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Summer 2014 Anime |OT3| where everyone watches doremi for hito

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Barakamon 12

Probably my favorite show this season.
Loved that they gave more time to the mother this episode. She went Jojo's on them.

Looking back I think I would of liked
to see the reactions from Sensei leaving the island the first time. All we saw when Naru found out and when they called. It would of been fun to see Naru spread the word out to the people on the island.
Berserk - 11

Guts please, rule number 1: always make sure the enemy is dead before you do other stuff
Casca fighting with a fewer, just so people wont think she's weak. Such irresponsibility is rewarded with this

Griffith seemed a bit torn if he should send help after them. Winning the war is important to achieve his dream


Three simulcast announcements from Crunchyroll today: dancing anime Tribe Cool Crew, VN adaptation Grisaia no Kajitsu, and what I'm sure everyone was looking forward to, Cross Ange.


Tribe Cool Crew is Sundays at 3pm PDT, region locked to:
USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Latin America, Netherlands, Scandinavia, and Turkey.
Grisaia is Sundays at 10:00am PDT, region locked to:
USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Europe, South Africa, Middle East, North Africa and Latin America.
Cross Ange is Sundays at 2:00am PDT, region locked to:
United States, Canada, and Latin America.


Barakamon Episode 12:

I think it may have gotten dusty in here. Yes, indeed, Barakamon delivered more or less the prefect ending to this series, the culmination of all the emotional growth not only Seishū Handa experienced but the entire village he interacted with. Also, this show could have used more Emi Handa. Still, this is second on my list for this season, above Sagebu! but below Space Dandy Season 2. Anyway, the long and short of things is if you missed this show this season, go watch it now before he new season starts.


I'm watching both Grisaia and Cross Ange.

I'll only know of TCC as "that thing that's on before Super Hero Time". But for those who want to watch it, that's great.


Hanayamata 8

So according to the teacher, the winner of this competition will be decided by whoever
can make the judges fap the most.
Yeah that sounds like a pretty accurate assumption to make. Well at least they finally got to dance in some kind of an event. Too bad they done
fucked up the dance.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Three simulcast announcements from Crunchyroll today: dancing anime Tribe Cool Crew, VN adaptation Grisaia no Kajitsu, and what I'm sure everyone was looking forward to, Cross Ange.


Tribe Cool Crew is Sundays at 3pm PDT, region locked to:

Grisaia is Sundays at 10:00am PDT, region locked to:

Cross Ange is Sundays at 2:00am PDT, region locked to:

Tribe Cool Crew is a pretty awesome anime name.


Hanasaku Iroha 4

You know how sometimes no matter what you do, another person simply does not like you? This seems like one of those times. And Ohana's insistence only seems to be making things between her and Minko worse (not that she really seems to be worth all this effort Ohana is putting in). Remember, if you want to get out pf a hole, the first step is to stop digging.
SAO II - 13

Holy shit SAO, holy shit. Subtlety must have killed SAO's author and/or the anime's director because this show couldn't be more 'into your face', especially when showcasing the evilness of the villains is concerned.

I made the horrible mistake to drink some water when rapeguy went full crazy-face. Snorted it right the hell out again. The insanely exaggerated crazy faces the villains in this show tend to put on are sure something special.

As others have said, probably the best comedy this season; step the fuck aside Nozaki-Kun.

You gotta love how this season tries to be partially a mystery series all things considered Death Gun but every time Kirito notices something we THEN get a flashbacks...of completely new scenes no less. Like Kirito thinks long and hard about Death Guns identity the whole time and then they show us a flashback that shows a guy with what's basically a "I'll be GGO's Death Gun" tag on his face. I don't even.
Berserk - 12

Casca fairly standard backstory, born poor - sold - bad man do bad things - savior arrives - eternal loyalty
Wait, how old is Griffith? He still looked like the captain of the hawks when he saved younger Casca

Err.. did Griffith let the kinky Noblemen do bad stuff to his no no hole? This man really wants his dream badly, and Casca is set upon letting him achieve it after witnessing the length he is willing to go


The climax regarding Death Gun was good. I'm even okay with the double 'suicide' between Shinon and Kirito. Every thing after felt like forever and just dragged on too long for its own good.

