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Summer Anime 2015 |OT| SharingMana

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Prison School 2

Ah yes,
the golden shower
scene. How could I have forgotten something so ridiculous? Honestly, I'm just glad to see all this craziness animated. It appeals to my immature kid side, greatly.
Seraph of the End 10 Dub

Where for art thou budget? The last two episodes have been incredibly cheap/bad looking so many overly long still shots and not even the clever kind like someone deep in thought for an extended period of time the lazy ones like a still image of a fight for 5 seconds then another still image for 5 seconds. Perhaps the plan is to finish these episodes on the blu-ray release because as a final product this is laughable.

Please buy our Blu-rays
Ant Man

Way better then Age of Ultron!

Soma - 15

Simply continues to be quite enjoyable. I'm pretty pleased with the world building so far although I do hope that there won't be all too many new and special challengers approaching and the show makes use of the characters already established. Because power creep can quickly become an issue and we're by now already introduced to some of the seemingly most powerful cooks in all of Japan or at least Toutsuki (which kind of should imply the former). However, up to this point Shokugeki no Soma dealt with this excellently and instead of merely some plainly more powerful opponents we got reasonably well characterized people. Considering all the information concerning Soma's dad this episode, it should do just fine, too.

The truly powerful, that is Soma's dad, Dojima, Erina's grandfather etc. are still well, well beyond Soma and Co.'s reach. You probably won't have to worry about them being scrubbed for a long time. Alumni like Shinomiya are still way beyond even Erina's level and Shinomiya probably can't compete with Dojima or Soma's father.

Also, Soma, Erina, Tadokoro etc are still first years so they have a lot of people above them. Erina is the best of the first years for what it's worth

Expelled From Paradise

Lol. What a terrible movie.

Really, didn't think it was that bad.
Soma 15

I've been saying it the last 15 weeks and I will continue to say that this show is really, really great. It's so fun.

However, I hate the new opening. I much preferred the last one. I can see how Shonen fans might appreciate it but I really liked the first OP.
The fact that they replaced the Spice ED with this weak ED should be a crime. Both the new OP and ED have weaker songs to go with them too. This is really the first time I have been disappointed with this show about something.
Spice is God Tier, I would have been seriously impressed if they managed to make something better then that

They should have just used Spice again and added more characters to the table or just take out everyone but Soma, Isshiki and Tadokoro, no one would notice


It takes the presence of mind to separate out a show being entertaining to the business behind it. It's one thing to say "the Phantom Bullet arc in SAO II felt very slow, but I enjoyed the pacing" and also separately say "Well, Iwakami wanted to replicate the packaging for S1, so Phantom Bullet was forced to be 14 episodes long." I wouldn't say it's cynicism as much as you understand "okay, Animedia wanted to bring in some male buyers this month, so they promoted Euphonium's girls in swimsuits" without it actually impacting the show itself (which has no swimsuit scenes in the first novel/season). As long as you can keep separate how you personally feel towards something and understand why it's done, there shouldn't be any issues.
Yeah, I guess I can invoke the "fun things are fun" clause for the stuff I do enjoy; it just sucks that the final decisions for some shows aren't more "let's make this show the best it can be" and instead more "let's do whatever's best for business". Not that they don't fortunately overlap sometimes, though to what degrees varies from show to show.
As a side note, I don't really care how they promote stuff -- the only place where it really starts to encroach on what I'm watching is if the in-show fanservice is extra gratuitous or seems severely out-of-place. And I tend to steer clear of shows where it looks like that might be a problem anyway.

