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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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Fate/Illya specials 1-5
Just wanted to watch these to move on towards season two. These were alright. Just don't make a bet with Illya's mom!

The dubs take out all the good music, cut and censor things, mis-translate character stuff and fill every second with pointless chatter. It's really up to you but the original JP versions are superior.
I guess I have a long ways ahead of me then.


I'm apprehensive about watching the new Terror in Resonance thanks to some negative reactions on here. I want it to be gooood.


Invaders 04

Yes, it's a beach/hot springs episode, but I like those, and every series does things in its own way. Like in this case, I liked how they got around the maximum number of people by remembering that Sanae's a ghost, and thus technically doesn't count. Though her "not counting" also formed the crux of the drama that kicked in near the end of the episode. I also enjoyed finding out everyone's different motivations for why they need the apartment. All things that can be easily expanded on later, especially since the groundwork has been laid. I'm not sure what's up with the Blues Brothers there. An anti-supernatural organization? This show continues to be solid, above average, and largely, a lot of fun.
Puchimas S2 52-54


Haruka-san turns evil.

Also the ass was fat but thanks to the pointy-haired man everything returned to normal.

Both Gremlins and Tekken references then.


Maturity, bitches.
Talking of Frozen, I see Elsa is getting a Nendoroid in the future. Japan really did love that movie.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Stardust Crusaders 18:

So multiple parts of this episode were legit hilarious. I gotta ask though -

A) Did it really not occur to Joesph to try to use the Ripple to tame the camels? It's been established that the Ripple can do so. I mean it's funnier this way so whatevs but its still awkward when you think about it for a bit.

B) Why did we need to take another dump on Joesph with the ending? It looked like he was about to do something awesome too :/ Obviously he's not the main character anymore but Joesph has contributed more in humor and paychecks than in actually doing much of anything. A character CAN be comic relief AND make meaningful contributions from time to time :/

I miss Mohammed :(
Zankyou no Terror - 03

So far , i'm really enjoying it BUT i hope that the sub plot with the girl lead to something.

Indeed the most intresting when you have a game of cat and mouse is when both parties have people capable enough to figure the other.

So far so good.

your soul is wrong

fix it

Too late , already skipping the OP , however i'm warming up to the ED...


Maturity, bitches.
More importantly Kyoko Toshino from YuruYuri is also getting a nendoroid. Took them long enough. Maybe we'll have all four of them by 2020.


[Log Horizon]: 1 - 12

Why is this show so good? Why is the background art so well realised? Why is Man with a Mission such a catchy OP? Why can't people stop touching their glasses?


Perhaps if you get the chance to see the show again you'll change your mind, or at least you'll form new opinions on the work, which I'd be interested to hear.

Perhaps, but in general the only thing I have found is I am even harder on anime now then when I was younger. I have gone back and rewatched some shows that were average or better to me over the years and in general my thoughts haven't really changed on those shows. Usually it's just stuff like... huh Bebop has more plot then I gave it credit originally. Witch hunter robin does a lot worse job telling the story then I remember. Why am I watching dbz again... oh well. And while I have those thoughts my overall feelings towards the series really don't change.

When it comes to Eva there is a good chance I will like it even less though, as over the years I have had to repeatedly deal with criticism for not finding the series to be anything special. So when I do rewatch it I will likely be drawn to every little thing that originally annoyed me about the series and not be able to ignore them. It's why I have mostly been waiting for the movies to all come out instead of rewatching the TV series, as while I would like to revisit the setting, I don't have that much interest in rewatching the original's writing.


Perhaps, but in general the only thing I have found is I am even harder on anime now then when I was younger. I have gone back and rewatched some shows that were average or better to me over the years and in general my thoughts haven't really changed on those shows. Usually it's just stuff like... huh Bebop has more plot then I gave it credit originally. Witch hunter robin does a lot worse job telling the story then I remember. Why am I watching dbz again... oh well. And while I have those thoughts my overall feelings towards the series really don't change.

When it comes to Eva there is a good chance I will like it even less though, as over the years I have had to repeatedly deal with criticism for not finding the series to be anything special. So when I do rewatch it I will likely be drawn to every little thing that originally annoyed me about the series and not be able to ignore them. It's why I have mostly been waiting for the movies to all come out instead of rewatching the TV series, as while I would like to revisit the setting, I don't have that much interest in rewatching the original's writing.
The movies aren't going to do anything to subside your feelings.


