Re:Zero Episode 15
Damn what an episode, and i thought the previous one was dark. Subaru is completely broken.
Damn what an episode, and i thought the previous one was dark. Subaru is completely broken.
Re:Zero - 15
Amazing, we've reached absolute madness (The Outside of Madness... of course). If Subaru's insanity was something remarkable,deserves a thesis. They weren't joking when they said the first arcs' suffering was nothing compared to this one. Holy shit. Definitely this show's best episode. Looking forward to see how will Subaru keep his mind cool and sane. Finally rooting for him, even though he deserved some type of punishment.Betelgeuse's
Puck... Why.
(and now... > 90 more minutes of suffering with the final battle in Paris. I'm not ready)
It finally begins \o/ Everyone that complained about the past two episodes will get shocked now.
Re:Zero - 15
Looking forward to see how will Subaru keep his mind cool and sane.
Want to like it but it kicks into bad Eurobeat mode pretty quickly.How can anyone hate the Kiznaiver OP?
I've think we've seen it! Two times this episode!
Wait, so is that big wolf like creature supposed to be?Puck
Should've quit while he was ahead
Well this might explain my misgivings.
I thought TMS were supposed to be the good guys.
Re:Zero - 15
Why is the reset point there and not before he made a fool of himself at the gathering of the candidates. I would have thought that would have been better so he could remain on Emilia path instead of the Rem path.
I wish we got answers from the witches, the original path was interesting, though where was Beatrice.
Orange 1-2
A slice of life mixed with fantasy (or sci fi) where we already know how the romantic angle will end up and the show is only focused on the day to day activities and a mystery of sorts? I'm in. Hopefully bychanging the regrets it doesn't mean she isn't married to red hair guy in the future
You know, as someone who only sees ReZero from the images you guys posts, things seem to be constantly fucked in that series.
That's the weird thing about this plot. She's apparently happily married with a child and is sending a letter encouraging her younger self to get romantically involved with a different man.
You know, as someone who only sees ReZero from the images you guys posts, things seem to be constantly fucked in that series.
Want to like it but it kicks into bad Eurobeat mode pretty quickly.
Orange ep.2
Damn, I love the way they overlay the show with music to help match the tone of the show. This type of ambiance is an excellent way to really get the viewer intk thr show. It's working.... The character interactions are really good and really bring out the individual personalities of their circle of friends. I can't wait to watch the next episode so I can see how thing play out.
AOTY through 2 episodes by far, lol.
I'm in love.
I'm not sure what you mean by "good guys". Every animation studio is prone to rush jobs.
Also, Orange is being animated by Telecom Animation Film, which is a subsidiary of TMS but technically a separate studio.
How do you guys know theat the end wasbig ass rat thing? Gonna have to rewatch that ending because I had one eye on the euros final, but I didn't clock on.Puck
How do you guys know theat the end wasbig ass rat thing? Gonna have to rewatch that ending because I had one eye on the euros final, but I didn't clock on.Puck
It mentioned its daughter. That's what Puck calls Emilia.
Ah, that makes sense.Just my guesses:1, all the ice. 2, it has fur, 3, "Sleep... along with my daughter." Puck calls Emilia his daughter and the first loop had Subaru following Emilias trails into that ice-chamber, where I'm guessing Emilias body rests 'frozen'.
It sounds like today's Re:ZERO was full of...
I actually think Puck is the bad guy.
Bravely Default.
I giggled.
King of Prism - PrettyRhythm DTL edition. Drop everything and watch this right now.
Re:Zero 15
AOTY, hands down. Love Jojo, but is amazing, and surprising in new ways, week after week. Remember those hater posts about how we all need to quit watching this edgy edgelord filth cause it's just going to be lame?
We would have missed this delightful suffering with amazing animation, amazing soundtrack, and insane voicework.