So that's Ramba Ral from the original Mobile Suit Gundam. He was an enemy soldier the hero didn't want to fight but wound up having to. He's a bit of a fan favorite and legend because he's the first real threat the hero faces in a long time in the show.

Ramba Ral was 35 in Mobile Suit Gundam, is 35 in Build Fighters, and, coincidentally, the entire Gundam franchise was 35 when this season aired.

Short version: Ral is a famous Gundam character, but for the most part he's just that stud who has a crush on Sei's hawt momma.

That's pretty cool. In retrospect episode 3 is pretty funny then since his friends called him lieutenant while they were dressed as generics. Thank you for the information.


So hope theres something else people talk about. Sick of the new fsn already.

how do you get sick of something that hasnt come out yet?

So guys, being clueless about all this Fate/whatever stuff, is this new show something I can pick up and watch right away, or do I need to watch something before? I know my girlfriend watched some other Fate/Stay (or maybe it was Zero?) thing a few years ago. Is this a remake? A retelling? The Wikipedia page doesn't make things easy to understand.

Its not required but Fate Zero will give you better appreciation of the characters.


Damn i was away from GAF for the whole day ..i guess i shouldn't have spend my day putting together combo battles videos for various games.
It's trangely addictive.

Anyway . Happy birthday to everyone whose birthday is today.!!

They aren't.
Joke aside. The sheer amount of world building is insane and it's very fun if you know your history how entire portion of history are streamlined for fun and crazy And i say "streamlined" since the writter goes in details whenever he has a chance to.

1- group date
2- holy grail race
3- berserker first erand

Always ...

i was away too. Took my first plane flights today!

Anime pick up thanks to Crunchyroll preorder discount

Very enjoyable show that got over looked by a lot of people

So Terraformars anime is hilariously censored? Guess I won't bother until I can see it uncut like with Tokyo Ghouls

I am considering this show. Never saw it.


So with Barakamon down, that's pretty much the end of the season now.
Was a really good season, probably the best Summer I can remember.

Not really looking forward to much for Fall, besides Mushishi and mermaid bathing.
Maybe Eureka Gundam.


Mushishi 3

No one told me that Mushishi=body horror.

Silent, snowy landscapes are always striking, and this was certainly no exception. Great sound design too, as you'd hope for in an episode so focused on the meaning of "hearing."

mushishi can be pretty horrific and it does so very early on.

Gundam Build Fighters 1
Truth be told, I've wanted to watch something Gundam related for a while now, but since there are so many, I didn't know where to begin. Thankfully this one came along and seems to be a fan service show to the franchise. Granted, I won't be able to understand or take pleasures in its fan service, but, it seems friendly enough as a gateway. And honestly, the characters and the actual game interest me.


Enter Sei Iori. He's our series protagonist and is absolutely in love with Gundam. So much so that he builds his Gunpla with the upmost care and quality. As well as that once he starts talking about them, he won't stop unless you ask him. Unfortunately, he sucks at Gunpla Battle despite being so good at building them. His dad is runner up at the 2nd World Championship, but with that seemed to be a five years ago so now he lives alone with his mother as his dad is off... Somewhere. If Sei's dream was an indicator of anything, his father probably hasn't been home in quite a while. He wouldn't be weirded out from hearing his voice in his dream otherwise. Sei also helps run a plastic model shop when his mother isn't around.


Next is Susumu Sazaki, it's way too soon to call him an antagonist, or even a rival. Susumu knows that Sei can create much better Gunpla than he can. As such, he tries to pressure Sei into letting him use one of his Gunpla so they can go and possibly win a tournament together. That being said, he would greatly make up for Sei's lack of actual skill of playing game so it would make sense for them to team up. But unfortunately for him, Sei doesn't want him to use his Gunpla as Sei believes his play style is too rough and trust him because of it.