[Log Horizon]: 1 - 12

Why is Man with a Mission such a catchy OP?

You mean Database?

I think it also helps that it is a well constructed OP that blends seamlessly with the music.

The walking silhouettes portion is particularly badass.

edit: Also, as a man who wears glasses, they do constantly slide down!
Aldnoah Zero - 01

A SUPER exposition heavy first half made it really difficult for me to get through this episode. And it wasn't even really that I'm against the necessity of explaining the world and some of its details to the viewers but more that it just felt like they took a really really heavy handed approach to doing so. It almost gave me the feeling that they were just reading off a fact list about X or Y faction to the viewer rather than letting me find out about the world by letting myself become a part of it ... if that makes sense. I had to start and stop it at least twice before it got to the point where things actually started happening, which ended up being around the time they introduced the first real character in the Lieutenant. Cool dude. Would drink with. If I drunk.

The second half ended up being a much more entertaining ride
the way they handled the assassination of the queen was fucking brutal though. Them setting herself up as a person who truly only wanted to see peace prosper between the 2 factions and then having her entire security blown up. Then the final blow with her crawling out of the burning car into another missile? Feels were had. It makes me think the seemingly lax security (relatively given how far they've progressed technoligically as a society) on the Princess was an intentional move on the Martian government to justify this sort of action though. Good times!

Fun stuff though.
[Log Horizon]: 1 - 12

Why is this show so good? Why is the background art so well realised? Why is Man with a Mission such a catchy OP? Why can't people stop touching their glasses?

I'm really surprised, I didn't think you would enjoy Log Horizon this much.


Gankutsuo 13-15

I praised the prosecutor earlier for being the one man with brain in the right place but boy did did I spoke too soon. For a men with countless merciless sentences behind his back and police in his pocket, he sure went down quickly. Why didn't he just arrest the count, his own wife and kid when they were within his reach escapes me. With the power he wielded no amount of rumours Monte Cristo would release from behind bars would be much trouble to him.

Anyhow things are moving quickly now. We've got plenty of insights into the past Haidee, General Morcerf and the Count. The latter pretty much told his life story to Albert though without names. On the revenge front, things are progressing as well. One down, two to go and the seeds for the second fall are already firmly planted. I will eat my imaginary hat if Eugenie and her new fiancée are not related. The question is only whether Cavalcanti is aware of that fact and plays along or if he's getting trolled by Gankutsuo as well.

The writing continues to be on point and lends much strength to character interactions and confrontations. Especially so in the Albert's and Monte Cristo's case.
I got more or less used to the CG backgrounds but that space ship and a few seconds of mechs took me right out of experience. Yikes.

Tokyo Ghoul 5
This was pretty good. Tsukiyama freak outs alone make it a strong contender for the comedy of the season. Didn't care much for Nishiki's tragic back-story but the fight we got was good and hopefully will get even better, now that Touka is in kagune/certified badass mode. With that and her hmmm hazardous commitment to maintaining human friendships she continues to be my favourite character.


Aldnoah Zero - 01

A SUPER exposition heavy first half made it really difficult for me to get through this episode. And it wasn't even really that I'm against the necessity of explaining the world and some of its details to the viewers but more that it just felt like they took a really really heavy handed approach to doing so. It almost gave me the feeling that they were just reading off a fact list about X or Y faction to the viewer rather than letting me find out about the world by letting myself become a part of it ... if that makes sense. I had to start and stop it at least twice before it got to the point where things actually started happening, which ended up being around the time they introduced the first real character in the Lieutenant. Cool dude. Would drink with. If I drunk.

The second half ended up being a much more entertaining ride
the way they handled the assassination of the queen was fucking brutal though. Them setting herself up as a person who truly only wanted to see peace prosper between the 2 factions and then having her entire security blown up. Then the final blow with her crawling out of the burning car into another missile? Feels were had. It makes me think the seemingly lax security (relatively given how far they've progressed technoligically as a society) on the Princess was an intentional move on the Martian government to justify this sort of action though. Good times!

