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Summer Anime 2015 |OT| SharingMana

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Pikachu did nothing wrong.

Ummm, that abomination is not an actual Pokémon, right?
Gintama 182

This episode is brilliant, so glad this is an arc. What better way to use the 180 episodes of buildup for all the characters and their traits then an arc about a popularity poll? It's genius. I also love it they added the numbers to the ED as well.

That top 5, I have been watching a show about pretty boy samurai for fujoshi all along! You wanna talk about screentime, Takesugi has been in like 4 episodes!


Nope, your metaphor of factories rushing to complete something on time is what really happens. The schedule breakdowns are very common (especially for places like A-1) and you need to contract out cuts to people who are already swamped and there's little time to catch up (see the delays people whine about from CR).

It's impossible for someone outside production to pinpoint exactly the cause of a delay. The "production manager/desk/etc" is your scapegoat in charge of keeping things on schedule, but if your big animators send you sub-quality work, you have to have it corrected, which takes time away from something else and then you have to balance quality/time. It's a tough position for anyone to be in. With revenue as fluid as it is, studios need to ensure they survive by taking on whatever they can, much to the detriment of the actual animator/painting/photography staff.

Well, that's regrettably unfortunate. Makes it seem like a miracle when we get a show where the staff seem to have truly cared to produce something worthy of the original source material (for adaptations), or something that stands out due to its quality in general.

I mention Toei and Sunrise not because of their actual animation production style, but of being the driving force behind production in the re-make/Gundam sense. Those studios have enough financial support (from Toei Group/Bandai Namco respectively) to foot the bill of various shows and can push them much like KyoAni does on a smaller scale. Being able to be big enough to take those risks and pull it off is very rare for studios and it's why that model won't work for everyone. From a business sense, I'd love to see it happen, but realistically it wouldn't work due to the small buyers.
So more for their ability to be self-reliant, then?


Snow White with the Red Hair (Akagami no Shirayuki-hime)ep.1-2
Well, this one has my attention. The first thing you notice is just how colorful and beautiful the world is. Then the character introductions have been very well done by showing us some of their attributes. The story feels kinda forced/rushed with everything that happened to our heroine so quickly, but I'm guessing she will get a quite moment or two later.... hopefully. It is amazing how well she handles herself so far, but I'm sure we will see more Raj/Zen drama is the future. Dat red hair is a beautiful thing of fate, lol. I'll be following this one the rest of the way. Zen better be the hero he represents going forward, no twisted shit, lol.


Rokka no Yuusha - 3
It was ok, not great. Borderline boring, till the end.

+Looks pretty most of the time.
+Adlett with the smoke bomb and later the mirror
-Ending action scene was pretty ballin

-Princess continues to be useless.
-CG monsters and effects
-Monotone girl is the fucking worst. Definitely one of my most hated tropes in anime. Honestly made me want to drop the show right then and there. Painful to listen to.
Symphogear - 13 [End]

I like whenever a show foreshadows something in the beginning, which you totally forget about, until they revisit it in the end and you go "oh right, that scene existed huh".
The space part in particular encapsulates what I like about this show - over the top stupid fun and silly action - because fuck logic.

When the villain basically went 'fuck this shit' mode, and
pulled off a part of the moon (while still on earth)
with her weapon, I just threw my hands in the air and thought "sure why not!!"
Everything else about this season besides a few characters and one or two dialogue gems, was pretty meh. I hope the next season features Genjuro more, that guy is great.

that is a sword


WarioWare anime when?

Sailor Moon Crystal

I've held off on commenting on this series, mostly since I don't want to be too negative here. But this was not a good show. At all. I don't hold the original anime in a very high regard, but it at least had lots of fun characters you could like. Here? The plot is extremely meh. The production values issues have been well documented. The action was okay at best. The tone was way too serious (until a couple episodes near the end). A magical girl show needs some self-awareness. Nothing was well put together. It made me wonder what people see in the manga.

The worst part was the characters. The villains were all meh. The Four Kings redemption didn't work here because they had no distinguishing personalities. All care for them would come from the first anime, and they didn't earn any feels on their own merits. The Sisters were literally glorified monsters of the week. The other villains ranged from serviceable to just meh.

