This is wrong as firehawk only watches j-dramas now.Okay firehawk, okay.
I think...
This is wrong as firehawk only watches j-dramas now.Okay firehawk, okay.
In this case shouldn't the answer be "Manga?" Given that this is an adaptation and all.
[Made in Abyss] - 2
The art design for this show is outrageous.
I really could have done without the (very) brief moments of 'loli' content, though. Not sure why they had to exist at all?
Yes, that's certainly the source of the problematic content. However, I don't see why they couldn't have excised it as part of the process of adapting the original source material. They already took plenty of liberties with their adaptation - for example the beginning of episode 2 is the literal beginning of the manga, which makes a lot more sense, considering Rik's speech.
(I'm sure you aren't arguing that they couldn't or shouldn't change anything).
That is certainly a possibility because I cannot imagine why anyone would chose to retain such content otherwise.Right, I'm not arguing that. We can't forget that Masayuki Kojima previously directed Black Bullet, so he might actually have some fondness for this sort of stuff himself.
That is certainly a possibility because I cannot imagine why anyone would chose to retain such content otherwise.
It's a shame because about 99.95% of the show is great. It's the kind I'd like to be able to recommend to someone - but that's obviously not possible if it's going to have smatterings of very objectionable content.
I noticed that some people didn't even feel like it is worth mentioning this content in their comments about the episode. I assume the reason for this is because many of us have come to accept a certain level of 'objectionable' content in our anime - which is an unfortunate state of affairs.
Made in Abyss 02
The whole town seems designed to weed people out.You know, if the architect of that wants to kill people he sure did a good job.
That is certainly a possibility because I cannot imagine why anyone would chose to retain such content otherwise.
It's a shame because about 99.95% of the show is great. It's the kind I'd like to be able to recommend to someone - but that's obviously not possible if it's going to have smatterings of very objectionable content.
I noticed that some people didn't even feel like it is worth mentioning this content in their comments about the episode. I assume the reason for this is because many of us have come to accept a certain level of 'objectionable' content in our anime - which is an unfortunate state of affairs.
Funimation's October slate is up! They have a lot of titles from their partnership with Crunchyroll releasing around then (including Luluco). What I'm most interested in from this group of titles is that they're releasing a complete collection of Space Dandy. I think I might pick that one up.
Also, that terrible Danganronpa 3 anime is being separated by arc, for some reason. Since you're supposed to alternate episodes, this doesn't make much sense to me, but... more money for Funi, I guess.
Just got back from War for the Planet of the Apes. It definitely finished off this trilogy on a strong note. I can easily say this is the best film series of the past decade
Trilogy? I was sure they had plans for a 4th and a 5th one
The first six episodes of the English dub for New Game are up on Funi.
Want Yohane's shark bed? Have 44800 yen? Your dream has come true!
It's a shame that they seem to want to remain faithful to the source material. I really hope this won't ruin the series' reputation.
The show repeatedly breaks its own tone, I don't think they were that concerned about how strict of a portrayal they were going for. Having things like zoom-ins or off-center camera shots are extremely minor details.
[Kizumonogatari] - III
I mean, I get the whole 'loli fear' thing, but it looked to me like it's just Naked Strappado torture, a nasty form of torture from the medieval period. I don't feel like the framing spoke to any sexualization but was rather just another 'subtle' dark element to the show.
I mean, I get the whole 'loli fear' thing, but it looked to me like it's just Naked Strappado torture, a nasty form of torture from the medieval period. I don't feel like the framing spoke to any sexualization but was rather just another 'subtle' dark element to the show.
And how! But at least -Monogatari is so far gone that there was never going to be any danger of recommending it to non-anime fans. It's always far more annoying when such content appears in an otherwise wholesome work.Speaking of objectionable content...
Just to point out:
- This particular method of punishment was mentioned twice (!) last episode
- It was shown this episode (in a manner which puts said questionable content as 'in your face' as possible)
- For some reason we keep talking about Reg's penis? (it's been mentioned in both episodes)
And how! But at least -Monogatari is so far gone that there was never going to be any danger of recommending it to non-anime fans. It's always far more annoying when such content appears in an otherwise wholesome work.
For future reference for Made in Abyss watchers
They will continue to reference Reg's penis and that isn't the only time Riko is partially nude. (unless they actually change something) It gets very awkward.
I think I threw up in my mouth a little.
Yea I agree which why I (sometimes) like arguing about shows as it helps me crystallize my own thoughts about something. Our discussions on LWA TV for example helped me work out the things I liked and didn't like about the show. We obviously don't always see eye to eye as such with the previous case but it's still good to work through the process. I would be an even worse critic than I am now if I didn't get pushback.This reminds me why having an actual discussion about something is far more useful than simply dumping one's opinion into the world. Being forced to defend a position, and being shown another persons point of view, further helps to clarify one's own reaction to a work.