Fun stuff though.
Unfortunately, Urobuchi can't help himself when it comes to sophomoric, heavy handed exposition. In fact, recently in an interview when asked what the differences were with writing for anime and tokusatsu he explained that "It’s very different. The lines can’t be too long. In anime, it’s quite alright to give them longer lines, which I’m too used to doing. Things are expressed differently with real people." In other words, he doesn't write his characters like real people, so it's fine for him to use them as machines for exposition.

[Log Horizon]: 1 - 12

Why is this show so good? Why is the background art so well realised? Why is Man with a Mission such a catchy OP? Why can't people stop touching their glasses?
Are you trying to give me a bigger backlog? Why? Why would you do that?
[Log Horizon]: 1 - 12

Why is this show so good?
Writter wrote the world first , the show afterward.
You should see the additionnal information he gave to the fans that asked about the world , it's big , very big.
We even have entire dongeons layout with ennemy placement & hp, the entire skill tree and class trees. it was something that wasn't made up on the spot.
Why is the background art so well realised?
Dunno , i'm NOT AN EXPERT , but it's clearly good.
Why is Man with a Mission such a catchy OP?
Accept it and live in the database !
Why can't people stop touching their glasses?
Because in the game it was an emote
And some people couldn't stop once they started using it.


Tokyo ESP 04

That was a touching ending. The first signs of the situation that we jumped into in media res are starting to appear, including the primary guy involved in it. The small circle of friends being formed is the main appeal of the show right now for me. No real problems this week, looking forward to seeing where things go.


Speaking of Terror in Resonance's OP (well, we were when I started writing this post), in the OT for the show when it first aired we commented that it reminded us of Ergo Proxy.

That's because it's the same man behind both!

Toshiyuki Yamashita either runs or IS the entire company for Stereotype, which seems to specialise in heavy digital effects, usually of a 2D nature.

While the Terror in Resonance OP immediately resembles Ergo Proxy's in its use of overlays on footage both animated and live action, his other notable works include:

- the Kaminomi OPs - I've only linked the first one here. While much of the regular animation isn't particularly interesting, not only do we get a lengthy "circuit board" intro but the sequence in the latter half of the OP where the lead character is walking and the background (and he) constantly shift patterns and images is quite impressive.

- the Guilty Crown OP. This has the benefit of some excellent traditional sakuga, but mostly in the second half of the OP. The first half is rather cheap, in fact, but enlivened by the sliding bar charts/photos etc., particularly in the shot where Shu runs through them all. I suspect we can't credit him with the content from when the song goes watashi wa kimi dame no and the brief mecha porn starts :p

- this season also sees him doing the OP for Kuroshitsuji Book Of Circus and all the background work for Tokyo ESP.

He probably has a fairly limited box of tricks - the Tokyo ESP OP is very reminiscent of his work on the ED for Samurai Flamenco, and even all the fancy layering tricks and filters in the world can't disguise that the OP for Deadman Wonderland is devoid of any interesting visual ideas IMO. He is, at least, someone to look out for in future.

(although I wonder how much Kazuto Nakazawa had a hand in the quality of the Terror in Resonance OP? He is a bit of a legend when it comes to OPs...)

Link Man


lol at the "Inn".

Yurika in a school swimsuit. Are we sure she's not enjoying this cosplay stuff?

Episode was a bit weak, but I'm really enjoying the characters now that they've had some room to breathe.
Flowers of Evil 02

Oh, man, what are you doing...

And of course Nakamura saw you, and now there's talk about a contract... Getting Madoka flashbacks here :p

Write an essay? What a weird thing to request.

I thought the same thing haha. Things are only going to get weirder and more uncomfortable from here.
Zankyou no Terror - 04

Good episode that focused more on character bui_lding than anything else but ending in a spectacular double cliffanger.

I have no doubt the girl will stay , however i don't know how
this "bomb" that they unleashed would actually mess with the police

Can't wait.


Huge Nickleback Fan
[Log Horizon]: 1 - 12

Why is this show so good? Why is the background art so well realised? Why is Man with a Mission such a catchy OP? Why can't people stop touching their glasses?

I welcome you to the database database.


Barakamon 4
I know how to use old telephone better than sensei.

