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Summer Anime 2015 |OT| SharingMana

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Checked out Steins;Gate 01 again, it's funny how much more sense things make with context from the next episodes. Possible spoilers up till 10 I suppose.

-Suzuha is a 100 % time traveller. You could even see her at the roof with the satellite. (There is also a very weird cut of Okabe starring at her to him back in the building. As if they omitted something.)

- Okabe and Mayuri from the initial scene are clearly from the future too. They just came back to the point of beginning to save Kirisu/stop this whole thing from happening.

-It was clearly Okabe screaming.

-Mayuri is getting more and more suspicious as she disappeared in a rather crucial moment. Her lines about being a hostage stink too.

-Whoever murdered Kirisu in the initial timeline,(Suzuha?) failed to do that after Okabe sent his first accidental d-mail and overwrote the the timeline. (Not sure why this caused the "satellite" to crash though.

Will get through next two eps in a short bit.

Shimoneta 04

Link Man

Charlotte 4

Still highly enjoyable but I understand the comments about it not developing the characters much this episode. I think ultimately this episodes purpose was to show how the main four characters work together, now that we have the whole group. This was also an episode where Yu
questions why he was so happy to win the baseball game and help Tomori with her goal.

I think the next episode, if my theory is right, should change it up and start dropping hints about where the show is going.

This was also an episode in which
a boy obsesses over a girl's saliva.



Gatchaman Crowds Insight 4

Okay, Gelsandra is so going to be the villain. No any more doubts about that. Overall, it was a nice episode but a bit slow. I don't understand what the VAPE leader plans to do now. I mean, he wants CROWDS to go and he seems to slowly succeed on this but still, what's after that? Turning Rui bad? Also, I still don't get where Hajime-ssu stands on all of this.


Checked out Steins;Gate 01 again, it's funny how much more sense things make with context from the next episodes. Possible spoilers up till 10 I suppose.

-Suzuha is a 100 % time traveller. You could even see her at the roof with the satellite. (There is also a very weird cut of Okabe starring at her to him back in the building. As if they omitted something.)

- Okabe and Mayuri from the initial scene are clearly from the future too. They just came back to the point of beginning to save Kirisu/stop this whole thing from happening.

-It was clearly Okabe screaming.

-Mayuri is getting more and more suspicious as she disappeared in a rather crucial moment. Her lines about being a hostage stink too.

-Whoever murdered Kirisu in the initial timeline,(Suzuha?) failed to do that after Okabe sent his first accidental d-mail and overwrote the the timeline. (Not sure why this caused the "satellite" to crash though.

Will get through next two eps in a short bit.

Shimoneta 04

Its always fun to revisit Steins Gate after you watch it and see subtle hints of things to come. I really liked that about the series.
Hyouka 11.5 was great. I mean I adored just about every bit of character interaction in this show and this one had especially much awkwardness which is just the best.

Seriously, there's nothing better than well written characters (which Hyouka excels at) being in somewhat uncomfortable, awkward situations.

despite being a pool episode it thankfully lacked creepy third person fanservice shots. Instead there were either normal shots or Oreki's perspective, which again was amusing to follow.


Working!!! 4

Takanashi totally deserved that one from Inami, I ain't gonna lie.
Gentle nudges still count as "punches", right?

Meanwhile Satou has pretty much won already, all he needs to do is finish the job!
Nisekoi Working!!! 04

Square one, we meet again.
Even Kyoko's wing manning couldn't save this ship.

Is it just me or did the art look really bad this episode?

Satou is going to score next episode though.

Hyouka 11.5 was great. I mean I adored just about every bit of character interaction in this show and this one had especially much awkwardness which is just the best.

Seriously, there's nothing better than well written characters (which Hyouka excels at) being in somewhat uncomfortable, awkward situations.

despite being a pool episode it thankfully lacked creepy third person fanservice shots. Instead there were either normal shots or Oreki's perspective, which again was amusing to follow.

