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Summer Anime 2015 |OT| SharingMana

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First episode aside the rest of them haven't been any weirder or atmospheric than stuff like Serial Experiment Lain. I mean sure I'm 8 episodes in. Weakest aspect of the show so far is the lead, hopefully he'll get better.

It doesn't really have a clear lead, not once it gets rolling anyway. I have mixed feelings about the show. Some of ABe's best work, but the story meanders way too much. It should have been the usual 13.


Im so far behind this season, mostly because I started Gintama.

Shimoneta and School-Live! have been my stand outs.
Im so far behind this season, mostly because I started Gintama.

Shimoneta and School-Live! have been my stand outs.

to be fair though, postponing shitty shows to watch an amazing show isn't a bad thing.

Now I need to know what I need to do to get people here to watch Polar Bear Cafe. Y'all WILL watch it I swear it.


Wow, these are really good. I'm kinda interested in giving Texhnolyze a shot now so I can see what exactly this music accompanies.
Better prepare your liquor in advance:


And speaking of good Texh soundtrack, there's this too:


I've been plodding my way through Texhnolyze and am floored by how good the soundtrack is. The audio of the show in general is incredible, it's like a feast for my ears.






I raise you:

Unnamed track from ep 5. (spoilers for that ep obv)

Only One Warmth

A Far Away Lightning

Purity of Blade And Sentimentality

And a certain other song you've yet to hear.

Iconic Field

Less of a short, more of an assembly of scenes that walk you through some basic ideas of the story. Tittilation and the helicopter cockpit slapped on the mech aside, I quite liked it, neat designs, lovely animation. Would like to see more if it managed to keep to that level of execution through most of its run. Anybody know the name of the song from the last part. ? Really liked it.
First episode aside the rest of them haven't been any weirder or atmospheric than stuff like Serial Experiment Lain. I mean sure I'm 8 episodes in. Weakest aspect of the show so far is the lead, hopefully he'll get better.

Yeah, it's pretty similar to Lain.

I enjoy that it doesn't love to hear itself talk like Ergo Proxy did.
I've read some good things about Akitoshi Yokoyama's The Ultraman short which was added to the Animator's Expo theatrical run this weekend. It's supposedly very, very 70s, and super faithful to the tone of the original manga and the spirit of the franchise. Studio Pablo tweeted that they worked on backgrounds for the short, and I hear Hisashi Mori worked on it.

Cool. With Yokoyama, Pablo, and Mori on the job, this should be an amazing looking short. Not sure about the 70s comment, since I'm not a huge fan of the cheesy style of that time period, but we'll see how it goes. Best case scenario is that it'll be another Animator Expo short begging for a fuller treatment.

to be fair though, postponing shitty shows to watch an amazing show isn't a bad thing.

Now I need to know what I need to do to get people here to watch Polar Bear Cafe. Y'all WILL watch it I swear it.

Polar Bear Cafe is just average though. It's one of those harmless but dull shows. The comedic timing is sluggish and the jokes bland.

As far as animal shows go, I'm much more interested in Musicians of the Forest:


Joe Molotov

Working!!! 05

Okay, seriously, who did Souta think this mysterious guy that Inami was in love with was? He'd already ruled out Yamada 2 as the mystery suitor, so besides her dad, that leaves one guy that she's ever talked to in her entire life, apparently.


I'd heard things about how slow Texhnolyze is, but I'm sure it isn't that bad, right? Even if it is slow it's by the guy who did Lain, so it should be interesting at least.

Also, Ryushika Ryushika anime when?

It's that bad. It's only the artist and writer, different director. There are moments of brilliance, but lots and LOTS of slog.

The outtakes are wonderful, though. So good.


Is it really a slog though? Isn't that the beauty of such a show? The tranquility amidst the chaos. It's a phenomenal show. It wouldn't be Texhnolyze if it was any other way. Not a dull moment in my eyes, which sounds contradictory to the content and pacing, but it kept me engaged with each and every step from the word go.

John Blade

Is it really a slog though? Isn't that the beauty of such a show? The tranquility amidst the chaos. It's a phenomenal show. It wouldn't be Texhnolyze if it was any other way. Not a dull moment in my eyes, which sounds contradictory to the content and pacing, but it kept me engaged with each and every step from the word go.

I guess it's expectation. For me, the slow pace of the show isn't going to hurt me at all but you notice quite a few things when you're watching this show. For other, the slow pace make the show boring to watch and not surprise if quite a few of them stop watching way before it get to the interesting part.


Rokka 5

Every week I'm more and more convinced that
Bunny Girl is the 7th Brave, literally everything lines up for her to be the 7th and the series attempts to manipulate the audience into suspecting everyone but her. Adlet literally has a monologue about every other Brave but her about why they could or couldn't be the 7th, she's also the one who sent Adlet ahead alone to the temple which gets him in the predicament of being accused of being the 7th. The group drops suspicion of Flamie for not killing Adelt if she was the 7th and someone could use that to defend Bunnie Girl but I think it's more likely that she planned to use him to further draw suspicion away from her.

Best episode of the series so far, wonder how long they'll be able to keep the status quo before the story is forced to reveal who the 7th is.
There is also the point she can control swords and to turn on a barrier in a room no one could get into requires moving a sword. So its pretty much her.


It's beautifully slow. First ep feels like weed out material. :lol

I can see that. I was watching a Mega64 video recently and they were talking about how the first video they ever did started off with one of the cast (Derrick) silently eating porridge for a few minutes. At the premier of the episode a majority of the people booed and walked out, but they basically said that the people who stuck through it went through an initiation of sorts. If you could last through that, you'll be good for the rest of their content lol. All the people with small attention spans can leave at the exit sign, everyone else who stays is rewarded. I loved the first episode (of Texh)
Shimoneta Episode 1-3

This is awesome. I've gotten some great laughs and I can help but enjoy the silly innuendos. I hear episode 4 is quite...lewd. I'm ready.