I'd almost say it's better to take a semi-defeatist approach: "This is the way it's going to be and nothing I personally can do will change it, so I accept whatever happens." I'd love to see more Mondaiji, but I know nothing will come, so I move forward. That's not to be conflicted with doing what I can for other shows. I want more Euphonium, so I import merchandise and BDs from the KyoAni Shop. That's knowing what'll impact better than others. Do I personally think my one volume purchases will be the difference? No, but it's what I can do and as such I feel no regrets. Do what you can and so you have nothing to regret if nothing comes of it.
This is really the bitter pill for me; I'm very poor at separating the logic of "a new anime season won't really help grow this LN anymore" from the wishes of "but why not make a Hataraku Maou-sama (or whatever) S2 when it sold comparatively well and got a good reception?" On the other hand, part of the problem there somewhat stems from the fact that a domestic viewer who just wants to see how the story continues can just pick up the source material easily and go from there, whereas even if an overseas fan just wanted that, they're often screwed. But I guess increased manga and LN licensing does seem to be gradually mitigating that? At least for the most popular series. Though you run the risk of a poor translation (I don't know how Yen keeps pumping out stuff at a regular pace and keeps adding more superlong series) and it doesn't beat seeing it brought to life in animation, but I suppose it's better than nothing.

I've also got a whole other set of depression reserved for the North American anime industry, but that's another topic entirely.

Man, I'm rambling quite a bit, aren't it.
And yeah, I am comparing the attitude that prioritizes subject matter over the actual work to the approach of your average newspaper film critic. Just look how little you have to say about Devil Blues other than it's basic plot. Nine of this is meant to insult Devil Blues, which is an excellent manga.

Can't we say that both execution and content are important? It's not about only valuing one or the other, but about valuing both and how they come together to create the final product. Certainly only considering the plot or themes in abstraction without considering how they are expressed is an imbalanced viewpoint, but it's also imbalanced to only be considering how something is said without considering what is being said. And when you're evaluating how ambitious a piece of fiction is, you have to remember that the level of ambition does not necessarily correlate to the overall quality of the work - ambition is a measure of what a work is trying to achieve, not how successful it ultimately is in achieving that.
Snow White with the Red Hair - 01

Yeahup, its a shoujo, the herbalism though makes me interested, might continue might not.

Aoharu x Machinegun - 01

Not sure if shoujo or not, but had me laughing and entertained throughout due to the ridiculousness of it so far, will definitely keep watching.


Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace 3

I found the episode pretty sad (though it moved a bit too fast, overall). There is a disconnect between the mood of the case and the mood before/after it, but I appreciated it as it felt a way to highlight the aspect of solving cases without getting hung up about the ugliness of those cases, which is also why I like Kobayashi's personality.
Ushio to Tora 01-03

This show is so fucking 90s I feeling like I just downed half a Surge and a box of Dunkaroos just from the opening alone.


Prison School 2
I didn't know R Kelly was in this. This anime is...I don't even know you guys. It's filthy.

Monster Musume 2
#Dead. This show is the funniest shit I've seen in a long time, and maybe the best harem anime since Urusei Yatsura.


Revolutionary Girl Utena 39

Where was this show all of my life? I loved everything about it. It was absurd, silly, dark, and at times, thought provoking. By the end, there wasn't a single character I wasn't attached to in some way. If the Japanese blu rays were subbed, I'd import them in a heartbeat. As it stands, I'll wait not so patiently for Nozomi to bring them over next year.


Revolutionary Girl Utena 39

Where was this show all of my life? I loved everything about it. It was absurd, silly, dark, and at times, thought provoking. By the end, there wasn't a single character I wasn't attached to in some way. If the Japanese blu rays were subbed, I'd import them in a heartbeat. As it stands, I'll wait not so patiently for Nozomi to bring them over next year.

Time for the movie.


Watched EVO for the whole day, so drained. Maybe I should start the third season of Working!!! tho.

Hah same. I really wanted to watch Classroom Crisis but I didn't want to miss a good match. Good time now I guess since I'll be watching Xrd tomorrow.
Monster Musume 2
#Dead. This show is the funniest shit I've seen in a long time, and maybe the best harem anime since Urusei Yatsura.

Like Metroid said above, you're gonna have a lot of individuals that will argue otherwise.