And now there's this guy, Reji. He was either incredibly sheltered in his upbringing, or he's an alien as he doesn't know about simple things like storefront sales, or soda, or even Gunpla Battle. Granted, its entirely possible to now about Gunpla Battle despite it having world championships. But not knowing about storefront sales, or soda for that matter, is difficult to process without some form of special reasoning. Regardless, when the viewer first meets him he points his finger to the wind and goes in the direction the wind was moving, so he's definitely free spirited.

When Sei meets Reji, Reji had just accidentally stolen some food and when Sei pays the shopkeeper, Reji feels indebted to him and gives him a gem. Reji says that "if you're in trouble, wish on that stone and I'll help you." After saying that, he vanishes. Only to reappear in Sei's time if need during a Gunpla battle (why did Sei's mom and Ral seemingly just stand there and let him help Sei? Especially since they don't know who he is?) and only to disappear once more when the battle was over.


As a game, these controls seem really overly complicated. Granted, Mech controls in anime never make sense, and this at least attempts to let the viewer see that this isn't nonsense by showing that those two orbs actually do more than go in directions. They actually have notches and have 10 (5 per ball; 1 for each finger) different assigned buttons as well so it could potentially work if you get used to it.

As for the game itself, the rules are seemingly simple as they aren't stated barring ring out. It's a simple fight to death. Other winning conditions are ring out or you give up. There are only 2 skills needed to play the game. One is the skill to actually be able to play the game, while the other is the ability to build the Gunpla. The better the Gunpla is built, the better its performance in battle. Although, that isn't necessarily an advantage to someone that doesn't have good parts. Sei for example, can't play using his own Gunpla. They're literally too good for him. No matter how hard he tries to control his movement, he's always going all over the place which is why Susumu wins every time. It's a weird system in which only the strong get stronger, but it's too prevent newbies from buying their way to victory.


Overall, I really like this after a single episode. I'd probably think more of it if I payed attention to Gundam. Letting the viewer see what Gunpla - name and even model is used is really cool. I'm sure that's just Bandai trying to advertise and sell more Gunpla though. Might just marathon this tomorrow.

Excellent. Youve started a gem! GBF is pretty addictive.

Mike recommending good shows?

What has this thread become in my absence!? Is the world upside down? Is SAO2 good? Are Monster Girls not gross anymore?

monster girls were NEVER gross

Happy Birthday to him too!

Does he know you post in here? Why isn't he a member here yet? Could he become a post-machine like you? I like the idea of having family on a friendly forum like this one, and it always can help you make tag-team combo-conversations for maximum thread damage. :)

That would be part of the Machi☆Asobi vol.13 schedule, right? It seems people like zeroshiki or RyougaSaotome don't come by around this place lately, so I was waiting on maybe conforming with twitter-made impressions... probably honnyaku (@honnyaku_blog) could make it to the event!

Now, the PV for YURIKUMA ARASHI I mentioned earlier is another story... and it better be uploaded later as there is no reason not to, because that's what I'm looking forward the most from Machi☆Asobi vol.13, and I ain't going to be satisfied with mere impressions of it!

He doesnt care enough about anime to post here. Hes kind of the exact opposite of me.
Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun 1-3

Started watching this last night. I've chuckled maybe twice (both times in the first episode). Not for me I guess.


Berserk - 12

Casca fairly standard backstory, born poor - sold - bad man do bad things - savior arrives - eternal loyalty
Wait, how old is Griffith? He still looked like the captain of the hawks when he saved younger Casca

Err.. did Griffith let the kinky Noblemen do bad stuff to his no no hole? This man really wants his dream badly, and Casca is set upon letting him achieve it after witnessing the length he is willing to go

Suddenly I'm reminded that Berserk TV has some pretty good looking still shots in terms of framing and colour.


Mahouka 26 END
Ends with a bang. Magicians are officially more valuable than weapons... Or something.

Thank God this is over. It should've just stayed as Tatsuya being a super special high school student that could do anything except 1+1. Adding in the government, terrorism, and blood piñatas didn't help.


Please find below a potential resource post for future threads. If I was better at design, I'd make something far less ugly.

Online Resources

GAF's very own anime recommendation threads!