I loved it, I always liked the contained episodes (especially the last quarter of the show) more than the full arcs. 11.5 fits right in with that.


So I wasn't really planning on writing anything up till tonight but Narag wanted me to do a report on this panel so I'll do a mini one. So this panel was a fan analysis of themes and interpretations of Kill La Kill and normally I wouldn't bother commenting on it but I feel it's important to highlight the dangers of overreading into a text.

One of the first themes was that Satsuki and Ragyo's relationship is to mirror Japan/United States's relationship in a post WW2 Japan. There are multiple problems I have with this, the first being that Ragyo obviously exhibits a dominating personality but that's more typical of the usual alpha parent rather than anything with her exhibiting American traits. In fact she's closer to France due to the fashion aspect and her usage of French. It's no different than Walter's relationship in Breaking Bad with his son. Not to mention that Nakashima isn't really political in that manner with his other works.

For the Honnouji Town itself, it's not so much an analysis of Buddha stratification but the usual class system found in almost all dystopias. I suppose you can trace the very initial depictions in science fiction to Buddhist elements but it's such a common theme that unless the show brings something unique to the table, it's not worth attributing to Buddhism directly compared to the hordes of scifi/fantasy stories.

Another example has to do with tying Ryuuko to the traditional depiction of oni. While there are definitely connections, it's more likely holdovers from things such as Female Convict 701: Scorpion rather than any sort of direct inference on the part of Nakashima.

I mean, I honestly don't think Kill la Kill is coherent enough to hold together under that kind of analysis.
For me, 11.5 is like when
Michael Piller demanded that they write an episode that directly addressed the consequences of Best of Both Worlds Part 2.

I don't even know why I'm spoilering that, but I guess even the context of that production note is a spoiler for what happens in the film arc. lol

I have no idea what you're referencing there.

At any rate, I agree with this person that Hyouka 11.5 doesn't really offer any interesting characterization or thematic treatment, and when the backbone of the episode is based on such an insipidly stupid "mystery" that even engaging with it the way he did lowers my opinion of Oreki's intelligence, it's hard for me to care at all about it.
Working!!! 4

Satou is the man. Katanashi fucked up. Show continues to be just as enjoyable as always. I don't heart many of the ones saying it, but the ED is funky as all fuck and pretty damn great. The OP is decent, just not my favorite of the three.

Rokka 4

Oh look, people who can count the number of individuals in the OP aren't surprised by the outcome of the 'twist' at the end.


Subete no aware
I have no idea what you're referencing there.

At any rate, I agree with this person that Hyouka 11.5 doesn't really offer any interesting characterization or thematic treatment, and when the backbone of the episode is based on such an insipidly stupid "mystery" that even engaging with it the way he did lowers my opinion of Oreki's intelligence, it's hard for me to care at all about it.
I guess if you never watched TNG, then it wouldn't make sense. lol

I think it makes Oreki an actual human being instead of a character in a book, since it actually shows a progression for the character. If they went from the film arc to the festival arc directly, I would have thought much, much less of the show.


Subete no aware
When she holds him down


When she initiates the saliva kiss


That was the moment.

That is when the nice girl whose been there since the very beginning turns out to be best girl.

And. It. Was. Beautiful.

I don't want to say this show is good per se, but I think it's fitting that she equates sex with love, and basically goes to the other end of the spectrum to deal with her sexuality. It's a nice way to change the dynamic of the show while still making her the opposite of Kajo.

And I have no idea why, but I just enjoy watching this more than Prison School. Perhaps because it isn't as conflicted with whatever politics it espouses.


Gatchaman Crowds Insight Episode 4:

So that start of darkness is continuing in earnest as Gelarda is really making her or I suppose now his intentions with clarity and I wonder if Tsubasa is going to realize that she is about to live long enough to be the villain.