Swag and Kanahana 4
Man, this show is so damn ugly. I'm watching it just to see the kind of ridiculous stuff they'll come up with. Yu better turn up his swag on the next episode!


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
[Log Horizon]: 1 - 12

Why is this show so good? Why is the background art so well realised? Why is Man with a Mission such a catchy OP? Why can't people stop touching their glasses?

ironically it is one of my most hated OP's of all time. I actually leave the room and grab something when it comes on... hilariously the ED is one of my favorite ED's of all time. As in I actually made a JPN itunes account, bought an iTunes YEN card and bought the song I love it so much.

As for the touching of the glasses, there is one scene that I believe has already showed up as a GIF in this thread.. lol.. so classic.

Yup, October can't come soon enough.
I understand the insane pricing for the Digimon set. Who's going to buy it anyway, outside of mad otaku who will pay that price? As much as we're all waxing nostalgic about it here, it's not exactly a property that loads of people will care to spend money on - some old kids show from 15 years ago. As excited as people my age get about Ulysses 31 et al getting disc releases, I suspect it's more about the novelty and nostalgia of it existing rather than actually wanting to own a copy.
Isn't that price pretty much the standard?
Screw Adventure, give me my Tamers sequel.
Chiaki J. Konaka doesn't really seem to be doing much anyway.


I just checked my bank account and see $178.99 deducted...



I dont think it has been charged on my account yet.
I hope it doesnt get shipped later here. I want it ASAP.

Until bebop gets a us blu ray release I'll personally make sure that no other old anime gets a blu ray release.

You cant stop the Cardcaptor Sakura train!!

If you can't find anything good on Amazon you can try these sites:

If you're looking for stuff like model kits instead there's always HLJ: http://www.hlj.com/

Also Jlist but Im not linking the site for obvious NSFW reasons
Hobbysearch is good too http://1999.co.jp/en
and Mandarake and Nippon Yasan

What's some good intrigue-ridden scifi stuff that came out in the past few years? Looking for something with a vibe like Eden of the East, Psycho Pass and maybe Darker than Black. Not super futuristic with mecha and stuff but a near future vibe.

From the New World has a future world with a really unsettling vibe to it. Not technological but more due to psychic abilities.
[Log Horizon]: 1 - 12

Why is this show so good? Why is the background art so well realised? Why is Man with a Mission such a catchy OP? Why can't people stop touching their glasses?
More people understanding just how solid the writing and economics of Log Horizon is always a good thing. It was my anime of the season when it aired.
Actually reading the ANN news article about the Digimon event
The Digimon the Movies Blu-ray 1998-2006 box will ship on January 9, 2015. This box will include a bonus Blu-ray 3D disc with the 3D film shorts Digimon Adventure: Digimon Grand Prix! by Mamoru Hosoda and Digimon Savers: Digital World Kiki Ippatsu! by Tetsuji Nakamura.


[Stardust Crusaders] - 18

There was so little material to work with they really let the animators have fun with some of these scenes. Good stuff, I guess?


Zankyou no Terror - 04

Man I don't know why but Lisa Mishima is starting to step up on my waifu level! Someone help me!


[Terror in Tokyo] - 4

As good as the show has ever been, which is frankly pretty great. You'll have no complaints from me on this one. A solid genre exercise and easily one of the best looking (and sounding) shows of the season.

I've said it before (with relation to Ikuhara and Penguin Drum) but when you have a series director who is as talented in creating the visuals of the show as he at understanding how to use music effectively, you're work becomes far richer and more powerful. In all honesty, most of the time I forget about the music when I'm watching an anime series (unless it's scored by Sawano) but when you have someone like Watanabe at the helm you remember that the music for the show can not simply compliment the visuals but elevate them to new heights. It truly allows the work the transport the viewer into the action.


Fate/Illya S2 1
So it picks up right where season one left off which is cool. But man, someone needs to tell Miyu that what she wants from Illya isn't exactly what normal friends do. With the way it sounded and looked, she was sucking on Illya's wooden spoon/stick thing pretty intensely. Speaking of Illya, she's split into two. And since the other her has those golden eyes and is in Archer's clothing, I guess that's her hidden potential taken manifest?
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