That tone-breaking you are referring to is something that really didn't work for me. I would have appreciated a more thorough commitment to one overall style. Seeing pseudo classical cinema mixed with more modern techniques is a little jarring, much like the mix of the 'cute' girls who make up the main cast vs the other humans that exist in the world. The elements don't click to me - it's the reverse, they stand out.
For future reference for Made in Abyss watchers
They will continue to reference Reg's penis and that isn't the only time Riko is partially nude. (unless they actually change something) It gets very awkward.
That's where I'll say I haven't read the manga, so my opinions are only on what we saw in the anime.
So compared to say, dragon ball humor, how awkward are we talking? Worse than the pat pat?
It's honestly kind of surprising how much better photography has been in anime in the last five or so years. Even high end shows from the 00 years look dated due how much better photography is now (among other reasons but that's a separate post). Fafner is a completely different beast under Aoki.It's a shame after how good DEEN's photography was earlier this year in the second seasons of Konosuba and Rakugo Shinju, but I suppose if you're bringing back a mid-2000s DEEN anime series it makes sense to bring back mid-2000s DEEN photography as well.
Yea I agree which why I (sometimes) like arguing about shows as it helps me crystallize my own thoughts about something. Our discussions on LWA TV for example helped me work out the things I liked and didn't like about the show. We obviously don't always see eye to eye as such with the previous case but it's still good to work through the process. I would be an even worse critic than I am now if I didn't get pushback.
As for PP, I honestly didn't even like the first episode that much. The tone clashes sort of remind me of the issue in Shirobako but exacerbated due to the tone and setting PP is going for. Yes I'm mainly talking about the cute out-of-place character designs but also the light comedy aspects and school setting. Why the fuck is this taking place at another high school? What is wrong with this industry? It makes me look back at the first season of Darker than Black and appreciate how many aspects that show did right in comparison. There's a lot of clashing like that really cute ED is nice and it's cute but it's also completely out of place with the rest of the show. They want to go all in on the setting but they also know that shit won't sell and so end up diluting the final product.
I don't think this was producer mandated per say. More just that the creators wanted something that can be sort of palatable to a general audience. However it's true that creators, especially anime ones, have their own quirks and it could have been a series of stylistic or personal decisions. I'm now thinking of Miyazaki bitching about the new generation of animators and how they're otaku. The balls on that guy to complain despite him doing jack and shit to foster talent at Ghibli...While of course producers are interested in getting a return on their financial investment and so will mandate certain things for anime they sponsor, we also have to take into account that often anime directors just have wacky ideas, as in your reference to Shirobako. I doubt that Princess Principal started as a "normal" spy story and then had the young girl aspect grafted on afterwards to help it sell - though I have no way of knowing for sure, it feels like a work that was conceived as a hodge-podge from the start. The steampunk setting, the mixtures of fantasy with historical reality - that sort of juxtaposition is baked into every aspect of the show. And I strongly doubt that Princess Principal will be as commercially successful as Joker Game, a much more "realistic" spy anime which was able to take advantage of the part of the anime fanbase that wants hot guys.
This isn't to defend Princess Principal as a story per se - I kind of view it more with bemusement than as a serious character drama which it seems to want to be (it's no Gunslinger Girl) - but just to point out that I don't think every artistic decision in anime can be boiled down to someone deciding that this is what will sell better. Sometimes people are just weird.
I think my post was somewhat vague, so allow me to add a bit more. I'm not willing to defend the show and I'm really uninformed on the questionable content that's bound to appear. It's just a shame that something that good has to be tainted, and it will affect its future reputation after the tv series is over. I mean, they could have entirely skipped the scene on episode 2 and nothing would have changed. And they can easily censor or skip entirely anything weird, even if it's part of the plot. It just seems like they're not willing to.
Now, if your comment is about how I seem to accept the situation and keep watching that anime, I guess my bad. As Jexhius pointed out, it's an unfortunate state of affairs. I hope that everything I hear about the show is exaggerated or that they will tone it down, and it won't be as bad as I imagine.
This isn't to defend Princess Principal as a story per se - I kind of view it more with bemusement than as a serious character drama which it seems to want to be (it's no Gunslinger Girl) - but just to point out that I don't think every artistic decision in anime can be boiled down to someone deciding that this is what will sell better. Sometimes people are just weird.
hunter x hunter set 3 releases oct 17 with 24 episodes
dragon ball super part 2 releases oct 3