I am currently forcing myself through the Naruto Shippuden war arc. I am a couple of episodes before Naruto arrives at the battlefield (@282, skipping all fillers) and I am bored out of my mind. I actually liked the beginning of the war when
Kankuro and Sai fought Deidara and Sasori
but basically everything else has been a major drag. I'm actually a big Naruto fan and loved the whole Pain arc (especially
fight). I even loved the
Kage meeting
- that shit was hype. But this war is just too grand and thin. The fights are all lame. The whole
bringing people back to life
thing and every
village unites
to fight them is extremely contrived and very lazy too.

However, I was willing to accept these things because of the huge potential for amazing fights. There have been none so far. Now, I will soldier through the show no matter what. I just want some motivation. Does it get better? Is there a point where the fights start getting awesome, the animation improves (like the Pain fight) and the stakes go higher? I am hoping that
arrival is that point but I am scared that there will be more episodes of
sneaking into a medical camp...


Working!!! 4

Satou and Yachiyo is still progressing, yes! Hopefully Takanashi and Inami's relationship shows similar development. He's at least realizing his feelings now! Love the ED still.


Rokka 4

Oh look, people who can count the number of individuals in the OP aren't surprised by the outcome of the 'twist' at the end.

Don't know if it can even be called a 'twist' if it's even stated right in all descriptions of the show, lol. But anyway:

Rokka - 04

Who needs keys when you have bombs? Adlet is a really enjoyable main character and I like seeing him use all those tricks.
Finally all seven of them have gathered and I'm looking forward to next weeks traitor blaming. And seriously, those character designs. This is basically JRPG: The anime - and I'm liking it :p
Even though I knew it was coming, I don't think knowing about it in advance made it worse. I always had to laugh, whenever they shoved it in your face that their can ONLY be six Braves, no exceptions. Which was like 10 times per episode.

In conclusion: I'm still having a great time with Rokka. The show looks beautiful, animations aren't half bad, the characters are a unique and colorful bunch and the setting and mystery are interesting.
My only real complaint is those CG-fiends. They just look really out of place. I actually think the models themselves are pretty well done, but they clash so hard with everything else, that they look plain horrible in most shots.


I am currently forcing myself through the Naruto Shippuden war arc. I am a couple of episodes before Naruto arrives at the battlefield (@282, skipping all fillers) and I am bored out of my mind. I actually liked the beginning of the war when
Kankuro and Sai fought Deidara and Sasori
but basically everything else has been a major drag. I'm actually a big Naruto fan and loved the whole Pain arc (especially
fight). I even loved the
Kage meeting
- that shit was hype. But this war is just too grand and thin. The fights are all lame. The whole
bringing people back to life
thing and every
village unites
to fight them is extremely contrived and very lazy too.

However, I was willing to accept these things because of the huge potential for amazing fights. There have been none so far. Now, I will soldier through the show no matter what. I just want some motivation. Does it get better? Is there a point where the fights start getting awesome, the animation improves (like the Pain fight) and the stakes go higher? I am hoping that
arrival is that point but I am scared that there will be more episodes of
sneaking into a medical camp...

In general, Naruto went down the drain with the start of War Arc. It will never recover.

But yes, the stakes will go up and it gets a bit better when Naruto gets to the front (1,2 decent very short fights). I would say that the period of 322-346 is the highlight of the entire war. Episode 322 in particular is on par with N 133 or NS 167 and if judged by the quality of the fighting alone, it's my favourite.

Also don't skip the Chikara/Power filler arc. It's basically a movie shoved down into the TV slot and it has lot's of good animation.


Prison School ep. 3
OMFG, that bathroom scene, that classroom scene, and that ending, lol. This is some funny and disgusting stuff.
Working!!! S3 4

Tsk, I am gonna lose it if Satou and Yachio don't figure this out by the next episode.