So you're probably wondering: what anime should I watch? We aim to point you in the right direction with these general threads but if you ever want specific recommendations tailored to your personal preferences just ask away in the thread.

NeoGAF Top Anime List --RESULTS--
- While this poll is from 2007 this is still a damn fine list, especially the top 20.
The retro, classic, nostalgic, unmissable anime list thread - A great resource for those looking for classic anime. Titles covered here range from the 60's to the early 90's.
Lesser known Anime from the 2000's: Because they still make great anime
- For those who haven't watched that much anime you may wish to start you journey elsewhere as this thread largely covers titles non-mainstream titles that haven't received enough attention.
The Metalist - A giant and unwieldy list of lists. I can't vouch that all, or any, of the threads listed here contain any useful information whatsoever!

Reviews, comment and insight about anime from Gaffers

Dirty Pair - Project Eden by Instro
Elfin Lied by phoenix296
Giant Robo -by Jexhius
Giovanni's Island bu Branduil
Ghost in the Shell (1995) vs Innocence (2004) by Duckroll
Gundam Build Fighters: Episode 21: Amid the Glittering Particles- by CorvoSol
Hells - by cosmicblizzard
Hunter x Hunter Narag
Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade Typographenia
Log Horizon by Jexhius
Ninja Scroll by Typographenia
Patlabor by Jexhius
Pupipo! - by hosannainexcelsis
The Big O: Thoughts and analysis by CorvoSol
The Mystical Laws BGBW
The Snow Queen by Instro
The History of AnimeGAF - Nafe

NeoGAF Anime of the Year Lists - Because popularity matters

While popularity isn't a guarantor of quality, it's certainly a useful indicator. These threads aren't worth reading simply to see what anime ranked where, but to read the thoughtful reviews written by Gaffers.

Sakuga - Resources that focus on the art of animation (sakuga)

List of Sakuga Anime - Self explanatory. Remember, the focus here is on the quality of the animation, not necessarily the story.
Sakuga: The Animation of Anime Panel - A 16 part series of videos that serves as an introduction to the concept of Sakuga. This involves a general overview of the subject, an overview of different styles a detailed look at specific animators. A must watch for anyone interested in animation.
BlueSakuga's page features an excellent collection of MAD's, videos that focus on hihglighting particular animators or techniques.
Sakugabooru - A collection of sakuga, in gif and webm form.
Sakuga Spreadsheet

Anime Blogs

There's a million and one anime blogs on the internet, but most of them aren't worth your time. Here's a snapshot of blogs that you should check out.
Anipages - Easily the best blog for those looking for discussion about the actual art of animation. The author of this blog, Ben Ettinger, has a such a comprehensive knowledge of the field that can generally recognise who animated a scene simply by watching it.
anime year by year - A rather ambition project by ex-gaffer Tamerlane. To use his own words: "This blog is a history of anime, year by year, combining historical background and aesthetic interpretation. There will be a post for each year discussing the merits of specific anime as well as general trends of the industry in depth. This is a constant work in progress, meaning old posts will still be updated as I watch new shows, learn new pieces of contextual info, and change my mind on shows I’ve already seen."
Golden Ani-Versary 1963-2012 - Another year by year history of anime, except that in this case each year is written up by a different writer. As you'd imagine, this means that the quality of the content here is fairly uneven. It's still useful in so much as it gives a general introduction to what came out in a given year and why it mattered.

The Business of Making Anime

Posts and features which focus on how anime is made.
The anime production line - A really great post by Ben Ettinger which gives an overview of how an anime is actually produced.
The Anime Economy
- A series of ANN features about the business reality of producing and distributing an anime.
Anime Sales - An up to date guide for about sales figures for anime DVD's/BD's actually mean.

