I still have found nothing to watch in almost two years aside from MHA... Such a shame. I have watched more television in recent years than ever before but also less anime than I ever have in the same time frame.
Everything has too much inappropriate fan-service or I have zero interest in it.
If anyone wants a reason to gush over there favorite show of the last few years and pitch it to me, feel free.
Hero is great though.
I still have found nothing to watch in almost two years aside from MHA... Such a shame. I have watched more television in recent years than ever before but also less anime than I ever have in the same time frame.
Everything has too much inappropriate fan-service or I have zero interest in it.
If anyone wants a reason to gush over there favorite show of the last few years and pitch it to me, feel free.
Hero is great though.
I still have found nothing to watch in almost two years aside from MHA... Such a shame. I have watched more television in recent years than ever before but also less anime than I ever have in the same time frame.
Everything has too much inappropriate fan-service or I have zero interest in it.
If anyone wants a reason to gush over there favorite show of the last few years and pitch it to me, feel free.
Hero is great though.
The show continues to revel in the ugly side of human nature. I can't tell what's worseShu's impotence or his amnesia. The bait and switch confession was fun. What the show is trying to do with the character Daryl is confusing. Yahiro's place in the story is also confusing.
We're so confident you'll like our new Roku app that we're offering you $5 off a month's subscription to FunimationNow. All you have to do to claim it is enter the code below on the Funimation website along with a valid credit card number. Please note that the redemption code will not work if you use Paypal, and you must redeem the code before 1/31/2018. After that, you can log in to the Roku app* and start watching! There's a world of anime still waiting for you, anytime, anywhere with no commercial interruptions.
funimation just announced a new roku app.
Roku Refreshed
We listened to our fans, and we revamped the FunimationNow Roku app to greatly improve your viewing experience! Our completely redesigned (and free!) app has a ton to offer, including:
oddly enough they ask me to restart my free trial but I have a yearly sub *shrugs*
hopefully the video glitch is gone.
Any chances that Strike or HIDIVE are next on the chopping block?
Crunchyroll would be next I expect.
Crunchyroll would be next I expect.
I highly doubt that will be a plausible thing that will happen.
Friendship ended with Clannad.
Now Fairy Tail is his best friend.
I'll go back to another Clannad one shortly, but this Happy/Natsu combo was too cute to pass up and deserves some time....
Key sucks, unless we're talking about Key the Metal Idol.
mother of god.
This Smartphone Isekai show. This is amazing. There's no way in hell this shit isn't self aware. Come the fuck on. The guy could literally take a diarrhea dump on the ground and it would turn into a new spell that creates universe and summons Jesus himself.
Absolutely NOTHING he has done has been a challenge. He walked into the universe and everything he does he's immediately the best at, he can do everything and he makes all women in a 20 mile radius fucking moist.
Please. Nothing is this bad. This has gone past morbid curiosity to morbid fucking addiction. I need to see how far this fucking rabbit hole goes.
If Onii-sama is God, then Smartphone-kun might be Jesus.
Angel's 3 Piece episode 4
Was that the end?MC gets over his fear of school. Girls put on great concert.
What's more to do?
This makes Sword Art Online look like Malcolm X.You mean that Smartphone out-Stus the Kirito?
You mean that Smartphone out-Stus the Kirito?
I like to see Smartphone guy go against Sakamoto in Gary Stu'ing.
I appreciate your new avatar, the old one always gave me nightmares.
These two suck.
Give me my student council president.
I like how he doesn't give a fuck.
Red Ash Magicada
I'm the guy who bought a Nintendo 3DS solely on the promise/announcement of Megaman Legends 3 being developed for it. I wanted other games though, but this was going to be the ringer for the device for myself. Every update of the game being made was amazing, I was essentially foaming from the mouth at one point. Then Capcom gonna Capcom and cancelled it, blamed the event on the fans, then wiped their ass with the prototype and threw it all in the trash. In comes Red Ash, a game being made by Comcept (a studio that has enough people who worked on Megaman Legends) and before I knew it I had already pledged. Yes, I know about MN9 and how much of a disappointment it was alongside its extremely rocky development, but I was looking at it through the eyes of a fanboy and a fanboy alone. It didn't help they released an extremely rough alpha concept demo that turned off plenty of people from supporting the game, but somehow it got close enough to its goal to where (if I recall correctly it's been a while) a third party kicked in and funded the title.