Most recent update on Isao Takahata's next project status:

Tomatolise on Twitter: "My friend and I had a chance to talk a bit with Takahata last month. We asked him about his next film ...

Tomatolise on Twitter: "He said, "Perhaps I won't be able to make it, but yes, I'm currently preparing for it." Let's keep our ...

Still at it, apparently. On a related note, feels good to see that after the exodus Yoshiaki Nishimura has been a busy man; helping Mr. Anno fund 'ateliers' salvaged from the remnants of Studio Ghibli (he sure is putting the NGE money to good use lately), with the creation of his own studio too, most probably preparing for production tasks on Hiromasa Yonebayashi next film (at STUDIO PONOC?), and remember how he was also going to be the producer of this next Mr. Takahata project too... one has to wonder when all the lined works will really come to fruition.
There is also the point she can control swords and to turn on a barrier in a room no one could get into requires moving a sword. So its pretty much her.
It also requires being in the room to place your hand on the altar, I do agree that it's not some coincidence or anything. She or Maura is probably the traitor.


I'd heard things about how slow Texhnolyze is, but I'm sure it isn't that bad, right? Even if it is slow it's by the guy who did Lain, so it should be interesting at least.

After the first ~6 slow episodes, most of the set up, introducing of the characters and the setting is done and I'd say it starts to move at quite decent pace. I loved ep 1 from the beginning and on the rewatch, I managed to appreciate eps 2-6 too. Your mileage will vary I guess. It's not a Monster like atrocity at the very least.
Baby Steps 2 18:
Man, what a match and what an episode. This was just so exciting all throughout the whole thing. It was great seeing Ei-chan having to push harder as well as learning effective ways to deal with the pressure. Those final couple of games were just crazy.
That between the legs shot was just unreal after following up that drop shot, and seeing that back and forth was a lot of fun. That final point in particular was really tense, with the ball just barely getting in for him at the end.

This show just keeps me excited week in and week out. I'm already anxiously awaiting next Sunday.


Monster is a weird one. On one side you hear nothing but absolute admiration for it, held up as the golden standard, almost LOTGH-esque in the way in which it's held up. On the other side you hear (I admit, a much smaller amount of) people speak about it with disdain. I don't mean to paint things with broad strokes or in extremes, since some nuance is in order and not everything is black and white, and I also don't mean to insinuate that phaze hates the show (although he very well could, or maybe just aspects of it, since shows are made up of many different parts) but nevertheless it's something that I notice a lot. I guess it might be the marmalade of anime. Stick that on the cover. Eh, maybe its not that weird after all.


New Valkyrie Drive anime PV


Watching the fuck out of this

Yeah..Ill watch this.

Can you imagine the bloodshed around here when S3 finally airs? I'very heard there is some even more outrageous stuff in that one.

Seeing an I actually found things to enjoy in SAO2 I dont dread a third season. But it better have a character as great as Sinon to counteract the fuckery.


Shimoneta episode 5

Saturdays are officially crazy Anna day. She's one of the most entertaining characters in anime right now.


Can you elaborate on this? Monster is something else I haven't seen yet, but I've only ever heard positive things about it.

Liars every single one of them.

There is like, a 30-40 episode long stretch of Monster where important developments could be counted on one hand. The show spends an eternity on 1000 thousand different, superfluous side characters most of whom serve little or no purpose to the larger narrative.

I mean, there were quite a few critically and popularly acclaimed shows that fell flat for me but with most of them, I can tell what people see in them. Monster, with its combination of: hefty length, slow pacing, leaps of logic, stringing you along for the answers to the mysteries for 60 episodes only for those answers to be laughable, cop out ending is pretty much the only one I actively despise.

Edit: To not sound so overly negative, it's pretty well executed, it manages to really nail the mood and atmosphere in some scenes and while not being anything spectacular, the character arcs for most of the main cast are competent.


I read on the wikia or tvtropes that the guy is a right wing nutjob and they had to clean it up for the manga/anime/republished novels. Given how the Americans are presented, however briefly in the show, I can definitely see it.

I will say though, given Japan's mandate, joining the JDSF literally means doing nothing for your entire career but prepare for a war that can't happen because it's in no one's interest to fuck up Asia. I'm not sure you need a syfy adventure to help sell the life anyway. lol

It's tvtropes, I think. It doesn't really show up directly in the series too much, at least the manga). There's a few inklings of it specifically in how he setup the reasons for lack of US involvement and maybe on the depiction of US politicians though. It's a bit more amusing than anything unless the viewer has an axe to grind. There's actually a bit of lampshading of how stupid Japan has been in the manga too though I'm not sure if that was intentional or not, lol I guess it could be seen the other way too, lol
Can you elaborate on this? Monster is something else I haven't seen yet, but I've only ever heard positive things about it.

The thing that annoyed me about Monster was the repetition of flashbacks. Flashbacks can be a powerful narrative tool but the frequency of which they were used in Monster is mind numbing. Mind you, they do this to slowly unravel huge revelations that happened in the past and they are extremely important to the plot. After the umpteenth time of watching a flashback in which a character says 'Welcome home.', I was ready to blow my brains out.

It's a great anime but it could have trimmed a bit of fat off in the flashback department. That's my only complaint with it.


Thanks again for your advices! I will give Shokugeki no Soma a try.

That being said, there is one anime that I miss a lot: No Game No Life. That anime was fun and awesome ([ ] vs Jibril gave me a nerdgasm).
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