Generic Anime Resources

Anichart - See when the next episode of a show will air in Japan.
Catsuka - A French language animation resource.
ANN - The most well known English language anime resource. While their coverage is truly extensive the quality of their reviews is questionable and their encyclopaedia is not always accurate.
What is moe http://www.japanesestudies.org.uk/articles/2009/Galbraith.html

Anime List/User Review Sites



ANNcast featuring Chad Kime (Genenon/Pioneer) http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/anncast/2009-12-03 and the ANNcast featuring Robert Napton (Bandai Entertainment) http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/anncast/2013-02-27 - These podcasts provide a perspective of how the NA market used to be from the 1980s (Napton) until the crash where Geneon went out and then when Bandai left the market in 2012. They're good resources to see the past of the NA anime market.
Bravo Whiskey Cast - Featuring AnimeGAF's own firehawk12!
Anime World Order - While this isn't updated particularly regular it has a great back catalogue of shows, especially for older anime.
Aya Suzuki Interview - The Pegbar and Grill podcast (a podcast that focuses on interviewing people who work in animation) where they talk to Aya Suzuki, a English/Japanese animator who worked on The Illusionist, Wolf's Children, The Dream Machine and The Wind Rises, among other things. This is probably one of the more informative interviews I've had on what it's like to work in the anime industry as it covers stuff like working hours, pay, working conditions, work flow, staffing, skill expectations etc etc.


Hanayamata 9

UUUGH even more drama. I barely even got to stare at Hana this episode... I've come to the conclusion that I don't like this show. I still wanna finish it before watching the last episode of barakamon though. =[


Mahouka 26 END
Ends with a bang. Magicians are officially more valuable than weapons... Or something.

Thank God this is over. It should've just stayed as Tatsuya being a super special high school student that could do anything except 1+1. Adding in the government, terrorism, and blood piñatas didn't help.

This never should have been advertised as a battle shounen.

Mahouka is a slice of life with occasional pieces of action.
Tatsuya's main goal is to conduct research while guarding Miyuki. All these school competitions, terrorism and invasions are nothing but distractions.

I wish that it was more focused on exploring the post magic world and explaining how magic functions. Also Tatsuya needed to be more human. It should have animated Tatsuya's social struggles as well as his thoughts on the events and characters in the series.

This is my biggest disappointment this year. I hope that it can get a movie or maybe even a remake that fits the tone of the light novel more closely.


A shame the CGness of the movies completely ruined that look

I'm sure a mild ground featuring a more painterly look existed as a possiblity, but it's just a shame it never happened that way.

I don't know what's more disappointing about the Berserk movies:

- That they took years to come out
- That they're marred by CG
- That they cover the god damn same arc again
One day many years in the future we'll get a HxH 2011 / JoJo 2012 quality OVA adaptation of Berserk that is uncensored, unmarred by cg, and covers more then the golden age arc, I just hope I'm alive when that happens and that the author actually finishes the manga so it can adapt the whole thing and not stop in the middle.
I'm sure a mild ground featuring a more painterly look existed as a possiblity, but it's just a shame it never happened that way.

I don't know what's more disappointing about the Berserk movies:

- That they took years to come out
- That they're marred by CG
- That they cover the god damn same arc again

Getting out of the Golden Age will be like getting out of Universal Century. Maybe one day. I mean it's a good arc, a really good one, but the stuff beyond that is more where the real Berserk is.

One day many years in the future we'll get a HxH 2011 / JoJo 2012 quality OVA adaptation of Berserk that is uncensored, unmarred by cg, and covers more then the golden age arc, I just hope I'm alive when that happens and that the author actually finishes the manga so it can adapt the whole thing and not stop in the middle.

It's my lifelong dream to one day see a full Berserk adaptation on the level of quality of the TV series, or at least HxH 2011 like you said. But they will probably just make more movies.
That is literally the first time I've ever heard anyone say that.

Well, what I mean is the Golden Age is more focused on the wars of humans and assassination, things like that. The Dark Fantasy elements are far more subdued (save for the ending) then in later arcs.
There is Wyald, Zodd and the Skull Knight but they aren't the focus. The arc right after is a big monster hunt.

Whenever I see someone posting Berserk art, it's usually the huge fantasy setpieces like the Dragon on top of the castle or the gigantic trees in the woods. Not to say the Golden Age doesn't have impressive things like that, but I don't think they match the scale, save for things like Zodd and Wyald and the ending, again.
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