did get that feeling eventually because theres only so much you can do with a show about a card game.

I don't get people who say they hate moe because by moe's definition that doesn't make sense.

It's like an odd form of self hate.

I agree. moe is by definition something that a persona feels attachment or enjoyment with so if they arent enjoying it then how is it moe? It just becomes an empty insult to call anime shit.

I love Chihayafuru. Great female lead (yes she is a ditz but it isn't hammed up too much), the sport was completely foreign to me before watching the show but I really like the way they presented it. It got my AOTY 2012

Yeah I enjoy reading impressions about it. Its hard to explain really what particular aspect of it I loved so much when I cant get into Saki for example, but its probably the overall atmosphere of it and how the characters are presented.

Denki-gai no Honya-san PV

It's about the workers at an Akihabara manga shop. This and Shirobako will be my fill of anime-about-anime this upcoming season.

Oh my goddddd that music <3
Is that a vocaloid in there?
I have listened to it several times now.
Im quite interested in this sort of show too.

Here's the 2013 Karuta Queen match. (glorious 360p warning) Damn, 2 hours overall and only the first game of the two was actually close. Also the setup looks really similar to the Queen match of Chihayafuru.

Now if only we could access their inner dialog!

YEah its a lot more fascinating than it otherwise would seem. Incredible concentration and so many things that we now have insight into how difficult this game actually is to master.

Film Crit Hulk's essay on humor in Guardians of the Galaxy explains a concept he calls "dramatic alleviation", which is basically about the judicious use of jokes to undercut serious moments.

"Dramatic alleviation" is why I like Prisma Illya so much.

In a similar vein this reminded of Firefly with its sarcastic wit despite some really dark moments. In particular Star Lord is like Mal. I remember commenting that this movie felt like it was written by Joss whedon. In a really good way.

it all felt superficial... they never really talked about anything meaningful and while yes they talked about what to do with the club or songs they never actually did anything with that... it was just pointless talk that never actually lead to any changes. It felt like they were trying to use the scenes for comedic purposes, but they were about as funny as a video of a wet sponge hitting a wall.

Now when the new girl showed up we did have a little bit of plot, but it only lasted for an ep before it was back to eating cake and talking about nothing that would ever result in any changes.

Anyways you are likely right it was never the right show for me. As I was hoping from the start it would be more like a light hearted version of Beck. Beck actually deals with serious issues about building a band and then some (thus why I would have been happy with a lighter fluffier version) but alas I can't even treat k-on as a show about music... not when it has less music and concerts in it then a show like angel beats which is also not about music :/

I guess I will have to just stick with Full Moon as my lighthearted music show (with lighthearted obviously not talking about the whole show >.>;)

That show is absolutely phenomenal and I will never ever stop singing its praises (pun not intended)
Viz will ALWAYS suck for cancelling the release partway.

That may be true, I likely won't ever get around to watching it though (that is totally the second season's opening's fault... as I tried to at least finish the second season of k-on in the background in english, but whenever that opening comes up it sounds like nails across a chalkboard @___________________________@) ... because not only did I dislike k-on a lot by the end, I now have a small irrational hatred towards all things Moe and club settings in general because of it (that doesn't mean I can't enjoy moe things from time to time see Hanamaru, and I can still watch club things... I just am quick to drop stuff with those if I don't like the first few eps)

anyways, to give an idea of my likelyhood of liking love lab lets look at the top recommendations of mal for shows related to love lab and my thoughts on them
yuri yuri - hated dropped after 1 ep not funny at all
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai - I managed to finish this one, and while some parts were really really dumb overall I didn't mind it
k-on - obviously I don't have positive feelings for this series
Seitokai Yakuindomo - detested this show couldn't figure out how someone thought it was funny
Minami-ke - didn't mind this one but never bothered finishing it
Seitokai no Ichizon - detested this show couldn't figure out how someone thought it was funny.
Kill Me Baby - didn't enjoy the bit I saw.


anyways I am off to work and won't be able to respond for at least 5 hours.

Based on those, Im still convinced you might actually like Love Lab.
It doesnt plod and it doesnt shove fanservice in your face like SYD. It is just well timed and written comedy and some fun characters that are perfect foils of each other.