And putting it in the likes of Urusei Yatsura is gonna tick someone off.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
And yeah, I am comparing the attitude that prioritizes subject matter over the actual work to the approach of your average newspaper film critic. Just look how little you have to say about Devil Blues other than it's basic plot.

As opposed to this?

has tits and poop jokes and watersports (all great stuff on their own)

All the key elements that elevate Prison School above other smut comedies, the exaggerated mannerisms, the intensity, the psychological drama, the quality of the art and surreal battle of wits were present in Me and the Devil Blues.

As I've mentioned, the combination of psychological thriller with smut isn't new. You can say that Hiramato is the best at it; there's an argument there. You can even argue that, as cohesive works, Prison School is better than Me and the Devil Blues. Regardless of subject matter, Hiramoto is constantly improving his particular brand of storytelling so it is not controversial to say that a later work shines brighter than an earlier one.

But the original point of contention was about ambition. There can be no question that Me and the Devil Blues is far more ambitious than Prison School can ever hope to be, because the chances of a work like Devil Blues being made is almost zero. What is more ambitious? The return to familiar, marketable territory or the creation of art that has personal value against all societal opposition? What do you think ambition even is?

Perhaps you're confusing merit with ambition? Because the two are not the same thing.
1st two episodes of the GATE anime and I really like the premise and it's fun seeing how badly a medievel army would get destroyed by modern ones.

I'm hearing it's gonna turn into some shitty harem crap though which would be an incredible waste of potential.


1st two episodes of the GATE anime and I really like the premise and it's fun seeing how badly a medievel army would get destroyed by modern ones.

I'm hearing it's gonna turn into some shitty harem crap though which would be an incredible waste of potential.
It still has the army in a fantasy world theme still in it and it isn't as crappy as you think it becomes. At least compared to other things.


Prison School
The Shirobako team is locked in this prison of shit that for the longest time seemed to be a revenge tract for Me and The Devil Blues (Turns out the author's just a wierdo).

There is no Justice, Only Zull.


Subete no aware
Endless Eight 9 Nagato Yuki 16



So if you have to make a reference to something, I feel like this is how you do it. You use visual references that hint at the past work, but you don't have someone in the show go "boy this summer feels ENDLESS". For someone who has somehow never watched Haruhi, the reference doesn't detract from the episode because it's simply a standard summer romance story. But for the people who know what Endless Eight is, they get a small thrill (or some wartime flashbacks) out of seeing them seemingly poking fun of a past series.

I think I immediately reacted when I saw Kyon's living room and was dreading the "Kyon-kun denwa" line. Good times. lol


Subete no aware
If the series is going to make a point about gender (and that's a big if), I suppose it will happen little by little, over the course of many episodes, as the series progresses further. Two eps isn't enough. From what I know of the manga, later the "setup" of the series changes, so making a judgment right now would be too early.
That's a very reasonable impulse, but you need to be careful bringing your Western sense of gender politics to a work produced in a nation where there's still always a female employee bringing tea out to guests at a meeting and women are expected to leave their careers once they marry or have kids. The 60s never happened in Japan. Feminism isn't a powerful cultural force.

It still has something to say about gendered performance of sexuality (though probably not a lot), but it shouldn't be viewed as a commentary on contemporary feminism.
I'm sure this will be taken the wrong way, but I do think that RKB had at least a feminist message. Certainly it's what made all the loliball pandering somewhat justifiable. lol

Having the female characters hate men just because they're men just seems... well, like they're trying to make the women villains.

It seems clear to me, at least, that we're supposed to be laughing at everyone because they're all terrible, terrible people. As for the actual position of the show, I find it hard to judge what they show is saying at this point considering everything is so overblown for the purposes of comedy.
I think instinctively I want to identify or sympathize with the female characters anyway. That's probably why I have an issue with what I've seen so far.

i loved endless eight so much

i gave up on yuki chan a while back unfortunately
As a fan of shoujo, I think it's fine. At the moment I think it's better than that Red Hair anime anyway.
I guess if you're expecting Haruhi S3, there's nothing here for you.