The Inner Senshi were just lol-worthy. They spent most of their time getting beaten up, captured, or killed by almost any villain that even tried. Some guardians they were. They barely got any character development either, as all the screen-time went to Usagi and her issues. Any development they got was told more than anything. Rei didn't have a personality. Makoto was a non-entity. Ami was the same Ami she always was. She was best of the useless trio since she could at least be smart occasionally. Minako was the best overall thanks to not sitting out the second half and getting some kills, but when that performance was the best, there's a problem. They really might as well have not existed in the second half. Pluto was alright though I guess.

But at least Usagi was a good character, right? Ehhhh, no. I think she's just destined to be a lousy character. The dissonance between whiny crybaby and all-loving messiah doesn't mesh well. And for someone who isn't supposed to be relying on men her boyfriend sure saved her a bunch. Speaking of Mamoru, I actually kind of like him, but he just is not compelling for the amount of screen-time he gets. Okay, he loves her. We got that the first six times. But both are at least tolerable, which is something compared to the Pink Spore. I wanted to like Chibi-Usa, but there was never an opportunity to do so. First she's basically a villain, brainwashing people and keeping important facts a secret. Then it turns out she caused everything, and she becomes permanently depressed before we get a chance to get to know the usual her. There's no shock or whatever at seeing crying Chibi-Usa because that was the one seen most often.

All in all, not a great anime that does Sailor Moon justice. If that was the manga, they should've deviated more. Or at least give it the budget it deserves. I'll come back for Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn, but this does not make me excited for an eventual Crystal sequel.

John Blade


Just finish the show just now and will say, this is the most entertainment show I have watch and it keep me hook into it right to the end.

Before I actually watch this show or even own the copy, I heard a lot of stuff about the show from it's a boring show to the story arch change quite a bit from 3/4 of the show or the 1st half of the show, they don't explain much of what is happening. I will say, this is truth in this flaw of the show but if you're a bit patient, a lot of stuff of what is happening in the show will be slowly explain to us.

I guess, what make me take a plunge is mostly the character art design which catch my attention and still is today. Also, the mix of steam punk theme make me interested to watch.

I guess the main story of the show is you follow Claus and Lavie who are childhood friends and they dream which is to follow their father footsteps which is to become the best vanship couriers. Along the way, they got themselves into a situation where their meet another vanship couriers who have a little child name Alvis which need to be save. Saving this girl take both of them into a long fun and dangerous journey which they didn't really want to get into. The development (for the most part) of the show storyline is interesting to follow. You start to see different division of force in this world who fight against each other. Also, because of how they develop the world, it might be the few steam punk show you can find in Anime and you can see where they take the idea from.

For the Animation, I gotta to say, love the CG animation with the normal hand drawn animation in the show. It fit so well in this show that you don't think it's off looking. Also, I am guessing the steam punk look make it even more easier. Will say one of the bigger strength of the show.

For character development, will give them a thumb up. They put a lot of effort to make the characters in the show work well in the context of the story. Also, they try to make the characters in the show to have this realism feels, basically react the same way an average people will react in the situation they in. Another thumb up here.

Even with the strength, they're some issue I have in the show. I guess, it's too raw right now and didn't let it sink in a bit. Still, here are few questions I have.

What is Delphine or the Guild want from the Exile? Is it more power or not letting the human have control of it? From what I gather, the Guild is a very powerful force and in theory can control the people life based on how strong they're in military. I might have miss something which explain it but would be better if someone explain that part of the question.

What is happening with the Disith force and people? It say it was retreating as they homeland was destroy but no mention about this in the show. You see in one episode of people evaluate and try to escape but unfortunately, something happened and a lot of people die from the evaluation.

Dio story arch was interesting in some way but end very quickly near the end of the show. It kinda sad as he is someone who could have more potential in the story after what have happened to him.

Still, with the issue, it's a good show to watch and would recommend anyone to watch this show (mostly at people who love steam punk style work).



Just finish the show just now and will say, this is the most entertainment show I have watch and it keep me hook into it right to the end.

Before I actually watch this show or even own the copy, I heard a lot of stuff about the show from it's a boring show to the story arch change quite a bit from 3/4 of the show or the 1st half of the show, they don't explain much of what is happening. I will say, this is truth in this flaw of the show but if you're a bit patient, a lot of stuff of what is happening in the show will be slowly explain to us.

