Dedication Through Light
So it's been a while since I've been in here since this season feels a bit dry.
Is there anything good outside of Soma for this season that I'm just overlooking?
Puzzle & Dragons Cross
Morose Mononokean
So it's been a while since I've been in here since this season feels a bit dry.
Is there anything good outside of Soma for this season that I'm just overlooking?
It's pretty clear from the previous episode with the other brilliant plan from him that he isn't exactly the brightest guy with the airtight plans. He relies on plans. That his whole plan revolved around his attempt to gain their trust with the truth, that's another story.![]()
Slowly, but surely, turning into Psycho Pass.
I like to believe that, if Don Orco could have chosen his fate, he would have loved to becomelasagna.
On other hand, I'm not a fan of this sequence. He basically told Nero "I'm going to pretend I want to kill you for revenge L O L", then told the Don the actual truth, all while hoping it didn't blow back in his face or Nero didn't find the whole thing suspicious.
Even discharging that, it felt like they were relying on luck and their enemies not noticing obvious things more than anything.
Is Twin Star Exorcists actually good? I dropped it after like 2 episodes.
So it's been a while since I've been in here since this season feels a bit dry.
Is there anything good outside of Soma for this season that I'm just overlooking?
I'm on vacation watching SAO.
Getting ready for that Hollow Realization, I see you homie.
It's good! While you can see that it's an 50 episode show with the animation at some places, it's great at the moment that counts.Is Twin Star Exorcists actually good? I dropped it after like 2 episodes.
Gundam Wing
Hmm, I admire when SZS plays experimental, but I found the first season grew too stale by the end to care about watching more.
I mean she's 19 years old according to setting, and LN artist design her looks like 9 in LN lol.
Trails of Cold Steel has me good. I think I may have played for well over 4hrs straight last night. Can't remember the last time I played a gaming session like that in a long time. The game is very much anime, but the amount of political/cultural elements in the storytelling make it not only engaging, but also educational to a certain extent. Heck the game has entire books in the school's library and out in the world dedicated to the lore from this world.
Basically if you enjoy anime (duh) with something a little more than just your average "teenage heroes saving the day" stories, you should give it a try.
Gundam Wing
+There were some characters I liked, [...] Relena.
It has one of the best mech fights of all time ]
They have good chemistry, good teamwork and had a lot of development together. Just compare them from the first episodes to now.I don't understand what some people see in the TSE duo. I checked out some bits of the show and they seem no different than any other bickering male and female anime duo.
It's obvious that if you only checked a few bits you wouldn't understand since I think they are the type of character that grow on you the more you watch. You sympathise with their struggle and your happy when they win. They don't start as much but they develop a LOT.I don't understand what some people see in the TSE duo. I checked out some bits of the show and they seem no different than any other bickering male and female anime duo.
The whole city battle. The Serpantes falling from the sky. The trio coming from space in their gundams and fighting a desperate battle, Heero nuking the base. I found it very impressive and it marked my mind.That would be ? Genuine question, I don't recall anything that impressive but it's been a while.
I don't understand what some people see in the TSE duo. I checked out some bits of the show and they seem no different than any other bickering male and female anime duo.
I'll pray for the Eupho movie, expect a Kizu BD import release, and see if RS provides an Utena update.That's fair, the series can be a bit repetitive at times. I don't know if you'd enjoy the second season if you tired of the first one so quickly, but it definitely gets more experimental in its presentation. Personally I love the silliness and creativity of season 2; it's my favorite anime comedy!
On a different note, there's a lot of panels at Otacon today from North American anime companies. Crunchyroll, Discotek, Pony Canyon, RightStuf, and Aniplex are all having panels today. I'm really excited to see what Discotek and RightStuf announce, and I'm hoping that Crunchyroll will share some more details on their home video releases too.
I'll pray for the Eupho movie, expect a Kizu BD import release, and see if RS provides an Utena update.
And of course I'll pray for Samurai Flamenco and Mushishi.
I keep forgetting that CR is going to be releasing shows, heh. I'm just really curious to see what their pricing structure will be like, and if it's worth the money per bitrate/IQ.Definitely hoping for some Kizu home media news along with our unreleased properties from Aniplex. Also hoping for some Utena news from RightStuf, though I'm also hoping for a BD release of Aria from them. A BD of The Rose of Versailles would be amazing too, but I'm not sure if they'd do that.
From Crunchyroll I'd love a release date for their Free S1 BD, and as for Discotek... there's a lot of things I'd love them to release, like the second Cardcaptor Sakura movie, or the 90s Berserk anime, or even a BD of Lupin III S1. I'm very excited to see what they have to show!
Do it. Watch it!My Internet is down, RIP. No idea when it'll be back. Having to use my shitty mobile Internet with 1gb cap. On a positive note I might actually use this time to actually watch something.
Saw the Euphonium post above, I should watch the show sometime. My brother absolutely loves that show. All I know is they cover Rydeen and I'm a huge YMO fan so that's cool.
I keep forgetting that CR is going to be releasing shows, heh. I'm just really curious to see what their pricing structure will be like, and if it's worth the money per bitrate/IQ.
I'll likely volunteer to be a guinea pig and buy whatever the first thing they put out is.
I keep forgetting that CR is going to be releasing shows, heh. I'm just really curious to see what their pricing structure will be like, and if it's worth the money per bitrate/IQ.
I'll likely volunteer to be a guinea pig and buy whatever the first thing they put out is.
More people need to watch Kill Me Baby.
Did I say guinea pig? I meant I'll watch from the sidelines.hope u like cg berserk
Discotek always getting shit done.
You're not BGBW
Did I say guinea pig? I meant I'll watch from the sidelines.
Let's just say if CR dangled the carrot over my head about '97 Berserk getting NA blurays if the new series sold well, I'd be ordering faster than you.
I can't really see Crunchyroll going after older anime for their home video releases, but they are just getting started after all. Maybe later down the line.
I don't either but I also think it'd be weird to have the property split up between so many NA licensees.
Amanchu! 06
Why is that cat wearing a diaper