Pic of the Sailor Moon Set 1


Cant wait for this.


Thats true. Love Lab is a pretty good series and I dont think it squarely fits into simple moe cliche because it has some real character and wit to it. It doesnt have that sort of lethargic feel that a lot of really cute shows of that type tend to have
I actually meant that most shows aren't nearly as good as K-ON!...


Black Rock Shooter TV 4

Two episodes ago, Yomi was suffering several types of abuse from Kagari. She belittled her emotionally, constantly broke her down, made her strip naked, made several wounds on her chest all in the shape of a heart, flung herself down the stairs to make Yomi feel guilty about befriending Mato, as well as a whole host of other things we haven't seen.

Now, Kagari is going to school and trying to adjust for the first time after that accident long ago (did somebody else at least homeschool her?), and is doing a decent job, joining a club and making friends.

And Yomi is going insane because of it. She's going insane because this girl who abused her for so long is no longer "dependent" on her. She no longer "needs" her. Also Mato has other friends and other shit to do and that's also contributing to Yomi descending into insanity. And then she goes slamming her phone with a pillow screaming when Mato's friend texts her saying "Hey Mato and I are worried about you". How horrifying.

Also that counselor seems to be enjoying herself. Maybe coffee is this show's guimauve.

Another super fun day at the office with this show.


A bout of illness has meant I've watched some anime this week. Unfortunately I'll just be repeating things other people have already said weeks ago, but them's the breaks.

Aldnoah Zero 2-3

This show feels like it has some really good ideas bubbling away just beneath the fact that Inaho and Slaine are its lead characters. Inaho, as everyone else has said, is ridiculously over competent and vocally emotionless (unlike his dialogue - there is a difference between "deathly serious" and "overly matter of fact" which he doesn't sound like he's mastered), while Slaine is poorly characterised and has (IMO) a silly facial design. I could also do without the cartoonishly evil Martian minions, even at this early stage in the series.

The show is instead developing a series of interesting supporting characters - including, potentially, its women, much to my surprise - and although the dialogue still sounds like a novel being read out to us it's at least not totally insulting. I know that in the next couple of episodes it all apparently goes to pot, but there is at least the promise of something intriguing here, even smothered under some inappropriate music cues (I really, really like both EDs for this show, incidentally).

Nozaki-kun 5-6

In opposition to my thoughts on A/Z, I actually think Nozaki is the best thing about his show in that he's a fully realised character and doesn't react in predictable ways to things. Everyone else - even Chiyo - has one character trait, which is then played with in (more or less) amusing ways, whereas what makes Nozaki entertaining is that he'll just do something odd that nevertheless seems exactly consistent with his character. His "day as Mamiko", for instance, was fantastic - but not born out of a single character tic.

Also in contrast to A/Z, I've decided I dislike the ED to this show. "Pan across shots of the female lead" is a fairly old trick, but it's so unrepresentative of anything the show itself is actually about that it's boring.
Also the song is terrible anison pablum

Space Dandy 14

The first three episodes of Space Dandy put me off, but I've watched a few here and there (such as the zombie one). I actually watched the Yuasa episode a few weeks ago (I liked it a lot - very Kaiba-esque in look and feel), but went back and revisited this one (it's the parallel universes one). The show truly is very inventive visually - even when it's not always that funny, it's always good to look at.

These later episodes have worked for me because they're not playing up the incompetence and lecherousness of Dandy and Meow so much. Maybe I've just accepted that they're morons now and so am happier to watch it? Or maybe the show's just better written now.

This is never going to be a show that I could actually religiously watch, though. It's nice to visit every now and again but I don't feel any great compulsion to see the whole thing, particularly on a weekly basis.

The Tatami Galaxy 2

Pretend you didn't see that I still haven't watched this show all the way through yet. Nothing to see here.

If you didn't ignore that... I really have no idea what has put me off watching this series properly for so long. Maybe it's the overly wordy first episode? I just found this so much more accessible - and normally I don't have a huge problem "accessing" Yuasa's works. I thought this episode was brilliant - funny, touching, and visually clever. I should really get around to watching the rest of it...