I guess, what make me take a plunge is mostly the character art design which catch my attention and still is today. Also, the mix of steam punk theme make me interested to watch.

I guess the main story of the show is you follow Claus and Lavie who are childhood friends and they dream which is to follow their father footsteps which is to become the best vanship couriers. Along the way, they got themselves into a situation where their meet another vanship couriers who have a little child name Alvis which need to be save. Saving this girl take both of them into a long fun and dangerous journey which they didn't really want to get into. The development (for the most part) of the show storyline is interesting to follow. You start to see different division of force in this world who fight against each other. Also, because of how they develop the world, it might be the few steam punk show you can find in Anime and you can see where they take the idea from.

For the Animation, I gotta to say, love the CG animation with the normal hand drawn animation in the show. It fit so well in this show that you don't think it's off looking. Also, I am guessing the steam punk look make it even more easier. Will say one of the bigger strength of the show.

For character development, will give them a thumb up. They put a lot of effort to make the characters in the show work well in the context of the story. Also, they try to make the characters in the show to have this realism feels, basically react the same way an average people will react in the situation they in. Another thumb up here.

Even with the strength, they're some issue I have in the show. I guess, it's too raw right now and didn't let it sink in a bit. Still, here are few questions I have.

What is Delphine or the Guild want from the Exile? Is it more power or not letting the human have control of it? From what I gather, the Guild is a very powerful force and in theory can control the people life based on how strong they're in military. I might have miss something which explain it but would be better if someone explain that part of the question.

What is happening with the Disith force and people? It say it was retreating as they homeland was destroy but no mention about this in the show. You see in one episode of people evaluate and try to escape but unfortunately, something happened and a lot of people die from the evaluation.

Dio story arch was interesting in some way but end very quickly near the end of the show. It kinda sad as he is someone who could have more potential in the story after what have happened to him.

Still, with the issue, it's a good show to watch and would recommend anyone to watch this show (mostly at people who love steam punk style work).

Told you it was great man :D

Claus and Lavie are a great pair. Also Dio is really fun.
be sure to check out Fam the silver wing!
Let me help you with that list. This is what you should be watching:

I'll get around to it eventually!

Edit: Last Exile is amazing! One of my favorite anime. I watched a few episodes of the second season that came out, but never got around to finishing it. Will have to make time to watch that eventually too.
I just want to say, thank you, for actually bringing a shred of reasonable discourse to this topic. You wouldn't think it would actually be necessary to spell it out in such detail but, here we are.

You know if you have a problem with what I'm saying you can actually try replying to my post. I'm sorry if my reasoning is offensive to you.
Charlotte 3

Well that was a decent episode. So I guess for a few episodes we're gonna have the Student Council go after individuals with powers. Now I understand why Maeda said the first 6 episodes would be boring.


You know if you have a problem with what I'm saying you can actually try replying to my post. I'm sorry if my reasoning is offensive to you.

Prison School is made for a particular audience and serves it well. Its not for everyone but those who like it seem to love it.
I dont like that particular genre, but I respect that the show knows exactly what it is and who is watching it. It isnt pretentiously trying to pretend its more than that.
Gintama 183

Arc continues to be amazing. The Fist of the North Star parody at the beginning was great but the MS Paint OP, holy shit. I'm dead. I always knew Otae was actually the most dangerous character in Gintama.

Anyway why do popularity polls happen so rarely? I think One Piece has 5 and that series is like 17 years old.

19 more eps and I can cross you off my list since I was only holding you responsible for the first 201 eps!

Oh yeah forgot that was why I started this in the first place. Although when I started there were 260 or so episodes fyi.

Symphogear - 13 [End]

I like whenever a show foreshadows something in the beginning, which you totally forget about, until they revisit it in the end and you go "oh right, that scene existed huh".
The space part in particular encapsulates what I like about this show - over the top stupid fun and silly action - because fuck logic.

When the villain basically went 'fuck this shit' mode, and
pulled off a part of the moon (while still on earth)
with her weapon, I just threw my hands in the air and thought "sure why not!!"
Everything else about this season besides a few characters and one or two dialogue gems, was pretty meh. I hope the next season features Genjuro more, that guy is great.