Oh man that reminds me to watch the Haruhi movie, I finished the anime like 2 months ago but still need to watch that.


Man people are gonna love you for that one, paging Envelope

Like Metroid said above, you're gonna have a lot of individuals that will argue otherwise.

And putting it in the likes of Urusei Yatsura is gonna tick someone off.

LOL they can argue or be ticked off all they like. They can't take my monster girls away from me :p

Seriously though - the harem genre is by and large pretty dumb, and Monster Girls by taking it to its absurdist extremes while also answering the questions its own premise begs ("What would you have to do to accommodate an 8 foot long snake-person?"), makes it rise above its baser nature. It's part so-bad-it's-good, part surprisingly thoughtful, and entirely good natured. It's also refreshing to have an MC who actually wants to hook up w/ his harem (almost) as much as they want to hook up with him, but an arbitrary outside force is preventing them, rather than any sort of fedora m'lady shit.

And Smith-san has the potential to be the world's greatest troll.

I know there's only been two episodes so far and it has plenty of time to crash and burn, but I legit super enjoy this show so far.


Subete no aware
LOL they can argue or be ticked off all they like. They can't take my monster girls away from me :p

Seriously though - the harem genre is by and large pretty dumb, and Monster Girls by taking it to its absurdist extremes while also answering the questions its own premise begs ("What would you have to do to accommodate an 8 foot long snake-person?"), makes it rise above its baser nature. It's part so-bad-it's-good, part surprisingly thoughtful, and entirely good natured. It's also refreshing to have an MC who actually wants to hook up w/ his harem (almost) as much as they want to hook up with him, but an arbitrary outside force is preventing them, rather than any sort of fedora m'lady shit.

And Smith-san has the potential to be the world's greatest troll.

I know there's only been two episodes so far and it has plenty of time to crash and burn, but I legit super enjoy this show so far.

Honestly after I'm the Main Character of a Harem Manga, but I'm Gay so Every Day is Hell for Me, I think even my sainted Infinite Stratos just can't compare to the new king of harem premises.
Ushio to Tora 03

I love these villian of the week shows, especially since all the core aspects of this one are so enjoyable, I love how Ushio interacts with everyone. I just hope that the show is going to stay like this and isn't going to force some complex arc that takes up half the episodes.

I also like that Ushio isn't a pushover, he even held his own against that third-year.
Classroom Crisis 03

It's getting a bit better, maybe we'll be looking at something worthwhile after a few episodes, but as the show itself said:

I still don't understand why they're throwing around all these huge numbers without explaining the context, it creates a huge disconnection between the viewer and the show, most of it doesn't even make sense anyway.
They said that the upkeep of the old building costed more money than that the students would be able to make back during their lifetime, doesn't that mean that they're basically screwed already because their spaceship crashed? I think that costed a few billions.
Why don't they just close down A-TEC already? It's not like the kids couldn't find any other place to work so nobody would complain.
The way they're doing it right now is the most inefficient way possible, that "villian" has some hidden masterplan so I can understand why he doesn't want to close it down immediately though.

The scene where half of the kids left was also not that impactful, I didn't even know who most of them were, I only recognized like one of the girls

The accountant lady is also stupid, if she's such a "pro" why is she breaking all of the accountant guidelines, I wouldn't really say that trying to fuck the boss is a professional thing to do.

I still enjoyed this show in a way, I don't know if it's going to be good in the end, I guess that half off the class leaving A-TEC is a good analogy of the viewerbase of this show.