Alongside Red Ash the video game, came Red Ash the short film kickstarter by Studio 4C. I was hyped enough to support this as well, particularly because as a whole I've really liked previous works by Studio 4C (will defend Golden Age Arc films till the day I die). The idea seemed solid enough, a short film (loosely?) based off the property being made by Comcept. I didn't expect this to be the one of the two with the most updates, yet here we are with my digital copy of the short film while I can't recall the last update from the video game (big surprise lmao).
First thing is first let's get one thing out of the way. The decision to turn Call from a leading black lady to a white blonde lady feels wrong. I would like to think the decision was made because they wanted to closely resemble the cast of the original title. See
Megaman Legends characters (Rock, Roll, Teisell)
and then the cast of Red Ash Magicicada (in their anime form, game characters look slightly different)
I'm hoping they were only trying to replicate Roll more closely and it wasn't just somebody deciding that a white blonde lead is a better choice. But I'd be lying to myself if I thought it wasn't the latter by a higher up in the company. And right as this issue is floating in my head, here comes the film with a concept of the 'Pure Race' which is like a bit tone deaf seeing this decision (I can't see this being malicious though).
My complaints on this choice out of the way, this was thoroughly enjoyable. As far as animation goes, it feels a bit more impressive than Studio 4C's other recent work I watched (Berserk films). I don't know if I didn't pay enough attention or ignored it, but the movement didn't seem as choppy as the Berserk films in its attempt to emulate regular animation. Maybe I was looking at it from a perspective of it emulation MML, but it looked spot on if the games were made in modern times.
The palette choice/art style was superb, the colors made it look like a painting of sorts. Maybe not water paints, but oil painting? Regardless, I loved it.
The plot wasn't anything to write home about, it felt as they probably meant it to feel: a portion of a bigger story/ a pilot. The show is about a group of people who are bounty hunters of sorts who aim to make it rich for their own goals. It felt like a condensed Cowboy Bebop episode alongside some sprinkles of Mad Max. The episode ends with a blatant 'to be continued' so I can only assume they hope to pitch this to studios to see if anybody funds enough for a tv show or feature film to be made from it. I wouldn't mind it, but then again I'm going to (hopefully) eventually get the game so if this just ends up as a short film I wouldn't cry too much about it, but it'd be a shame to not see more.
There were a bit of changes from the initial pitch to the final product. Particularly in characters. Designs changed a bit for the anime original characters, and one of them straight up just didn't appear which seems like they couldn't even find him a proper role. This isn't a big deal, but the decision to take away Beck's gun and opt to give him a weird super power is strange. I do not recall anywhere on the game's campaign that described this, am I not remembering correctly? I can only assume they opted to make it different enough where one won't overlap interest with the other, but at that point why not just create an original idea?
I think the short is worth a watch if you haven't already done so. It's 20ish minutes. I'd likely give it a 7/10, but I want to see more and enjoyed my time with it, so that's something I guess lol.
How the hell haven't I heard anything about this since the kickstarter? I have seen no place report that this is out.
How the hell haven't I heard anything about this since the kickstarter? I have seen no place report that this is out.
It was part of the government-funded Anime Tamago 2017 project, which released back in March. It looks like the movie and rewards were just sent out to Kickstarter backers.
Well, more like Leorio is the Kuwabara of the Hunter x Hunter crew.
Aim for the Ace!
Mobile Suit Gundam
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam
Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket
Aura Battler Dunbine
Space Runaway Ideon + The Ideon: Be Invoked
Fist of the North Star
Saint Seiya
Yeah Guyver can be a bit weird, it's kinda like if power rangers was more violent and sadistic and edgy. It's pretty fun if you don't take it too seriously.
Thanks, guys!Gall Force
Friendship ended with Clannad.
Now Fairy Tail is his best friend.
I still have found nothing to watch in almost two years aside from MHA... Such a shame. I have watched more television in recent years than ever before but also less anime than I ever have in the same time frame.
Everything has too much inappropriate fan-service or I have zero interest in it.
If anyone wants a reason to gush over there favorite show of the last few years and pitch it to me, feel free.
Hero is great though.
Netflix just dropped trailers for Kakegurui and Fate/Apocrypha. Kakegurui won't officially be available on their service until sometime next year. Fate is getting the LWA treatment where it will be released in halfs, with the first half coming out in November for NA & Canada, and December for the rest of the world.
holy shitNetflix just dropped trailers for Kakegurui and Fate/Apocrypha. Kakegurui won't officially be available on their service until sometime next year. Fate is getting the LWA treatment where it will be released in halfs, with the first half coming out in November for NA & Canada, and December for the rest of the world.
US+Canada: 11/7~, Worldwide: 12/2~(Season1) only on Netflix.
To be exact.