I actually liked S2 better, and it has more Genjuro. Chris also becomes part of the team so that makes it better from the start
Working!!! S3 1

I know it's supposed to be a joke and funny (and a tease in some ways) but I really hate how they keep
finding Otoo's wife and she keeps disappearing. Give the poor man what he's been searching for, for the last 2 seasons.

But other than that irritation... Yay! More Working!!!

Charlotte 3

Well that was a decent episode. So I guess for a few episodes we're gonna have the Student Council go after individuals with powers. Now I understand why Maeda said the first 6 episodes would be boring.

You keep saying that but continue to never link to him saying it.


Oh yeah forgot that was why I started this in the first place. Although when I started there were 260 or so episodes fyi

First series is 201 eps then it came back after a year as Gintama' or some such. Asking you to watch 260 episodes would have been cruel so I opted for the manageable 201.


For you.
Hey guys, I've been out of the Anime scene for quite a while. I'm looking for recommendations of Animes released in the last 5 years. Looking mainly for the genres of Crime/Mistery, Mindgames, Horror and Sports(though other genres are fine too).

Just finished watching Mirai Nikki. Really liked it, and shit gets dark!
Definitely one of my favorites now.
Just a shame that the main plot twist could be seen thousand of miles away lol.
Working!!! S3 1

I know it's supposed to be a joke and funny (and a tease in some ways) but I really hate how they keep
finding Otoo's wife and she keeps disappearing. Give the poor man what he's been searching for, for the last 2 seasons.

But other than that irritation... Yay! More Working!!!

You keep saying that but continue to never link to him saying it.

It was said on 4chan, where a scan of the interview was translated. I can't link it because it was shown before Charlotte had aired yet and I didn't save it.

Anyway he probably meant that the first 6 episodes would be pretty tame and then things would start to shift gears.
Hey guys, I've been out of the Anime scene for quite a while. I'm looking for recommendations of Animes released in the last 5 years. Looking mainly for the genres of Crime/Mistery, Mindgames, Horror and Sports(though other genres are fine too).

Just finished watching Mirai Nikki. Really liked it, and shit gets dark!
Definitely one of my favorites now.
Just a shame that the main plot twist could be seen thousand of miles away lol.

One Outs would hit both the Mindgames and Sports genres.
Hey guys, I've been out of the Anime scene for quite a while. I'm looking for recommendations of Animes released in the last 5 years. Looking mainly for the genres of Crime/Mistery, Mindgames, Horror and Sports(though other genres are fine too).

Sports -

Ping Pong the Animation
Yowamushi Pedal

Mindgames -


Crime/Mystery -

Psycho Pass (YMMV)


A Good Citizen
Hey guys, I've been out of the Anime scene for quite a while. I'm looking for recommendations of Animes released in the last 5 years. Looking mainly for the genres of Crime/Mistery, Mindgames, Horror and Sports(though other genres are fine too).

Just finished watching Mirai Nikki. Really liked it, and shit gets dark!
Definitely one of my favorites now.
Just a shame that the main plot twist could be seen thousand of miles away lol.
ping pong


Hey guys, I've been out of the Anime scene for quite a while. I'm looking for recommendations of Animes released in the last 5 years. Looking mainly for the genres of Crime/Mistery, Mindgames, Horror and Sports(though other genres are fine too).

Just finished watching Mirai Nikki. Really liked it, and shit gets dark!
Definitely one of my favorites now.
Just a shame that the main plot twist could be seen thousand of miles away lol.

From The New World
Steins Gate
Madoka Magica
Gintama 183

Arc continues to be amazing. The Fist of the North Star parody at the beginning was great but the MS Paint OP, holy shit. I'm dead. I always knew Otae was actually the most dangerous character in Gintama.

Anyway why do popularity polls happen so rarely? I think One Piece has 5 and that series is like 17 years old.

One of the best, most unique, and cheapest Opening I have ever seen.

I pretty much was dead on the floor when I saw this.
Hasn't it been one month and still no Blood Blockade Battlefront finale? Does anyone even care anymore? I don't think I will even bother watching it.

I still care and probably will be the only one, but it doesn't matter because a season 2 is all but confirmed by now. Vol 2 of the BD is out of stock, it's selling really really well.

