Trigger Anime Expo Write-up-
Have you worshipped your goddess today?
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It should be noted that the resolution is shit, I couldn't film everything continuously (as my cellphone storage ran out), and I couldn't keep my cell phone straight for the entire filming. I filmed primarily the
Kiznaiver section but did take some notes for the
Space Patrol segment.
-Nico's original design was really cool. She looked more punk and was taller.
-Tenga's original design is pretty much identical to the version we got.
-Hisomu's original design is pretty sharpely different too. He looks like a Takeuchi (Fate/Stay) design with the purple hair and downtrodden expression. Nowhere near as flamboyant/bishounen as the current design.
-Yoneyama was the chief animation director.
-Yoneyama did image boards as well such as the opening in episode 1. Yoshinari did the animation for that sequence.
-Hard to see in the video but the gengas had a lot of coloring to them, especially the close-ups.
-Yoneyama cried while working on the final episode. Sushio did too, but it was from stress.
-Sushio focused on the motions and let Yoneyama touch up the details.
-Sushio ended up drawing a lot of Kamina when drawing Tenga.
-Experienced animators like Sushio had to work on the layouts, motions, and acting due to the number of characters. Was difficult to add numerous characters in a frame.
Shota Iwasaki was present and he talked about his work in episode 7.
-Iwasaki would fix up cuts on his own time. Project managers got annoyed when the cut bags go missing.
-Sushio fixed up a lot of scenes in episode 7, not just the larger ones.
-Kiznaiver's schedule was a lot better than Kill La Kill's, which they finished the day it aired.
-For Sushio, Gurren Lagann was his second youth. Kiznaiver was his third youth. Yoneyama said in the second panel that she agreed that Kiznaiver was her second youth.
-Sushio will work on the Little Witch Academia TV series. Watch the legend come back to life!
-The Kiznaiver BDs should have much better detail than the broadcast version.
-Imaishi is working on three new projects. It's unclear if Little Witch Academia is considered one of the three as it was later said 2-3 projects were being worked on by him. So I guess it's still in flux?
Now as for the
Space Patrol Luluco segment:
-Imaishi initially wanted to do Space Patrol around the time of Kill La Kill but Nakashima shot him down.
-Imaishi was adamant about doing Space Patrol.
-The original version of Space Patrol was literally supposed to last a year.
-Lalaco was supposed to be the main villain initially. Nova was supposed to be Lalaco's lackey.
-It felt as if there were two teams at Trigger, one was living in high school and the other (Luluco) was in middle school
-Overjustice is a presence that surpasses Inferno Cop and was on the phone in the Egypt episode of Inferno Cop
-One demand of Amemiya was that there be a character of Justice. His belief of Justice is the strongest in the industry.
-The desk is connected to hell
-More will be picked up on in the future series of Inferno Cop.
-For the Luluco VA work, if they thought it was funny they would just accept the take even if it was off script.
-There were three chances during a VA recording and they each had a different title.
First chance: Justice Chance
Second Chance: For Real Chance
Final Chance: You Little Shit Chance
-There was a lot of adlib.
-Imaishi asked Wakabayashi if he liked anything and Wakabayashi replied shimapan. Hence Trigger-chan's bikini.
-I guess Trigger-chan is 18 years old at the end of the series or transforms into her eighteen year old self.
-Trigger-chan has the ability to dimension hop into future Trigger series. She might find Nova in one of them.
For the
Little Witch Academia TV series, a bunch of concepts were shown and a 'hype' video was as well.
-It's probably going to air in Spring 2017 as Yoshinari said that he wanted to show the completed show off at the next AX.
-Some background art was shown of both a town and something closer to a city. The town is probably the same one as in Enchanted Parade. I can't remember if there is a big clocktower in the middle of the town but if there is then it's almost certainly the same town.
-The first background art looked like Yoshinari due to the shading and a later one like Kaneko due to the brushstrokes. I don't know if that means they're going for handpainted backgrounds for the TV series but one can hope.
-Akko's outerwear was shown and it's identical to the above art in design.
-Sucy's casual clothes were shown off too and they were really stylish.
-Lotte was ignored as usual.
-Diana's casual clothes looked identical to the above, even with the same coloring. Surprisingly tomboyish.
-New classmates were shown off. There's a new group of three, one of which is in the images above, taken from the LWA2 kickstarter.
-Yes there were wizards shown. Cue the tears over the Garden.
-Lots of older witches were displayed. Half the art was of older women but I didn't see Sucy's mom in there but she could have been reworked. They said that a number of the characters shown in that segment might get cut though. Yoshinari said last AX that he wanted to tell Shiny Chariot's story so there might be a bigger focus on the older witches.
-There's more emphasis on world building as magic cops were shown and they look like the minotaurs in the first episode but with cop uniforms on. Kinda reminded me of Harry Potter in how it looks like they're establishing a magical world with their own police and everything.
-You could tell they're trying to expand past the school and go into larger things. For example there was a drawing of a beautiful lady sitting in a chair/throne with tree roots growing in and out of it, it reminded me of the Lady of the Lake mythology.
-There was art shown from the first episode and it was a large gate in the middle of nowhere on top of a grassy hill. I took that as implying they're not going to use the previous films as episodes but also that they're delving into the larger aspects of the world.
-Yoshinari wants a grand finale.
-There was a 'private' video from Takafumi Hori of Constanze transforming the above boat into a huge mech. It was super cool and really evoked Gurren Lagann. They emphasized that it was private so I don't know if that was a hint that it was going to be in the show or Hori screwing around. People were screaming. I want this so bad. Magical Girls Gurren Lagann.
Well now I don't feel so special.

-Oh and Shigeto Koyama is coming weekly to the Trigger studio despite not working on
Little Witch Academia TV. They pretty much confirmed that he's working on designs for a new TV series at Trigger but didn't specify whether it was the Imaishi one.
On the second day, they had a panel where they were pretty much drawing for the entire period.
They ran out of time before Sushio could draw. There wasn't anything discussing their projects but more so about the artists themselves.
-Yoneyama wants to overthrow Sushio.
-Iwasaki is playing too much Splatoon. He gave out his Nintendo ID which I'm not sure was a good idea.
-Koyama's favorite anime is Neon Genesis Evangelion.
-Yoneyama starts drawing by thinking about the layout and poses.
-Here's a short video of Yoneyama drawing:
That's about it. Also here's a link to my
Kawamori panel write-up.
On a final note, would like to give a heart fuck you to Anime Expo management for multiple organizational and planning failures during the weekend. Had to withstand a literal stampede to get into the Trigger panel on Sunday. On Monday they canceled Tsurumaki and Shintani's autograph sessions because they forgot that they had booked airplane tickets for them that morning. Ooops. Maybe they should have told people that before they waited hours in the morning for an autograph ticket. I also don't think Kenji Nagasaki ever showed up but that might be Funimation's fault rather than AX.