However the whole Inami/Takanashi thing is developing very nicely.
Gatchaman 04

Oh boy, I didn't see that transformation coming. I love that he's going to be the president, I think that the Million-show has been the best part of this season, it fits in really well with the pacing of the show and allows for all these cool scenes about the Gatchman dealing with public situations. Too bad OD is going to be kicked though, I liked him.

I'm also digging Tsubaba's robot form, the whips are pretty cool.

It doesn't seem that this season is really going to adress the faults of season one though, shame.



Charlotte Episode 4

This show is starting to bore me, I may be dropping it in the next couple of episodes if the pace is not picked up here.
Gatchaman Crowds Insight 04


Translation: Hajime is actually right and knows the plot 7 episodes before us

These election rules seem really fucked but whatever. Gel is going to be the villain.

I didn't expect Gel to suddenly turn into an adult, that almost made me spit out my drink


In general, Naruto went down the drain with the start of War Arc. It will never recover.

But yes, the stakes will go up and it gets a bit better when Naruto gets to the front (1,2 decent very short fights). I would say that the period of 322-346 is the highlight of the entire war. Episode 322 in particular is on par with N 133 or NS 167 and if judged by the quality of the fighting alone, it's my favourite.

Also don't skip the Chikara/Power filler arc. It's basically a movie shoved down into the TV slot and it has lot's of good animation.

322-346 is a large range, enough for me to get hyped. Now I am motivated to get through it. Thanks!
It kinda struck me as a little weird that he had to say that. Why tell us that there's going to be a dramatic twist? If he's afraid that the audience are gonna drop it because it's boring or something he could remedy that by making the episodes prior to six as engaging as what comes after it.
Either that or he's getting us mentally prepared to get our minds blown. I don't mind the pace the show has right now, but I am kinda curious because of what he said. Hope this isn't another Samurai Flamenco lmfao!


I wanted to feel that too, but every time something tried to be art, it got really really boring.

I mean like Journey is pretty and all but people make it seem like something transcendent or life changing and its really not. Its unique and nice to look at. Has great music. but thats about it.
Gatchaman Crowds Insight 4

Aww so Gel-chan is going to end up as the Villain right? Damn I didn't see that transformation coming especially into a guy too. I wonder what's going to happen to Tsubasa in the long run. And what is Rui going to do if Crowds is eliminated and what action is Hajime going to take as well? I guess all of that will be answered in the upcoming episodes. Also how are you going to kick out OD, screw that Milli show. It seems almost everything is going according to Vape's plan.


New Funimation announcements:
Assassination Classroom Season 2

  • Funimation have acquired season two and it will premiere next year as it will be available for streaming alongside Japan.
Tokyo Ghoul Collector's Edition

  • Tokyo Ghoul Collector's Edition will be released as a Collector's edition and will contain Season 1 as a Blu-ray/DVD combo pack.
  • Out 22nd November 2015

Black Lagoon Collector's Edition

  • Black Lagoon Collector's Edition will be released as a Collector's edition Blu-ray and will contain Season 1 and Season 2 + Roberta's Blood Trail and will come in a special Ammo tin and will include a 60 page fill color art-book.
  • The series will also be available as standard Blu-ray/DVD combo pack.
  • Out this November.

Noein: To Your Other Self

  • Noein: To Your Other Self has been rescued from Manga Entertainment and will be released on Blu-ray this November.

Project Itoh

  • The Empire of Corpses, Genocidal Organ, and Harmony, three films based on the novels by the late Project Itoh will be released in 2016.

Speed Racer

  • Speed Racer will be released on Blu-ray and will contain Japanese audio with English subtitles as well as an English audio track.
  • No release date has been given.

Theatrical screenings:
Ghost in the Shell: The New Movie (ARISE)
  • In theaters this fall.
The Boy and the Beast
  • In theaters in 2016
Psycho-Pass: The Movie
  • In theaters in 2016
Gatchaman Crowds Insight 4
Very good dynamic between the ideals.
Gel-Chan growing up and running for Prime Minister
surprised me though. The election is certain to be exciting
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