Though the problem is that they can't get a timeslot to air the last episode on TV because it's more than 30 mins. Plus you usually get a timeslot in advance of time due to airing schedule. Hopefully Bones finds a way sooner.


Hey guys, I've been out of the Anime scene for quite a while. I'm looking for recommendations of Animes released in the last 5 years. Looking mainly for the genres of Crime/Mistery, Mindgames, Horror and Sports(though other genres are fine too).
ping pong
aku no hana
tatami galaxy
kuuchuu buranko
gatchaman crowds
Hey guys, I've been out of the Anime scene for quite a while. I'm looking for recommendations of Animes released in the last 5 years. Looking mainly for the genres of Crime/Mistery, Mindgames, Horror and Sports(though other genres are fine too).

Just finished watching Mirai Nikki. Really liked it, and shit gets dark!
Definitely one of my favorites now.
Just a shame that the main plot twist could be seen thousand of miles away lol.

Shinsekai Yori
Madoka Magica
Hey guys, I've been out of the Anime scene for quite a while. I'm looking for recommendations of Animes released in the last 5 years. Looking mainly for the genres of Crime/Mistery, Mindgames, Horror and Sports(though other genres are fine too).

Just finished watching Mirai Nikki. Really liked it, and shit gets dark!
Definitely one of my favorites now.
Just a shame that the main plot twist could be seen thousand of miles away lol.

Free! (Swimming)
Haikyuu!! (Volleyball)
Ginga E Kickoff (Soccer)
Ace of Diamond (Baseball)
Kurokan (Baseball)

are my suggestions.

M3: The Dark Metal is the leading horror, misty, anime.

And also obligatory Guilty Crown, Seraph of the End, and Gods Eater mention. It is a huge disservice to the animated media field if you dont watch these generation defining anime of millennials.
Working!!! 3

Plot progression yesssss! Not all the way through to the end but some progress at least!! Those two look too good together lol.

Charlotte 3

Teleportation-kun kills me every time. This episode was awesome. Them using their powers to trick the guy with the phone was awesome. Also the new girl
s are
great. That last bit hit me in the feels.
Hey guys, I've been out of the Anime scene for quite a while. I'm looking for recommendations of Animes released in the last 5 years. Looking mainly for the genres of Crime/Mistery, Mindgames, Horror and Sports(though other genres are fine too).

The second post of this thread has a fine list of anime recommendation threads that should give you lots of ideas of things to watch. That said, I'll give a rundown of what I consider to be the stuff you definitely shouldn't miss from 2011-present:

Blue Exorcist: The Movie
Colorful (movie)
Eccentric Family
Flowers of Evil
From the New World
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos
Gintama (TV + second film)
Girls und Panzer
Giovanni's Island
Jewelpet Kira Deco
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure TV
Kaiji S2
Kizuna Ichigeki
Kyousougiga TV
Little Witch Academia
Mushishi Zoku-Sho
Ping Pong
Rozen Maiden (2013)
Saint Young Men
Shounen Hollywood
Silver Spoon
Sound! Euphonium
Space Battleship Yamato 2199 (TV + movie)
Space Dandy
Tamako Love Story
The Tale of Princess Kaguya
Usagi Drop
Wandering Son
When Marnie Was There
The Wind Rises
Wolf Children
Yowamushi Pedal
Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta
World Trigger

Excellent episode with Yuma Kuga destroying everything. Satori-senpai looked so please at his performance and Chika's too.

But again yet another week (its like the 30th time) with an episode of CR subs having >2 errors in subs that could have easily been fixed with a proofread. Do their translators have no oversight?


Hey guys, I've been out of the Anime scene for quite a while. I'm looking for recommendations of Animes released in the last 5 years. Looking mainly for the genres of Crime/Mistery, Mindgames, Horror and Sports(though other genres are fine too).

Just finished watching Mirai Nikki. Really liked it, and shit gets dark!
Definitely one of my favorites now.
Just a shame that the main plot twist could be seen thousand of miles away lol.

Ping Pong
Flowers of Evil/Aku no Hana
From the New World/Shin Sekai Yori
Terror in Resonance/Zankyou no Terror

And also obligatory... Gods Eater mention. It is a huge disservice to the animated media field if you dont watch these generation defining anime of millennials.

There has been one episode.
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