Terror in Tokyo - 06
Of course it's not an easy thing to learn, rather hard probably. But still, these people work a lot with their language and train their voices, I would think there would be some interest there?

Do you think English voice actors make an effort to learn French, or German? Most actors certainly don't, particularly in TV (learning languages takes time and effort, let alone getting the accent right). I recently rewatched an episode of The X-Files called "Triangle", where the regular characters play Nazi analogues of themselves, and the German accents were absolutely appalling even to my tin ear.


The Tatami Galaxy is probably in my top ten anime series of all time. Everyone should watch it!

For me, it's easily in my top five. I love the series so much that I think I'd give it the top spot on my list. It's a wonderful, brilliant series with some of Yuasa's best work. It's definitely a must see.


Black Rock Shooter TV 4

Two episodes ago, Yomi was suffering several types of abuse from Kagari. She belittled her emotionally, constantly broke her down, made her strip naked, made several wounds on her chest all in the shape of a heart, flung herself down the stairs to make Yomi feel guilty about befriending Mato, as well as a whole host of other things we haven't seen.

Now, Kagari is going to school and trying to adjust for the first time after that accident long ago (did somebody else at least homeschool her?), and is doing a decent job, joining a club and making friends.

And Yomi is going insane because of it. She's going insane because this girl who abused her for so long is no longer "dependent" on her. She no longer "needs" her. Also Mato has other friends and other shit to do and that's also contributing to Yomi descending into insanity. And then she goes slamming her phone with a pillow screaming when Mato's friend texts her saying "Hey Mato and I are worried about you". How horrifying.

Also that counselor seems to be enjoying herself. Maybe coffee is this show's guimauve.

Another super fun day at the office with this show.

Zankyou No Terror 6

Hot damn the tables have completely turned. Pacing was amazing this episode, before I knew it the ED was playing. I'm really liking 5's introduction, mainly because it has changed the show for the better and now it's full blown Death Note. My biggest complaint would probably be
why would the FBI allow a psycho to plant a bomb? They have extensive screenings on psychological health, would they really trust her considering how she acts?

This episode also gets the Woofington seal of approval because it has GRRRORIOUS ENGRRRISH. A whole scene chock-full of it, and it's so hilariously bad even though they're supposed to be American. God I love you Engrish.

Also can somebody please gif the really awkward noitaminA running scene at the end? I swear when 9 was running and swinging his arms I burst out laughing



This is my warface.

Dog Days - 01

As part of a watchbet with Theonik* I've started on this. What a an amazingly absurd concept of a show. High school student kidnapped against his will to "fight" in a war between countries that is the equivalent of Crufts. Just.....what.
Not really much else to say. The setup dragged on a bit too long I think and there's some grinding CG in places but it seems like it'll be all out ridiculousness. And mofu.

*(The watchbet for those interested: 2 seasons of Dog Days + Im@s against 2 seasons of Nanoha and Mushishi season 1)


Strike Witches 01


I'm sure there's perfectly reasonable explanation why no female character under 20 wears trousers. Like war rationing and discrimination of women.

And all those shots at the beginning, dear lord. At least they're playing their cards straight lol.

And that's not how Battle of Britain came to be.
Clannad AS: Under the Green Tree

Pretty standard recap, except for the range it covered, perhaps. I did think it would go poetic and end with Tomoya saying he loved the town, as a counterpoint to saying he hated it at the beginning of the series.

As for my final thoughts, well, I did enjoy the series. The light-hearted humor was wonderful, and the drama was really hard-hitting. I do feel that perhaps there was a bit too much emotional manipulation towards the end, but then again, it kind of makes sense for the series. In the earlier arcs, they would start out light-hearted and then go into some serious complication, which Tomoya would end up fixing by the end of the arc. In a sense, that's what the entire series was, the same dramatic arc blown up on a grand scale.

Definitely worth a watch, but expect to cry a lot towards the end.

Glad you liked it! I hope that recap episode made things a bit more clear about the end. To many people come to the conclusion that
it was "just a dream" and "Tomoya didn't remember/learn anything". The truth is the opposite is the truth.
This is my warface.

