Hey, I work in Sunnyvale.
No way I'll be able to afford a house around here anytime soon
No way I'll be able to afford a house around here anytime soon
If this isn't a sign we're in a massive housing bubble that's going to implode soon I don't know what is.
It's funny having this article about the historic nature of this sale, coupled with the photos of the aggressive normalness of that house.
Looks like a normal house to me.
That's not even a nice house, the exterior is ugly and the interior not much better.
Then drop 200k on it to make it look nice and sell for three and a half mil in five years or just keep living in it, if it's actually a family buying in it.Agreed. Saw the OP and thought, that's what 2.5 million gets you? Not worth it.
Supply and demand
Nope, the last real bubble was fueled by rampant industry fraud and loans being approved for people that couldn't afford them and that was regulated away. 2017 prices are just more buyers than houses... all over California.
No bubble and no implosion in sight
That's a $185k house in the Midwest.
This isn't a bubble. The mortgages are not subprime. The people buying these houses can pay for them in a place like Sunnyvale.If this isn't a sign we're in a massive housing bubble that's going to implode soon I don't know what is.
4 bedrooms in less than 2000 feet? wtf is it anything but bedrooms?
That's a $185k house in the Midwest.
That's a $185k house in the Midwest.
If this isn't a sign we're in a massive housing bubble that's going to implode soon I don't know what is.
I don't think it's a bad sign of any type of crash, there just are not many houses available.
Sounds like the seller could have saved cash by just tearing the whole house down and selling the land for 2.25 million or something.
4 bedrooms in less than 2000 feet? wtf is it anything but bedrooms?
All it let's you buy???Really makes you wonder what all that Silicon Valley money is worth when all it lets you buy is a mediocre house and a 40 mile commute each way.
Yeah I imagine it isMust be nice to have a good job and a lot of money.
God bless whoever bought that house 20 years ago for $125k.
The drive to own a home is really strong. I'd like to think that if I was forced to live in that area I would be content to rent at a slightly less exorbitant rate, but the pull of home ownership esp with kids in the picture is nigh impossible to ignore, for Americans at least.
Rent isn't cheap in bay area either, and it is keep going up because a lot of people can't afford to buy.
Carpet is a sin.
I don't understand how anyone can afford this or where it's supposed to level off