Sailor Moon Crystal Episode 26:

So ends the first revival series of Sailor Moon, it has been a rough journey but it got better in the latter parts and the tease of infinity is rife.
Those 2 weeks without Soma made me realize just how much my Fridays will suck once the series ends. Just like when SNAFU ended, I will ask again, why must all nice things come to an end :( I am hoping that the huge success from the series, plus the shitload of source material that is out warrants a season 2 announcement as soon as the last episode airs. This is the type of show that shouldn't be a one or two cour, it should just keep on going. I haven't enjoyed a show like this in a while.

Gangsta is really good. I'm loving it so far. There are so many questions that need to be answered about the Dogtags and Worick

Folks seemed to be wary of this show when it first aired, but as the weeks went by I am starting to see more and more positive comments like this. I totally agree, This last episode totally sold me to the whole thing. Now they just gotta keep the momentum going. I like how Alex acts as a personification of us the viewer in that world, trying to explore more of everything around her, asking the same questions that we are wondering about in our heads as we watch. Plus the OP is great.


I finished season 1 of Space Dandy.
Unfortunately some of the last episodes aren't quite as good as the rest,but it's still a really good show.
As usally I will take a break from the series for now,but I will come back.

SHIMONETA: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn't Exist Ep 1-2
This anime is clever, funny and lewd. So far I really like it,but I'm worriyed that the series might get boring after a while.
Although,it might be worth waiting for an uncensored version.
Pretty good OP and ED,too.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes Ep 40-42
Episode 40 was an history documentation. It was quite entertaining,even though it was basically 20 mitues of exposition.
They way it was told really helped as well as the several mini character arcs.

41-42 were the set up for Operation Ragnorok,the biggest offensive of the Empire against the Free Planets Alliance yet.
The Alliance is in a really big pinch.Yang Wenli predicted the next move of the empire,but was unable to convince the politicians of preparing conuter measures.
Can he and the other commanders save the day?

Whatever might happen it's going to be amazing.
Folks seemed to be wary of this show when it first aired, but as the weeks went by I am starting to see more and more positive comments like this. I totally agree, This last episode totally sold me to the whole thing. Now they just gotta keep the momentum going. I like how Alex acts as a personification of us the viewer in that world, trying to explore more of everything around her, asking the same questions that we are wondering about in our heads as we watch. Plus the OP is great.

This might be the sleeper hit of the summer.

Let's hope it doesn't go down a dumb path.

That OP thou


Classroom Crisis 03

It's getting a bit better, maybe we'll be looking at something worthwhile after a few episodes, but as the show itself said:

I still don't understand why they're throwing around all these huge numbers without explaining the context, it creates a huge disconnection between the viewer and the show, most of it doesn't even make sense anyway.
They said that the upkeep of the old building costed more money than that the students would be able to make back during their lifetime, doesn't that mean that they're basically screwed already because their spaceship crashed? I think that costed a few billions.
Why don't they just close down A-TEC already? It's not like the kids couldn't find any other place to work so nobody would complain.
The way they're doing it right now is the most inefficient way possible, that "villian" has some hidden masterplan so I can understand why he doesn't want to close it down immediately though.

The scene where half of the kids left was also not that impactful, I didn't even know who most of them were, I only recognized like one of the girls

The accountant lady is also stupid, if she's such a "pro" why is she breaking all of the accountant guidelines, I wouldn't really say that trying to fuck the boss is a professional thing to do.

I still enjoyed this show in a way, I don't know if it's going to be good in the end, I guess that half off the class leaving A-TEC is a good analogy of the viewerbase of this show.

Well, as we found out
the older brother (current CEO)
is actually the villian and not who we thought last week.
There is a larger conspiracy going on with the dismissal and all the finances of the A-TEC team as the hottie accountant uncovered
a lot of shit is going down all at once with two different plots playing a big role between the remaining students of A-TEC working to be successful with basically no budget and the corporate battle within the family.

Fuck, looks like the "promo" anime is working again, hopefully, they do it right and give us a full story though.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Prison School 2
Yours truly was impressed with this...episode!
Pacing was still fast, but at least it was better than the first...episode!
Also, Hana best...girl!
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