Dog Days - 01

As part of a watchbet with Theonik* I've started on this. What a an amazingly absurd concept of a show. High school student kidnapped against his will to "fight" in a war between countries that is the equivalent of Crufts. Just.....what.
Not really much else to say. The setup dragged on a bit too long I think and there's some grinding CG in places but it seems like it'll be all out ridiculousness. And mofu.

*(The watchbet for those interested: 2 seasons of Dog Days + Im@s against 2 seasons of Nanoha and Mushishi season 1)

I remember going into this show wrongly thinking that it'd be some kind of epic adventure fantasy. How wrong I was, lol. It was still a cute show though.

Ooh, Theonik's watching Nanoha? That's a good sign. I really liked that one.


Sounds like it's going to be a while before we see a S2 for NGNL.

Sad but probably true. I REALLY want more NGNL because it just amped up towards the end into epicness.

I'm hurting as much as you, brother. Part of my stigma of cute girl club shows is because K-On popularized it. While I enjoyed it to a degree, I'd trade it and all of KyoAni's shows in the past decade for a fourth season of FMP.

Oh hell no I wouldnt trade it for that!
I really really like FMP but too much of a good thing...

I actually meant that most shows aren't nearly as good as K-ON!...

Ah. I misread sorry!

You just dont understand her SUFFERING.

This is my warface.

Dog Days - 01

As part of a watchbet with Theonik* I've started on this. What a an amazingly absurd concept of a show. High school student kidnapped against his will to "fight" in a war between countries that is the equivalent of Crufts. Just.....what.
Not really much else to say. The setup dragged on a bit too long I think and there's some grinding CG in places but it seems like it'll be all out ridiculousness. And mofu.

*(The watchbet for those interested: 2 seasons of Dog Days + Im@s against 2 seasons of Nanoha and Mushishi season 1)

I would say that nobody lost this particular watchbet!


Silver Spoon Season 2 Episode 5

The festival is about the begin! Mikage is finally getting some form of hint through her dense head. But alas Hachikan has overworked himself to the bone, to the point of exhaustion. The 'date' may now be ruined! :-(


I watched Black Rock Shooter (the OVA). It was pretty boring and not my thing but the action scenes were cool enough and I'd say it was worth watching at least once. No real suffering, just silly high school SOL nonsense juxtaposed with whatever the hell those fights were supposed to be.

How did BRS TV in its final form even get made?


Strike Witches 01


I'm sure there's perfectly reasonable explanation why no female character under 20 wears trousers. Like war rationing and discrimination of women.

And all those shots at the beginning, dear lord. At least they're playing their cards staight lol.

And that's not how Battle of Britain came to be.

Its a unique interpretation of military history.


Probably mock-ups? Companies generally tend to do mock-ups before the actual printing/production.

and yes, it looks goooood

Yeah its probably not the final appearance. Some tweaks to be made. But it doesnt look like a very complicated set either. Probably just getting a run up to production.
Terror in Resonance - 6

Pretty much a more grounded Death Note at this point, but that's not a bad thing.

Episode looked pretty cheap though, them bouncing cops, that CG plane.

I never watched the Death Note anime (read the manga), but yeah, something like that. At first it was a DN tone with numbers-guys vs detective, now it's numbers-guy vs Five, with the detective being a third wheel.
First part Death Note > this

Damnit Nine, you explained four minutes before that her plan was to blow up the bomb to make them appear guilty or trap them if they try to deactivate it. Why would she put more riddles that risk them not reaching the bomb, if her objective is you reaching that goal? Shit doesn't make sense.
If it's a trap, why the bad guy put challenges to stop you in your path. Of course, that specific logic hole is present in lots of other media, if you think about it.

And... I almost fell from my chair. Fucking chess as -literal-, in this case, metaphor of mental duels.

In general, this episode has countered my positive impression of the previous one. It feels as going in very safe rails, with very usual beats in the story.
I watched Black Rock Shooter (the OVA). It was pretty boring and not my thing but the action scenes were cool enough and I'd say it was worth watching at least once. No real suffering, just silly high school SOL nonsense juxtaposed with whatever the hell those fights were supposed to be.

How did BRS TV in its final form even get made?
The OVA was trash except for the fights.

I went into BRS TV expecting into garbage and was pleasantly entertained.
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