Super Best Friends Thread 11: COMP! COMP! COMP! COMP! C-O-M-P

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"I both love and hate the new NeoGAF topic about us. Love, because of all the hard work that was put into making the thread and the great fans who populate it. Hate it because—THEY PUT COMP SHIT ALL OVER"
Matt did a shout out to us on Tumblr.

Hi Matt! We love you :3

It's because we're the most American of the Best Friends Fans.

In unrelated but totally related news...

I got DMC4 for 360 and pre-ordered a 3DS.

You Shitlords dragged me into the 21st century. I guess I'll have to try hunting monsters and other nerd shit.
Play Bayo first since I assume it's really good then play the PC games I listed. Hopefully you like them!

I played Bayo 1. Twice. Am making my way through 2. Then I gotta finish Mario 3D World because I'm on the last world and I played with Abubeats, but he's a dirty cheater who keeps killing me so fuck playing with other people. Then Xenosaga 3, then ALL of my PS4 and Xbone games. Then by then I'll just be addicted to bloodborne and MGS 5. Then its all downhill from there into my ps3 and ps2 backlog.


I played Bayo 1. Twice. Am making my way through 2. Then I gotta finish Mario 3D World because I'm on the last world and I played with Abubeats, but he's a dirty cheater who keeps killing me so fuck playing with other people. Then Xenosaga 3, then ALL of my PS4 and Xbone games. Then by then I'll just be addicted to bloodborne and MGS 5. Then its all downhill from there into my ps3 and ps2 backlog.

Man I wish I could have a backlog like you so I have something fun to do. Instead I'm sitting here waiting for new games to come out that I want to play.
Man I wish I could have a backlog like you so I have something fun to do. Instead I'm sitting here waiting for new games to come out that I want to play.

Then I gotta go through Silent Hill 2, my backlogged 3DS games like Pokemon and Persona Q, my backlogged Vita games like Disgaea 4 and Tales of Hearts R. Then I gotta work on those classic PSN games and the games that come with PS Plus. I have at least 400-500 dollars worth of games on my backlog alone.


Then I gotta go through Silent Hill 2, my backlogged 3DS games like Pokemon and Persona Q, my backlogged Vita games like Disgaea 4 and Tales of Hearts R. Then I gotta work on those classic PSN games and the games that come with PS Plus. I have at least 400-500 dollars worth of games on my backlog alone.

I have over 250 games on PC alone and I don't really want to play any of them anymore.


I played Bayo 1. Twice. Am making my way through 2. Then I gotta finish Mario 3D World because I'm on the last world and I played with Abubeats, but he's a dirty cheater who keeps killing me so fuck playing with other people. Then Xenosaga 3, then ALL of my PS4 and Xbone games. Then by then I'll just be addicted to bloodborne and MGS 5. Then its all downhill from there into my ps3 and ps2 backlog.

Backlogs are the best/worst thing, I have about 40 on my list to finish and that's not even all of them, hell it's not even half of them
I'm unreasonably excited for this Sonic Generations download to finish.
What if I have fun
What if I get stories
What if Metal Sonic is in it and I get to make fun of zed more
Backlogs are the best/worst thing, I have about 40 on my list to finish and that's not even all of them, hell it's not even half of them

I wish mine wasn't as big. But I want to play EVERYTHING.

I have over 250 games on PC alone and I don't really want to play any of them anymore.

Why would you want me to go through that hell of buying games I'll probably die of old age before I play ;_;


I wish mine wasn't as big. But I want to play EVERYTHING.

Why would you want me to go through that hell of buying games I'll probably die of old age before I play ;_;

IDK I also have a 2ds, Xbox One and Wii U and I don't want to really play anything on those either.
Then I gotta go through Silent Hill 2, my backlogged 3DS games like Pokemon and Persona Q, my backlogged Vita games like Disgaea 4 and Tales of Hearts R. Then I gotta work on those classic PSN games and the games that come with PS Plus. I have at least 400-500 dollars worth of games on my backlog alone.

Man I don't want to even know my backlog worth. At least having a decent backlog has helped during unemployment. Still Jones for new games though.


I wish mine wasn't as big. But I want to play EVERYTHING.

Why would you want me to go through that hell of buying games I'll probably die of old age before I play ;_;

I know your pain, I have so many video games to finish its unreal and there's even more on the way, backlog lists just keep getting bigger and I never know what to play next
Probably if it's not already, but I have a 360 that sees regular use.

Might as well see what the big deal is.

Do I need to play DMC2 or 3 to enjoy 4?

Yes. Not 1, just 3. Although 1 helps alot with one particular character. Look, watch the opening cutscene of DMC1 and then play DMC3 and then play 4
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